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En provocerande brottsbekämpning? – En rättslig analys av insatsen Trojan Shield och konsekvenserna för det internationella straffrättsliga samarbetet

Grgic, Amela LU (2023) JURM02 20232
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Brottsbekämpande myndigheter står inför allvarliga prövningar till följd av den gränsöverskridande organiserade brottsligheten. Detta har resulterat i en ambition om effektivisering av brottsbekämpningen, inte minst genom okonventionella utredningsmetoder som provokativa åtgärder. Betydelsen av det internationella straffrättsliga samarbetet har dessutom ökat. Brottsbekämpningen och samarbetet centreras ofta kring krypterade kommunikationstjänster, då dessa utgör ett viktigt brottsverktyg inom den organiserade brottsligheten. Insatsen Trojan Shield, som initierades och leddes av bland annat FBI men även Sverige, är ett exempel på ett gränsöverskridande straffrättsligt samarbete med ett stort positivt genomslag inom brottsbekämpningen. I... (More)
Brottsbekämpande myndigheter står inför allvarliga prövningar till följd av den gränsöverskridande organiserade brottsligheten. Detta har resulterat i en ambition om effektivisering av brottsbekämpningen, inte minst genom okonventionella utredningsmetoder som provokativa åtgärder. Betydelsen av det internationella straffrättsliga samarbetet har dessutom ökat. Brottsbekämpningen och samarbetet centreras ofta kring krypterade kommunikationstjänster, då dessa utgör ett viktigt brottsverktyg inom den organiserade brottsligheten. Insatsen Trojan Shield, som initierades och leddes av bland annat FBI men även Sverige, är ett exempel på ett gränsöverskridande straffrättsligt samarbete med ett stort positivt genomslag inom brottsbekämpningen. I samband med dess uppdagande aktualiserades en diskussion om dess förenlighet med svensk rätt, bland annat med hänsyn till huruvida insatsen utgjort brottsprovokation. Diskussionen ger upphov till funderingar kring hur väl det internationella straffrättsliga samarbetet fungerar i situationer där bevis upptas i ett land i enlighet med landets regelverk och praxis, och blir föremål för prövning i ett annat land med andra processuella förutsättningar.

I framställningen görs en undersökning av insatsen Trojan Shields genomförande för att utröna om det utgör brottsprovokation enligt svensk rätt. Därefter utreds om Trojan Shield synliggjort en brist i det gränsöverskridande straffrättsliga samarbetet, med fokus på mellanstatlig bevisupptagning. Framställningens syfte är att besvara om bristen resulterat i att grundläggande fri- och rättigheter inte tillvaratagits. För att uppnå detta har den rättsdogmatiska- och rättsanalytiska metoden använts, med inslag av den komparativa metoden. Besvarandet av frågeställningarna och syftet görs genom att söka fastställa en rättslig ram för vidtagande av provokativa åtgärder och dess rättsliga följder, trots avsaknad av lagstiftning. I framställningen behandlas därtill amerikansk rätt i relevanta delar, för att förstå Trojan Shields genomförande i en mellanstatlig kontext. Det görs konsekvent återkopplingar till den svenska rättstilllämpningens syn på aspekter av Trojan Shield som behandlas i uppsatsen. Framställningen skrivs i ljuset av den liberala rättssäkerhetsteorin, som betonar individens rättigheter i förhållande till statens maktutövning, och därmed sätter gränser för hur utredningsförfarandet mot den enskilde får genomföras.

Slutsatserna i framställningen är att Trojan Shield utgör en otillbörligt genomförd brottsprovokation enligt svensk rätt. Detta eftersom FBI möjliggjort den vidtagna brottsligheten genom tillhandahållandet av den krypterade kommunikationstjänsten Anom. Brottsprovokationen har varit otillbörlig i sitt genomförande då den inte vidtogs inom ramen för någon förundersökning eller till följd av konkreta brottsmisstankar. De formella reglerna vid fattande av beslut om provokativa åtgärder har inte heller beaktats. Trojan Shield initierades och vidtogs huvudsakligen från USA, där det finns en mer långtgående rätt att vidta provokativa åtgärder i underrättelseförfarandet. Detta har synliggjort en brist i det gränsöverskridande straffrättsliga samarbetet, i synnerhet beträffande mellanstatlig bevisupptagning, då ingripande amerikanska utredningsåtgärder har resulterat i fällande domar till följd av den svenska principen om fri bevisprövning. Detta har resulterat i att intresset för grundläggande fri- och rättigheter inte tillvaratagits. (Less)
Law enforcement authorities are facing serious challenges as a result of cross-border organized crime. This has resulted in an ambition to make law enforcement more effective, not least through unconventional investigative methods such as provocative measures. The importance of international criminal justice cooperation has also increased. Law enforcement and cooperation often focus on encrypted communication services, as these are an important criminal tool in organized crime. Operation Trojan Shield, which was initiated and led by the FBI, but also Sweden (among others), is an example off cross-border criminal law cooperation with major positive impact on law enforcement. In relation to its discovery, a discussion arose about its... (More)
Law enforcement authorities are facing serious challenges as a result of cross-border organized crime. This has resulted in an ambition to make law enforcement more effective, not least through unconventional investigative methods such as provocative measures. The importance of international criminal justice cooperation has also increased. Law enforcement and cooperation often focus on encrypted communication services, as these are an important criminal tool in organized crime. Operation Trojan Shield, which was initiated and led by the FBI, but also Sweden (among others), is an example off cross-border criminal law cooperation with major positive impact on law enforcement. In relation to its discovery, a discussion arose about its compatibility with Swedish law, including with regard to whether the operation constituted entrampent. The discussion raises questions about how well international criminal justice cooperation works in situations where evidence is gathered in one country in accordance with that country's regulations and practice, and is subject to judicial review in another country with different procedural conditions.

The submission examines the execution of Operation Trojan Shield to determine whether it constitutes a provocative measure under Swedish law. It then investigates whether Trojan Shield has revealed a deficiency in cross-border criminal justice cooperation, with focus on interstate evidence gathering. The purpose of the presentation is to answer whether the deficiency has resulted in fundamental rights and freedoms not being safeguarded. To achieve this, a legal dogmatic and legal analytical method has been used, with elements of the comparative method. The questions and objectives are answered by seeking to establish a legal framework for the adoption of provocative measures and their legal consequences, despite the absence of legislation. The presentation also describes the relevant aspects of US law, in order to understand the execution of Trojan Shield in an intergovernmental context. There is consistent reference to the Swedish legal practice's view of the aspects of Trojan Shield discussed in the paper. The paper is written in the light of the liberal theory of legal certainty, which emphasizes the rights of the individual in relation to the exercise of power by the state, and thus sets limits on how the investigation procedure against the individual may be carried out.

The conclusions of the submission are that Trojan Shield constitutes an improperly conducted criminal provocation under Swedish law. This is because the FBI made the crime possible by providing the encrypted communication service Anom. The criminal provocation has been unlawful in its execution as it was not carried out in the context of a preliminary investigation or as a result of concrete suspicions of crime. The formal rules for making a decision on provocative measures were also not complied with. Trojan Shield was initiated and conducted mainly from the United States, where there is a more extensive right to take provocative measures in the investigation process. This has highlighted a flaw in cross-border criminal justice cooperation, in particular with regard to interstate evidence gathering, as intrusive US investigative measures have resulted in convictions due to the Swedish principle of free examination of evidence. This has resulted in a failure to safeguard the interests of fundamental rights and freedoms. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Grgic, Amela LU
alternative title
A Provocative Law Enforcement Approach? – A legal analysis of Operation Trojan Shield and its impact on international criminal justice cooperation
JURM02 20232
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
komparativ rätt, straffrätt, processrätt
date added to LUP
2024-01-19 12:07:32
date last changed
2024-01-22 08:55:46
  abstract     = {{Law enforcement authorities are facing serious challenges as a result of cross-border organized crime. This has resulted in an ambition to make law enforcement more effective, not least through unconventional investigative methods such as provocative measures. The importance of international criminal justice cooperation has also increased. Law enforcement and cooperation often focus on encrypted communication services, as these are an important criminal tool in organized crime. Operation Trojan Shield, which was initiated and led by the FBI, but also Sweden (among others), is an example off cross-border criminal law cooperation with major positive impact on law enforcement. In relation to its discovery, a discussion arose about its compatibility with Swedish law, including with regard to whether the operation constituted entrampent. The discussion raises questions about how well international criminal justice cooperation works in situations where evidence is gathered in one country in accordance with that country's regulations and practice, and is subject to judicial review in another country with different procedural conditions.

The submission examines the execution of Operation Trojan Shield to determine whether it constitutes a provocative measure under Swedish law. It then investigates whether Trojan Shield has revealed a deficiency in cross-border criminal justice cooperation, with focus on interstate evidence gathering. The purpose of the presentation is to answer whether the deficiency has resulted in fundamental rights and freedoms not being safeguarded. To achieve this, a legal dogmatic and legal analytical method has been used, with elements of the comparative method. The questions and objectives are answered by seeking to establish a legal framework for the adoption of provocative measures and their legal consequences, despite the absence of legislation. The presentation also describes the relevant aspects of US law, in order to understand the execution of Trojan Shield in an intergovernmental context. There is consistent reference to the Swedish legal practice's view of the aspects of Trojan Shield discussed in the paper. The paper is written in the light of the liberal theory of legal certainty, which emphasizes the rights of the individual in relation to the exercise of power by the state, and thus sets limits on how the investigation procedure against the individual may be carried out.

The conclusions of the submission are that Trojan Shield constitutes an improperly conducted criminal provocation under Swedish law. This is because the FBI made the crime possible by providing the encrypted communication service Anom. The criminal provocation has been unlawful in its execution as it was not carried out in the context of a preliminary investigation or as a result of concrete suspicions of crime. The formal rules for making a decision on provocative measures were also not complied with. Trojan Shield was initiated and conducted mainly from the United States, where there is a more extensive right to take provocative measures in the investigation process. This has highlighted a flaw in cross-border criminal justice cooperation, in particular with regard to interstate evidence gathering, as intrusive US investigative measures have resulted in convictions due to the Swedish principle of free examination of evidence. This has resulted in a failure to safeguard the interests of fundamental rights and freedoms.}},
  author       = {{Grgic, Amela}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{En provocerande brottsbekämpning? – En rättslig analys av insatsen Trojan Shield och konsekvenserna för det internationella straffrättsliga samarbetet}},
  year         = {{2023}},