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LUP Student Papers


50-talshus: Renovera eller bygga nytt?

Aurell, Elin LU and Börjesson, Ludwig LU (2024) In TVIT-5000 ABKL05 20241
Division of Building Services
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna studie undersöker och besvarar huruvida det är mer värt ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv att renovera ett 50-talshus i originalskick än att bygga ett nytt hus när samma krav på inomhusmiljö ställs. Kraven ställs främst på luftkvalitén, men gäller även värmedistribution och levnadssätt. För att få en generell bild och ett resultat som kan användas i övergripande sammanhang har två alternativa utformningar på 50-talshus jämförts med två nybyggda hus, varav det ena representerar en rak jämförelse, som innebär ett plan på 85 kvadratmeter med 85 kvadratmeters källare där enbart 40 kvadratmeter nyttjas till bostadsarea, och det andra är den mer sannolika utformningen för hur man hade byggt idag. Dessa hus har sedan simulerats i VIP Energy och... (More)
Denna studie undersöker och besvarar huruvida det är mer värt ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv att renovera ett 50-talshus i originalskick än att bygga ett nytt hus när samma krav på inomhusmiljö ställs. Kraven ställs främst på luftkvalitén, men gäller även värmedistribution och levnadssätt. För att få en generell bild och ett resultat som kan användas i övergripande sammanhang har två alternativa utformningar på 50-talshus jämförts med två nybyggda hus, varav det ena representerar en rak jämförelse, som innebär ett plan på 85 kvadratmeter med 85 kvadratmeters källare där enbart 40 kvadratmeter nyttjas till bostadsarea, och det andra är den mer sannolika utformningen för hur man hade byggt idag. Dessa hus har sedan simulerats i VIP Energy och där placerats i 4 olika orter, nämligen Malmö, Stockholm, Östersund och Jokkmokk. Dessa 4 orter har valts dels för att de alla är benägna så att en stor yta av Sverige går att få en bild av, men även då de tillhör varsitt elområde.

De två 50-tals typhusen togs fram genom en undersökning av ca 15 befintliga 50-talshus från Lunds stadsarkiv, där vardera hus har jämförts med varandra och det överrepresenterade i fråga om skikt och konstruktion, storlek och utformning har byggt de två typhusen. Eftersom hus med lättbetongstomme var nästan lika vanligt förekommande som hus med träregelstomme, gjordes valet att skapa två typhus. Det som undersökningen karaktäriserade för 50-talshus kunde sedan styrkas av genomförd litteraturstudie.

De nybyggda typhusen togs fram genom litteraturstudien. Det ena av de nybyggda typhusen utformades efter 50-tals typhuset i fråga om storlek och form, det vill säga en rak jämförelse med undantag för skikten och materialvalen som togs fram med hjälp av litteraturstudien. Exempelvis att man isolerar mer idag och använder andra material. Det andra är en mer sannolik utformning av hur ett nybyggt hus med samma användningssyfte hade sett ut idag. Ett exempel är att detta typhus utformades utan källare, då detta är ovanligt att bygga i nutid.

Eftersom det är ca 70 år sedan 50-tals husen uppfördes är det dags att se över skicket för villorna. Det är därför i samhällets intresse att dessa villor renoveras med hållbarhetstänk i fokus. Denna studies resultat visar att det är fullt genomförbart att helrenovera 50-talshus för att närma sig nybyggd standard avseende på energiförbrukning och Umed. Detta är inte endast försvarbart från miljösynpunkt utan resultaten visar att även från det ekonomiska perspektivet är det försvarbart. Detta eftersom en totalrenovering där energioptimering är målet är betydligt billigare än att bygga nytt. Gällande levnadslängd på renoverade byggdelar har det nybyggda alternativet fördel just för att det inte går att säga hur länge delvis eller helrenoverade byggdelar håller. Med det sagt har litteraturstudien visat att med konsekvent och korrekt utfört underhåll kan byggnadsdelar hålla långt längre än den uppskattade tiden.

En tidigare rapport med liknande ämne, gav resultat som har använts för att identifiera de mest effektiva förbättringsåtgärderna. Dessa åtgärder är tilläggsisolering av såväl yttervägg som vindsbjälklag, byte av fönster och dörrar och installation av ett frånluftsvärmepump-system eller någon annan variant av värmepump. Resultatet av simuleringarna gav ett svar i kWh/kvm och år som sedan har använts för att ge ett procentuellt förbättringsvärde för respektive åtgärd samt för totalrenovering.

Kostnad för respektive åtgärd och ett totalpris för en helrenovering har tagits fram och likaså har kostnad för de nybyggda typhusen tagits fram. För att kunna beräkna detta har det initialt bestämts ett årsmedelpris för rörligt elpris sett över de senaste 5 åren för vardera elområde. Vid sammanställandet av jämförelsen har det även beräknats återbetalningstid. Detta för att tydligt kunna motivera vilka åtgärder och val som är ekonomiskt försvarbara.

Samhället fortsätter sträva mot en hållbar utveckling och med rätt tillvägagångssätt kan hela samhället dra nytta av att befolkningen genomför energieffektiviserande åtgärder på sina hus, inte minst sett till nutidens lågkonjunktur. De höga elpriserna och inflationen som lett till prishöjningar av tjänster och varor har lett till att det svenska folket håller hårt i pengarna. Ett sätt att komma ur den ekonomiska svackan är att minska sina boendekostnader. För att minska dessa utgifter kan det vara en god idé att genomföra en energioptimering av sitt boende. Denna studie har konstaterat att det optimala sättet att energieffektivisera sitt hus är att först studera utgångsläget och identifiera var energiförlusterna sker. När denna analys är klar bör klimatskalet åtgärdas utifrån det första steget. I denna studies resultat syns det tydligt hur de två olika alternativen av 50-talshus är i olika stort behov av de olika förbättringsåtgärderna. Det är därför inte självklart exakt var fokus ska läggas förrän en noggrann koll av utgångsläget är gjord. Därefter bör ett mekaniskt ventilationssystem installeras då täta hus utan ventilation inte har någon god luftkvalitet inomhus. I denna studie har ett mekaniskt ventilationssystem kombinerat med en frånluftsvärmepump använts för att ge optimal energibesparing. Resultatet visar även att detta kombinerade system ger den största procentuella energibesparingen sett över alla orter och utformningar av hus. Detta då energiförlusterna i ventilationen blir betydligt mindre eftersom frånluftsvärmepumpen återvinner stor del av värmen i den redan uppvärmda inomhusluften som ska lämna huset. Slutligen är det av intresse att undersöka möjligheten till egenproducerad energi genom solenergi. Med rätt förutsättningar avseende orientering och läge kan solenergin förse delar av, eller hela huset med förnybar energi. (Less)
This study examines and answers whether it is more profitable from a financial point of view to renovate a 1950s house in its original condition than to build a new house when the same requirements are made regarding the indoor environment. The demands are primarily set on the air quality, but they also apply to heat distribution and lifestyle/usage. In order to get the big picture and a result which could be used in a general matter, two alternatives of houses from the 1950s have been compared with two newbuilds, one of which represents a direct comparison, and the other is the more likely way of how it would have been built today. Furthermore, these houses have then been simulated in VIP Energy and placed at 4 different locations, these... (More)
This study examines and answers whether it is more profitable from a financial point of view to renovate a 1950s house in its original condition than to build a new house when the same requirements are made regarding the indoor environment. The demands are primarily set on the air quality, but they also apply to heat distribution and lifestyle/usage. In order to get the big picture and a result which could be used in a general matter, two alternatives of houses from the 1950s have been compared with two newbuilds, one of which represents a direct comparison, and the other is the more likely way of how it would have been built today. Furthermore, these houses have then been simulated in VIP Energy and placed at 4 different locations, these are Malmö, Stockholm, Östersund and Jokkmokk. These 4 locations have been chosen partly because combined they cover a large area of Sweden, but also because they each belong to a different electricity-area.

The two typical houses from the 1950s were created through an analysis of about 15 already existing houses from the 1950s from Lund's city archives, where each house was compared with each other and that which agreed with the majority in terms of materials, depths and construction built the two typical houses. Since houses with a concrete frame were almost as common as houses with a wooden frame, the choice was made to create two alternate types of houses. What the analysis characterized for houses from the 1950s could then be confirmed by a literature study.

The new build type houses were developed through a literature study. One of the new-build typical houses was developed with the typical house of the 1950s as a mold in terms of size and shape, this so that a direct comparison could be made with the exception of the material choices and depths’ which instead followed modern day standards that the literature study gave. For example, in modern day we insulate way more and use other materials. The second newbuild is a more likely formation of how a newly built house with the same purpose in terms of usage would have been built today. An example is that this typical house was designed without a basement, as this is seemingly unusual nowadays.

Since it’s been about 70 years since the houses of the 1950s were built, it is about time to review the condition of the buildings. It is therefore in society's best interest that these villas are renovated with sustainability in mind. The results of this study showcases that it is completely feasible to make a total renovation of a 1950s house to a newly built standard regarding energy consumption and Umed. This is not only defensible from an environmental point of view, since the results show that it is also justifyable from an economical perspective. This, because a complete renovation where energy motivated optimization is the goal is significantly cheaper than building a new house. Regarding the lifespan of renovated building components, the newly built option has an advantage since it’s not possible to calculate exactly how long partially or completely renovated building components will last. Even if you did, the calculations would not be reliable. With that being said, the literature review has shown that with consistent and properly performed maintenance, building components can last far longer than the estimated time.

A previous report with a similar subject gave results that have been used to identify the most effective improvement measures. These measures are additional insulation of facade and attic joists, new windows and doors and installation of an exhaust air heat pump system or some other kind of heat pump. The result of the simulations gave an answer in kWh/sqm and year, which has then been used to give a percentage improvement value for each measure as well as for a total renovation.

Cost breakdowns for each measure and an overall price for a complete renovation have been calculated, and likewise the cost breakdowns for the newly built type houses. In order to be able to calculate this, an annual average price has initially been determined for variable electricity prices over the last 5 years for each electricity-area. When compiling the comparison, the repayment period has also been calculated, this in order to be able to clearly justify which measures and choices are financially justifiable.

Society continues to strive towards sustainable development, and with the right approach, the society can benefit from the population implementing energy efficiency measures in their homes, not least in light of today's recession. The high electricity prices and the inflation that has led to price increases for services and products have led to the Swedish people being hesitant to spend their money. One way to get out of the economic slump is to reduce your housing costs. In order to reduce these expenses, it may be a good idea to implement an energy optimization of your accommodation.

This study has established that the optimal way to make your house more energy efficient is to first study the initial situation and identify where the energy losses occur. Once this analysis is complete, the “climate shell” should be remedied based on the first step. In the results of this study, it is clearly seen how the two different alternatives of 1950s houses are in different need of the various improvement measures. It is therefore not obvious exactly where the main focus should be placed until a meticulous check of the original state is made. After that, a mechanical ventilation system should be installed, as houses without ventilation don’t have good air quality indoors. In this study, a mechanical ventilation system combined with an exhaust air heat pump has been used to provide optimal energy savings. The result shows that this combined system provides the largest percentage savings energywise seen across all locations and formations of houses. This, because the energy losses due to the ventilation, will be minimal because of the way the exhaust air heat pump works. It reuses the heat in the already heated indoor air before it leaves the house. Finally, it’s of interest to investigate the possibility of solar energy. With the right conditions regarding orientation and location, solar energy can supply parts of, or the entire house with renewable energy. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Aurell, Elin LU and Börjesson, Ludwig LU
alternative title
House from the fifties: to renovate or to build new?
ABKL05 20241
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Renovera, 50-talshus, energieffektiviserande åtgärder, energieffektivisering, VIP-energy, nybyggnad
report number
other publication id
ISRN LUTVDG/TVIT-24/5104-SE(114)
additional info
Examinator: Petter Wallentén
date added to LUP
2024-06-19 19:09:19
date last changed
2024-06-19 19:09:19
  abstract     = {{This study examines and answers whether it is more profitable from a financial point of view to renovate a 1950s house in its original condition than to build a new house when the same requirements are made regarding the indoor environment. The demands are primarily set on the air quality, but they also apply to heat distribution and lifestyle/usage. In order to get the big picture and a result which could be used in a general matter, two alternatives of houses from the 1950s have been compared with two newbuilds, one of which represents a direct comparison, and the other is the more likely way of how it would have been built today. Furthermore, these houses have then been simulated in VIP Energy and placed at 4 different locations, these are Malmö, Stockholm, Östersund and Jokkmokk. These 4 locations have been chosen partly because combined they cover a large area of Sweden, but also because they each belong to a different electricity-area.

The two typical houses from the 1950s were created through an analysis of about 15 already existing houses from the 1950s from Lund's city archives, where each house was compared with each other and that which agreed with the majority in terms of materials, depths and construction built the two typical houses. Since houses with a concrete frame were almost as common as houses with a wooden frame, the choice was made to create two alternate types of houses. What the analysis characterized for houses from the 1950s could then be confirmed by a literature study.

The new build type houses were developed through a literature study. One of the new-build typical houses was developed with the typical house of the 1950s as a mold in terms of size and shape, this so that a direct comparison could be made with the exception of the material choices and depths’ which instead followed modern day standards that the literature study gave. For example, in modern day we insulate way more and use other materials. The second newbuild is a more likely formation of how a newly built house with the same purpose in terms of usage would have been built today. An example is that this typical house was designed without a basement, as this is seemingly unusual nowadays.

Since it’s been about 70 years since the houses of the 1950s were built, it is about time to review the condition of the buildings. It is therefore in society's best interest that these villas are renovated with sustainability in mind. The results of this study showcases that it is completely feasible to make a total renovation of a 1950s house to a newly built standard regarding energy consumption and Umed. This is not only defensible from an environmental point of view, since the results show that it is also justifyable from an economical perspective. This, because a complete renovation where energy motivated optimization is the goal is significantly cheaper than building a new house. Regarding the lifespan of renovated building components, the newly built option has an advantage since it’s not possible to calculate exactly how long partially or completely renovated building components will last. Even if you did, the calculations would not be reliable. With that being said, the literature review has shown that with consistent and properly performed maintenance, building components can last far longer than the estimated time.

A previous report with a similar subject gave results that have been used to identify the most effective improvement measures. These measures are additional insulation of facade and attic joists, new windows and doors and installation of an exhaust air heat pump system or some other kind of heat pump. The result of the simulations gave an answer in kWh/sqm and year, which has then been used to give a percentage improvement value for each measure as well as for a total renovation.

Cost breakdowns for each measure and an overall price for a complete renovation have been calculated, and likewise the cost breakdowns for the newly built type houses. In order to be able to calculate this, an annual average price has initially been determined for variable electricity prices over the last 5 years for each electricity-area. When compiling the comparison, the repayment period has also been calculated, this in order to be able to clearly justify which measures and choices are financially justifiable.

Society continues to strive towards sustainable development, and with the right approach, the society can benefit from the population implementing energy efficiency measures in their homes, not least in light of today's recession. The high electricity prices and the inflation that has led to price increases for services and products have led to the Swedish people being hesitant to spend their money. One way to get out of the economic slump is to reduce your housing costs. In order to reduce these expenses, it may be a good idea to implement an energy optimization of your accommodation. 

This study has established that the optimal way to make your house more energy efficient is to first study the initial situation and identify where the energy losses occur. Once this analysis is complete, the “climate shell” should be remedied based on the first step. In the results of this study, it is clearly seen how the two different alternatives of 1950s houses are in different need of the various improvement measures. It is therefore not obvious exactly where the main focus should be placed until a meticulous check of the original state is made. After that, a mechanical ventilation system should be installed, as houses without ventilation don’t have good air quality indoors. In this study, a mechanical ventilation system combined with an exhaust air heat pump has been used to provide optimal energy savings. The result shows that this combined system provides the largest percentage savings energywise seen across all locations and formations of houses. This, because the energy losses due to the ventilation, will be minimal because of the way the exhaust air heat pump works. It reuses the heat in the already heated indoor air before it leaves the house. Finally, it’s of interest to investigate the possibility of solar energy. With the right conditions regarding orientation and location, solar energy can supply parts of, or the entire house with renewable energy.}},
  author       = {{Aurell, Elin and Börjesson, Ludwig}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  series       = {{TVIT-5000}},
  title        = {{50-talshus: Renovera eller bygga nytt?}},
  year         = {{2024}},