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Tvistlösningsmekanismer vid internprissättning – en studie av svenska och EU-rättsliga skattetvistlösningsmekanismer i ljuset av rätten till en rättvis rättegång

Hackfelt, Julia LU (2023) JURM02 20231
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I ljuset av BEPS-projektets strävan efter effektivare tvistlösningsförfaranden i samband med dubbelbeskattning har EU tagit fram mekanismer som avser att effektivisera skattetvistlösning inom unionen. Resultatet blev rådets direktiv (EU) 2017/1852 av den 10 oktober 2017 om skattetvistlösnings-mekanismer i Europeiska unionen (skattetvistlösningsdirektivet), vilket sedan 2019 även är implementerat i svensk rätt genom lag (2019:601) om tvistlösningsförfarande i ärenden som rör skatteavtal inom Europeiska unionen (skattetvistlösningslagen). Sedan tidigare finns även konventionen av den 23 juli 1990 om undanröjande av dubbelbeskattning vid justering av inkomst mellan företag i intressegemenskap (90/436/EEG) inom unionen... (More)
I ljuset av BEPS-projektets strävan efter effektivare tvistlösningsförfaranden i samband med dubbelbeskattning har EU tagit fram mekanismer som avser att effektivisera skattetvistlösning inom unionen. Resultatet blev rådets direktiv (EU) 2017/1852 av den 10 oktober 2017 om skattetvistlösnings-mekanismer i Europeiska unionen (skattetvistlösningsdirektivet), vilket sedan 2019 även är implementerat i svensk rätt genom lag (2019:601) om tvistlösningsförfarande i ärenden som rör skatteavtal inom Europeiska unionen (skattetvistlösningslagen). Sedan tidigare finns även konventionen av den 23 juli 1990 om undanröjande av dubbelbeskattning vid justering av inkomst mellan företag i intressegemenskap (90/436/EEG) inom unionen (skiljemannakonventionen) som Sverige även undertecknade år 1995 och därefter implementerade i svensk rätt 2004. Konventionen har etablerat ett sätt att lösa internationella tvister relaterade till dubbelbeskattning som uppkommit i samband med en tillämpning av armlängdsprincipen. Det nya direktivet har avsett att effektivisera skattetvist-lösning inom unionen och att utvidga konventionens tillämpningsområde.

Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda hur förfarandet i samband med tvist-lösning i fråga om dubbelbeskattning som uppkommit till följd av en tillämpning av armlängdsprincipen är uppbyggt och jämföra hur den svenska implementeringen av skattetvistlösningsdirektivet genom skattetvistlösningslagen skiljer sig från skiljemannakonventionen. Uppsatsen syftar även till att analysera skattetvistlösningslagens uppfyllande av rätten till en rättvis rättegång enligt EKMR, EU:s rättighetsstadga och regeringsformen, särskilt med beaktande av rekvisiten oavhängig och opartisk domstol samt prövning inom skälig tid.

Uppsatsen landar i flera slutsatser vad gäller jämförelsen av skattetvistlösningslagen och skiljemannakonventionen. Flera likheter har kunnat pekas ut, vilken den mest framträdande är att de båda regelverken bygger på en liknande struktur. Både det förfarande som föreskrivs enligt skiljemannakonventionen och skattetvistlösningslagen bygger på principen om diplomatiskt skydd, vilken innebär att det enbart är stater som ska kunna agera mot andra stater. Detta medför att tvisten anses föreligga mellan två stater, inte mellan en stat och en skattskyldig, vilket även innebär att den skattskyldige inte anses vara part i tvisten. Förfarandena bygger på så kallade ömsesidiga överenskommelser där de berörda staterna i första hand uppmanas att gemensamt nå en lösning på hur dubbelbeskattningssituationen bör hanteras. Som ett sista steg i processen, ifall de berörda staterna inte når en ömsesidig överenskommelse, erbjuds en möjlighet att lösa tvisten genom att en rådgivande kommitté inrättas som kan lämna ett yttrande som även kan ha bindande verkan. Det finns emellertid flera skillnader mellan skiljemannakonventionen och skattetvistlösningslagen. Särskilt framträdande är att skattetvistlösningslagen har ett bredare tillämpningsområde än skiljemannakonventionen och alltså kan tillämpas på alla former av dubbelbeskattningssituationer som har resulterat i en tvist mellan två stater. Skattetvistlösningslagen implementerar även en ny form av tvistlösningsmekanism i form av en så kallad kommitté för alternativ tvistlösning, vilken har en friare reglering kring sin form och funktionalitet. Detta kan medföra en större flexibilitet och effektivitet under tvistlösningsförfarandet, vilket i sin tur kan bidra med mer trygghet för den skattskyldige. Slutligen konstateras också att skattetvistlösningslagen innehåller fler och mer detaljerade tidsfrister än skiljemannakonventionen, vilket medför att tydligare ramar sätts kring förfarandet.

Avseende rätten till en rättvis rättegång konstateras att förfarandet enligt skattetvistlösningslagen kan fortlöpa under en mycket lång tid om tidsfristerna maximeras. Relaterat till bland annat svårigheter att få anstånd med betalning av skatt i Sverige kan det ifrågasättas om skattetvistlösningslagen erbjuder en prövning inom skälig tid. Vidare konstateras att en viss problematik kan upp-stå kring opartiskheten gällande de oberoende personerna i den rådgivande kommittén. I uppsatsen noteras dock att de behöriga myndigheterna, vilka är parter i målet, båda äger rätt att utse oberoende personer till kommittén, vilket borde tala för att en viss jämlikhet råder mellan parterna. (Less)
In the light of the BEPS projects aim to implement more effective dispute resolution mechanisms in situations where a double taxation may occur the EU have worked to develop mechanisms to make dispute resolution within the union more effective. The EU’s effort resulted in the Council Directive (EU) 2017/1852 of 10 October 2017 on Tax Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the European Union (the Tax Dispute Resolution Directive), which also have been implemented in Swedish law through lag (2019:601) om tvistlösningsförfarande i ärenden som rör skatteavtal inom Europeiska unionen (the Tax Dispute Resolution Law). Previously, the Convention on the Elimination of Double Taxation in Connection with the Adjustment of Profits of Associated Enterprises... (More)
In the light of the BEPS projects aim to implement more effective dispute resolution mechanisms in situations where a double taxation may occur the EU have worked to develop mechanisms to make dispute resolution within the union more effective. The EU’s effort resulted in the Council Directive (EU) 2017/1852 of 10 October 2017 on Tax Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the European Union (the Tax Dispute Resolution Directive), which also have been implemented in Swedish law through lag (2019:601) om tvistlösningsförfarande i ärenden som rör skatteavtal inom Europeiska unionen (the Tax Dispute Resolution Law). Previously, the Convention on the Elimination of Double Taxation in Connection with the Adjustment of Profits of Associated Enterprises (90/463/EEC) (the Arbitration Convention) has been applicable to disputes related to double taxation that have occurred due to an application of the arm’s length principle. The convention was signed by Sweden in 1995 and was implemented in Swedish law in 2004. The new directive has aimed to make tax dispute resolution within the EU more effective and to expand the applicability of the Arbitration Convention.

This essay aims to investigate the structure of the dispute resolution procedure when a double taxation has occurred due to an application of the arm's length principle and compare how the Swedish implementation of the Tax Dispute Resolution Directive through the Tax Dispute Resolution Law differs from the Arbitration Convention. The essay also aims to analyse the Tax Dispute Resolution Law's fulfilment of the right to a fair trial according to the ECHR, the EU Charter, and the Swedish Instrument of Government, especially considering the right to an independent and impartial tribunal and hearing within reasonable time.

The essay reaches several conclusions regarding the comparison of the Tax Dispute Resolution Law and the Arbitration Convention. Several similarities have been identified, the most prominent of which is that the two regulations are based on a similar structure. Both the procedure prescribed under the Tax Dispute Resolution Law and the one under the Arbitration Convention are based on the principle of diplomatic protection, which means that only states should be able to act against other states. This means that the dispute is considered to exist only between two states, not between a state and a taxpayer, which also means that the taxpayer is not considered a party in the dispute. Both procedures are based on so-called mutual agreements where the states concerned are primarily asked to jointly reach a solution on how the double taxation situation should be handled. As a final step in the process, if the states concerned do not reach a mutual agreement, there is an opportunity to resolve the dispute by setting up an Advisory Commission, which can issue an advisory opinion that can also have a binding effect. There are, however, several differences between the Arbitration Convention and the Tax Dispute Resolution Law. Particularly prominent is the fact that the Tax Dispute Resolution Law has a wider scope of application than the Arbitration Convention and can therefore be applied to all forms of double taxations that have resulted in a dispute between two states. The Tax Dispute Resolution Law also implements a new dispute resolution mechanism in the form of a so-called Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission, which has a freer regulation regarding its form and way of functioning. This can lead to more flexibility and efficiency during the dispute resolution procedure, which in turn can contribute to more security for the taxpayer. Finally, it is also noted that the Tax Dispute Resolution Law contains more detailed deadlines than the Arbitration Convention, which entails a clearer framework surrounding the procedure.

Regarding the right to a fair trial, it is noted that the procedure in the Tax Dispute Resolution Law can proceed under a very long time if the deadlines are maximised. Related to difficulties for the taxpayer to delay tax payments in Sweden, it can be questioned whether the Tax Dispute Resolution Law offers a hearing within a reasonable time. Furthermore, it is noted that certain problems may arise regarding the impartiality of the so-called independent persons in the Advisory Commission. In the essay, it is, however, noted that the competent authorities, which are parties in the dispute, both have the right to appoint independent persons to the commission, which should result in a certain equality between the parties. (Less)
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Hackfelt, Julia LU
alternative title
Dispute resolution mechanisms in transfer pricing situations – a study on Swedish and EU tax dispute resolution mechanisms in the light of the right to a fair trial
JURM02 20231
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2023-06-09 11:04:42
date last changed
2023-06-09 11:04:42
  abstract     = {{In the light of the BEPS projects aim to implement more effective dispute resolution mechanisms in situations where a double taxation may occur the EU have worked to develop mechanisms to make dispute resolution within the union more effective. The EU’s effort resulted in the Council Directive (EU) 2017/1852 of 10 October 2017 on Tax Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the European Union (the Tax Dispute Resolution Directive), which also have been implemented in Swedish law through lag (2019:601) om tvistlösningsförfarande i ärenden som rör skatteavtal inom Europeiska unionen (the Tax Dispute Resolution Law). Previously, the Convention on the Elimination of Double Taxation in Connection with the Adjustment of Profits of Associated Enterprises (90/463/EEC) (the Arbitration Convention) has been applicable to disputes related to double taxation that have occurred due to an application of the arm’s length principle. The convention was signed by Sweden in 1995 and was implemented in Swedish law in 2004. The new directive has aimed to make tax dispute resolution within the EU more effective and to expand the applicability of the Arbitration Convention. 

This essay aims to investigate the structure of the dispute resolution procedure when a double taxation has occurred due to an application of the arm's length principle and compare how the Swedish implementation of the Tax Dispute Resolution Directive through the Tax Dispute Resolution Law differs from the Arbitration Convention. The essay also aims to analyse the Tax Dispute Resolution Law's fulfilment of the right to a fair trial according to the ECHR, the EU Charter, and the Swedish Instrument of Government, especially considering the right to an independent and impartial tribunal and hearing within reasonable time.

The essay reaches several conclusions regarding the comparison of the Tax Dispute Resolution Law and the Arbitration Convention. Several similarities have been identified, the most prominent of which is that the two regulations are based on a similar structure. Both the procedure prescribed under the Tax Dispute Resolution Law and the one under the Arbitration Convention are based on the principle of diplomatic protection, which means that only states should be able to act against other states. This means that the dispute is considered to exist only between two states, not between a state and a taxpayer, which also means that the taxpayer is not considered a party in the dispute. Both procedures are based on so-called mutual agreements where the states concerned are primarily asked to jointly reach a solution on how the double taxation situation should be handled. As a final step in the process, if the states concerned do not reach a mutual agreement, there is an opportunity to resolve the dispute by setting up an Advisory Commission, which can issue an advisory opinion that can also have a binding effect. There are, however, several differences between the Arbitration Convention and the Tax Dispute Resolution Law. Particularly prominent is the fact that the Tax Dispute Resolution Law has a wider scope of application than the Arbitration Convention and can therefore be applied to all forms of double taxations that have resulted in a dispute between two states. The Tax Dispute Resolution Law also implements a new dispute resolution mechanism in the form of a so-called Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission, which has a freer regulation regarding its form and way of functioning. This can lead to more flexibility and efficiency during the dispute resolution procedure, which in turn can contribute to more security for the taxpayer. Finally, it is also noted that the Tax Dispute Resolution Law contains more detailed deadlines than the Arbitration Convention, which entails a clearer framework surrounding the procedure.

Regarding the right to a fair trial, it is noted that the procedure in the Tax Dispute Resolution Law can proceed under a very long time if the deadlines are maximised. Related to difficulties for the taxpayer to delay tax payments in Sweden, it can be questioned whether the Tax Dispute Resolution Law offers a hearing within a reasonable time. Furthermore, it is noted that certain problems may arise regarding the impartiality of the so-called independent persons in the Advisory Commission. In the essay, it is, however, noted that the competent authorities, which are parties in the dispute, both have the right to appoint independent persons to the commission, which should result in a certain equality between the parties.}},
  author       = {{Hackfelt, Julia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Tvistlösningsmekanismer vid internprissättning – en studie av svenska och EU-rättsliga skattetvistlösningsmekanismer i ljuset av rätten till en rättvis rättegång}},
  year         = {{2023}},