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Skiljeklausulens rättsliga gråzon – En undersökning av skiljebundenhetens omfattning i ljuset av NJA 2023 s. 437 "Husqvarnas skiljeavtal"

Jonsson, Wilma LU (2024) JURM02 20241
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I svensk rätt jämställs skiljeförfarandet med domstolsförfarandet och utgör det enda alternativ som också resulterar i en exigibel dom med rättskraft. Ett avtal om skiljeförfarande utgör ett rättegångshinder under förutsättning att det åberopas inför domstol. Om den fråga som anhängiggörs emellertid faller utanför skiljeavtalets tillämpningsområde saknar skiljenämnden behörighet att uppta frågan till prövning. Skiljeavtalets räckvidd får härigenom en avgörande betydelse för huruvida en viss tvistefråga ska prövas av skiljenämnd eller allmän domstol.

Mellan två kommersiella parter regleras ofta parternas affärsrelation i flera sammanhängande avtal. Inte sällan händer det att bara ett av dess avtal har försetts med en skiljeklausul.... (More)
I svensk rätt jämställs skiljeförfarandet med domstolsförfarandet och utgör det enda alternativ som också resulterar i en exigibel dom med rättskraft. Ett avtal om skiljeförfarande utgör ett rättegångshinder under förutsättning att det åberopas inför domstol. Om den fråga som anhängiggörs emellertid faller utanför skiljeavtalets tillämpningsområde saknar skiljenämnden behörighet att uppta frågan till prövning. Skiljeavtalets räckvidd får härigenom en avgörande betydelse för huruvida en viss tvistefråga ska prövas av skiljenämnd eller allmän domstol.

Mellan två kommersiella parter regleras ofta parternas affärsrelation i flera sammanhängande avtal. Inte sällan händer det att bara ett av dess avtal har försetts med en skiljeklausul. Uppkommer det då en tvist, vilken inte grundas direkt på det avtal innehållande skiljeklausulen, är det oklart under vilka förutsättningar tvisten i fråga omfattas av skiljeavtalet. Denna uppsats ämnar besvara hur skiljeavtalets omfattning ska bedömas i en sådan situation, både vid en skiljenämnds prövning av sin egen behörighet och vid allmän domstols hindersprövning.

Uppsatsen utgår från en rättsdogmatisk metod där de traditionella rättskällorna ligger till grund för arbetets redogörelse och diskussion. Härigenom fastställs den gällande rätten avseende skiljeavtalets processhindrande effekt, beståndsdelarna i avtalstolkningen och bedömningen av ett skiljeavtals omfattning, behörighetsprövningen och överprövningen i skiljenämnd respektive allmän domstol, samt internationell skiljedomsrätts inverkan på den svenska rätten. Efter en redogörelse av de för uppsatsen relevanta rättsliga utgångspunkterna redovisas och analyseras relevanta prejudikat från Högsta domstolen. Högsta domstolens meddelade avgöranden avseende ett skiljeavtals omfattning har under de senaste åren varit motstridiga, bland annat därför att olika intressen tillmätts olika betydelse. Dessa har diskuterats i Högsta domstolens prejudikat samt i den juridiska litteraturen och består av totalt tre intressen: ett rättssäkerhetsintresse, ett processekonomiskt intresse, samt ett internationellt intresse.

På grund av den inkonsekventa rättspraxisen från Högsta domstolen finns det flera oklarheter om hur det nuvarande rättsläget bör tolkas. Uppsatsen syftar till att fastställa den gällande rätten genom en analys av de intressen som tillmätts betydelse i domstolen. I analysen noteras att det nuvarande rättsläget troligen utvecklas mot en mer extensiv riktning än tidigare. Detta baseras på att Högsta domstolen i NJA 2019 s. 171 ”Belgor” samt NJA 2023 s. 437 "Husqvarnas skiljeavtal” betonat det internationella intresset vid tolkning av det så kallade identifieringskravet i 1 § lagen (1999:116) om skiljeförfarande. Sammantaget är slutsatsen att Högsta domstolen fortsättningsvis bör tillmäta större betydelse åt det internationella intresset, vari även det processekonomiska intresset inbegrips, eftersom en sådan ordning resulterar i en nationell rätt som står i överensstämmelse med internationell skiljedomsrätt och Sveriges konventionsåtaganden.

Baserat på en diskussion av de presenterade intressena föreslås även en mer generös tillämpning av den så kallade anknytningsdoktrinen. Det medför att en skiljeklausul i ett avtal bör kunna tillämpas på tvister som härrör från andra sammanhängande avtal. Eftersom parterna i de flesta fall, när de ingår skiljeavtal, avser att lösa samtliga tvister mellan dem genom skiljeförfarande, gynnar en generös tillämpning av doktrinen deras intressen i högre grad än en restriktiv tillämpning. (Less)
In Swedish law, arbitration is treated as equivalent to general court proceedings and is the only alternative that also results in an enforceable judgment with binding effect. An arbitration agreement constitutes a procedural impediment provided that it is invoked in court. However, if the issue raised falls outside the scope of the arbitration agreement, the arbitral tribunal will not be qualified to review the matter. The scope of the arbitration agreement thus has a decisive impact on whether a particular dispute should be tried by arbitration or a judicial proceeding.

The business relationship between two commercial parties is often governed by multiple contracts. Often, only one of these contracts includes an arbitration clause.... (More)
In Swedish law, arbitration is treated as equivalent to general court proceedings and is the only alternative that also results in an enforceable judgment with binding effect. An arbitration agreement constitutes a procedural impediment provided that it is invoked in court. However, if the issue raised falls outside the scope of the arbitration agreement, the arbitral tribunal will not be qualified to review the matter. The scope of the arbitration agreement thus has a decisive impact on whether a particular dispute should be tried by arbitration or a judicial proceeding.

The business relationship between two commercial parties is often governed by multiple contracts. Often, only one of these contracts includes an arbitration clause. If a dispute arises which is not directly based on the agreement containing the arbitration clause, it is uncertain under what circumstances the dispute in question is covered by the clause. This paper aims to assess the scope of the arbitration agreement in such situations, whether in the arbitral tribunal's review of its own jurisdiction or in a general court's review of procedural impediments.

The thesis adopts a ‘legal dogmatic method’, relying on traditional legal sources as the foundation for its presentation and discussion. Through this approach, it establishes the current law concerning various aspects, such as the arbitration agreement’s effect as a procedural impediment, elements of contract interpretation, assessment of the scope of an arbitration agreement, the examination of jurisdiction and review in the arbitral tribunal and the general court, and the influence of international arbitration law in Swedish law. Following an overview of pertinent legal principles relevant to the thesis, notable precedents from the Supreme Court are introduced and examined. In recent years, the Supreme Court's decisions regarding the scope of an arbitration agreement have been contradictory, partly because different interests have been prioritized differently. These interests, deliberated within both Supreme Court precedents and legal literature, encompass three primary concerns: the imperative of legal certainty, the optimization of procedural efficiency, and the consideration of international implications.

Due to the inconsistent jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, there are several ambiguities as to how the current legal situation should be interpreted. This paper aims to determine the current law by analysing the interests that have been deemed important by the Court. The analysis notes that the current legal situation is likely to develop in a more extensive direction than before. This is based on the fact that the Supreme Court in NJA 2019 p. 171 ‘Belgor’ and NJA 2023 p. 437 ‘Husqvarnas skiljeavtal’ emphasized the international interest when interpreting the so-called identification requirement in Section 1 of the Arbitration Act (1999:116). The overall conclusion is that the Supreme Court should continue to attach greater importance to the international interest, which also includes the procedural efficiency interest, since such a system results in a national law that is in accordance with international arbitration law and Sweden's convention obligations.

Based on a discussion of the interests presented, a more generous application of the ‘doctrine of connection’ is also proposed. An extensive application of the doctrine of connection entails that an arbitration clause in one contract should be applicable to disputes arising from other connecting contracts. Since in most cases, when parties enter into arbitration agreements, they intend to resolve all disputes between them by arbitration. A generous application of the doctrine therefore favours their interests more than a restrictive application. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Jonsson, Wilma LU
alternative title
The Legal Grey Area of Arbitration Clauses – An Examination of the Scope of Arbitration Agreements following NJA 2023 p. 437 'Husqvarnas skiljeavtal'
JURM02 20241
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
civilrätt, processrätt, skiljeförfarande, skiljedomsrätt, civilprocessrätt, skiljeavtalets omfattning
date added to LUP
2024-06-12 08:16:54
date last changed
2024-06-12 08:16:54
  abstract     = {{In Swedish law, arbitration is treated as equivalent to general court proceedings and is the only alternative that also results in an enforceable judgment with binding effect. An arbitration agreement constitutes a procedural impediment provided that it is invoked in court. However, if the issue raised falls outside the scope of the arbitration agreement, the arbitral tribunal will not be qualified to review the matter. The scope of the arbitration agreement thus has a decisive impact on whether a particular dispute should be tried by arbitration or a judicial proceeding. 

The business relationship between two commercial parties is often governed by multiple contracts. Often, only one of these contracts includes an arbitration clause. If a dispute arises which is not directly based on the agreement containing the arbitration clause, it is uncertain under what circumstances the dispute in question is covered by the clause. This paper aims to assess the scope of the arbitration agreement in such situations, whether in the arbitral tribunal's review of its own jurisdiction or in a general court's review of procedural impediments.

The thesis adopts a ‘legal dogmatic method’, relying on traditional legal sources as the foundation for its presentation and discussion. Through this approach, it establishes the current law concerning various aspects, such as the arbitration agreement’s effect as a procedural impediment, elements of contract interpretation, assessment of the scope of an arbitration agreement, the examination of jurisdiction and review in the arbitral tribunal and the general court, and the influence of international arbitration law in Swedish law. Following an overview of pertinent legal principles relevant to the thesis, notable precedents from the Supreme Court are introduced and examined. In recent years, the Supreme Court's decisions regarding the scope of an arbitration agreement have been contradictory, partly because different interests have been prioritized differently. These interests, deliberated within both Supreme Court precedents and legal literature, encompass three primary concerns: the imperative of legal certainty, the optimization of procedural efficiency, and the consideration of international implications.

Due to the inconsistent jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, there are several ambiguities as to how the current legal situation should be interpreted. This paper aims to determine the current law by analysing the interests that have been deemed important by the Court. The analysis notes that the current legal situation is likely to develop in a more extensive direction than before. This is based on the fact that the Supreme Court in NJA 2019 p. 171 ‘Belgor’ and NJA 2023 p. 437 ‘Husqvarnas skiljeavtal’ emphasized the international interest when interpreting the so-called identification requirement in Section 1 of the Arbitration Act (1999:116). The overall conclusion is that the Supreme Court should continue to attach greater importance to the international interest, which also includes the procedural efficiency interest, since such a system results in a national law that is in accordance with international arbitration law and Sweden's convention obligations.

Based on a discussion of the interests presented, a more generous application of the ‘doctrine of connection’ is also proposed. An extensive application of the doctrine of connection entails that an arbitration clause in one contract should be applicable to disputes arising from other connecting contracts. Since in most cases, when parties enter into arbitration agreements, they intend to resolve all disputes between them by arbitration. A generous application of the doctrine therefore favours their interests more than a restrictive application.}},
  author       = {{Jonsson, Wilma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Skiljeklausulens rättsliga gråzon – En undersökning av skiljebundenhetens omfattning i ljuset av NJA 2023 s. 437 "Husqvarnas skiljeavtal"}},
  year         = {{2024}},