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Förklaringsbördan i bevisvärderingen: Om förklaringsbördans lämplighet i straffprocessen sett till bevisrättsliga regler och rättspsykologisk forskning

Toutin, Josefin LU (2023) JURM02 20231
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I svensk rätt men även av Europadomstolen har det ansetts möjligt att tillmäta en tilltalads tystnad eller icke trovärdiga förklaring en för denne negativ bevis-verkan genom åläggandet av en förklaringsbörda. Uppsatsens syfte är att un-dersöka om denna förklaringsbörda i ljuset av bevisrättsliga principer samt rättspsykologisk forskning är lämplig att använda i brottmål. För att uppfylla syftet kommer uppsatsen att svara på hur förklaringsbördan förhåller sig till bevisbördan och beviskravet i brottmål, hur bedömningar av tillförlitlighet och trovärdighet ser ut i Högsta domstolen samt vilken vetenskaplig evidens de tillförlitlighetskriterier som utvecklats i praxis får i rättspsykologisk forskning. Förklaringsbördan har även undersökts i... (More)
I svensk rätt men även av Europadomstolen har det ansetts möjligt att tillmäta en tilltalads tystnad eller icke trovärdiga förklaring en för denne negativ bevis-verkan genom åläggandet av en förklaringsbörda. Uppsatsens syfte är att un-dersöka om denna förklaringsbörda i ljuset av bevisrättsliga principer samt rättspsykologisk forskning är lämplig att använda i brottmål. För att uppfylla syftet kommer uppsatsen att svara på hur förklaringsbördan förhåller sig till bevisbördan och beviskravet i brottmål, hur bedömningar av tillförlitlighet och trovärdighet ser ut i Högsta domstolen samt vilken vetenskaplig evidens de tillförlitlighetskriterier som utvecklats i praxis får i rättspsykologisk forskning. Förklaringsbördan har även undersökts i en praktisk kontext genom en studie av tingsrättsdomar från januari 2023 i syfte att utreda hur förklaringsbördan tolkas och tillämpas i bevisvärderingen.
Hur förklaringsbördan tillämpas och hanteras i bevisvärderingen är nära sammankopplat med de bevisrättsliga reglerna för brottmål. Bevisbördan vilar mot bakgrund av viktiga straffrättsliga grundprinciper på åklagaren. Att för-flytta den till den tilltalade är inte tillåtet utan det är åklagaren som har ansvaret för en tillräcklig utredning och den tilltalade behöver inte bidra till att bevisa sin egen skuld. Det gällande beviskravet för en fällande dom i brottmål har i praxis formulerats som ”utom rimligt tvivel”. Förutom att beviskravet innebär ett krav på tillräckligt stöd i form av att bevisningen ska ställa den tilltalades skuld utom rimligt tvivel finns det även ett krav på den utredning som läggs fram. Åklagaren bär således ett stort ansvar för bevisningen i brottmål.
Förklaringsbördan bygger på att den tilltalade ska lämna en rimlig förklaring till ett graverande påstående från åklagaren. Hur förklaringsbördan bevisvärd-eras och vad som krävs för att fullgöra en uppkommen förklaringsbörda är därför i hög grad beroende av hur domstolarna bedömer vad som är tillförlit-ligt och trovärdigt. Högsta domstolen har i sin praxis formulerat några krite-rier som kan användas vid bevisvärderingen av utsagor. Dessa tillförlitlig-hetskriterier blir direkt relevanta för hur förklaringsbördan hanteras i bevis-värderingen och spelar således en viktig roll i framställningen. Rättspsykolo-giska forskningsresultat om genomskådandet av lögn är också relevanta ef-tersom bedömningar av tillförlitlighet och vad som är en rimlig förklaring från en tilltalad i stor utsträckning handlar om att bedöma huruvida en person talar sanning eller ljuger. I detta avseende visar forskningen att människor har en låg träffsäkerhet i urskiljandet av lögner och att många av de faktorer som antas kunna tyda på lögn inte stämmer med de objektiva indikatorerna. De rättspsykologiska studier som analyseras i uppsatsen pekar mot att tillförlitlig-hetskriterierna från HD bör användas med viss restriktivitet, särskilt i en straffrättslig kontext eftersom det kan påverka dels vilka krav som kan ställas på en utsaga, dels hur personer agerar och reagerar jämfört med mindre for-mella sammanhang.
I uppsatsen konstateras det att rättsläget tyder på att en användning av förkla-ringsbördan som innebär att den tillämpas innan åklagaren uppfyllt sin bevis-skyldighet och som i praktiken innebär en förflyttning av bevisbördan är ute-sluten. Det är däremot möjligt att förklaringsbördan kan fungera som en falsk bevisbörda som uppkommer först efter att åklagaren fullgjort sin bevisskyl-dighet. En sådan tillämpning kommer inte i konflikt med åklagarens bevis-börda. Ett annat alternativ som framförts i doktrinen är att förklaringsbördan används för att höja värdet av åklagarens bevisning så att det når upp till be-viskravet. En sådan tillämpning kräver dock utifrån praxis att åklagarens be-visning redan är av viss styrka, vilket betyder att förklaringsbördan inte kan användas för att höja värdet i åklagarens bevisning hur mycket som helst. Vi-dare saknas det anvisningar i gällande rätt om vilken verkan som bevis förkla-ringsbördan ska ges. Här blir åklagarens bevisskyldighet återigen ledande för hur förklaringsbördan hanteras; om den tilltalades tystnad eller icke trovärdiga förklaring tillmäts ett högt värde som bevis kommer det i praktiken skifta be-visbördan eller leda till en sänkning av beviskravet, vilket inte är tillåtet. Det är vidare oklart om förklaringsbördan kan eller ska ges en direkt eller indirekt bevisverkan och båda tillämpningarna har sina problem. En direkt negativ bevisverkan riskerar att komma i konflikt med de bevisrättsliga reglerna sam-tidigt som en indirekt negativ bevisverkan som får betydelse vid prövningen av alternativhypoteser inte nödvändigtvis kan säga något om sannolikheten för åklagarens gärningsbeskrivning eller andra tänkbara alternativhypoteser.
I uppsatsen dras slutsatsen att de bevisrättsliga reglerna om bevisbörda och beviskrav är av stor betydelse för hur förklaringsbördan kan tillämpas och hur den ska hanteras i bevisvärderingen. Det konstateras även att det finns många oklarheter kring förklaringsbördan och bevisvärderingen som Högsta domsto-len genom sin rättsbildning hade kunnat undanröja. Vidare dras slutsatsen att de tillförlitlighetskriterier som analyserats vinner svagt stöd, om något stöd alls, som indikatorer på lögn och att en användning av de kan påverka värde-ringen av förklaringsbördan negativt. Vissa forskningsresultat, bland annat betydelsen av presentationsformat, kan även ha direkt betydelse för hur för-klaringsbördan fungerar i bevisvärderingen. Sammanfattningsvis dras slutsat-sen att användandet av en förklaringsbörda mot bakgrund av de osäkerheter som finns gällande tillämpningen, riskerna för konflikt med bevisrättsliga reg-ler samt de redovisade rättspsykologiska forskningsresultaten kan vara olämp-lig att använda på grund av den subjektivitet, osäkerhet och risk för materiella felaktigheter som den medför i bevisvärderingen. (Less)
In Swedish law as well as by the European Court of Human Rights it has been considered possible to draw adverse inferences from a defendant’s si-lence or non-credible explanation by imposing a burden of explanation (förklaringsbörda). The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether this burden of explanation in light of principles of evidence law and forensic psy-chological research is appropriate to use in criminal cases. To fulfil the pur-pose, the paper will answer how the burden of explanation relates to the bur-den of proof and the standard of proof in criminal cases, how assessments of reliability and credibility (tillförlitlighet och trovärdighet) has been made in the Supreme Court and what scientific evidence the reliability... (More)
In Swedish law as well as by the European Court of Human Rights it has been considered possible to draw adverse inferences from a defendant’s si-lence or non-credible explanation by imposing a burden of explanation (förklaringsbörda). The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether this burden of explanation in light of principles of evidence law and forensic psy-chological research is appropriate to use in criminal cases. To fulfil the pur-pose, the paper will answer how the burden of explanation relates to the bur-den of proof and the standard of proof in criminal cases, how assessments of reliability and credibility (tillförlitlighet och trovärdighet) has been made in the Supreme Court and what scientific evidence the reliability criteria developed in practice receive in forensic psychological research. The burden of explanation has also been examined in a practical context through a study of district court judgements from January 2023 to further investigate how the burden of ex-planation is interpreted and applied in the evaluation of evidence.
The application and management of the burden of proof in the evaluation of evidence is closely linked to the rules of evidence in criminal proceedings. The burden of proof rests on the prosecutor due to important basic principles of criminal law. Shifting it to the defendant is not allowed; the prosecutor is re-sponsible for a sufficient investigation and the defendant does not have to contribute to proving his or her guilt. The current standard of proof for a crim-inal conviction has been formulated in practice as "beyond reasonable doubt". In addition to the requirement of sufficient support in the form of evidence that puts the defendant's guilt beyond reasonable doubt, there is also a re-quirement for the investigation presented. The prosecutor thus bears a major responsibility for the evidence in criminal cases.
The burden of explanation is based on the defendant providing a reasonable explanation for a serious allegation made by the prosecution. How the burden of explanation is evaluated and what it takes to fulfil a burden of explanation therefore largely depends on how the courts assess what is reliable and credi-ble. The Swedish Supreme Court has in its case law formulated some criteria that can be used when evaluating statements as evidence. These reliability cri-teria are directly relevant to how the burden of explanation is handled in the evaluation of evidence and thus plays an important role in the essay. Forensic psychology research findings on the perception of lying are also relevant since assessments of reliability and what is a reasonable explanation from a defend-ant to a large extent is about assessing whether a person is telling the truth or lying. In this respect, research shows that people have low accuracy in recog-nizing lies and that many of the factors that are supposedly indicative of lying do not match the objective indicators. The forensic psychology studies ana-lyzed in the paper indicate that the reliability criteria from the Swedish Su-preme Court should be used with some restriction, especially in a criminal law context as it may affect both the demands that can be placed on a statement and how people act and react compared to less formal settings.
The paper notes that the legal situation indicates that a use of the burden of explanation where it is applied before the prosecution has fulfilled its burden of proof and which in practice amounts to shifting the burden of proof is ex-cluded. However, it is possible that the burden of explanation can function as a false burden of proof that arises only after the prosecution has fulfilled its evidentiary burden. Such an application would not conflict with the prosecu-tor's burden of proof. Another option expressed in doctrine is to use the bur-den of explanation to increase the value of the prosecution's evidence to meet the standard of proof. However, such an application requires, based on prac-tice, that the prosecution's evidence is already of a certain strength, which means that the burden of explanation cannot be used to increase the value of the prosecution's evidence by any amount. Furthermore, there is no guidance on the effect that the burden of proof should have. Once again, the evidentiary obligations of the prosecution can serve as directive; if the defendant’s silence or non-credible explanation is attributed a high value as evidence it will in practice shift the burden of proof or lower the standard of proof which is illic-it. It is also unclear whether the burden of explanation can or should be given a direct or indirect evidentiary effect and both applications have their prob-lems. A direct negative evidentiary effect risks coming into conflict with the rules of evidence, while an indirect negative evidentiary effect that impacts the examination of alternative hypotheses not necessarily can speak to the proba-bility of the prosecutor's statement of the criminal act as charged or other pos-sible alternative hypotheses.
The paper concludes that the rules regarding the burden and standard of proof are of great importance for how the burden of explanation can be applied and how it should be handled in the evaluation of evidence. It is also noted that there are many ambiguities regarding the burden of explanation and the evalu-ation of evidence that the Swedish Supreme Court could eliminate through its case law. Furthermore, it is concluded that the reliability criteria that have been analyzed gain little support, if any support at all, as cues to deception and that their use can have a negative impact on the evaluation of the burden of expla-nation. Some research findings, including the importance of presentation for-mat, may also have a direct bearing on how the burden of explanation works when evaluating evidence. In summary, it is concluded that the burden of ex-planation, considering the uncertainties that exist regarding its application, the risks of conflict with rules of evidence and the reported forensic psychology research results, may be inappropriate to use because of the subjectivity, un-certainty and risk of material error it entails in the evaluation of evidence. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Toutin, Josefin LU
alternative title
The burden of explanation in the evaluation of evidence: On the suitability of the burden of explanation in criminal proceedings in relation to rules of evidence and forensic psychology research
JURM02 20231
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Straffrätt, bevisrätt, rättspsykologi.
date added to LUP
2023-06-08 14:28:10
date last changed
2023-06-08 14:28:10
  abstract     = {{In Swedish law as well as by the European Court of Human Rights it has been considered possible to draw adverse inferences from a defendant’s si-lence or non-credible explanation by imposing a burden of explanation (förklaringsbörda). The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether this burden of explanation in light of principles of evidence law and forensic psy-chological research is appropriate to use in criminal cases. To fulfil the pur-pose, the paper will answer how the burden of explanation relates to the bur-den of proof and the standard of proof in criminal cases, how assessments of reliability and credibility (tillförlitlighet och trovärdighet) has been made in the Supreme Court and what scientific evidence the reliability criteria developed in practice receive in forensic psychological research. The burden of explanation has also been examined in a practical context through a study of district court judgements from January 2023 to further investigate how the burden of ex-planation is interpreted and applied in the evaluation of evidence.
The application and management of the burden of proof in the evaluation of evidence is closely linked to the rules of evidence in criminal proceedings. The burden of proof rests on the prosecutor due to important basic principles of criminal law. Shifting it to the defendant is not allowed; the prosecutor is re-sponsible for a sufficient investigation and the defendant does not have to contribute to proving his or her guilt. The current standard of proof for a crim-inal conviction has been formulated in practice as "beyond reasonable doubt". In addition to the requirement of sufficient support in the form of evidence that puts the defendant's guilt beyond reasonable doubt, there is also a re-quirement for the investigation presented. The prosecutor thus bears a major responsibility for the evidence in criminal cases.
The burden of explanation is based on the defendant providing a reasonable explanation for a serious allegation made by the prosecution. How the burden of explanation is evaluated and what it takes to fulfil a burden of explanation therefore largely depends on how the courts assess what is reliable and credi-ble. The Swedish Supreme Court has in its case law formulated some criteria that can be used when evaluating statements as evidence. These reliability cri-teria are directly relevant to how the burden of explanation is handled in the evaluation of evidence and thus plays an important role in the essay. Forensic psychology research findings on the perception of lying are also relevant since assessments of reliability and what is a reasonable explanation from a defend-ant to a large extent is about assessing whether a person is telling the truth or lying. In this respect, research shows that people have low accuracy in recog-nizing lies and that many of the factors that are supposedly indicative of lying do not match the objective indicators. The forensic psychology studies ana-lyzed in the paper indicate that the reliability criteria from the Swedish Su-preme Court should be used with some restriction, especially in a criminal law context as it may affect both the demands that can be placed on a statement and how people act and react compared to less formal settings.
The paper notes that the legal situation indicates that a use of the burden of explanation where it is applied before the prosecution has fulfilled its burden of proof and which in practice amounts to shifting the burden of proof is ex-cluded. However, it is possible that the burden of explanation can function as a false burden of proof that arises only after the prosecution has fulfilled its evidentiary burden. Such an application would not conflict with the prosecu-tor's burden of proof. Another option expressed in doctrine is to use the bur-den of explanation to increase the value of the prosecution's evidence to meet the standard of proof. However, such an application requires, based on prac-tice, that the prosecution's evidence is already of a certain strength, which means that the burden of explanation cannot be used to increase the value of the prosecution's evidence by any amount. Furthermore, there is no guidance on the effect that the burden of proof should have. Once again, the evidentiary obligations of the prosecution can serve as directive; if the defendant’s silence or non-credible explanation is attributed a high value as evidence it will in practice shift the burden of proof or lower the standard of proof which is illic-it. It is also unclear whether the burden of explanation can or should be given a direct or indirect evidentiary effect and both applications have their prob-lems. A direct negative evidentiary effect risks coming into conflict with the rules of evidence, while an indirect negative evidentiary effect that impacts the examination of alternative hypotheses not necessarily can speak to the proba-bility of the prosecutor's statement of the criminal act as charged or other pos-sible alternative hypotheses.
The paper concludes that the rules regarding the burden and standard of proof are of great importance for how the burden of explanation can be applied and how it should be handled in the evaluation of evidence. It is also noted that there are many ambiguities regarding the burden of explanation and the evalu-ation of evidence that the Swedish Supreme Court could eliminate through its case law. Furthermore, it is concluded that the reliability criteria that have been analyzed gain little support, if any support at all, as cues to deception and that their use can have a negative impact on the evaluation of the burden of expla-nation. Some research findings, including the importance of presentation for-mat, may also have a direct bearing on how the burden of explanation works when evaluating evidence. In summary, it is concluded that the burden of ex-planation, considering the uncertainties that exist regarding its application, the risks of conflict with rules of evidence and the reported forensic psychology research results, may be inappropriate to use because of the subjectivity, un-certainty and risk of material error it entails in the evaluation of evidence.}},
  author       = {{Toutin, Josefin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Förklaringsbördan i bevisvärderingen: Om förklaringsbördans lämplighet i straffprocessen sett till bevisrättsliga regler och rättspsykologisk forskning}},
  year         = {{2023}},