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LUP Student Papers


Aborträttens historiska paralleller och demokratiska perspektiv - En komparativ analys av USA, Europakonventionen och Sverige

Zetterlund, Alma LU (2023) LAGF03 20231
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen redogör framväxten av aborträtten och relationen till rätten till skydd för privatliv i Sverige och USA. I Sverige grundade sig rätten till fri abort på ett behov av en modern lagstiftning som återspeglade samhällets syn på aborträtten. Lagen som antogs, 1974 års abortlag, består än idag och garanterar kvinnor rätten att genomgå abort fram tills gravidvecka 18. För USA:s vidkommande grundade sig aborträtten på revolter gentemot maktstrukturer med inspiration av medborgarrätts- och antikrigsrörelserna under 1960-talet. I USA blev aborträtten konstitutionellt skyddad år 1973 genom målet Roe v. Wade som garanterade att samtliga delstater måste erbjuda kvinnor möjligheten att genomgå abort fram tills att fostret har blivit... (More)
Uppsatsen redogör framväxten av aborträtten och relationen till rätten till skydd för privatliv i Sverige och USA. I Sverige grundade sig rätten till fri abort på ett behov av en modern lagstiftning som återspeglade samhällets syn på aborträtten. Lagen som antogs, 1974 års abortlag, består än idag och garanterar kvinnor rätten att genomgå abort fram tills gravidvecka 18. För USA:s vidkommande grundade sig aborträtten på revolter gentemot maktstrukturer med inspiration av medborgarrätts- och antikrigsrörelserna under 1960-talet. I USA blev aborträtten konstitutionellt skyddad år 1973 genom målet Roe v. Wade som garanterade att samtliga delstater måste erbjuda kvinnor möjligheten att genomgå abort fram tills att fostret har blivit livsdugligt. Det konstitutionella skyddet bestod i 50 år då Högsta domstolen åsidosatte Roe v. Wade sommaren 2022 med domen Dobbs v. Jackson Women´s Health Organization. Numera är befogenheten att reglera alternativt förbjuda abort upp till varje delstat.

Aborträttens regression i USA väckte starka reaktioner i Europa och gav tillfälle för rannsakning gällande aborträttens ställning inom Europas länder. Europaparlamentet uttryckte en stor oro för att en stärkt antiabortrörelse kan ta form och att samtliga medlemsländer bör agera för att tillgodose kvinnors reproduktiva rättigheter. Vid ett antal tillfällen har Europadomstolen behandlat abortfrågan och har då tagit ställning för att det inte är ett konventionsbrott att ha extremt restriktiva abortlagar. Ställningstagandet har sin grund i abortfrågans moraliska och känsliga natur vilket resulterade i att konventionsstaterna fick ett stort tolkningsutrymme inom abortlagstiftningens område. Det är alltså upp till varje enskild stat att ta ställning till abortfrågan inom dess jurisdiktion. I ljuset av USA:s erfarenheter och utveckling av aborträtten undersöker uppsatsen för och nackdelar med en överstatlig abortreglering i Europa.

Avslutningsvis landar uppsatsen i att en centraliserad aborträtt är dubbelsidig. Nackdelarna är bland annat den bristande hänsynen till närhetsprincipen, staters minskade suveränitet i en moraslikt känslig fråga samt avsaknaden för medborgarna att påverka en fråga som kopplas till djupt rotade värderingar. Fördelarna med att kvinnor får självbestämmanderätt i abortfrågan leder exempelvis till både ökad jämställdhet mellan könen och jämlikhet mellan förmögna och fattiga kvinnor. Det leder även till en harmoniserad rättstillämpning som återspeglar den stora majoriteten av konventionsstaternas abortlagar. (Less)
The essay provides an account of the emergence of the right to abortion and its relationship to the right to privacy in Sweden and the United States. In Sweden, the right to free abortion was established based on the need for modern legislation that reflected society's views on the right to abortion. The law, 1974 års abortlag, enacted in 1974 and remains in effect today, guaranteeing women the right to undergo an abortion until the 18th week of pregnancy. In the case of the United States, the right to abortion was rooted in revolts against power structures, inspired by the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s. In 1973, the right to abortion was constitutionally protected in the United States through the Roe v. Wade case, which... (More)
The essay provides an account of the emergence of the right to abortion and its relationship to the right to privacy in Sweden and the United States. In Sweden, the right to free abortion was established based on the need for modern legislation that reflected society's views on the right to abortion. The law, 1974 års abortlag, enacted in 1974 and remains in effect today, guaranteeing women the right to undergo an abortion until the 18th week of pregnancy. In the case of the United States, the right to abortion was rooted in revolts against power structures, inspired by the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s. In 1973, the right to abortion was constitutionally protected in the United States through the Roe v. Wade case, which guaranteed that all states must offer women the opportunity to undergo an abortion until the fetus becomes viable. This constitutional protection lasted for 50 years until the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization in the summer of 2022. Now, the power to regulate or ban abortion is within the jurisdiction of each individual state.

The regression of the right to abortion in the United States sparked strong reactions in Europe and prompted an examination of the status of abortion rights in European countries. The European Parliament expressed great concern that a strengthened anti-abortion movement can emerge and that all member states should act to safeguard women's reproductive rights. The European Court of Human Rights has dealt with the issue of abortion on several occasions, ruling that it is not a violation of the conventions to maintain highly restrictive abortion laws. This stance is rooted in the moral and sensitive nature of the abortion issue, resulting in significant margin of appreciation for convention states within the realm of abortion legislation. Therefore, it is up to each individual state to take a position on the issue of abortion within its jurisdiction. In light of the experiences and developments regarding abortion rights in the United States, the essay examines the advantages and disadvantages of supranational regulation of abortion in Europe.

In conclusion, the essay finds that a centralized abortion right both has pros and cons. The disadvantages include disregarding the principle of proximity and states' sovereignty in a morally sensitive issue, as well as citizens' right to influence an issue that is linked to deeply rooted values. The advantages of granting women autonomy in the abortion issue lead to increased gender equality and equality between affluent and impoverished women. It also leads to a harmonized application of the law that reflects the majority of convention states' abortion laws. (Less)
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  abstract     = {{The essay provides an account of the emergence of the right to abortion and its relationship to the right to privacy in Sweden and the United States. In Sweden, the right to free abortion was established based on the need for modern legislation that reflected society's views on the right to abortion. The law, 1974 års abortlag, enacted in 1974 and remains in effect today, guaranteeing women the right to undergo an abortion until the 18th week of pregnancy. In the case of the United States, the right to abortion was rooted in revolts against power structures, inspired by the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s. In 1973, the right to abortion was constitutionally protected in the United States through the Roe v. Wade case, which guaranteed that all states must offer women the opportunity to undergo an abortion until the fetus becomes viable. This constitutional protection lasted for 50 years until the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization in the summer of 2022. Now, the power to regulate or ban abortion is within the jurisdiction of each individual state.

The regression of the right to abortion in the United States sparked strong reactions in Europe and prompted an examination of the status of abortion rights in European countries. The European Parliament expressed great concern that a strengthened anti-abortion movement can emerge and that all member states should act to safeguard women's reproductive rights. The European Court of Human Rights has dealt with the issue of abortion on several occasions, ruling that it is not a violation of the conventions to maintain highly restrictive abortion laws. This stance is rooted in the moral and sensitive nature of the abortion issue, resulting in significant margin of appreciation for convention states within the realm of abortion legislation. Therefore, it is up to each individual state to take a position on the issue of abortion within its jurisdiction. In light of the experiences and developments regarding abortion rights in the United States, the essay examines the advantages and disadvantages of supranational regulation of abortion in Europe.

In conclusion, the essay finds that a centralized abortion right both has pros and cons. The disadvantages include disregarding the principle of proximity and states' sovereignty in a morally sensitive issue, as well as citizens' right to influence an issue that is linked to deeply rooted values. The advantages of granting women autonomy in the abortion issue lead to increased gender equality and equality between affluent and impoverished women. It also leads to a harmonized application of the law that reflects the majority of convention states' abortion laws.}},
  author       = {{Zetterlund, Alma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Aborträttens historiska paralleller och demokratiska perspektiv - En komparativ analys av USA, Europakonventionen och Sverige}},
  year         = {{2023}},