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Sekretess i rättstvister Om informationsskyldigheten och sekretess mel-lan myndigheter

Dolff, Agnes LU (2024) LAGF03 20241
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsens syfte är att klargöra betydelsen av den allmänna samverkansskyl-digheten inom ramen för rättstvister mellan myndigheter. För att uppnå detta syfte används en kritisk rättsdogmatisk metod.
Informationsskyldigheten följer av 6 kap. 5 § OSL och är en precisering av den bredare allmänna samverkansskyldigheten i 8 § FL. I förhållande till de skyldigheter som åvilar staten under offentlighetsprincipen innebär informat-ionsskyldigheten mer långtgående förpliktelser. Detta eftersom skyldigheten omfattar uppgifter – inte handlingar. Centralt för informationsskyldighetens innebörd och begränsningar är de allmänna bestämmelser som reglerar in-formationsutbytet mellan myndigheter i offentlighets- och sekretesslagen. Av... (More)
Uppsatsens syfte är att klargöra betydelsen av den allmänna samverkansskyl-digheten inom ramen för rättstvister mellan myndigheter. För att uppnå detta syfte används en kritisk rättsdogmatisk metod.
Informationsskyldigheten följer av 6 kap. 5 § OSL och är en precisering av den bredare allmänna samverkansskyldigheten i 8 § FL. I förhållande till de skyldigheter som åvilar staten under offentlighetsprincipen innebär informat-ionsskyldigheten mer långtgående förpliktelser. Detta eftersom skyldigheten omfattar uppgifter – inte handlingar. Centralt för informationsskyldighetens innebörd och begränsningar är de allmänna bestämmelser som reglerar in-formationsutbytet mellan myndigheter i offentlighets- och sekretesslagen. Av särskild vikt är regleringen av överföring av sekretess mellan myndigheter. Även de specifika regler för sekretess i rättstvister och i vilka fall undantag från informationsskyldigheten kan bli aktuella är av betydelse.
Mot bakgrund av att samverkansskyldighetens syfte är att möjliggöra en ef-fektiv och rättssäker förvaltning av det offentliga blir de motstridiga intressen som uppstår när en myndighet å ena sidan är skyldig att lämna ut information men å andra sidan behöver skydda sina intressen som part i en rättstvist av rättsfallet HFD 2023 ref. 40. För att, oavsett partens rättsliga status, uppnå en samstämmighet gällande möjligheten av informationsanskaffning i dispositiva tvistemål bör innebörden rekvisiten i 19 kap. 9 § OSL ses över. (Less)
This thesis aims to clarify the significance of the general duty of cooperation in the context of civil litigation between authorities. A critical legal dogmatic method is utilized to achieve this purpose.
The duty to provide information on request as outlined in Chapter 6, Section 5 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2209:400), also known as OSL, specifies the broader general duty of cooperation according to Sec-tion 8 of the Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900), known as FL. The obligations imposed on the state under the principle of public access according to the Freedom of the Press Act (1949:105), are compared to the duty to pro-vide information, less extensive burdens. The principle of public access... (More)
This thesis aims to clarify the significance of the general duty of cooperation in the context of civil litigation between authorities. A critical legal dogmatic method is utilized to achieve this purpose.
The duty to provide information on request as outlined in Chapter 6, Section 5 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2209:400), also known as OSL, specifies the broader general duty of cooperation according to Sec-tion 8 of the Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900), known as FL. The obligations imposed on the state under the principle of public access according to the Freedom of the Press Act (1949:105), are compared to the duty to pro-vide information, less extensive burdens. The principle of public access only applies to public documents, whereas the duty to provide information applies to information stored by authorities. The general provisions that regulate the exchange of information between authorities according to OSL are essential for understanding the scope and limitations of the duty to provide information. Of particular importance is the regulation set out by OSL. The provisions re-garding secrecy for information related to ongoing litigation, and those cir-cumstances under which exceptions may be made, are also of significance.
Considering the opposing interests that arise when authorities are obligated to disclose information while also protecting their interests as a party to a civil dispute, the purpose of the duty of cooperation—to ensure effective public administration while upholding the rule of law—seems contrary. This dis-crepancy is also visible in the Supreme Administrative Court (“HFD”) ruling HFD 2023 ref. 40. In order to achieve conformity, regardless of the party's legal status, between the ability to obtain information in civil disputes, the rules governing secrecy of information relating to litigations in OSL should be reviewed. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Dolff, Agnes LU
LAGF03 20241
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Förvaltningsrätt, Offentlig rätt, Sekretess
date added to LUP
2024-09-27 14:41:45
date last changed
2024-09-27 14:41:45
  abstract     = {{Summary
This thesis aims to clarify the significance of the general duty of cooperation in the context of civil litigation between authorities. A critical legal dogmatic method is utilized to achieve this purpose.
The duty to provide information on request as outlined in Chapter 6, Section 5 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2209:400), also known as OSL, specifies the broader general duty of cooperation according to Sec-tion 8 of the Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900), known as FL. The obligations imposed on the state under the principle of public access according to the Freedom of the Press Act (1949:105), are compared to the duty to pro-vide information, less extensive burdens. The principle of public access only applies to public documents, whereas the duty to provide information applies to information stored by authorities. The general provisions that regulate the exchange of information between authorities according to OSL are essential for understanding the scope and limitations of the duty to provide information. Of particular importance is the regulation set out by OSL. The provisions re-garding secrecy for information related to ongoing litigation, and those cir-cumstances under which exceptions may be made, are also of significance.
Considering the opposing interests that arise when authorities are obligated to disclose information while also protecting their interests as a party to a civil dispute, the purpose of the duty of cooperation—to ensure effective public administration while upholding the rule of law—seems contrary. This dis-crepancy is also visible in the Supreme Administrative Court (“HFD”) ruling HFD 2023 ref. 40. In order to achieve conformity, regardless of the party's legal status, between the ability to obtain information in civil disputes, the rules governing secrecy of information relating to litigations in OSL should be reviewed.}},
  author       = {{Dolff, Agnes}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Sekretess i rättstvister Om informationsskyldigheten och sekretess mel-lan myndigheter}},
  year         = {{2024}},