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- 2024
Klimatpåverkan av energieffektivisering genom installation av isolerruta och nytt fönster i kulturhistorisk byggnad - En jämförelse av byggskedet (A1-A5) och driftskedet (B6)
- Prof. qual. >4 yrs
A comparison of methods for integrating biodiversity in life cycle assessment: a case study on the Swedish diet
- Bach. Degree
CO2 Mitigation for New Residential Buildings in Future Scenarios: Trade-off Between Operational and Embodied Energy
2024) AEBM01 20241(
Department of Building and Environmental Technology
Division of Energy and Building Design- Master (Two yrs)
Ekologiskt hållbara dryckesförpackningar - en jämförelse mellan konsumenters uppfattning och forskningen
- Bach. Degree
Review of the CUT technique
2024) AEBM01 20241(
Department of Building and Environmental Technology
Division of Energy and Building Design- Master (Two yrs)
Jämförelse av ventilationssystem - En jämförelse av ventilationssystem ur ett miljö- och kostnadsperspektiv
2024) In 0349-4969 VBEL05 20241(
Department of Building and Environmental Technology
Construction Management- Bach. Degree
Hållbar Trähantering - Strategier för Effektiv Återvinning och Återbruk inom Byggsektorn
2024) In 0349-4969 VBEL05 20241(
Department of Building and Environmental Technology
Construction Management- Bach. Degree
TOWARDS ZERO EMISSION BUILDINGS: A Holistic Guide for Homeowners through EPBD Compliance and the Renovation Passport Framework
2024) AEBM01 20241(
Department of Building and Environmental Technology
Division of Energy and Building Design- Master (Two yrs)
Alternative Marine Fuels with Onboard Carbon Capture can Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Maritime Sector
- Master (Two yrs)
Is agricultural management promoting carbon sequestration better for the climate? Comparing the carbon footprint of intervention management and conventional management using an LCA
- Master (Two yrs)