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A techno-economical analysis of a solar PV system and a feasibility study for biogas production for cooking – A case study of the Tumaini Open School in Tanzania

Prpic Vucenov, Martina LU and Magnusson Ericsson, Lovisa LU (2023) FMIM01 20231
Environmental and Energy Systems Studies
Abstract (Swedish)
Detta examensarbete är en fallstudie av Tumaini Open School för gravida studenter och studerande mödrar i Tabora, Tanzania. Genom den ideella organisationen Ingenjörer utan gränser Sverige genomförde författarna en Minor Field Study i Tanzania för att fastställa efterfrågade eltjänster, det resulterande elbehovet och den maximala dagliga effektkurvan för skolan vid fullskalig verksamhet. Vidare prioriterades eltjänsterna och användes för att konstruera och utvärdera tre scenarier för elförsörjningen, som kombinerade en självstädig solcellsanläggning med elektricitet från elnätet. Dessutom utvärderades möjligheten att producera biogas för matlagning. Metoden innefattade en litteraturstudie, intervjuer med studenter från skolan och olika... (More)
Detta examensarbete är en fallstudie av Tumaini Open School för gravida studenter och studerande mödrar i Tabora, Tanzania. Genom den ideella organisationen Ingenjörer utan gränser Sverige genomförde författarna en Minor Field Study i Tanzania för att fastställa efterfrågade eltjänster, det resulterande elbehovet och den maximala dagliga effektkurvan för skolan vid fullskalig verksamhet. Vidare prioriterades eltjänsterna och användes för att konstruera och utvärdera tre scenarier för elförsörjningen, som kombinerade en självstädig solcellsanläggning med elektricitet från elnätet. Dessutom utvärderades möjligheten att producera biogas för matlagning. Metoden innefattade en litteraturstudie, intervjuer med studenter från skolan och olika experter, en enkät för prioritering av eltjänsterna, studiebesök på solcells- och biogasanläggningar och allmänna observationer under fältstudien. Vidare genomfördes optimeringar av solcellssystemen, beräkningar och kostnadsanalyser. Det framtida faktiska elbehovet och nödvändiga eltjänster kommer med största sannolikhet att skilja sig från det uppskattade och rekommenderas att justeras (1) för att undvika de lågprioriterade och energikrävande eltjänsterna, (2) för att undvika höga effekttoppar samt (3) för att anpassa belastningen efter elproduktionen. Prioriteringen av eltjänsterna resulterade i Automatiskt prioriterade eltjänster följt av fyra prioriterade steg där prioritets steg 1 innehöll de viktigaste eltjänsterna och steg 4 innehöll de minst viktiga eltjänsterna. Utifrån de bedömda scenarierna ansågs Scenario 2 (där de Automatiskt prioriterade eltjänsterna och steg 1-2 försörjdes av solenergi och steg 3-4 av elnätet) vara det mest lämpliga elsystemet för skolan utifrån de tekno-ekonomiska begränsningarna i förhållande till vilka steg av de prioriterade eltjänsterna som uppfylls. Det rekommenderas att ytterligare undersöka den faktiska implementeringen och platsen för montering av solcellsanläggningen. Möjligheten att producera biogas för matlagning är genomförbar för skolan men kräver noggrant övervägande och bedömning av planeringen för biogasanläggningarna, val av installatörer och tillgång till tillräcklig kunskap om drift och underhåll samt de sociala och miljömässiga fördelarna med att använda biogas och biogödsel. Det rekommenderas att ytterligare undersöka gasbehovet och -produktionen från de tillgängliga substraten, ihop med en mer specifik plan för implementering och en kostnadsanalys. Genom att använda solenergi i elsystemet och producera biogas för matlagning kommer skolan att närma sig de Globala målen för hållbar utveckling om god hälsa och välbefinnande samt hållbar energi för alla studenter och lärare, som mål 3 och 7 strävar mot. (Less)
This master thesis is a case study of Tumaini Open School for pregnant and mothering students located in Tabora, Tanzania. Through the volunteer organisation Engineers Without Borders Sweden, the authors conducted a Minor Field Study to Tanzania in order to determine the requested electricity services, resulting electricity demand and maximum daily load profile for the school at full-scale operation. Furthermore, the electricity services were prioritised and used to construct three scenarios of electricity supply systems, containing off-grid solar energy in combination with main grid electricity, to be evaluated. Additionally, the feasibility of producing biogas for clean cooking was evaluated. The method included a literature study,... (More)
This master thesis is a case study of Tumaini Open School for pregnant and mothering students located in Tabora, Tanzania. Through the volunteer organisation Engineers Without Borders Sweden, the authors conducted a Minor Field Study to Tanzania in order to determine the requested electricity services, resulting electricity demand and maximum daily load profile for the school at full-scale operation. Furthermore, the electricity services were prioritised and used to construct three scenarios of electricity supply systems, containing off-grid solar energy in combination with main grid electricity, to be evaluated. Additionally, the feasibility of producing biogas for clean cooking was evaluated. The method included a literature study, interviews with students from the school and various experts, a survey for prioritising the electrical services, study visits to solar and biogas installations and general observations during the field study. Additionally, it included optimisation of the solar systems, calculations and cost analysis. The future required electricity services and electricity consumption will most likely differ from the estimated and is recommended to be adjusted (1) to avoid the low prioritised, high electricity demanding services, (2) to avoid high power peaks and (3) to adjust the load to fit the electricity production. The prioritisation of the electricity services resulted in the Automatically prioritised services followed by four priority steps, where priority step 1 contained the most important services and step 4 contained the least important services. From the assessed scenarios, Scenario 2 (where the Automatically prioritised services and step 1-2 is supplied by solar energy and step 3-4 by the main grid) was found to be the most appropriate electricity supply system for the school considering the techno-economical restrictions relative to which electricity service priority steps were fulfilled. It is recommended to further investigate the exact implementation and mounting location of the solar system. The possibility of producing biogas for cooking purposes is feasible for the school but requires the school to carefully consider and assess the planning of the biogas plants, choice of installers and the access to sufficient knowledge of the operation and maintenance as well as the social and environmental benefits of utilising biogas and digestate. It is recommended to further investigate the possible gas demand and production from the available substrates, along with a more specific implementation plan and cost analysis. By using solar energy in the electricity supply system and producing biogas for cooking purposes, the school will ensure its pursuit towards good health and well-being along with access to affordable and clean energy for every attending student and working teacher, as the Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 7 aspires towards. (Less)
Abstract (Uncoded languages)
Tasnifu hii ya uzamili ni utafiti mahususi uliofanywa kwenye Shule Huria ya wasichana wajawazito na wanafunzi wazazi ya Tumaini iliyopo mkoani Tabora, nchini Tanzania. Kupitia shirika la Wahandisi Wasio na Mipaka la nchini Sweden, waandishi wa tasnifu hii walifanya utafiti mdogo nchini Tanzania ili kubaini huduma za umeme zinazohitajiwa na shule ya Tumaini, kiwango cha mahitaji ya nishati ya umeme inayohitajika na kiwango cha juu cha nishati kwa siku wakati shule ikiwa kwenye uendeshaji kamili. Zaidi ya hayo, huduma za umeme zilichambuliwa kwa kuzingatia kipaumbele na vipaumbele vilitumika kuweka hali tatu ya mifumo ya usambazaji wa umeme inayojumuisha, mfumo huru wa nishati ya jua isiyo ya gridi ya taifa utakaofanya kazi sambamba na umeme... (More)
Tasnifu hii ya uzamili ni utafiti mahususi uliofanywa kwenye Shule Huria ya wasichana wajawazito na wanafunzi wazazi ya Tumaini iliyopo mkoani Tabora, nchini Tanzania. Kupitia shirika la Wahandisi Wasio na Mipaka la nchini Sweden, waandishi wa tasnifu hii walifanya utafiti mdogo nchini Tanzania ili kubaini huduma za umeme zinazohitajiwa na shule ya Tumaini, kiwango cha mahitaji ya nishati ya umeme inayohitajika na kiwango cha juu cha nishati kwa siku wakati shule ikiwa kwenye uendeshaji kamili. Zaidi ya hayo, huduma za umeme zilichambuliwa kwa kuzingatia kipaumbele na vipaumbele vilitumika kuweka hali tatu ya mifumo ya usambazaji wa umeme inayojumuisha, mfumo huru wa nishati ya jua isiyo ya gridi ya taifa utakaofanya kazi sambamba na umeme wa gridi kuu kutathminiwa. Pia, upembuzi yakinifu kuhusu uwezekano wa kuzalisha bayogesi safi kwa ajili ya kupikia ulitathminiwa. Mbinu zilizotumika katika utafiti huu zilijumuisha urejereaji wa tafiti zilizotangulia, mahojiano na wanafunzi wa shule ya Tumaini na wataalam mbalimbali, uchunguzi wa kuweka vipaumbele vya huduma za umeme, ziara za kitafiti kwenye mitambo ya nishati ya jua na bayogesi na uchunguzi wa jumla wakati wa utafiti wa nje ya darasani. Pia, ilijumuisha uboreshaji wa mifumo ya nishati ya jua, mahesabu na uchambuzi wa gharama. Huduma za umeme zinaohitajika katika siku za usoni na matumizi ya umeme yatatofautiana na makadirio yaliyopendekezwa hiyo watafiti wanapendekezwa yanyumbuliswe ili (i) kuepusha kuwekwa kwa vipaombele vya chini dhidi ya uzalishaji wa juu wa nishati, (2) kuepusha viwango vya juu vya nishati na (3) kuwianisha mzigo wa matumizi ya nishati na uzalishaji wa nishati. Uwekaji vipaumbele vya huduma za umeme ulisababisha vipaumbele vya huduma kujipanga vyevyewe kiotomatiki kwa kufuata hatua nne
za vipaumbele. Kutoka kwenye hali zilizotathminiwa kuhusu mifumo ya usambazaji wa umeme, hali namba 2 (ambayo ni kipaumbele cha huduma iliyowekwa kiotomatiki na hatua ya 1-2 inatolewa na nishati ya jua na hatua ya 3-4 inatolewa na gridi kuu) zilibainika kuwa mfumo unaofaa zaidi wa usambazaji wa umeme kwa shule kwa kuzingatia vikwazo vya teknolojia na kiuchumi kuhusiana na hatua za kipaumbele za huduma ya umeme ilifanikiwa. Inashauriwa kuchunguza zaidi kikamilifu utekelezaji na eneo la uwekaji mfumo wa nishati ya jua. Uwezekano wa kuzalisha bayogesi kwa madhumuni ya kupikia unawezekana kwa shule lakini inahitaji shule kuzingatia kwa makini na kutathmini mpango wa uwekaji wa mfumo wa bayogesi hiyo, uchaguji wa wafungaji wa mfumo huo na upatikanaji wa ujuzi wa kutosha wa uendeshaji na matengenezo ya mfumo pamoja na manufaa ya kijamii na kimazingira ya kutumia bayogesi na malighafi yake. Inapendekezwa kuchunguza zaidi mahitaji ya gesi na uzalishaji kutoka sabustrate zinazopatikana, pamoja na mpango mahususi zaidi wa utekelezaji na uchanganuzi wa gharama. Kwa kutumia nishati ya jua katika mfumo wa usambazaji wa umeme na kuzalisha bayogesi kwa madhumuni ya kupikia, shule itahakikisha jitihada zake za kuelekea afya njema na ustawi pamoja na upatikanaji nishati nafuu na safi kwa kila mwanafunzi anayehudhuria masomo na mwalimu anayefanya kazi, kwa kuzingatia ufikiwaji wa lengo namba 3 na 7 la Mpango wa Maendeleo Endelevu. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
  abstract     = {{This master thesis is a case study of Tumaini Open School for pregnant and mothering students located in Tabora, Tanzania. Through the volunteer organisation Engineers Without Borders Sweden, the authors conducted a Minor Field Study to Tanzania in order to determine the requested electricity services, resulting electricity demand and maximum daily load profile for the school at full-scale operation. Furthermore, the electricity services were prioritised and used to construct three scenarios of electricity supply systems, containing off-grid solar energy in combination with main grid electricity, to be evaluated. Additionally, the feasibility of producing biogas for clean cooking was evaluated. The method included a literature study, interviews with students from the school and various experts, a survey for prioritising the electrical services, study visits to solar and biogas installations and general observations during the field study. Additionally, it included optimisation of the solar systems, calculations and cost analysis. The future required electricity services and electricity consumption will most likely differ from the estimated and is recommended to be adjusted (1) to avoid the low prioritised, high electricity demanding services, (2) to avoid high power peaks and (3) to adjust the load to fit the electricity production. The prioritisation of the electricity services resulted in the Automatically prioritised services followed by four priority steps, where priority step 1 contained the most important services and step 4 contained the least important services. From the assessed scenarios, Scenario 2 (where the Automatically prioritised services and step 1-2 is supplied by solar energy and step 3-4 by the main grid) was found to be the most appropriate electricity supply system for the school considering the techno-economical restrictions relative to which electricity service priority steps were fulfilled. It is recommended to further investigate the exact implementation and mounting location of the solar system. The possibility of producing biogas for cooking purposes is feasible for the school but requires the school to carefully consider and assess the planning of the biogas plants, choice of installers and the access to sufficient knowledge of the operation and maintenance as well as the social and environmental benefits of utilising biogas and digestate. It is recommended to further investigate the possible gas demand and production from the available substrates, along with a more specific implementation plan and cost analysis. By using solar energy in the electricity supply system and producing biogas for cooking purposes, the school will ensure its pursuit towards good health and well-being along with access to affordable and clean energy for every attending student and working teacher, as the Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 7 aspires towards.}},
  author       = {{Prpic Vucenov, Martina and Magnusson Ericsson, Lovisa}},
  issn         = {{1102-3651}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{A techno-economical analysis of a solar PV system and a feasibility study for biogas production for cooking – A case study of the Tumaini Open School in Tanzania}},
  year         = {{2023}},