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Hur kan en före detta monopolist överleva på en konkurrensutsatt marknad? - En fallstudie av Apoteket AB

Von Celsing Larsson, Ulrika LU ; Ek Thomas, Britta and Järvefelt, Emma (2013) FEKH19 20122
Department of Business Administration
Abstract (Swedish)

Titel: Hur kan en före detta monopolist överleva på en konkurrensutsatt marknad?
- En fallstudie av Apoteket AB

Seminariedatum: 2013-01-18

Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 hp

Författare: Britta Ek Thomas, Emma Järvefelt, Ulrika von Celsing Larsson

Handledare: Ola Mattisson

Nyckelord: Apoteksmarknaden, Omreglering, Dynamiska kapabiliteter, Förändringsprocess, Konkurrensfördelar

Syfte: Att beskriva och analysera vilka faktorer som påverkar en före detta monopolists möjligheter att skapa och utveckla dynamiska kapabiliteter vid en omreglering.

Metod: Uppsatsen har en abduktiv ansats och kvalitativ metod har tillämpats i form av en fallstudie på Apoteket AB. Data har erhållits genom... (More)

Titel: Hur kan en före detta monopolist överleva på en konkurrensutsatt marknad?
- En fallstudie av Apoteket AB

Seminariedatum: 2013-01-18

Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 hp

Författare: Britta Ek Thomas, Emma Järvefelt, Ulrika von Celsing Larsson

Handledare: Ola Mattisson

Nyckelord: Apoteksmarknaden, Omreglering, Dynamiska kapabiliteter, Förändringsprocess, Konkurrensfördelar

Syfte: Att beskriva och analysera vilka faktorer som påverkar en före detta monopolists möjligheter att skapa och utveckla dynamiska kapabiliteter vid en omreglering.

Metod: Uppsatsen har en abduktiv ansats och kvalitativ metod har tillämpats i form av en fallstudie på Apoteket AB. Data har erhållits genom triangulering; semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts på personal från Apoteket AB, en konkurrent samt andra experter inom området vilket kompletteras med sekundärdata bestående av vetenskapliga artiklar, rapporter och böcker.

Teoretiska perspektiv: Inledningsvis presenteras teori gällande marknadsstruktur och tidigare forskning inom strategiförändringar till följd av fundamentala branschförändringar. För att sätta det empiriska fenomenet i en kontext presenteras sedan det industriella organisationssynsättet med Porters femkraftsmodell. Vidare följer det resursbaserade perspektivet som diskuterar hur konkurrensfördelar skapas utifrån företags interna resursbas. Detta perspektiv leder i sin tur in på teorin gällande dynamiska kapabiliteter, vilket handlar om hur dessa konkurrensfördelar kan bevaras och anpassas i en föränderlig miljö. Avsnittet om dynamiska kapabiliteter utgör teorikapitlets huvudfokus.

Empiri: Apoteksmarknaden omreglerades 2009 och Apoteket AB:s utveckling är därför intressant att undersöka utifrån teorin om dynamiska kapabiliteter. De intervjuer som genomförts genererar kunskap gällande faktorer som påverkar Apoteket AB:s förändringsprocess, konkurrensfördelar samt konkurrenssituationen på marknaden idag och i framtiden. Informationen kompletteras med sekundärdata hämtad från gjorda utredningar.

Slutsatser: Studiens resultat visar att främst fyra faktorer påverkar Apoteket AB:s möjligheter att utveckla dynamiska kapabiliteter. Dessa omfattas av företagets historiska rutiner och tankesätt, dess tillgångar, ledningen och personalens inställning till förändringarna samt förmågan att implementera nya arbetssätt och rutiner. (Less)

Title: How is it possible for a previous monopolist to survive when exposed to competition? - A case study of Apoteket AB

Seminar date: 2013-01-18

Course: FEKH19, Strategic Management, Degree Project Undergraduate Level, 15 Swedish University Credit Points
Authors: Britta Ek Thomas, Emma Järvefelt, Ulrika von Celsing Larsson

Advisor: Ola Mattisson

Key words: Pharmacy market, Deregulation, Dynamic capabilities, Process of change, Competitive advantages

Scope: Describing and analysing which factors that affect the possibilities of a previous monopolist to develop dynamic capabilities during a deregulation.

Method: This paper has an abductive approach, and a qualitative method has been used in the form of a case... (More)

Title: How is it possible for a previous monopolist to survive when exposed to competition? - A case study of Apoteket AB

Seminar date: 2013-01-18

Course: FEKH19, Strategic Management, Degree Project Undergraduate Level, 15 Swedish University Credit Points
Authors: Britta Ek Thomas, Emma Järvefelt, Ulrika von Celsing Larsson

Advisor: Ola Mattisson

Key words: Pharmacy market, Deregulation, Dynamic capabilities, Process of change, Competitive advantages

Scope: Describing and analysing which factors that affect the possibilities of a previous monopolist to develop dynamic capabilities during a deregulation.

Method: This paper has an abductive approach, and a qualitative method has been used in the form of a case study using semi-structured interviews with staff including management at Apoteket AB. In order to obtain a broader empirical foundation one competitor and other experts within the area have also been interviewed. The secondary data of the study consist of scientific articles, reports and books.

Theoretical perspectives: First a theory of market structure is presented together with earlier research concerning changes in strategy as a result of fundamental industrial changes. In order to put the empirical phenomenon into a context, the industrial organization view with Porter’s five-point model is first presented. Then, the resource-based perspective discussing how competitive advantages are created from the internal resource base within companies is presented. This perspective, in its turn, leads to the theory concerning dynamic capabilities, which is about how these competitive advantages can be preserved and adapted to a changing environment. The part about dynamic capabilities is the main focus of the theory chapter.

Empirical foundation: The pharmacy market was reregulated in 2009 and the development of Apoteket AB is therefore interesting to investigate, based on the theory of dynamic capabilities. The interviews made generate knowledge concerning factors that affect the change process of Apoteket AB, possible competitive advantages and the competitive situation within the pharmacy market today and in the future. The information is completed with secondary data from various surveys.

Conclusion: The result of the study indicate that four factors affect the possibilities of Apoteket AB to develop dynamic capabilities: how the company has been run historically and the way of thinking that has dominated, the assets of the company, the management’s and the staff’s attitude towards change and, finally, how they have been able to implement new ways of working and routines. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Von Celsing Larsson, Ulrika LU ; Ek Thomas, Britta and Järvefelt, Emma
alternative title
How is it possible for a previous monopolist to survive when exposed to competition? - A case study of Apoteket AB
FEKH19 20122
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Apoteksmarknaden, Omreglering, Dynamiska kapabiliteter, Förändringsprocess, Konkurrensfördelar
date added to LUP
2013-02-13 10:48:05
date last changed
2013-02-13 10:48:05
  abstract     = {{Summary

Title: How is it possible for a previous monopolist to survive when exposed to competition? - A case study of Apoteket AB 

Seminar date: 2013-01-18

Course: FEKH19, Strategic Management, Degree Project Undergraduate Level, 15 Swedish University Credit Points
Authors: Britta Ek Thomas, Emma Järvefelt, Ulrika von Celsing Larsson

Advisor: Ola Mattisson

Key words: Pharmacy market, Deregulation, Dynamic capabilities, Process of change, Competitive advantages

Scope: Describing and analysing which factors that affect the possibilities of a previous monopolist to develop dynamic capabilities during a deregulation.

Method: This paper has an abductive approach, and a qualitative method has been used in the form of a case study using semi-structured interviews with staff including management at Apoteket AB. In order to obtain a broader empirical foundation one competitor and other experts within the area have also been interviewed. The secondary data of the study consist of scientific articles, reports and books.

Theoretical perspectives: First a theory of market structure is presented together with earlier research concerning changes in strategy as a result of fundamental industrial changes. In order to put the empirical phenomenon into a context, the industrial organization view with Porter’s five-point model is first presented. Then, the resource-based perspective discussing how competitive advantages are created from the internal resource base within companies is presented. This perspective, in its turn, leads to the theory concerning dynamic capabilities, which is about how these competitive advantages can be preserved and adapted to a changing environment. The part about dynamic capabilities is the main focus of the theory chapter.

Empirical foundation: The pharmacy market was reregulated in 2009 and the development of Apoteket AB is therefore interesting to investigate, based on the theory of dynamic capabilities. The interviews made generate knowledge concerning factors that affect the change process of Apoteket AB, possible competitive advantages and the competitive situation within the pharmacy market today and in the future. The information is completed with secondary data from various surveys. 

Conclusion: The result of the study indicate that four factors affect the possibilities of Apoteket AB to develop dynamic capabilities: how the company has been run historically and the way of thinking that has dominated, the assets of the company, the management’s and the staff’s attitude towards change and, finally, how they have been able to implement new ways of working and routines.}},
  author       = {{Von Celsing Larsson, Ulrika and Ek Thomas, Britta and Järvefelt, Emma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Hur kan en före detta monopolist överleva på en konkurrensutsatt marknad? - En fallstudie av Apoteket AB}},
  year         = {{2013}},