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Minimilönedirektivet - ett hot mot den svenska lönebildningsmodellen?

Karlsson, Maria LU and Sjögren, Nadine LU (2023) HARH16 20222
Department of Business Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Det nyligen antagna direktivet om tillräckliga minimilöner i Europeiska unionen har resulterat i en oro på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Med tanke på motståndet är det aktuellt att undersöka vilken påverkan direktivet kommer att ha på den svenska lönebildningsmodellen och om det stämmer att kollektivavtalssystemet riskerar att urholkas. Fokus ligger på om direktivet kommer att påverka arbetsmarknadsparternas förhandlingsutrymme i lönebildningen.

I utredningen har det kunnat konstateras att minimilönedirektivets förpliktande funktion inte ska tolkas som ett krav på lagstiftning om minimilön. Det rör sig snarare om en feltolkning av artikel 1.4 i minimilönedirektivet. Det ska inte heller tolkas som att lägstanivåer måste införas i alla... (More)
Det nyligen antagna direktivet om tillräckliga minimilöner i Europeiska unionen har resulterat i en oro på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Med tanke på motståndet är det aktuellt att undersöka vilken påverkan direktivet kommer att ha på den svenska lönebildningsmodellen och om det stämmer att kollektivavtalssystemet riskerar att urholkas. Fokus ligger på om direktivet kommer att påverka arbetsmarknadsparternas förhandlingsutrymme i lönebildningen.

I utredningen har det kunnat konstateras att minimilönedirektivets förpliktande funktion inte ska tolkas som ett krav på lagstiftning om minimilön. Det rör sig snarare om en feltolkning av artikel 1.4 i minimilönedirektivet. Det ska inte heller tolkas som att lägstanivåer måste införas i alla kollektivavtal. De svenska arbetsmarknadsparternas förhandlingsutrymme kommer till följd av direktivet inte att inskränkas.

Det har också kunnat fastställas att nästintill alla svenska löntagare idag har vad som anses av EU kommissionen vara en skälig lön. Minimilönedirektivet har genom artikel 4.2 en kollektivavtalsfrämjande funktion och verkar för att öka organisationsgraden på svensk arbetsmarknad. En positiv effekt av direktivet är i själva verket ett ökat förhandlingsutrymme i lönebildningen för de svenska arbetsmarknadsparterna. Parternas ledande position i lönebildningen anses därför inte stå under hot av direktivet, utan deras roll i processen är snarare säkrad genom det. (Less)
The recently adopted directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union has raised voices of concern on the Swedish labour market. With the resistance in mind it is relevant to explore what impact the minimum wage directive will have on the Swedish model of formation of wages and if the model really is at risk of being undermined. The focus of the essay is set to investigate what impact the directive will have on the Swedish labour market partners scope for negotiation in the formation of wages.

The essay can establish that the minimum wage directive's binding function shall not be interpreted as an obligation to introduce statutory minimum wage. Article 1.4 in the minimum wage directive has been an object for misinterpretation.... (More)
The recently adopted directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union has raised voices of concern on the Swedish labour market. With the resistance in mind it is relevant to explore what impact the minimum wage directive will have on the Swedish model of formation of wages and if the model really is at risk of being undermined. The focus of the essay is set to investigate what impact the directive will have on the Swedish labour market partners scope for negotiation in the formation of wages.

The essay can establish that the minimum wage directive's binding function shall not be interpreted as an obligation to introduce statutory minimum wage. Article 1.4 in the minimum wage directive has been an object for misinterpretation. Nor shall the directive be interpreted as if minimum levels have to be introduced in all collective agreements. The Swedish labour market partners scope for negotiation will due to the directive not be restricted.

It has also been possible to establish that almost all wage earners in Sweden today receive the level of pay that by the EU commission can be considered a fair pay. Through article 4.2, the minimum wage directive has a function of promoting collective agreements and works to increase the level of union and employer organisation on the Swedish labour market. A positive effect of the directive is in fact an increased scope for negotiation in wage formation for the Swedish labour market partners. The partners leading position in the formation of wages in Sweden is not considered to be under threat by the directive, but rather their role in the process is secured by it. (Less)
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Karlsson, Maria LU and Sjögren, Nadine LU
HARH16 20222
M2 - Bachelor Degree
minimilönedirektivet, minimilön, förhandlingsutrymme, svenska modellen, lönebildning, lägstalön, förpliktande funktion, kollektivavtalsfrämjande funktion, skälig minimilön, lagstadgad minimilön, rättslig grund, EU-kompetens
date added to LUP
2023-01-24 16:30:40
date last changed
2023-01-24 16:30:40
  abstract     = {{The recently adopted directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union has raised voices of concern on the Swedish labour market. With the resistance in mind it is relevant to explore what impact the minimum wage directive will have on the Swedish model of formation of wages and if the model really is at risk of being undermined. The focus of the essay is set to investigate what impact the directive will have on the Swedish labour market partners scope for negotiation in the formation of wages.

The essay can establish that the minimum wage directive's binding function shall not be interpreted as an obligation to introduce statutory minimum wage. Article 1.4 in the minimum wage directive has been an object for misinterpretation. Nor shall the directive be interpreted as if minimum levels have to be introduced in all collective agreements. The Swedish labour market partners scope for negotiation will due to the directive not be restricted.

It has also been possible to establish that almost all wage earners in Sweden today receive the level of pay that by the EU commission can be considered a fair pay. Through article 4.2, the minimum wage directive has a function of promoting collective agreements and works to increase the level of union and employer organisation on the Swedish labour market. A positive effect of the directive is in fact an increased scope for negotiation in wage formation for the Swedish labour market partners. The partners leading position in the formation of wages in Sweden is not considered to be under threat by the directive, but rather their role in the process is secured by it.}},
  author       = {{Karlsson, Maria and Sjögren, Nadine}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Minimilönedirektivet - ett hot mot den svenska lönebildningsmodellen?}},
  year         = {{2023}},