Common Factors i psykoterapi: Psykometrisk analys av ny mätskala
(2024) PSPR14 20232Department of Psychology
- Abstract
- Understanding what constitutes a positive outcome in psychotherapeutic treatment remains a challenge, whether attributed to Common Factors (CF) shared across therapies or specific therapeutic methods. The definition of CF varies and can be traced to all aspects of therapy, including patient and therapist factors and the process of change. This study, as part of the POSE-project, examined the psychometric properties of a newly developed rating scale, aimed to measure CF linked to therapist behavior, and consisted of 10 items including empathy, encouragement, and promotion of agency. Data was collected by assessing 40 therapy sessions, 20 PFPP (PDT) and 20 PCT (CBT), individually by two evaluators, from the project's database. The specific... (More)
- Understanding what constitutes a positive outcome in psychotherapeutic treatment remains a challenge, whether attributed to Common Factors (CF) shared across therapies or specific therapeutic methods. The definition of CF varies and can be traced to all aspects of therapy, including patient and therapist factors and the process of change. This study, as part of the POSE-project, examined the psychometric properties of a newly developed rating scale, aimed to measure CF linked to therapist behavior, and consisted of 10 items including empathy, encouragement, and promotion of agency. Data was collected by assessing 40 therapy sessions, 20 PFPP (PDT) and 20 PCT (CBT), individually by two evaluators, from the project's database. The specific factors were assessed using CPPS subscales for both groups. To investigate the scale's predictive validity, the study examined whether scores on the scale could predict outcomes measured in symptom severity (PDSS) at the end of treatment and at a 12-month follow-up. The scale achieved excellent inter-rater reliability ICC(2,1) .90. The scale was found to be related to the therapeutic alliance (measured with WAI) through a moderate correlation, r(38)=.58. Pearson’s correlation indicated a weak correlation between the CF-scale and method-specific elements. Multiple regression analyses showed that scores on the CF scale, along with symptom severity at the start of treatment, explained 28% of the variance in outcomes at the end of treatment. The scale was deemed to have good reliability and predictive validity, with some caution regarding the generalizability of results to other evaluators, therapists, and patient groups. (Less)
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Det finns till dags dato inget entydigt svar på vad som ger ett bra utfall i psykoterapeutisk behandling, faktorer som anses gemensamma för alla sorters terapi, så kallade Common Factors (CF) eller den specifika terapimetoden. Definitionen av CF varierar och kan härledas till alla delar av terapi såsom patientfaktorer, förändringsprocess och terapeutfaktorer. Som en del av POSE-projektet undersöktes i denna studie de psykometriska egenskaperna för en nyutvecklad skala som ämnar mäta CF kopplade till terapeutbeteende. Skalan består av 10 items, exempelvis empatiskt bemötande, uppmuntran och främjande av agens. Data samlades in genom skattning av 40 terapisessioner, 20 PFPP (PDT) och 20 PCT (KBT) av två bedömare individuellt, från projektets... (More)
- Det finns till dags dato inget entydigt svar på vad som ger ett bra utfall i psykoterapeutisk behandling, faktorer som anses gemensamma för alla sorters terapi, så kallade Common Factors (CF) eller den specifika terapimetoden. Definitionen av CF varierar och kan härledas till alla delar av terapi såsom patientfaktorer, förändringsprocess och terapeutfaktorer. Som en del av POSE-projektet undersöktes i denna studie de psykometriska egenskaperna för en nyutvecklad skala som ämnar mäta CF kopplade till terapeutbeteende. Skalan består av 10 items, exempelvis empatiskt bemötande, uppmuntran och främjande av agens. Data samlades in genom skattning av 40 terapisessioner, 20 PFPP (PDT) och 20 PCT (KBT) av två bedömare individuellt, från projektets databas. Specifik metod skattades med CPPS två delskalor för båda grupperna. För att undersöka skalans prediktiva validitet undersöktes om poäng på skalan kunde predicera utfall mätt i symtomgrad (PDSS) vid avslutning samt 12 månaders uppföljning. Skalan uppnådde en excellent interbedömarreliabilitet ICC(2,1).90 för hela skalan. Skalan befanns vara relaterad till allians (mätt med WAI) genom en måttlig korrelation, r(38)=.58. Produktmomentkorrelation visade på en svag korrelation mellan CF-skalan och metodspecifika inslag. Blockvisa multipla regressionsanalyser visade att poäng på CF-skalan tillsammans med symtomgrad vid behandlingsstart förklarade 28% av variansen i utfall vid avslutning. Skalans bedömdes ha en god reliabilitet och en god prediktiv validitet med viss försiktighet rörande generaliserbarhet av resultat över andra bedömare, terapeuter och patientgrupper. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Helmersson, Andreas LU and Levander, Mimmi LU
- supervisor
- Rolf Sandell LU
- Martin Svensson LU
- organization
- course
- PSPR14 20232
- year
- 2024
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Common Factors, psykoterapi, skattningsskala, psykometri, Psychotherapy, Rating Scale, Psychometrics
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9145210
- date added to LUP
- 2024-01-16 16:30:00
- date last changed
- 2024-01-16 16:30:00
@misc{9145210, abstract = {{Understanding what constitutes a positive outcome in psychotherapeutic treatment remains a challenge, whether attributed to Common Factors (CF) shared across therapies or specific therapeutic methods. The definition of CF varies and can be traced to all aspects of therapy, including patient and therapist factors and the process of change. This study, as part of the POSE-project, examined the psychometric properties of a newly developed rating scale, aimed to measure CF linked to therapist behavior, and consisted of 10 items including empathy, encouragement, and promotion of agency. Data was collected by assessing 40 therapy sessions, 20 PFPP (PDT) and 20 PCT (CBT), individually by two evaluators, from the project's database. The specific factors were assessed using CPPS subscales for both groups. To investigate the scale's predictive validity, the study examined whether scores on the scale could predict outcomes measured in symptom severity (PDSS) at the end of treatment and at a 12-month follow-up. The scale achieved excellent inter-rater reliability ICC(2,1) .90. The scale was found to be related to the therapeutic alliance (measured with WAI) through a moderate correlation, r(38)=.58. Pearson’s correlation indicated a weak correlation between the CF-scale and method-specific elements. Multiple regression analyses showed that scores on the CF scale, along with symptom severity at the start of treatment, explained 28% of the variance in outcomes at the end of treatment. The scale was deemed to have good reliability and predictive validity, with some caution regarding the generalizability of results to other evaluators, therapists, and patient groups.}}, author = {{Helmersson, Andreas and Levander, Mimmi}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Common Factors i psykoterapi: Psykometrisk analys av ny mätskala}}, year = {{2024}}, }