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Rättspsykiatrins (o)synliga inlåsningseffekter – En diskursanalytisk utvärdering av lagstiftarens motiveringar till tidsobestämda frihetsberövanden av psykiskt sjuka gärningspersoner

Warnemyr, Sanna LU (2022) JURM02 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Sedan det svenska tvångsvårdssystemet reformerades år 1992 har den slutna rättspsykiatriska vården mottagit omfattande kritik. Enligt lagen (1991:1129) om rättspsykiatrisk vård (LRV) ska tvångsvården för vissa psykiskt sjuka gärningspersoner förenas med beslut om särskild utskrivningsprövning. Det innebär att vården endast kan upphöra efter att en domstol bedömt att både personens behov av psykiatrisk vård och risk för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet har upphört. Lagstiftaren har i en statlig utredning från 2012 föreslagit att den rättspsykiatriska vården ska avskaffas och ersättas med reglering av särskilda skyddsåtgärder. Åtgärderna syftar till att förhindra återfall i allvarlig brottslighet i de fall då gärningspersonen inte har ett... (More)
Sedan det svenska tvångsvårdssystemet reformerades år 1992 har den slutna rättspsykiatriska vården mottagit omfattande kritik. Enligt lagen (1991:1129) om rättspsykiatrisk vård (LRV) ska tvångsvården för vissa psykiskt sjuka gärningspersoner förenas med beslut om särskild utskrivningsprövning. Det innebär att vården endast kan upphöra efter att en domstol bedömt att både personens behov av psykiatrisk vård och risk för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet har upphört. Lagstiftaren har i en statlig utredning från 2012 föreslagit att den rättspsykiatriska vården ska avskaffas och ersättas med reglering av särskilda skyddsåtgärder. Åtgärderna syftar till att förhindra återfall i allvarlig brottslighet i de fall då gärningspersonen inte har ett behov av psykiatrisk tvångsvård.

I uppsatsen utvärderas lagstiftarens motiveringar av tidsobestämda frihetsberövanden av psykiskt sjuka gärningspersoner i förarbetena till LRV samt den statliga utredning där reglering av särskilda skyddsåtgärder föreslås. Utvärderingen grundar sig på en diskursanalys av förarbetena och har inspirerats av Martha Finemans sårbarhetsteori. De identifierade diskurserna och de av lagstiftaren producerade rättssubjekten utvärderas dels utifrån ett rättighetsperspektiv på psykiatrisk tvångsvård med koppling till FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning, dels utifrån diskursanalytiska perspektiv på språk, kunskap och makt.

Trots att sårbarhetsperspektiv kan identifieras i de analyserade förarbetena beaktar lagstiftaren inte de strukturella maktförhållanden som inverkar på det sårbara rättssubjektets behov av rättsligt skydd och stöd. Bristen på anpassning i lagstiftningen medför att de personkretsar som träffas av de föreslagna regleringarna, närmare bestämt personer med allvarliga psykiska störningar eller liknande sinnestillstånd, faller offer för statens omfattande maktutövning. Marginaliseringen av det sårbara rättssubjektets behov reproduceras i förarbetena vilket innebär att de strukturer som förtrycker psykiskt sjuka personer förstärks. (Less)
Since the Swedish forced psychiatric care system was reformed in 1992, the regulations of forensic psychiatric care have received extensive criticism. According to the Forensic Psychiatric Care Act (1991:1129) (LRV), forced forensic psychiatric care for certain mentally ill offenders shall be combined with a special assessment on discharge. This means that forensic psychiatric care can only end after a court has decided that both the person's need for psychiatric care and the risk of recidivism in serious crime have ended. In a state investigation from 2012, the legislator proposes that forensic psychiatric care be abolished and replaced with regulation of special protective measures. The measures are aimed at preventing recidivism into... (More)
Since the Swedish forced psychiatric care system was reformed in 1992, the regulations of forensic psychiatric care have received extensive criticism. According to the Forensic Psychiatric Care Act (1991:1129) (LRV), forced forensic psychiatric care for certain mentally ill offenders shall be combined with a special assessment on discharge. This means that forensic psychiatric care can only end after a court has decided that both the person's need for psychiatric care and the risk of recidivism in serious crime have ended. In a state investigation from 2012, the legislator proposes that forensic psychiatric care be abolished and replaced with regulation of special protective measures. The measures are aimed at preventing recidivism into serious crime in cases where the perpetrator does not have a need for psychiatric care.

This thesis evaluates the legislator's justifications for indefinite detention of mentally ill offenders in the preparatory work for LRV as well as the state investigation where regulation of special protective measures is proposed. The evaluation is based on a discourse analysis of the preparatory work and has been inspired by Martha Fineman's theory on vulnerability. The identified discourses and the legal subjects produced by the legislator are evaluated partly based on a rights perspective on forced psychiatric care linked to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, partly based on discourse analytical perspectives on language, knowledge, and power.

Even though perspectives on vulnerability can be identified in the analyzed preparatory work, the legislator does not consider the structural power relations that affect the vulnerable legal subject's need for legal protection and support. The lack of adaptation in the legislation means that the groups of people affected by the proposed regulations, more specifically people with serious mental disorders or similar mental states, fall victim to the state's extensive exercise of power. The marginalization of the needs of the vulnerable legal subject is reproduced in the preparatory work, which means that the structures that oppress mentally ill persons are amplified. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Warnemyr, Sanna LU
alternative title
The (in)visible lock-up effects of forensic psychiatry – A discourse-analytical evaluation of the legislator's justifications for indefinite detention of mentally ill offenders
JURM02 20222
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
rättspsykiatri, rättspsykiatrisk vård, särskilda skyddsåtgärder, diskursanalys, makt, autonomi, sårbarhet, rättssubjekt, straffrätt, påföljd, allvarlig psykisk störning, LRV, brottsbalk, återfallsrisk
date added to LUP
2023-03-31 14:55:32
date last changed
2023-03-31 14:55:32
  abstract     = {{Since the Swedish forced psychiatric care system was reformed in 1992, the regulations of forensic psychiatric care have received extensive criticism. According to the Forensic Psychiatric Care Act (1991:1129) (LRV), forced forensic psychiatric care for certain mentally ill offenders shall be combined with a special assessment on discharge. This means that forensic psychiatric care can only end after a court has decided that both the person's need for psychiatric care and the risk of recidivism in serious crime have ended. In a state investigation from 2012, the legislator proposes that forensic psychiatric care be abolished and replaced with regulation of special protective measures. The measures are aimed at preventing recidivism into serious crime in cases where the perpetrator does not have a need for psychiatric care.

This thesis evaluates the legislator's justifications for indefinite detention of mentally ill offenders in the preparatory work for LRV as well as the state investigation where regulation of special protective measures is proposed. The evaluation is based on a discourse analysis of the preparatory work and has been inspired by Martha Fineman's theory on vulnerability. The identified discourses and the legal subjects produced by the legislator are evaluated partly based on a rights perspective on forced psychiatric care linked to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, partly based on discourse analytical perspectives on language, knowledge, and power.

Even though perspectives on vulnerability can be identified in the analyzed preparatory work, the legislator does not consider the structural power relations that affect the vulnerable legal subject's need for legal protection and support. The lack of adaptation in the legislation means that the groups of people affected by the proposed regulations, more specifically people with serious mental disorders or similar mental states, fall victim to the state's extensive exercise of power. The marginalization of the needs of the vulnerable legal subject is reproduced in the preparatory work, which means that the structures that oppress mentally ill persons are amplified.}},
  author       = {{Warnemyr, Sanna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Rättspsykiatrins (o)synliga inlåsningseffekter – En diskursanalytisk utvärdering av lagstiftarens motiveringar till tidsobestämda frihetsberövanden av psykiskt sjuka gärningspersoner}},
  year         = {{2022}},