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Hjälplöst tillstånd -praktisk tillämpning eller teoretisk benämning

Johnsson, Cecilia (2010) JURM01 20101
Department of Law
Prior to 2005, offending persons involved in sexual exploitation of a person who found themselves in a vulnerable situation, were sentenced pursuant to Chapter 6 § 3 The Criminal Code. Only if the offending person had contributed to the victim's vulnerable situation, could he be prosecuted for rape. In 2005, the new sexual offenses law came into force, which was due to a great dissatisfaction and rancorous debate within the media.

Some targets were widely covered in the media, amongst others, the Södertälje and Tumba cases. This were cases in which female victims suffered violations of a sexual nature by several perpetrators. The common factor in these cases was that the women were intoxicated and that it was claimed that they had been... (More)
Prior to 2005, offending persons involved in sexual exploitation of a person who found themselves in a vulnerable situation, were sentenced pursuant to Chapter 6 § 3 The Criminal Code. Only if the offending person had contributed to the victim's vulnerable situation, could he be prosecuted for rape. In 2005, the new sexual offenses law came into force, which was due to a great dissatisfaction and rancorous debate within the media.

Some targets were widely covered in the media, amongst others, the Södertälje and Tumba cases. This were cases in which female victims suffered violations of a sexual nature by several perpetrators. The common factor in these cases was that the women were intoxicated and that it was claimed that they had been in what´s called a vulnerable situation. The courts argued over what requirements were needed to deem a person to be in a vulnerable situation and sexual abuse and rape were offenses which were widely debated.

For the majority of the public, this legal reasoning was incomprehensible. The fact that a woman is already in a vulnerable position by being intoxicated, for example, was, according to many people a reason in itself that rape would be the crime that was committed. It was instead the lesser crime of sexual abuse that it became known as, which was unacceptable to the vast majority of the public. In 2005, the case of the vulnerable situation that had previously fallen under Chapter 6 § 3 of the Criminal Code was moved to Chapter 6 § 1 Criminal Code. The legislative history of the new law emphasized the violation of sexual integrity and autonomy. Although the public and the media got support for their views, the legislative amendment implications weren´t fully obvious. There were still problems with the vulnerable situation issue and these were based on past practice and doctrine. The requirements to merit a vulnerable situation are still found to be high, and the assessment is based on the whole situation.

For the Penal Code to be effective as the traditional efficiency, it´s required that the crime hasn´t been committed. It´s also required that anyone who violates a prohibition can be detected and subsequently punished. When a person is raped who is in a vulnerable situation, it´s an act which is difficult to prove for the judicial system. There is a large shadow over the true figures of abuse regarding those not reported where the mode of proof is often difficult. The amendment to the Act meant that the long-term crime trends were more difficult to monitor. To say that the amendment of the criminal description entailed an effective Penal traditional sense can´t be done. Their importance from a symbolic and moral perspective shouldn´t be underestimated and it´s the context of which law reform has its geatest significance. Public reaction is rallying against, and marks a stance against something that´s considered a wrongful act. The problem with the effective Penal Code would be the same when the law prohibiting corporal punishment of children and the law prohibiting the purchase of sexual services came about.

The moral effectiveness of this has the greatest influence on people's attitudes and opinions and has its most significant impact on children and adolescents. The power of language is great and depending on which term is used, rape or sexual abuse, can be crucial for the perception of the crime. The effectiveness of law reform isn´t the traditional efficiency but rather the signal and symbolic value it has. Something that could ultimately change attitudes and preferences amongst the people.

The number of alleged rapes reported is increasing and this, according to the Crime advisory board can be either related to an increase in rapes, more incidents now being classified as rape, or an increased propensity in the reporting of rape. Increased susceptibility to the notification may be a result of the selection made by society in that it looks more serious in certain situations than previously. This change has had a real impact on development. Eventually, in my view, its importance will increase further when the marker has been set.

Penal provisions that are to be regarded primarily as a normative position with a view to changing attitudes and approaches to women and gender, must not denigrate from the original situation. On the contrary, law, morals and values are inextricably linked and the law reflects developments in society. It´s of outmost importance that there´s trust and understanding among citizens of the jurisdictions we have to relate to. Although the justice system is inherently conservative, it can´t make itself blind to public perception. The media have an important role in giving voice to these thoughts and to discuss things that can be experienced as injustices and inaccuracies.

There´s still much to be done to improve the situation for women who find themselves in vulnerable situations. In the long term it´s the most important factor for greater gender equality. In the short term, the increased gender equality can cause a more potentially dangerous situation, when women are consuming more alcohol in combination with socialising. It´s also essential that the law is clear on what society considers as right or wrong. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Före 2005 dömdes gärningspersoner som sexuellt utnyttjat en person som befunnit sig i ett hjälplöst tillstånd för sexuellt utnyttjande enligt 6 kap. 3 § Brottsbalken (BrB). Endast om det var gärningspersonen som själv hade medverkat till offrets hjälplösa tillstånd kunde denne åtalas för våldtäkt. Föranlett av ett stort missnöje och hätsk debatt i media trädde 2005 den nya sexualbrottslagstiftningen i kraft.

Några mål som fick stort utrymme i media var Tumbamålet och Södertäljemålet. Det var mål som behandlade den situation där ett kvinnligt offer utsatts för kränkningar av sexuell art och gärningsmännen varit flera. Gemensamt för dessa var också att kvinnorna varit berusade samt att det hävdades att de varit i det som kallas hjälplöst... (More)
Före 2005 dömdes gärningspersoner som sexuellt utnyttjat en person som befunnit sig i ett hjälplöst tillstånd för sexuellt utnyttjande enligt 6 kap. 3 § Brottsbalken (BrB). Endast om det var gärningspersonen som själv hade medverkat till offrets hjälplösa tillstånd kunde denne åtalas för våldtäkt. Föranlett av ett stort missnöje och hätsk debatt i media trädde 2005 den nya sexualbrottslagstiftningen i kraft.

Några mål som fick stort utrymme i media var Tumbamålet och Södertäljemålet. Det var mål som behandlade den situation där ett kvinnligt offer utsatts för kränkningar av sexuell art och gärningsmännen varit flera. Gemensamt för dessa var också att kvinnorna varit berusade samt att det hävdades att de varit i det som kallas hjälplöst tillstånd. Domstolarna resonerade kring vilka krav som skulle ställas för att en person skulle anses vara i ett hjälplöst tillstånd, och sexuellt utnyttjande och våldtäkt var brottsrubriceringar som diskuterades livligt.

För en stor del av allmänheten tedde sig det juridiska resonemanget obegripligt. Det faktum att en kvinna redan befinner sig i en utsatt situation genom att vara exempelvis berusad, var enligt många en anledning i sig till att våldtäkt skulle vara brottet som ansågs begånget. Att det istället var den mildare rubriceringen sexuellt utnyttjande som blev aktuell var inte något som kändes naturligt för det stora flertalet. 2005 ändrades så lagen och de fall av hjälplöst tillstånd som tidigare fallit under 6 kap 3 § BrB flyttades till 6 kap 1 § BrB. I förarbetena till den nya lagen framhölls kränkningen av den sexuella integriteten och självbestämmanderätten. Även om allmänheten och media fick gehör för sina åsikter är lagändringens konsekvenser inte helt självklara. Problematiken kring det hjälplösa tillståndet finns kvar och baseras på tidigare praxis och doktrin. Kraven för att hjälplöst tillstånd skall anses föreligga är fortfarande höga och bedömningen baseras på helhetssituationen.

För att ett straffstadgande skall vara effektivt enligt den traditionella effektiviteten krävs att den gärning som kriminaliserats inte företas. Dessutom krävs att den som överträder ett förbud kan upptäckas och därefter straffas. Våldtäkt som sker av någon som befinner sig i ett hjälplöst tillstånd är en gärning som är svårhanterlig för rättsväsendet. Det finns troligtvis ett stort mörkertal av övergrepp som inte anmäls och bevisläget är oftast svårt. Ändringen av lagen medförde att den långvariga trenden av brottsutvecklingen blev svårare att följa. Att säga att ändringen av brottsrubriceringen medfört ett effektivt straffstadgande i den traditionella meningen låter sig inte göras. Dess betydelse ur ett symboliskt och moraliskt perspektiv skall dock inte underskattas och det är i detta sammanhang som lagändringen haft sin största betydelse. Samhället stramar åt och gör ett ställningstagande mot något som anses vara ett felaktigt agerande. Problematiken med effektiva straffstadganden torde vara den samma som när lagen om förbud mot barnaga och lagen om förbud mot köp av sexuella tjänster kom.

Den moraliska effektiviteten å sin sida påverkar människors attityder samt inställningar och torde ha sin största betydelse för barn och ungdomar. Ordens makt är stor och de associationer man instinktivt får vid att höra orden våldtäkt eller sexuellt utnyttjande kan vara avgörande för synen på brotten. Lagändringens effektivitet är inte den traditionella effektiviteten utan istället det signal- och symbolvärde det har. Något som på sikt kan förändra attityder och inställningar bland människor.

Antalet våldtäkter som anmäls ökar och detta kan enligt BRÅ bero på att dels fler våldtäkter sker, att fler händelser numera betecknas som våldtäkt och att anmälningsbenägenheten ökat. Att anmälningsbenägenheten ökat kan vara ett resultat av den markering som samhället gjort i och med att man ser allvarligare på vissa situationer är man tidigare gjort. Alltså har ändringen haft en faktisk betydelse för utvecklingen. På sikt kommer enligt min mening dess betydelse att öka ytterligare då markeringen och lagändringen får fullt genomslag.

Att det aktuella straffstadgandet är att betrakta främst som ett normativt ställningstagande med syfte att förändra attityder och synsätt på kvinnor och jämställdhet gör icke dess betydelse mindre. Tvärtom, lag, moral och värderingar är intimt sammanlänkade och lagen speglar utvecklingen i samhället. Av yttersta vikt är att det finns ett förtroende och förståelse hos medborgarna för det rättssystem man har att förhålla sig till. Trots att rättsväsendet till sin natur är konservativ kan man inte göra sig blind för allmänhetens uppfattning. Media har en betydelsefull roll för att framföra dessa tankar och att debattera sådant som kan upplevas som orättvisor och felaktigheter.

Det finns fortfarande mycket kvar att göra för att förbättra situationen för kvinnor som befinner sig i utsatta situationer. På längre sikt är den viktigaste faktorn en ökad jämställdhet. På kort sikt kan den ökade jämställdheten istället orsaka fler potentiellt farliga situationer, då kvinnor dricker mer och rör sig mer ute i offentligheten. Det är även av största vikt att lagen är tydlig om vad som av samhället betraktas vara rätt eller fel. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Johnsson, Cecilia
JURM01 20101
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2010-07-13 17:52:47
date last changed
2010-09-15 13:13:01
  abstract     = {{Prior to 2005, offending persons involved in sexual exploitation of a person who found themselves in a vulnerable situation, were sentenced pursuant to Chapter 6 § 3 The Criminal Code. Only if the offending person had contributed to the victim's vulnerable situation, could he be prosecuted for rape. In 2005, the new sexual offenses law came into force, which was due to a great dissatisfaction and rancorous debate within the media. 

Some targets were widely covered in the media, amongst others, the Södertälje and Tumba cases. This were cases in which female victims suffered violations of a sexual nature by several perpetrators. The common factor in these cases was that the women were intoxicated and that it was claimed that they had been in what´s called a vulnerable situation. The courts argued over what requirements were needed to deem a person to be in a vulnerable situation and sexual abuse and rape were offenses which were widely debated. 

For the majority of the public, this legal reasoning was incomprehensible. The fact that a woman is already in a vulnerable position by being intoxicated, for example, was, according to many people a reason in itself that rape would be the crime that was committed. It was instead the lesser crime of sexual abuse that it became known as, which was unacceptable to the vast majority of the public. In 2005, the case of the vulnerable situation that had previously fallen under Chapter 6 § 3 of the Criminal Code was moved to Chapter 6 § 1 Criminal Code. The legislative history of the new law emphasized the violation of sexual integrity and autonomy. Although the public and the media got support for their views, the legislative amendment implications weren´t fully obvious. There were still problems with the vulnerable situation issue and these were based on past practice and doctrine. The requirements to merit a vulnerable situation are still found to be high, and the assessment is based on the whole situation. 

For the Penal Code to be effective as the traditional efficiency, it´s required that the crime hasn´t been committed. It´s also required that anyone who violates a prohibition can be detected and subsequently punished. When a person is raped who is in a vulnerable situation, it´s an act which is difficult to prove for the judicial system. There is a large shadow over the true figures of abuse regarding those not reported where the mode of proof is often difficult. The amendment to the Act meant that the long-term crime trends were more difficult to monitor. To say that the amendment of the criminal description entailed an effective Penal traditional sense can´t be done. Their importance from a symbolic and moral perspective shouldn´t be underestimated and it´s the context of which law reform has its geatest significance. Public reaction is rallying against, and marks a stance against something that´s considered a wrongful act. The problem with the effective Penal Code would be the same when the law prohibiting corporal punishment of children and the law prohibiting the purchase of sexual services came about. 

The moral effectiveness of this has the greatest influence on people's attitudes and opinions and has its most significant impact on children and adolescents. The power of language is great and depending on which term is used, rape or sexual abuse, can be crucial for the perception of the crime. The effectiveness of law reform isn´t the traditional efficiency but rather the signal and symbolic value it has. Something that could ultimately change attitudes and preferences amongst the people. 

The number of alleged rapes reported is increasing and this, according to the Crime advisory board can be either related to an increase in rapes, more incidents now being classified as rape, or an increased propensity in the reporting of rape. Increased susceptibility to the notification may be a result of the selection made by society in that it looks more serious in certain situations than previously. This change has had a real impact on development. Eventually, in my view, its importance will increase further when the marker has been set. 

Penal provisions that are to be regarded primarily as a normative position with a view to changing attitudes and approaches to women and gender, must not denigrate from the original situation. On the contrary, law, morals and values are inextricably linked and the law reflects developments in society. It´s of outmost importance that there´s trust and understanding among citizens of the jurisdictions we have to relate to. Although the justice system is inherently conservative, it can´t make itself blind to public perception. The media have an important role in giving voice to these thoughts and to discuss things that can be experienced as injustices and inaccuracies. 

There´s still much to be done to improve the situation for women who find themselves in vulnerable situations. In the long term it´s the most important factor for greater gender equality. In the short term, the increased gender equality can cause a more potentially dangerous situation, when women are consuming more alcohol in combination with socialising. It´s also essential that the law is clear on what society considers as right or wrong.}},
  author       = {{Johnsson, Cecilia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Hjälplöst tillstånd -praktisk tillämpning eller teoretisk benämning}},
  year         = {{2010}},