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Beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad - den svenska lagstiftningens reformbehov

Jarmstad, Helena LU (2011) JURM01 20102
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Detta arbete har som sitt främsta syfte att belysa lagregleringen samt avsaknaden av lagreglering gällande beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad. Behandlingen av ämnet inriktar sig på den nuvarande lagstiftningen och därtill föreslagna åtgärder för att förbättra möjligheterna för föräldrar med gemensam vårdnad att bibehålla den gemensamma vårdnaden, trots att det råder meningsskiljaktigheter i en viss fråga. Konsensus bör inte alltid vara ett krav. För att föra in den svenska lagstiftningen kring beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad i ett större perspektiv, utreds även rättsläget i Sveriges grannländer Norge och Danmark.

Den svenska vårdnadsregleringen har under de senaste årtiondena genomgått kontinuerlig förändring. Idag är en... (More)
Detta arbete har som sitt främsta syfte att belysa lagregleringen samt avsaknaden av lagreglering gällande beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad. Behandlingen av ämnet inriktar sig på den nuvarande lagstiftningen och därtill föreslagna åtgärder för att förbättra möjligheterna för föräldrar med gemensam vårdnad att bibehålla den gemensamma vårdnaden, trots att det råder meningsskiljaktigheter i en viss fråga. Konsensus bör inte alltid vara ett krav. För att föra in den svenska lagstiftningen kring beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad i ett större perspektiv, utreds även rättsläget i Sveriges grannländer Norge och Danmark.

Den svenska vårdnadsregleringen har under de senaste årtiondena genomgått kontinuerlig förändring. Idag är en utgångspunkt för lagregleringen att alla beslut skall utgå från barnets bästa och en annan att föräldrar skall ha gemensam vårdnad. Lagstiftaren har ansett att det finns ett behov för föräldrar att kunna vända sig till domstol för avgörande i de situationer då föräldrarna inte kan enas i frågor som rör vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Råder det oenighet i frågor som inte berör vårdnad, boende eller umgänge saknas det i svensk rätt en tvistelösningsmodell att använda, vilket också gäller såväl Norge som Danmark. Den mest betydande skillnaden mellan Sverige och grannländerna Norge och Danmark är boendeförälderns beslutanderätt. I Sverige är boendeförälderns beslutanderätt begränsad till beslut kring den dagliga omsorgen medan i Norge och Danmark kan boendeföräldern, utöver beslut om den dagliga omsorgen, exempelvis besluta var i landet barnet skall bo. Utredningen SOU 2007:52 Beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad föreslog att en sådan reglering skulle införas också i den svenska lagstiftningen. Detta förslag har emellertid inte vunnit något gensvar. I doktrin och bland riksdagsledamöter har det framförts en tydlig ståndpunkt för att en förändring kring regleringen gällande beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad behöver komma till stånd.

I analysen konstateras att det finns ett starkt stöd för att det behöver införas en utvecklad tvistelösningsmodell för frågor om till exempel barnets skolgång och frågor om hälso- och sjukvård för barnet. En lagändring behöver alltså komma till stånd. I uppsatsen redogörs för en rad olika tvistelösningsmodeller, frågan är vilken som passar den svenska lagstiftningen bäst? Detta tycks det inte råda ett enkelt svar på. Jag menar att det går att finna viss förklaring till varför det ännu inte skett någon lagändring i teorin om normativa grundmönster. Vidare tycks det behövas ytterligare utredningsarbete innan införande av en tvistelösningsmodell i svensk rätt blir aktuellt. (Less)
The aim of this thesis is to clarify the legal situation regarding Swedish custody law. It also discusses the absence of legal rules in terms of right of decision in joint legal custody. The essay is structured to focus on the current legislation and also to argue proposed measures to improve the opportunities for parents with joint legal custody to maintain the joint legal custody even though there are disagreements concerning a certain issue. Consensus should not always be a requirement. In order to put the Swedish legislation regarding joint legal custody in a wider perspective, the legal position in Sweden’s neighboring countries Norway and Denmark is also investigated.

The regulation on Swedish custody issues has undergone... (More)
The aim of this thesis is to clarify the legal situation regarding Swedish custody law. It also discusses the absence of legal rules in terms of right of decision in joint legal custody. The essay is structured to focus on the current legislation and also to argue proposed measures to improve the opportunities for parents with joint legal custody to maintain the joint legal custody even though there are disagreements concerning a certain issue. Consensus should not always be a requirement. In order to put the Swedish legislation regarding joint legal custody in a wider perspective, the legal position in Sweden’s neighboring countries Norway and Denmark is also investigated.

The regulation on Swedish custody issues has undergone continuous change during the last decade. Currently, one given parameter of the Swedish legislation is that all decisions shall be made from the perspective the child’s best interest, and another that parents must have joint legal custody. The legislator has acknowledged that there is a need for parents to be able to turn to the court for decisions in situations where they cannot agree, regarding custody, accommodation and access. If there is disagreement regarding issues which does not concern custody, accommodation or access, there is at present no dispute-resolution model in Swedish law to solve this. The same is true in both Norway and Denmark. The most significant difference between Sweden and its neighbors Norway and Denmark is the residential parent’s right of decisions. In Sweden, the residential parent’s right of decisions is limited to decisions pertaining the daily care. In Norway and Denmark, however, the residential parent for example can decide, in excess of the daily care, where in the country the child will live. The investigation SOU 2007:52 Beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad lay forth that such a regulation ought to be instated also into the Swedish legislation. The proposition did, however, not win any response. In doctrine and amongst members of the parliament the standpoint that a change in the regulation, on the subject of parents’ right of decisions within joint legal custody, is needed has been raised.

In the analysis I find that there is a strong support for the insertion of a developed dispute-resolving model into Swedish law regarding issue within the general areas of the child’s school attendance, health and care. I believe that a change in the legislation needs to be made. In the thesis, a couple of dispute-resolution models are presented. The question is which one fits the Swedish legislation best? There does not seem to be an easy answer to this. I think that it is possible to find some explanation for the lack of changes in Swedish legislation in the theory about normative basis patterns. Furthermore, it seems that there is a need for deeper and more thorough investigation before the introduction of a dispute-resolution model in Swedish law becomes a reality. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Jarmstad, Helena LU
alternative title
Right of decision regarding joint legal custody - modifications needed in the Swedish law
JURM01 20102
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
beslutanderätt, gemensam vårdnad, familjerätt, vårdnad, SOU 2007:52, normativa grundmönster
date added to LUP
2011-01-26 13:54:42
date last changed
2011-01-26 13:54:42
  abstract     = {{The aim of this thesis is to clarify the legal situation regarding Swedish custody law. It also discusses the absence of legal rules in terms of right of decision in joint legal custody. The essay is structured to focus on the current legislation and also to argue proposed measures to improve the opportunities for parents with joint legal custody to maintain the joint legal custody even though there are disagreements concerning a certain issue. Consensus should not always be a requirement. In order to put the Swedish legislation regarding joint legal custody in a wider perspective, the legal position in Sweden’s neighboring countries Norway and Denmark is also investigated.

The regulation on Swedish custody issues has undergone continuous change during the last decade. Currently, one given parameter of the Swedish legislation is that all decisions shall be made from the perspective the child’s best interest, and another that parents must have joint legal custody. The legislator has acknowledged that there is a need for parents to be able to turn to the court for decisions in situations where they cannot agree, regarding custody, accommodation and access. If there is disagreement regarding issues which does not concern custody, accommodation or access, there is at present no dispute-resolution model in Swedish law to solve this. The same is true in both Norway and Denmark. The most significant difference between Sweden and its neighbors Norway and Denmark is the residential parent’s right of decisions. In Sweden, the residential parent’s right of decisions is limited to decisions pertaining the daily care. In Norway and Denmark, however, the residential parent for example can decide, in excess of the daily care, where in the country the child will live. The investigation SOU 2007:52 Beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad lay forth that such a regulation ought to be instated also into the Swedish legislation. The proposition did, however, not win any response. In doctrine and amongst members of the parliament the standpoint that a change in the regulation, on the subject of parents’ right of decisions within joint legal custody, is needed has been raised.

In the analysis I find that there is a strong support for the insertion of a developed dispute-resolving model into Swedish law regarding issue within the general areas of the child’s school attendance, health and care. I believe that a change in the legislation needs to be made. In the thesis, a couple of dispute-resolution models are presented. The question is which one fits the Swedish legislation best? There does not seem to be an easy answer to this. I think that it is possible to find some explanation for the lack of changes in Swedish legislation in the theory about normative basis patterns. Furthermore, it seems that there is a need for deeper and more thorough investigation before the introduction of a dispute-resolution model in Swedish law becomes a reality.}},
  author       = {{Jarmstad, Helena}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad - den svenska lagstiftningens reformbehov}},
  year         = {{2011}},