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LUP Student Papers


Influencerillusionen: Blir vi lurade?

Blomdahl, Lisa LU ; Ljungdahl, Linnea LU and Johansson, Emma LU (2024) FEKH29 20241
Department of Business Administration
Abstract (Swedish)
Examensarbetets titel: Influencerillusionen: Blir vi lurade? En kvalitativ studie som
undersöker hur konsumenter upplever influencergrundande modeföretag i Sverige
Seminariedatum: 2024-05-30
Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå
Författare: Lisa Blomdahl, Emma Johansson & Linnea Ljungdahl.
Handledare: Patrik Stoopendahl
Nyckelord: Varumärke, Influencer, Skepticism, Image, Lojalitet, Äkthet
Syfte: Undersöka och få en djupare förståelse för hur konsumenter uppfattar och förhåller sig
till modeföretag grundade av svenska influencers med utgångspunkt i skepticism och
uppfattad varumärkesäkthet.
Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ studie som har baserats på det tolkande
... (More)
Examensarbetets titel: Influencerillusionen: Blir vi lurade? En kvalitativ studie som
undersöker hur konsumenter upplever influencergrundande modeföretag i Sverige
Seminariedatum: 2024-05-30
Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå
Författare: Lisa Blomdahl, Emma Johansson & Linnea Ljungdahl.
Handledare: Patrik Stoopendahl
Nyckelord: Varumärke, Influencer, Skepticism, Image, Lojalitet, Äkthet
Syfte: Undersöka och få en djupare förståelse för hur konsumenter uppfattar och förhåller sig
till modeföretag grundade av svenska influencers med utgångspunkt i skepticism och
uppfattad varumärkesäkthet.
Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ studie som har baserats på det tolkande
perspektivet interpretativism. Data insamlades från semistrukturerade tematiska intervjuer,
som sedan tolkades med hjälp av vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker. Vi använde oss av en
abduktiv forskningsansats.
Teoretiska perspektiv: Med utgångspunkt i Brand Resonance Pyramid, i kombination med
stöttande ramverk och analytiska perspektiv Brand Authenticity och A Learning-based
Framework for Customer Loyalty
Empiri: Analysen har baserats på resultatet från 13 semistrukturerade tematiska intervjuer.
Resultat: Konsumenter anser att influencers personliga varumärke är en väsentlig del i hur
de uppfattar och förhåller sig till deras modeföretag, de har även en generell skepticism mot
influencers, som överförs på deras modeföretag vilket resulterar i minskad köpintention. (Less)
Title: The Influencer Illusion: Are We Being Deceived? A qualitative study investigating
consumer perceptions of influencer-founded fashion companies in Sweden
Seminar date: 2024-05-30
Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor's Thesis in Marketing
Authors: Lisa Blomdahl, Emma Johansson & Linnea Ljungdahl.
Advisor: Patrik Stoopendahl
Keywords: Branding, Influencer, Skepticism, Image, Loyalty, Authenticity
Purpose: To investigate and gain a deeper understanding of how consumers perceive and
relate to fashion companies founded by Swedish influencers, focusing on skepticism and
perceived brand authenticity.
Method: The thesis is based on a qualitative study rooted in interpretivism. Data were
collected through... (More)
Title: The Influencer Illusion: Are We Being Deceived? A qualitative study investigating
consumer perceptions of influencer-founded fashion companies in Sweden
Seminar date: 2024-05-30
Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor's Thesis in Marketing
Authors: Lisa Blomdahl, Emma Johansson & Linnea Ljungdahl.
Advisor: Patrik Stoopendahl
Keywords: Branding, Influencer, Skepticism, Image, Loyalty, Authenticity
Purpose: To investigate and gain a deeper understanding of how consumers perceive and
relate to fashion companies founded by Swedish influencers, focusing on skepticism and
perceived brand authenticity.
Method: The thesis is based on a qualitative study rooted in interpretivism. Data were
collected through semi-structured thematic interviews, which were subsequently interpreted
using scientific articles and books. An abductive research approach was employed.
Theoretical framework: Grounded in the Brand Resonance Pyramid, supplemented by
supporting frameworks and analytical perspectives such as Brand Authenticity and A
Learning-based Framework for Customer Loyalty.
Empirical findings: The analysis is based on the results of 13 semi-structured thematic
Results: Consumers perceive influencers' personal brands as integral to their perception and
engagement with their fashion companies. Additionally, consumers harbor a general
skepticism towards influencers, which extends to their fashion companies, resulting in
decreased purchase intention (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Blomdahl, Lisa LU ; Ljungdahl, Linnea LU and Johansson, Emma LU
FEKH29 20241
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Varumärke, Influencer, Skepticism, Image, Lojalitet, Äkthet
date added to LUP
2024-06-28 11:27:30
date last changed
2024-06-28 11:27:30
  abstract     = {{Abstract
Title: The Influencer Illusion: Are We Being Deceived? A qualitative study investigating
consumer perceptions of influencer-founded fashion companies in Sweden
Seminar date: 2024-05-30
Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor's Thesis in Marketing
Authors: Lisa Blomdahl, Emma Johansson & Linnea Ljungdahl.
Advisor: Patrik Stoopendahl
Keywords: Branding, Influencer, Skepticism, Image, Loyalty, Authenticity
Purpose: To investigate and gain a deeper understanding of how consumers perceive and
relate to fashion companies founded by Swedish influencers, focusing on skepticism and
perceived brand authenticity.
Method: The thesis is based on a qualitative study rooted in interpretivism. Data were
collected through semi-structured thematic interviews, which were subsequently interpreted
using scientific articles and books. An abductive research approach was employed.
Theoretical framework: Grounded in the Brand Resonance Pyramid, supplemented by
supporting frameworks and analytical perspectives such as Brand Authenticity and A
Learning-based Framework for Customer Loyalty.
Empirical findings: The analysis is based on the results of 13 semi-structured thematic
Results: Consumers perceive influencers' personal brands as integral to their perception and
engagement with their fashion companies. Additionally, consumers harbor a general
skepticism towards influencers, which extends to their fashion companies, resulting in
decreased purchase intention}},
  author       = {{Blomdahl, Lisa and Ljungdahl, Linnea and Johansson, Emma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Influencerillusionen: Blir vi lurade?}},
  year         = {{2024}},