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Anordnande av förvaltarskap - Den praktiska tillämpningen av 11 kap. 7 § föräldrabalken

Lindell, Sara LU (2012) JURM02 20122
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Den här uppsatsen har som syfte att undersöka förvaltarskapets anordnande och belysa verkningarna av ett sådant anordnande. I uppsatsen utreds vilka grunderna för anordnande av förvaltarskap är och hur dessa tolkas enligt gällande rätt. Vidare analyseras hur den praktiska tillämpningen av föräldrabalkens relevanta bestämmelser ser ut samt huruvida tillämpningen är ändamålsenlig i förhållande till bestämmelsernas syfte och lagstiftarens intentioner.

Lagstiftarens intentioner har varit att förvaltarskapsinstitutet ska vara ett flexibelt institut som kan tillgodose det skyddsbehov som individer med nedsatt beslutsförmåga är i behov av. Samtidigt är en viktig princip att förvaltarskapet inte ska utgöra ett större ingrepp i den enskildes... (More)
Den här uppsatsen har som syfte att undersöka förvaltarskapets anordnande och belysa verkningarna av ett sådant anordnande. I uppsatsen utreds vilka grunderna för anordnande av förvaltarskap är och hur dessa tolkas enligt gällande rätt. Vidare analyseras hur den praktiska tillämpningen av föräldrabalkens relevanta bestämmelser ser ut samt huruvida tillämpningen är ändamålsenlig i förhållande till bestämmelsernas syfte och lagstiftarens intentioner.

Lagstiftarens intentioner har varit att förvaltarskapsinstitutet ska vara ett flexibelt institut som kan tillgodose det skyddsbehov som individer med nedsatt beslutsförmåga är i behov av. Samtidigt är en viktig princip att förvaltarskapet inte ska utgöra ett större ingrepp i den enskildes integritet än vad som är klart motiverat. Härav följer dels att förvaltarskapet ska användas endast som en sista utväg när andra åtgärder inte är tillräckliga, dels att förvaltarskapet ska anpassas så att det utgör ett så litet ingrepp som möjligt för den enskilde.

För den som får en förvaltare innebär detta att denne förlorar sin rättshandlingsförmåga i alla de angelägenheter som omfattas av förvaltarskapet. De förutsättningar som måste vara uppfyllda för att förvaltarskap ska kunna anordnas anges i 11 kap. 7 § FB, med hänvisning till 11 kap. 4 § FB. För att någon ska få förvaltare krävs för det första att denne lider av sjukdom, psykisk störning, försvagat hälsotillstånd eller annat liknande förhållande. Detta behandlas i uppsatsen som ”det medicinska rekvisitet”. För det andra ska den enskilde på grund av sitt hälsotillstånd vara ur stånd att vårda sig eller sin egendom. Med begreppet ”ur stånd” avses en oförmåga att på olika sätt hantera beslut. Rekvisitet behandlas i uppsatsen som ”det funktionella rekvisitet”. För det tredje får förvaltarskap inte anordnas om den enskildes hjälpbehov kan tillgodoses genom godmanskap eller genom någon annan mindre ingripande åtgärd. Detta rekvisit behandlas i uppsatsen som ”principen om minsta ingripande åtgärd”. Dessutom ska förvaltarskapet anpassas efter den enskildes specifika behov och kan begränsas för att inte utgöra ett större ingrepp i den enskildes integritet än vad som kan anses klart befogat.

Den praktiska tillämpningens ändamålsenlighet i förhållande till lagstifta-rens intentioner behandlas utifrån en kvalitativ rättsfallsstudie där beslut från Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge analyseras. Vad gäller lagstiftning-ens skyddsfunktion kan sägas att denna hänger nära samman med bedöm-ingen av det funktionella rekvisitet, dvs. om den enskilde är ur stånd att vårda sig själv eller sin egendom och därav har ett specifikt hjälpbehov. Studien har visat att bedömningen av rekvisitet görs i stort sett helt och hållet utifrån den medicinska utredningen som ofta utgörs av ett läkarintyg. Mot denna bakgrund kan det tänkas finnas vissa brister i hur den enskildes hjälp- och skyddsbehov utreds. Vad gäller lagstiftarens intention att förvaltarskapet ska användas som en sista utväg när inga andra mindre ingripande åtgärder är tillräckliga, analyseras detta främst utifrån principen om minsta ingripande åtgärd. Det kan framhållas att det av studien visats att tillämpningen i denna del i stor mån framstår som ändamålsenlig, men att det upp-kommer vissa oklarheter angående vilka omständigheter som kan och ska vägas in i bedömningen av rekvisitet och i vilken mån förvaltarskapet kan användas som åtgärd för att få till en viss ändring i den enskildes förhållanden som den enskilde motsätter sig. Beträffande flexibiliteten i förvaltarskapsinstitutet analyseras detta främst utifrån det anpassningskrav som upp-ställs. Detta krav hänger även nära samman med principen om minsta ingripande åtgärd. Den praktiska tillämpningen avseende flexibiliteten i hur förvaltarskap kan anordnas framstår, utifrån studien, som till stora delar ändamålsenligt. (Less)
The purpose of this essay is to examine the arrangement of adult guardian-ship for people with impaired decision-making capacity, and to illustrate the effects of such an arrangement. The essay presents the conditions for the arrangement of adult guardianship and how the conditions are interpreted. It further analyzes the application in Swedish courts of the relevant provisions and whether the application is appropriate in relation to the provisions pur-pose and the legislator’s intentions.

The adult guardianship institute was intended to provide for a flexible institute that would meet the protection needs of people with impaired capacity. Meanwhile, an important principle is that an adult guardianship should not constitute a greater... (More)
The purpose of this essay is to examine the arrangement of adult guardian-ship for people with impaired decision-making capacity, and to illustrate the effects of such an arrangement. The essay presents the conditions for the arrangement of adult guardianship and how the conditions are interpreted. It further analyzes the application in Swedish courts of the relevant provisions and whether the application is appropriate in relation to the provisions pur-pose and the legislator’s intentions.

The adult guardianship institute was intended to provide for a flexible institute that would meet the protection needs of people with impaired capacity. Meanwhile, an important principle is that an adult guardianship should not constitute a greater infringement of the privacy of individuals than what is clearly justified. Consequently, an adult guardianship should only be used as a last resort when other measures are insufficient, and it shall also be adjusted to meet the specific needs of the individual.

A guardianship gives someone the legal authority to make decisions for an-other person who does not have the capacity to make their own necessary decisions. Conditions that must be met for a guardianship to be arranged are specified in Chapter 11 section 7 Child and Parents Code, referring to Chap-ter 11 section 4 Child and Parents Code. For someone to be appointed a guardian it is, to begin with, required that he is suffering from illness, psy-chological disorder, weakened state of health or similar. This is discussed in the thesis as “the medical condition”. Secondly, the individual must, be-cause of his medical condition, be incapable to care for himself or his prop-erty. The defining condition is treated as “the functional condition”. Third, adult guardianship is not to be provided if the individual's needs can be met through any other less intrusive measures. This condition is treated as the “principle of least intrusive measures”. In addition to these conditions, an adult guardianship shall be adapted to the individual's specific needs and can be restricted differently to meet the needs of the individual.

The practical application's effectiveness in relation to the intentions of the legislators is assessed based on a study of cases where court decisions from the Court of Appeal of Skåne and Blekinge are analyzed. The legislative protection function is closely related to the assessment of the functional condition ie. if the individual is unable to care for himself or his property, and hence has a specific need for help. Assessments of this condition are made almost entirely from the medical examination, which usually consists of a medical certificate, which is obtained in the case. However, a thorough discussion of the functional condition is not carried out by the court. Conse-quently, there might be shortcomings in how the individual’s need of help and protection are investigated. The legislator’s intention, that an adult guardianship should only be used as a last resort when no other measures are sufficient, is analyzed mainly from the principle of least intrusive
measures. To summarize, the application seems predominantly appropriate, but there arises some ambiguity in which circumstances that are to be con-sidered in the assessment of the condition and if there is a possibility that adult guardianship can be used as a measure to bring about a certain change in the individual circumstances which the individual opposes. Regarding the flexibility of the adult guardianship institute this is mainly analyzed based on the adaptation requirement. This condition is also closely linked to the principle of minimum intervention measure. The practical application for flexibility in how guardianship can be arranged appears, based on the study, as predominantly appropriate. (Less)
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Lindell, Sara LU
alternative title
The arrangement of adult guardianship for people with impaired decision-making capacity in Sweden
JURM02 20122
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
socialrätt, familjerätt, förvaltarskap, ställföreträdarskap
date added to LUP
2013-01-29 14:39:40
date last changed
2013-01-29 14:39:40
  abstract     = {{The purpose of this essay is to examine the arrangement of adult guardian-ship for people with impaired decision-making capacity, and to illustrate the effects of such an arrangement. The essay presents the conditions for the arrangement of adult guardianship and how the conditions are interpreted. It further analyzes the application in Swedish courts of the relevant provisions and whether the application is appropriate in relation to the provisions pur-pose and the legislator’s intentions.

The adult guardianship institute was intended to provide for a flexible institute that would meet the protection needs of people with impaired capacity. Meanwhile, an important principle is that an adult guardianship should not constitute a greater infringement of the privacy of individuals than what is clearly justified. Consequently, an adult guardianship should only be used as a last resort when other measures are insufficient, and it shall also be adjusted to meet the specific needs of the individual.

A guardianship gives someone the legal authority to make decisions for an-other person who does not have the capacity to make their own necessary decisions. Conditions that must be met for a guardianship to be arranged are specified in Chapter 11 section 7 Child and Parents Code, referring to Chap-ter 11 section 4 Child and Parents Code. For someone to be appointed a guardian it is, to begin with, required that he is suffering from illness, psy-chological disorder, weakened state of health or similar. This is discussed in the thesis as “the medical condition”. Secondly, the individual must, be-cause of his medical condition, be incapable to care for himself or his prop-erty. The defining condition is treated as “the functional condition”. Third, adult guardianship is not to be provided if the individual's needs can be met through any other less intrusive measures. This condition is treated as the “principle of least intrusive measures”. In addition to these conditions, an adult guardianship shall be adapted to the individual's specific needs and can be restricted differently to meet the needs of the individual.

The practical application's effectiveness in relation to the intentions of the legislators is assessed based on a study of cases where court decisions from the Court of Appeal of Skåne and Blekinge are analyzed. The legislative protection function is closely related to the assessment of the functional condition ie. if the individual is unable to care for himself or his property, and hence has a specific need for help. Assessments of this condition are made almost entirely from the medical examination, which usually consists of a medical certificate, which is obtained in the case. However, a thorough discussion of the functional condition is not carried out by the court. Conse-quently, there might be shortcomings in how the individual’s need of help and protection are investigated. The legislator’s intention, that an adult guardianship should only be used as a last resort when no other measures are sufficient, is analyzed mainly from the principle of least intrusive
measures. To summarize, the application seems predominantly appropriate, but there arises some ambiguity in which circumstances that are to be con-sidered in the assessment of the condition and if there is a possibility that adult guardianship can be used as a measure to bring about a certain change in the individual circumstances which the individual opposes. Regarding the flexibility of the adult guardianship institute this is mainly analyzed based on the adaptation requirement. This condition is also closely linked to the principle of minimum intervention measure. The practical application for flexibility in how guardianship can be arranged appears, based on the study, as predominantly appropriate.}},
  author       = {{Lindell, Sara}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Anordnande av förvaltarskap - Den praktiska tillämpningen av 11 kap. 7 § föräldrabalken}},
  year         = {{2012}},