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Press- och yttrandefriheten i Sverige i relation till nya utlandsspionerilagen - När mänskliga rättigheter riskerar att bli förhandlingsbara

Duhs, Alice LU (2024) MRSK62 20241
Human Rights Studies
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera hur partier i Sveriges riksdag år 2022 debatterade kring lagförslaget om en ny utlandsspionerilag i Sverige. Relevansen av denna undersökning motiveras med bakgrund mot den globala trend som visats ske på internationell nivå angående att stater och aktörer med liknande makt begränsar yttrande- och pressfrihet. Med detta som bas och ramverk diskuteras dessutom vilka följder det kan få för urholkandet av mänskliga rättigheter. Samt hur mänskliga rättigheter riskerar att bli förhandlingsbara på den politiska arenan när makthavare motiverar sina beslut och nya lagförslag med att det är för att skapa ett skydd mot de existerande säkerhetshoten. Det är med hjälp av metoden narrativanalys och teorin om... (More)
Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera hur partier i Sveriges riksdag år 2022 debatterade kring lagförslaget om en ny utlandsspionerilag i Sverige. Relevansen av denna undersökning motiveras med bakgrund mot den globala trend som visats ske på internationell nivå angående att stater och aktörer med liknande makt begränsar yttrande- och pressfrihet. Med detta som bas och ramverk diskuteras dessutom vilka följder det kan få för urholkandet av mänskliga rättigheter. Samt hur mänskliga rättigheter riskerar att bli förhandlingsbara på den politiska arenan när makthavare motiverar sina beslut och nya lagförslag med att det är för att skapa ett skydd mot de existerande säkerhetshoten. Det är med hjälp av metoden narrativanalys och teorin om säkerhetisering som uppsatsen besvarar frågeställningen om hur lagändringen om utlandsspioneri växte fram i riksdagsdebatterna 2022 och utvecklade olika narrativ med utgångspunkt från en möjlig säkerhetiseringsagenda. Analysen av det utvalda primärmaterialet som är avgränsat till två riksdagsdebatter resulterade i observationer av olika huvudteman och nyckelnarrativ som refererar till exempelvis nationell säkerhet, säkerhetshot, informationsspridning och mänskliga rättigheter. Vidare diskussion om narrativ och uppfattningar av vad som anses vara ett säkerhetshot, sammanlänkas även med tidigare forskning inom området. Slutsatserna formulerades utifrån upptäckterna om partipolitikernas narrativa strategier i debatterna. (Less)
Press and freedom of expression in Sweden in relation to the new Foreign Espionage Act - When human rights risk becoming negotiable.

The essay aims to analyze how parties in Sweden's Parliament in 2022 debated the bill for a new foreign espionage law in Sweden. The relevance of this analysis is justified against the background of the global trend that has been shown to take place at the international level regarding states and actors with similar power restricting freedom of speech and press. With this as a base and framework, it is also discussed what consequences it may receive for the restriction of human rights. As well as how human rights risk becoming negotiable in the political arena when those in power justify their decisions... (More)
Press and freedom of expression in Sweden in relation to the new Foreign Espionage Act - When human rights risk becoming negotiable.

The essay aims to analyze how parties in Sweden's Parliament in 2022 debated the bill for a new foreign espionage law in Sweden. The relevance of this analysis is justified against the background of the global trend that has been shown to take place at the international level regarding states and actors with similar power restricting freedom of speech and press. With this as a base and framework, it is also discussed what consequences it may receive for the restriction of human rights. As well as how human rights risk becoming negotiable in the political arena when those in power justify their decisions and new bills by pointing out that it is to create protection against the existing security threats. It is with help of the narrative analysis method and the theory of securitization that the essay answers the question of how the amendment to the law on foreign espionage emerged in the 2022 parliamentary debates, and developed different narratives based on a possible securitization agenda. The analysis of the selected primary material, which is limited to two parliamentary debates, resulted in observations of various main themes and key narratives that refer to for example national security, security threats, information dissemination and human rights. Further discussion of narratives and perceptions of what is considered a security threat is also linked to previous research in the field. The conclusions were formulated based on the findings about the party politicians' narrative strategies in the debates. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Duhs, Alice LU
MRSK62 20241
M2 - Bachelor Degree
mänskliga rättigheter, politiska debatter, Sverige, utlandsspioneri, narrativ, säkerhetisering, säkerhetshot, opinionsbildning, media.
date added to LUP
2024-09-17 14:16:52
date last changed
2024-09-17 14:16:52
  abstract     = {{Press and freedom of expression in Sweden in relation to the new Foreign Espionage Act - When human rights risk becoming negotiable.

The essay aims to analyze how parties in Sweden's Parliament in 2022 debated the bill for a new foreign espionage law in Sweden. The relevance of this analysis is justified against the background of the global trend that has been shown to take place at the international level regarding states and actors with similar power restricting freedom of speech and press. With this as a base and framework, it is also discussed what consequences it may receive for the restriction of human rights. As well as how human rights risk becoming negotiable in the political arena when those in power justify their decisions and new bills by pointing out that it is to create protection against the existing security threats. It is with help of the narrative analysis method and the theory of securitization that the essay answers the question of how the amendment to the law on foreign espionage emerged in the 2022 parliamentary debates, and developed different narratives based on a possible securitization agenda. The analysis of the selected primary material, which is limited to two parliamentary debates, resulted in observations of various main themes and key narratives that refer to for example national security, security threats, information dissemination and human rights. Further discussion of narratives and perceptions of what is considered a security threat is also linked to previous research in the field. The conclusions were formulated based on the findings about the party politicians' narrative strategies in the debates.}},
  author       = {{Duhs, Alice}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Press- och yttrandefriheten i Sverige i relation till nya utlandsspionerilagen - När mänskliga rättigheter riskerar att bli förhandlingsbara}},
  year         = {{2024}},