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Rättssäkerhet versus effektivitet: Om privata aktörers brottsutredningar i upphovsrättsliga fildelningsmål

Ibron, Natalie LU (2012) JURM02 20121
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Fildelning är ett vardagsbrott för en stor andel svenskar, trots lagstiftningen på området. Rättighetshavare har inte alltid själva möjligheterna att beivra brotten, av anledningar som främst handlar om polisväsendets bristande resurser och reglerna mot brottsprovokation. En ökad tendens att för rättighetshavarna att vända sig till privata företag som utreder fildelningsbrott märks tydligt. De privata aktörerna har i sin bevissäkringsprocess möjlighet att ta del av en stor mängd personlig information och det finns oro över ifall den enskildes integritet respekteras under denna process. Det främsta problemet är dock att den privata utredaren i princip representerar rättighetshavaren som är part i målet och därmed har ett intresse av att få... (More)
Fildelning är ett vardagsbrott för en stor andel svenskar, trots lagstiftningen på området. Rättighetshavare har inte alltid själva möjligheterna att beivra brotten, av anledningar som främst handlar om polisväsendets bristande resurser och reglerna mot brottsprovokation. En ökad tendens att för rättighetshavarna att vända sig till privata företag som utreder fildelningsbrott märks tydligt. De privata aktörerna har i sin bevissäkringsprocess möjlighet att ta del av en stor mängd personlig information och det finns oro över ifall den enskildes integritet respekteras under denna process. Det främsta problemet är dock att den privata utredaren i princip representerar rättighetshavaren som är part i målet och därmed har ett intresse av att få till stånd en fällande dom, och att den bevisning som säkras av parten inlämnas till en domstol och leder till just fällande domar. Frågan är hur rätten värnar om att den enskildes rättssäkerhet i dessa sammanhang.

Genom en kvalitativ undersökning av de nio fällande fildelningsdomarna från 2011 och förundersökningsprotokollen till dessa har i arbetet analyserats på vilket sätt och i vilken utsträckning den enskildes rättssäkerhet fredas. Uppsatsen undersöker om tillbörlig kontroll skett av det inlämnade bevismaterialet och granskar hur det materialet har värderats i domstolen. Uppsatsen behandlar även de integritetsfrågor som kan väckas med tanke på privata aktörers tillgång till fildelares personliga information. Granskningen har skett främst med utgångspunkt i rättegångsbalkens regler om rättssäkerhet samt allmänna principer och rättsgrundsatser om integritet och rättssäkerhet.

Uppsatsens slutsats är att det förekom mål från 2011 i vilka det inte skett en tillbörlig kontroll av det inlämnade materialet. Även om detta endast skett i ett fåtal fall är det faktum att kontrollen brustit mycket problematiskt. Fildelningslagstiftningen anses generellt vara integritetskränkande i någon mån i sin nuvarande form. Om rättsutvecklingen på området fortsätter i den fastställda riktningen innebär det att den enskilde ska göra avkall på fler rättigheter och skyddsregler, vilket är varken skäligt eller proportionellt. Med tanke på den politiska diskussionen angående den enskildes rättssäkerhetsgarantier i den ökade internetövervakningen är det centralt att regler till skydd för den enskildes integritet och rättssäkerhet följs undantagslöst. (Less)
File sharing is an everyday crime for a large number of Swedes, despite prohibiting legislation in the field. Copyright holders do not always have the possibility to prosecute the crimes for reasons primarily connected with the police’s lack of resources and the rules prohibiting entrapment. An increased tendency for right holders to turn to private companies in order to investigate file sharing crimes is evident. The private investigator has, in the process of preserving evidence, the possibility to access large amounts of personal information and concern has been expressed in regards to whether the individual's integrity is respected during this process. The main concern is, however, that the private investigator by all means represents... (More)
File sharing is an everyday crime for a large number of Swedes, despite prohibiting legislation in the field. Copyright holders do not always have the possibility to prosecute the crimes for reasons primarily connected with the police’s lack of resources and the rules prohibiting entrapment. An increased tendency for right holders to turn to private companies in order to investigate file sharing crimes is evident. The private investigator has, in the process of preserving evidence, the possibility to access large amounts of personal information and concern has been expressed in regards to whether the individual's integrity is respected during this process. The main concern is, however, that the private investigator by all means represents the right holder who is a party to the proceedings and therefore has an interest in obtaining a conviction. The evidence secured by the party is then filed to the court and used in proceedings that lead to a conviction. The question is how the court protects the individual's legal security in this context.

Through a qualitative study of the nine file-sharing convictions of 2011 and the pre-trial investigation protocols pertaining to these, this essay analyzes how and to what extent the individual's legal security is safeguarded. The essay further examines whether appropriate inspection of the submitted evidence has been executed, and investigates how the material has been considered and assessed in court. The essay also addresses the privacy issues, which may be raised considering the private investigator’s access to personal information. The examination has been driven primarily by judicial rules of legal security and general legal principles of privacy and rule of law.

The conclusion of the essay is that there were cases from 2011 in which there was no proper examination of the material submitted. Although this only occurred in a few cases, the fact that the inspection failed is highly problematic. File sharing law in its present form is generally considered to be intrusive to personal integrity to some degree. If the legal development in this area continues in the established direction, this will mean that the individual will be sacrificing more rights and safeguards, which is neither reasonable nor proportionate. Given the political discussion regarding the individual's rights to privacy and legal security in the increased Internet surveillance it is key that policies regarding the safeguard of these interests are followed without exception. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Ibron, Natalie LU
alternative title
Rule of law versus efficiency: investigations by private actors in file sharing cases
JURM02 20121
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
bevissäkring, rättssäkerhet, fildelning, immaterialrätt
date added to LUP
2012-11-01 11:00:33
date last changed
2012-11-01 11:00:33
  abstract     = {{File sharing is an everyday crime for a large number of Swedes, despite prohibiting legislation in the field. Copyright holders do not always have the possibility to prosecute the crimes for reasons primarily connected with the police’s lack of resources and the rules prohibiting entrapment. An increased tendency for right holders to turn to private companies in order to investigate file sharing crimes is evident. The private investigator has, in the process of preserving evidence, the possibility to access large amounts of personal information and concern has been expressed in regards to whether the individual's integrity is respected during this process. The main concern is, however, that the private investigator by all means represents the right holder who is a party to the proceedings and therefore has an interest in obtaining a conviction. The evidence secured by the party is then filed to the court and used in proceedings that lead to a conviction. The question is how the court protects the individual's legal security in this context.

Through a qualitative study of the nine file-sharing convictions of 2011 and the pre-trial investigation protocols pertaining to these, this essay analyzes how and to what extent the individual's legal security is safeguarded. The essay further examines whether appropriate inspection of the submitted evidence has been executed, and investigates how the material has been considered and assessed in court. The essay also addresses the privacy issues, which may be raised considering the private investigator’s access to personal information. The examination has been driven primarily by judicial rules of legal security and general legal principles of privacy and rule of law.

The conclusion of the essay is that there were cases from 2011 in which there was no proper examination of the material submitted. Although this only occurred in a few cases, the fact that the inspection failed is highly problematic. File sharing law in its present form is generally considered to be intrusive to personal integrity to some degree. If the legal development in this area continues in the established direction, this will mean that the individual will be sacrificing more rights and safeguards, which is neither reasonable nor proportionate. Given the political discussion regarding the individual's rights to privacy and legal security in the increased Internet surveillance it is key that policies regarding the safeguard of these interests are followed without exception.}},
  author       = {{Ibron, Natalie}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Rättssäkerhet versus effektivitet: Om privata aktörers brottsutredningar i upphovsrättsliga fildelningsmål}},
  year         = {{2012}},