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Arbetstagarens företrädesrätt till återanställning och arbetsgivarens användning av bemanningsarbete. En rättslig analys av kringgåenden av anställningsskyddslagen

Moberg Skult, Anna LU (2011) JURM01 20102
Department of Law
The purpose of this essay is to examine the legal relationship between the employee’s preferential right to reinstatement and the employer’s right to make use of temporary agency work. Since the European Union (EU) adopted Directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work in 2008 a further purpose is to investigate its possible influence on the preferential right to reinstatement.

As the temporary agency work industry growing rapidly in Sweden so does the societal debate on the companies providing temporary workers. In Sweden, the temporary employment was prohibited until 1993, when the employment monopoly was dismantled. The debate has mainly been linked to section 25 in the Employment Protection Act. The section provides that an employee... (More)
The purpose of this essay is to examine the legal relationship between the employee’s preferential right to reinstatement and the employer’s right to make use of temporary agency work. Since the European Union (EU) adopted Directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work in 2008 a further purpose is to investigate its possible influence on the preferential right to reinstatement.

As the temporary agency work industry growing rapidly in Sweden so does the societal debate on the companies providing temporary workers. In Sweden, the temporary employment was prohibited until 1993, when the employment monopoly was dismantled. The debate has mainly been linked to section 25 in the Employment Protection Act. The section provides that an employee who has been employed have been terminated due to redundancy. The section also establish that the employee have priority right to re-employment in the company which he was employed. The debate has included questions dealing with whether the employer circumvents LAS by hiring workers instead of rehire the workers who were dismissed due to redundancy. This was also a large and important part of 2010 collective bargaining negotiations. The essay also includes collective agreements dealing with both preferential rights for the employees in the customer company as the conditions of employment for the temporary agency workers.

In order to circumvent the preferential rights shall be deemed to have existed, there are three requisites which the court takes into consideration. The first is that the employer's underlying purpose must have been to precisely circumvent the LAS by dismissing staff and then hire workers from temporary agencies. Employer's conduct must also have been improperly. If the workforce would be of a more permanent nature it would be contrary to the sense of justice and could be regarded as a circumvention of the law. There are no court cases so far where the court has held that the employer circumvents preferential rights by hiring temporary workers. However, it remains to be seen how the court considers the situation in Marabou-case.

The Directive concerning temporary agency work is a protective framework for the workers who are employed by temporary agencies. The Directive stipulates that workers in temporary agencies should have at least the basic working and employment conditions that apply to those working in the user undertaking. The implementation of the Directive into national law has not yet occurred. Investigation regarding this continues until the beginning of 2011 when the investigation will be presented.

One of the conclusions that the author presents is that the collective agreements governing the preferential rights can have a significant impact on the employer's choice to hire workers. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda det rättsliga förhållandet mellan arbetstagarens företrädesrätt till återanställning och arbetsgivarens användning av bemanningsarbete. Eftersom Europeiska unionen (EU) antog direktiv 2008/104/EG om uthyrning av arbetskraft (bemanningsdirektivet) år 2008 är ytterligare ett syfte att utreda dess eventuella påverkan på företrädesrätten.

I takt med att bemanningsbranschen växer i Sverige tilltar även den samhälleliga debatten kring uthyrningsföretagen. I Sverige var uthyrning av arbetskraft förbjudet fram till år 1993 när arbetsförmedlingsmonopolet avvecklades. Debatten har främst varit knuten till 25 § Lag (1982:80) om anställningsskydd (LAS). Lagrummet stadgar att en arbetstagare som varit anställd men... (More)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda det rättsliga förhållandet mellan arbetstagarens företrädesrätt till återanställning och arbetsgivarens användning av bemanningsarbete. Eftersom Europeiska unionen (EU) antog direktiv 2008/104/EG om uthyrning av arbetskraft (bemanningsdirektivet) år 2008 är ytterligare ett syfte att utreda dess eventuella påverkan på företrädesrätten.

I takt med att bemanningsbranschen växer i Sverige tilltar även den samhälleliga debatten kring uthyrningsföretagen. I Sverige var uthyrning av arbetskraft förbjudet fram till år 1993 när arbetsförmedlingsmonopolet avvecklades. Debatten har främst varit knuten till 25 § Lag (1982:80) om anställningsskydd (LAS). Lagrummet stadgar att en arbetstagare som varit anställd men sagts upp på grund av arbetsbrist har företrädesrätt till återanställning i verksamheten där denna var anställd. Debatten har rört frågor som huruvida arbetsgivaren kringgår LAS genom att hyra in arbetstagare istället för att återanställa de som blivit uppsagda på grund av arbetsbrist. Detta var även en stor och viktig del av årets, 2010, avtalsrörelse. Uppsatsen behandlar olika kollektivavtal som reglerar såväl förstärkt företrädesrätt som bemanningsanställdas arbets- och anställningsvillkor.

För att ett kringgående av företrädesrätten skall anses ha förelegat finns tre rekvisit som domstolen beaktar vid bedömningen. Det första är att arbetsgivarens bakomliggande syfte skall ha varit att just kringgå LAS genom att säga upp personal för att därefter anlita bemanningsföretag. Vidare skall arbetsgivaren agerande ha varit otillbörligt. Skulle inhyrandet av arbetskraft vara av mer permanent karaktär torde detta strida mot rättskänslan och kunna bedömas som ett kringgående av lagen. Än så länge finns det inget rättsfall där domstolen funnit att arbetsgivaren kringgått företrädesrätten genom att anlita bemanningsföretag. Dock återstår det att se hur domstolen bedömer situationen i Marabou- målet.

Bemanningsdirektivet är en skyddsram för de arbetstagare som är anställda inom bemanningsföretag. Enligt direktivet skall arbetstagarna åtnjuta minst de grundläggande arbets- och anställningsvillkor som gäller för dem som arbetar i det inhyrande företaget. Implementeringen av direktivet i den nationella rätten har ännu inte skett. Utredning angående detta pågår tills början av år 2011 när utredningen skall presenteras.

De slutsatser som författaren presenterar är bland annat att kollektivavtalen som reglerar företrädesrätten i hög grad kan påverka arbetsgivarens val att anlita bemanningsföretag. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Moberg Skult, Anna LU
alternative title
The employee's preferential rights to reinstatement and the employer's use of temporary agency work. A legal analysis of circumventing the Employment Protection Act
JURM01 20102
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Labour law, Temporary agency work, arbetsrätt, företrädesrätt till återanställning, bemanningsarbete, bemanningsdirektivet
date added to LUP
2011-01-27 11:23:43
date last changed
2011-01-27 11:23:43
  abstract     = {{The purpose of this essay is to examine the legal relationship between the employee’s preferential right to reinstatement and the employer’s right to make use of temporary agency work. Since the European Union (EU) adopted Directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work in 2008 a further purpose is to investigate its possible influence on the preferential right to reinstatement.

As the temporary agency work industry growing rapidly in Sweden so does the societal debate on the companies providing temporary workers. In Sweden, the temporary employment was prohibited until 1993, when the employment monopoly was dismantled. The debate has mainly been linked to section 25 in the Employment Protection Act. The section provides that an employee who has been employed have been terminated due to redundancy. The section also establish that the employee have priority right to re-employment in the company which he was employed. The debate has included questions dealing with whether the employer circumvents LAS by hiring workers instead of rehire the workers who were dismissed due to redundancy. This was also a large and important part of 2010 collective bargaining negotiations. The essay also includes collective agreements dealing with both preferential rights for the employees in the customer company as the conditions of employment for the temporary agency workers.

In order to circumvent the preferential rights shall be deemed to have existed, there are three requisites which the court takes into consideration. The first is that the employer's underlying purpose must have been to precisely circumvent the LAS by dismissing staff and then hire workers from temporary agencies. Employer's conduct must also have been improperly. If the workforce would be of a more permanent nature it would be contrary to the sense of justice and could be regarded as a circumvention of the law. There are no court cases so far where the court has held that the employer circumvents preferential rights by hiring temporary workers. However, it remains to be seen how the court considers the situation in Marabou-case.  

The Directive concerning temporary agency work is a protective framework for the workers who are employed by temporary agencies. The Directive stipulates that workers in temporary agencies should have at least the basic working and employment conditions that apply to those working in the user undertaking. The implementation of the Directive into national law has not yet occurred. Investigation regarding this continues until the beginning of 2011 when the investigation will be presented.

One of the conclusions that the author presents is that the collective agreements governing the preferential rights can have a significant impact on the employer's choice to hire workers.}},
  author       = {{Moberg Skult, Anna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Arbetstagarens företrädesrätt till återanställning och arbetsgivarens användning av bemanningsarbete. En rättslig analys av kringgåenden av anställningsskyddslagen}},
  year         = {{2011}},