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Det schabloniserade föräldraavdraget – En studie av schablonavdraget och barnets rätt till personlig assistans enligt LSS i teorin och praktiken

Lunman, Kajsa LU (2024) JURM02 20241
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
LSS stadgar rätten till insatser för vissa personer med funktionsnedsättning. Den enskilde ska genom insatserna få möjlighet att kunna leva som andra och tillförsäkras goda levnadsvillkor. En av dessa insatser är personlig assistans som innebär ett personligt utformat stöd för personer med stora och varaktiga funktionshinder. Bedömningen av rätten till insatsen är baserad på tid som fattningen av den enskildes behov av hjälp med de grundläggande behoven. I det fall ett barn ansöker om insatsen ska det bortses från det hjälpbehov som en vårdnadshavare normalt ska tillgodose. Detta görs genom tillämpning av det schabloniserade föräldraavdraget som regleras i 9 f § LSS.

Regleringen innebär att det ska göras avdrag från tidsomfattningen... (More)
LSS stadgar rätten till insatser för vissa personer med funktionsnedsättning. Den enskilde ska genom insatserna få möjlighet att kunna leva som andra och tillförsäkras goda levnadsvillkor. En av dessa insatser är personlig assistans som innebär ett personligt utformat stöd för personer med stora och varaktiga funktionshinder. Bedömningen av rätten till insatsen är baserad på tid som fattningen av den enskildes behov av hjälp med de grundläggande behoven. I det fall ett barn ansöker om insatsen ska det bortses från det hjälpbehov som en vårdnadshavare normalt ska tillgodose. Detta görs genom tillämpning av det schabloniserade föräldraavdraget som regleras i 9 f § LSS.

Regleringen innebär att det ska göras avdrag från tidsomfattningen för barnets totala hjälpbehov. Schablonen består av fyra åldersintervaller vilket innebär att avdragets storlek är det samma för barn inom samma åldersspann. Det schabloniserade föräldraavdraget infördes 1 januari 2023 och har sedan införandet kritiserats av såväl myndigheter som funktionsrättsrörelsen.

Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka regleringen av det schabloniserade föräldraavdraget och barnets rätt till personlig assistans i både teorin och praktiken. Arbetet utreder hur den ämnade tillämpningen av föräldraavdraget förhåller sig till de grundläggande principerna inom LSS genom att använda en rätts dogmatisk och rättsanalytisk metod. Vidare utreds avgörande faktorer vid förvaltningsrättens bedömning och huruvida förvaltningsrätten beaktar de grundläggande principerna. Detta görs genom utförande av en rättsfallsstudie som är baserad på 21 förvaltningsrättsdomar om barn som ansökt om personlig assistans enligt LSS.

Undersökningen visar att den ämnade tillämpningen av det schabloniserade föräldraavdraget inte är förenlig med principen om helhetssyn och intentionen bakom LSS. Detta beror dels på att schablonens utformning inte har utarbetats med beaktande av den enskildes individualitet, dels på att dagens reglering av prövning av rätten till personlig assistans är detaljerad.

Regleringen av det schabloniserade föräldraavdraget och den personliga assistansen hämmar förvaltningsrättens möjlighet att beakta de grundläggande principerna inom LSS. Samtidigt beaktar inte domstolen barnets perspektiv eller lagens målsättning och kvalitetskrav vid sin bedömning. Eftersom domarna skiljer sig åt gällande omfattning och utförlighet, är det svårt att fast ställa några helt säkra slutsatser i analysen av de avgörande faktorerna vid prövning. Det kan dock konstateras att exempelvis domstolens tolkning av praxis samt bevisvärdering blivit avgörande. Förvaltningsrättens bevisvärdering och tolkning av praxis tar sällan utgångspunkt i de grundläggande principerna eller lagens målsättning och kvalitetskrav. (Less)
The Act on Support and Service for Person with Certain Functional Impairments (hereafter LSS) is an entitlement law. Individuals that meet the criteria specified by the act are entitled to measures pursuant to LSS. The measures pursuant to LSS shall guarantee good living conditions and the objective of LSS is to give the individual the opportunity to live like others. One of these measures pursuant to LSS is personal assistance which entails tailored support for persons with major and lasting disabilities. The assessment of the entitlement to personal assistance is based on the exanimated time scope of the individuals need of assistance. When it is a child who requests personal assistance, the assessment of the child’s needs disregards the... (More)
The Act on Support and Service for Person with Certain Functional Impairments (hereafter LSS) is an entitlement law. Individuals that meet the criteria specified by the act are entitled to measures pursuant to LSS. The measures pursuant to LSS shall guarantee good living conditions and the objective of LSS is to give the individual the opportunity to live like others. One of these measures pursuant to LSS is personal assistance which entails tailored support for persons with major and lasting disabilities. The assessment of the entitlement to personal assistance is based on the exanimated time scope of the individuals need of assistance. When it is a child who requests personal assistance, the assessment of the child’s needs disregards the responsibilities that guardians have to meet their child’s needs by application of the Parental Deduction Template (9 f § LSS).

The regelation of parental deduction means a deduction is made from the time scope of the child's total need for help. The template consists of four age ranges, meaning the size of the deduction is the same for all children within the same age range. The Parental Deduction Template came into force on January 1 2023, and has since its establishment been criticized by various authorities as well as the Swedish Disability Rights Federation.

This essay aims to examine the Parental Deduction Template and the regulation of the entitlement to personal assistance for children in both theory and practice. By using a legal dogmatic and analytical method, the work investigates how the intended application of the Parental Deduction Template relates to the fundamental principles within LSS. Additionally, by conducting a case law study, decisive factors in the Administrative Court’s assessment and whether the basic principles are taken into consideration in the assessment is examined. The case study consists of 21 judgements from the Administrative Courts which concerns children’s applications for personal assistance under LSS.

The examination shows that the intended application of the Parental Deduction Template is not compatible with the Principle of Overall Review (principen om helhetssyn) nor the intentions behind LSS. This is partly due to individuality not being considered when establishing the template, and partly due to the detailed regulation that the assessment of personal assistance con sists of.

The feasibility for the Administrative Court to consider the fundamental principles of LSS is limited due to the regulation of the personal assistance and the parental deduction. However, neither the child’s perspective or the law's objectives and quality requirements are considered by the court in its assessments. Due to the judgments differing in terms of scope and detail, it is difficult to establish any absolute conclusions regarding decisive factors in the 4 Administrative Court’s assessments. However, the court's interpretation of case law and the evaluation of evidence are decisive factors. Both the basic principles and the law's objectives and quality requirements are rarely the motive for interpretation of case law and assessing evidence by the court. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Lunman, Kajsa LU
alternative title
The Parental Deduction Template – A Study of the Standard Deduction and the Child’s Right to Personal Assistance under LSS in Theory and Practice
JURM02 20241
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
socialrätt, LSS, personlig assistans, schabloniserat föräldraavdrag
date added to LUP
2024-09-03 17:51:59
date last changed
2024-09-03 17:51:59
  abstract     = {{The Act on Support and Service for Person with Certain Functional Impairments (hereafter LSS) is an entitlement law. Individuals that meet the criteria specified by the act are entitled to measures pursuant to LSS. The measures pursuant to LSS shall guarantee good living conditions and the objective of LSS is to give the individual the opportunity to live like others. One of these measures pursuant to LSS is personal assistance which entails tailored support for persons with major and lasting disabilities. The assessment of the entitlement to personal assistance is based on the exanimated time scope of the individuals need of assistance. When it is a child who requests personal assistance, the assessment of the child’s needs disregards the responsibilities that guardians have to meet their child’s needs by application of the Parental Deduction Template (9 f § LSS). 

The regelation of parental deduction means a deduction is made from the time scope of the child's total need for help. The template consists of four age ranges, meaning the size of the deduction is the same for all children within the same age range. The Parental Deduction Template came into force on January 1 2023, and has since its establishment been criticized by various authorities as well as the Swedish Disability Rights Federation. 

This essay aims to examine the Parental Deduction Template and the regulation of the entitlement to personal assistance for children in both theory and practice. By using a legal dogmatic and analytical method, the work investigates how the intended application of the Parental Deduction Template relates to the fundamental principles within LSS. Additionally, by conducting a case law study, decisive factors in the Administrative Court’s assessment and whether the basic principles are taken into consideration in the assessment is examined. The case study consists of 21 judgements from the Administrative Courts which concerns children’s applications for personal assistance under LSS. 

The examination shows that the intended application of the Parental Deduction Template is not compatible with the Principle of Overall Review (principen om helhetssyn) nor the intentions behind LSS. This is partly due to individuality not being considered when establishing the template, and partly due to the detailed regulation that the assessment of personal assistance con sists of. 

The feasibility for the Administrative Court to consider the fundamental principles of LSS is limited due to the regulation of the personal assistance and the parental deduction. However, neither the child’s perspective or the law's objectives and quality requirements are considered by the court in its assessments. Due to the judgments differing in terms of scope and detail, it is difficult to establish any absolute conclusions regarding decisive factors in the 4 Administrative Court’s assessments. However, the court's interpretation of case law and the evaluation of evidence are decisive factors. Both the basic principles and the law's objectives and quality requirements are rarely the motive for interpretation of case law and assessing evidence by the court.}},
  author       = {{Lunman, Kajsa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Det schabloniserade föräldraavdraget – En studie av schablonavdraget och barnets rätt till personlig assistans enligt LSS i teorin och praktiken}},
  year         = {{2024}},