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Trepartsöverenskommelsen - framtidens metod för årlig justering av bostadshyror?

Nilsson, Filip LU and Jansson, Hampus LU (2023) VFTM01 20231
Real Estate Science
Abstract (Swedish)
Sedan införandet av lagen (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag ska kommunala bolag drivas enligt affärsmässiga principer. Dessutom ändrades reglerna i jordabalken om jämförelse av skäliga hyror enligt bruksvärdessystemet genom att de allmännyttiga bostadsbolagen inte längre är ensamt hyresnormerande. Sedan dessa lagändringar har det inte funnits något regelverk om vad de årliga hyresjusteringarna ska grundas på. Tidigare fungerade de allmännyttiga bostadsbolagens självkostnadskalkyler som en ram för hur hyrorna borde justeras. Till följd av detta kom bransch- och intresseorganisationerna Fastighetsägarna, Sveriges Allmännytta och Hyresgästföreningen överens om fem faktorer som ska ligga till grund för de årliga... (More)
Sedan införandet av lagen (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag ska kommunala bolag drivas enligt affärsmässiga principer. Dessutom ändrades reglerna i jordabalken om jämförelse av skäliga hyror enligt bruksvärdessystemet genom att de allmännyttiga bostadsbolagen inte längre är ensamt hyresnormerande. Sedan dessa lagändringar har det inte funnits något regelverk om vad de årliga hyresjusteringarna ska grundas på. Tidigare fungerade de allmännyttiga bostadsbolagens självkostnadskalkyler som en ram för hur hyrorna borde justeras. Till följd av detta kom bransch- och intresseorganisationerna Fastighetsägarna, Sveriges Allmännytta och Hyresgästföreningen överens om fem faktorer som ska ligga till grund för de årliga hyresförhandlingarna, kallad trepartsöverenskommelsen. Däremot har parterna valt att tolka trepartsöverenskommelsen på olika sätt samtidigt som överenskommelsen presenterades i ekonomiska svåra tider. Detta har bidragit till en hög konfliktnivå mellan parterna.
Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka och analysera hur aktörer på hyresmarknaden ser på trepartsöverenskommelsen och alternativa lösningar på hur bostadshyror kan justeras. Examensarbetet utgår från följande frågeställningar:
• Hur ser aktörer på hyresrättsmarknaden på trepartsöverenskommelsen?
• Hur anser aktörerna på hyresrättsmarknaden att bostadshyror bör justeras i
• Hur kan en framtida modell för hyresjustering se ut?
Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ forskningsstudie i form av en intervjustudie. Sju olika aktörer på hyresrättsmarknaden intervjuades. Dessa utgjordes av bransch- och intresseorganisationer, kommunala bostadsbolag samt privata fastighetsbolag.
Studien konstaterar att de intervjuade aktörerna anser att det funnits ett behov av en överenskommelse. Problematiken under årets hyresförhandling med trepartsöverenskommelsen som grund är att parterna är oense om hur den ska tolkas. Det finns en tydlig koppling utifrån parternas ekonomiska intresse hur man valt att tolka överenskommelsen. Aktörerna är överens om att trepartsöverenskommelsen bör utvecklas men de är inte överens om hur den slutgiltiga tolkningen ska se ut. Kan inte parterna enas om en gemensam tolkning föreslår respondenterna att en lagstiftning införs om hur hyresförhandlingarna ska föras, att en friare hyressättning införs, indexreglering av hyror eller att hyror fortsatt förhandlas. Aktörernas inställning till alternativa lösningar beror på deras erfarenheter av tidigare förhandlande hyresjusteringar, ekonomiska intresse samt privilegiejakt.
Slutligen föreslår författarna att de årliga hyresjusteringarna bör bestämmas genom ett lagstadgat kombinerat index baserat på trepartsöverenskommelsens faktorer samt den regionala löneutvecklingen. Indexet bidrar till en jämnare och mer förutsägbar hyresjustering samtidigt som transaktionskostnaderna och privilegiejakten minskar. (Less)
Since 2011 public municipal housing companies are to be operated according to commercial principles and the comparison of reasonable rents according to the utility value system is based on collective negotiated rents. Since these legal changes, there has been no regulatory framework for what the annual rent adjustments should be based on. Previously, the public housing companies' self-cost calculations served as a framework for how rents should be adjusted. As a result, Fastighetsägarna (the property-owner organization), Public Housing Sweden and The Swedish Union of Tenants agreed on five factors that should form the basis for the annual rent negotiations, called the tripartite agreement. However, the parties have interpreted the... (More)
Since 2011 public municipal housing companies are to be operated according to commercial principles and the comparison of reasonable rents according to the utility value system is based on collective negotiated rents. Since these legal changes, there has been no regulatory framework for what the annual rent adjustments should be based on. Previously, the public housing companies' self-cost calculations served as a framework for how rents should be adjusted. As a result, Fastighetsägarna (the property-owner organization), Public Housing Sweden and The Swedish Union of Tenants agreed on five factors that should form the basis for the annual rent negotiations, called the tripartite agreement. However, the parties have interpreted the tripartite agreement in different ways whilst the agreement was presented during difficult economic times. This has contributed to a high level of conflict between the parties.
This thesis aims to investigate and analyze actors on the rental market view on the tripartite agreement and alternative solutions for how housing rents can be adjusted. The thesis is based on the following questions:
• How do actors in the rental housing market view on the tripartite agreement?
• How do actors in the rental housing market believe that housing rents should
be adjusted in the future?
• What can a future model for rent adjustments look like?
The authors choose a qualitative research study in the form of an interview study. Therefore, seven different actors in the rental housing market were interviewed.
The study concludes that the respondents believe that there has been a need for an agreement. A problem during this year's rent negotiations is that the parties disagree on how the tripartite agreement should be interpreted. There is a link between the parties' economic interests and how they have chosen to interpret the agreement. The actors agree that the tripartite agreement should be developed, but they do not agree on what the final interpretation should look like. If the parties cannot agree on a common interpretation, the respondents want to see that a legislation on how the negotiations should be conducted, an imposition of a more flexible rent setting or that rents continue to be negotiated. The respondents' attitudes towards alternative solutions depend on their experiences in previous rent adjustment negotiations, their economic interests and rent seeking.
Finally, the authors propose that the annual rent adjustment should be determined through a statutorily combined index based on the tripartite agreement's factors and the regional wage development. The index contributes to a more even and predictable rent adjustment while reducing transaction costs and dampening the rent seeking that industry and interest organizations pursue. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Nilsson, Filip LU and Jansson, Hampus LU
alternative title
Tripartite agreement - the future method for annual adjustment of housing rents?
VFTM01 20231
H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
Trepartsöverenskommelsen, hyresjustering, hyresförhandling, hyresrätt
other publication id
date added to LUP
2023-06-21 10:05:11
date last changed
2023-06-21 10:05:11
  abstract     = {{Since 2011 public municipal housing companies are to be operated according to commercial principles and the comparison of reasonable rents according to the utility value system is based on collective negotiated rents. Since these legal changes, there has been no regulatory framework for what the annual rent adjustments should be based on. Previously, the public housing companies' self-cost calculations served as a framework for how rents should be adjusted. As a result, Fastighetsägarna (the property-owner organization), Public Housing Sweden and The Swedish Union of Tenants agreed on five factors that should form the basis for the annual rent negotiations, called the tripartite agreement. However, the parties have interpreted the tripartite agreement in different ways whilst the agreement was presented during difficult economic times. This has contributed to a high level of conflict between the parties.
This thesis aims to investigate and analyze actors on the rental market view on the tripartite agreement and alternative solutions for how housing rents can be adjusted. The thesis is based on the following questions:
• How do actors in the rental housing market view on the tripartite agreement?
• How do actors in the rental housing market believe that housing rents should
be adjusted in the future?
• What can a future model for rent adjustments look like?
The authors choose a qualitative research study in the form of an interview study. Therefore, seven different actors in the rental housing market were interviewed.
The study concludes that the respondents believe that there has been a need for an agreement. A problem during this year's rent negotiations is that the parties disagree on how the tripartite agreement should be interpreted. There is a link between the parties' economic interests and how they have chosen to interpret the agreement. The actors agree that the tripartite agreement should be developed, but they do not agree on what the final interpretation should look like. If the parties cannot agree on a common interpretation, the respondents want to see that a legislation on how the negotiations should be conducted, an imposition of a more flexible rent setting or that rents continue to be negotiated. The respondents' attitudes towards alternative solutions depend on their experiences in previous rent adjustment negotiations, their economic interests and rent seeking.
Finally, the authors propose that the annual rent adjustment should be determined through a statutorily combined index based on the tripartite agreement's factors and the regional wage development. The index contributes to a more even and predictable rent adjustment while reducing transaction costs and dampening the rent seeking that industry and interest organizations pursue.}},
  author       = {{Nilsson, Filip and Jansson, Hampus}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Trepartsöverenskommelsen - framtidens metod för årlig justering av bostadshyror?}},
  year         = {{2023}},