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LUP Student Papers


How to Educate an Organization in Working with Security Topics from a User Experience Perspective

Gabrielii Augustsson, Felicia LU and Dahlström, Anna LU (2023) MAMM01 20231
Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology
Certec - Rehabilitation Engineering and Design
In today's rapidly evolving society, the pervasive influence of technology has profoundly transformed various aspects of human life, presenting both unprecedented opportunities and critical security challenges. To mitigate the risks of data breaches, malicious attacks, and overall cyber threats, companies have taken proactive measures by providing education and training to their employees in the areas of cyber security and software security. However, these kind of educations are often considered unmotivating and are often skipped trough as quickly as possible, which is troubling since security is of great importance.

This master's thesis has therefore investigated how to educate an organization in working with security topics from a... (More)
In today's rapidly evolving society, the pervasive influence of technology has profoundly transformed various aspects of human life, presenting both unprecedented opportunities and critical security challenges. To mitigate the risks of data breaches, malicious attacks, and overall cyber threats, companies have taken proactive measures by providing education and training to their employees in the areas of cyber security and software security. However, these kind of educations are often considered unmotivating and are often skipped trough as quickly as possible, which is troubling since security is of great importance.

This master's thesis has therefore investigated how to educate an organization in working with security topics from a user experience perspective, to examine whether user centered design can aid in learning. Through the implementation of user research, which included a knowledge test, and the performance of a threat analysis, three specific security areas were identified. From the derived security areas an educational computer game was implemented, where each level focused on a security threat, keeping user experience and usability in mind when creating tasks.

By having two groups with ten participants in each, we let one group complete a traditional PowerPoint security education and one group play the game. Both groups took a knowledge test, consisting of various questions about security, immediately after completing the education as well as two weeks afterwards. This resulted in better results for the group who played the game. The final conclusion was not only that experience based on usability and gamification do aid in learning, but also that deeper learning concerning security also benefits from learning with the use of a digital, interactive tool compared to traditional learning. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
I dagens snabbt föränderliga samhälle har teknologins inflytande djupt förvandlat olika aspekter av människors liv och medför både stora möjligheter och kritiska säkerhetsutmaningar. För att minska riskerna för dataintrång, skadliga attacker och övergripande cybersäkerhetshot vidtar företag proaktiva åtgärder genom att erbjuda utbildning och träning till sina anställda inom områdena cybersäkerhet och mjukvarusäkerhet. Dock anses dessa utbildningar ofta som oengagerande och oftast hoppas dessa över så snabbt som möjligt, vilket är oroande då säkerheten är av stor vikt i dagens teknikvärld.

Därför har denna masteruppsats undersökt hur man kan utbilda en organisation i att arbeta med säkerhetsämnen ur ett användarperspektiv för att... (More)
I dagens snabbt föränderliga samhälle har teknologins inflytande djupt förvandlat olika aspekter av människors liv och medför både stora möjligheter och kritiska säkerhetsutmaningar. För att minska riskerna för dataintrång, skadliga attacker och övergripande cybersäkerhetshot vidtar företag proaktiva åtgärder genom att erbjuda utbildning och träning till sina anställda inom områdena cybersäkerhet och mjukvarusäkerhet. Dock anses dessa utbildningar ofta som oengagerande och oftast hoppas dessa över så snabbt som möjligt, vilket är oroande då säkerheten är av stor vikt i dagens teknikvärld.

Därför har denna masteruppsats undersökt hur man kan utbilda en organisation i att arbeta med säkerhetsämnen ur ett användarperspektiv för att undersöka om användarcentrerad design kan underlätta inlärning. Genom en användarundersökning, bestående av bland annat ett kunskapstest, och genomförandet av en hotanalys, identifierades tre specifika säkerhetsområden. Utifrån dessa säkerhetsområden implementerades ett datorspel i utbildningssyfte, där varje nivå fokuserade på ett säkerhetshot. Vid implementeringen var användarupplevelse och användbarhet i fokus.

Två grupper, med tio deltagare i varje grupp, genomgick varsin säkerhetsutbildning. En grupp genomförde en traditionell PowerPoint-baserad säkerhetsutbildning medan den andra gruppen spelade datorspelet. Efteråt genomförde båda grupperna ett kunskapstest, bestående av olika frågor om säkerhet. Tested gjordes både direkt efteråt, samt två veckor efter att utbildningen hade genomförts. Detta resulterade i en bättre prestation för gruppen som spelade spelet. Den slutliga slutsatsen var inte bara att erfarenheter baserade på användbarhet och gamification underlättar inlärning, utan också att djupare inlärning inom säkerhet även gynnas av att använda ett digitalt, interaktivt verktyg jämfört med traditionell inlärning. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Gabrielii Augustsson, Felicia LU and Dahlström, Anna LU
alternative title
Hur man utbildar en organisation i att arbeta med säkerhetsrelaterade ämnen utifrån ett användarperspektiv
MAMM01 20231
H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
User centered design, threat analysis, security, experiential learning, gamification, interactive learning tool, the design process
date added to LUP
2023-06-21 15:22:03
date last changed
2023-06-21 15:22:03
  abstract     = {{In today's rapidly evolving society, the pervasive influence of technology has profoundly transformed various aspects of human life, presenting both unprecedented opportunities and critical security challenges. To mitigate the risks of data breaches, malicious attacks, and overall cyber threats, companies have taken proactive measures by providing education and training to their employees in the areas of cyber security and software security. However, these kind of educations are often considered unmotivating and are often skipped trough as quickly as possible, which is troubling since security is of great importance. 

This master's thesis has therefore investigated how to educate an organization in working with security topics from a user experience perspective, to examine whether user centered design can aid in learning. Through the implementation of user research, which included a knowledge test, and the performance of a threat analysis, three specific security areas were identified. From the derived security areas an educational computer game was implemented, where each level focused on a security threat, keeping user experience and usability in mind when creating tasks. 

By having two groups with ten participants in each, we let one group complete a traditional PowerPoint security education and one group play the game. Both groups took a knowledge test, consisting of various questions about security, immediately after completing the education as well as two weeks afterwards. This resulted in better results for the group who played the game. The final conclusion was not only that experience based on usability and gamification do aid in learning, but also that deeper learning concerning security also benefits from learning with the use of a digital, interactive tool compared to traditional learning.}},
  author       = {{Gabrielii Augustsson, Felicia and Dahlström, Anna}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{How to Educate an Organization in Working with Security Topics from a User Experience Perspective}},
  year         = {{2023}},