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LUP Student Papers


Den allvetande staten

Holmgren, Johan LU (2013) JURM02 20132
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Konflikten mellan den personliga integriteten och rättsväsendets möjligheter att använda olika typer av hemliga tvångsmedel är en klassisk fråga inom juridiken. En fråga som jag anser har fått för lite uppmärksamhet är dock hur den moderna datortekniken påverkar den diskussionen.

I min uppsats har jag därför fokuserat på tre områden. För det första har jag undersökt hur flera hemliga tvångsmedel, bland annat hemlig telefonavlyssning och övervakning av elektronisk kommunikation, påverkas av olika implementeringar av den allt mer lättillgängliga krypteringstekniken. I samband med detta pekar jag på svårigheterna att över huvud taget uppnå det avsedda syftet med viss lagstiftning, exempelvis den nuvarande kriminaliseringen av s.k.... (More)
Konflikten mellan den personliga integriteten och rättsväsendets möjligheter att använda olika typer av hemliga tvångsmedel är en klassisk fråga inom juridiken. En fråga som jag anser har fått för lite uppmärksamhet är dock hur den moderna datortekniken påverkar den diskussionen.

I min uppsats har jag därför fokuserat på tre områden. För det första har jag undersökt hur flera hemliga tvångsmedel, bland annat hemlig telefonavlyssning och övervakning av elektronisk kommunikation, påverkas av olika implementeringar av den allt mer lättillgängliga krypteringstekniken. I samband med detta pekar jag på svårigheterna att över huvud taget uppnå det avsedda syftet med viss lagstiftning, exempelvis den nuvarande kriminaliseringen av s.k. fildelning av upphovsrättskyddat material.

För det andra har jag gjort en, beroende på vilken aspekt av krypteringstekniken det rör sig om, mer eller mindre grundlig genomgång både av dess nuvarande laglighet, men i vissa fall även vilken tendens man kan finnas hos lagstiftaren för hur framtiden ser ut.

För det tredje har jag undersökt hur den moderna tekniken påverkar förhållandet mellan enskildas integritet och statens möjligheter till övervakning, samt vilket inneboende värde integritetsbegreppet bör anses skydda. Jag har här dels gjort en omfattande undersökning av den syn på hemliga tvångsmedel i förhållande till enskildas integritet som kommer till uttryck i en serie avgöranden från Europadomstolen, men även den som kommer till utryck i annan lagstiftning, statliga utredningar, och hos enskilda. Jag undersöker hur hållbara dessa slutsatser är när de ställs mot den moderna teknikens möjligheter, i kombination med vissa historiska händelser som jag redogör för och sätter in i kontexten övervakning -integritet.

I min uppsats kommer jag fram till att det finns stora problem med effektiviteten hos nuvarande tvångsmedel när de ställs mot krypteringstekniken. Då jag även kommer fram till att staten genom den moderna tekniken fått oerhört mycket större möjligheter till övervakning, ifrågasätter jag dock det önskvärda i att helt inskränka den sfär av total anonymitet och säker kommunikation som krypteringstekniken kan tillhandahålla. Jag kommer dock även fram till att den syn på innebörden av begreppet integritet och anonymitet som idag är det dominerande inte bara hos Europadomstolen och den svenska lagstiftaren, troligen inte medger en acceptans av rättsläget rörande flera aspekter av krypteringstekniken som det ser ut idag, utan att det troligaste är att någon typ av lagstiftning som inskränker möjligheterna till ett effektivt användande av vissa aspekter av krypteringstekniken kommer att införas. (Less)
The conflict between the personal integrity and the judiciary’s ability to use different kinds of secret coercive means is a classic question within the school of law. A question, which I believe has gotten too little attention, is how modern computer technology affects this discussion.

In my paper, I have therefore focused on three areas. First, I have researched how several secret coercive means, including covert wiretaps and surveillance of electronic communication, are affected by different implementations of the increasingly accessible encryption technology. In connection with this, I point out the difficulties of achieving the intended purpose of some legislation at all, for instance, the current criminalization of so-called... (More)
The conflict between the personal integrity and the judiciary’s ability to use different kinds of secret coercive means is a classic question within the school of law. A question, which I believe has gotten too little attention, is how modern computer technology affects this discussion.

In my paper, I have therefore focused on three areas. First, I have researched how several secret coercive means, including covert wiretaps and surveillance of electronic communication, are affected by different implementations of the increasingly accessible encryption technology. In connection with this, I point out the difficulties of achieving the intended purpose of some legislation at all, for instance, the current criminalization of so-called file-sharing of copyrighted material.

Second of all, I have done a, depending on which aspect of encryption technology it concerns, more or less thorough review of both its current legality, but in some cases also which tendency one may find with the legislature and what the future holds.

For the third, I have investigated how the modern technology affect the relationship between the individuals’ integrity and the States’ ability for surveillance, also which intrinsic value the integrity concept should be considered protected. Here I have partially done a pervading examination of the view on secret coercive means in relation to individuals’ integrity, which are expressed in a series of rulings from the European Court, but also those expressed in other legislatures, governmental investigations, and among individuals. I examine how these conclusions hold up when they are put against the abilities of modern technology, in combination with some historical events which I account for and put in the context of surveillance –integrity.

In my paper, I reach the conclusion that there exists great issues with the efficiency of current means of coercion when they are put against the encryption technology. But as I also conclude that the State, with the help of modern technology, has received immense possibilities for surveillance, I question the desirability of limiting the sphere of absolute anonymity and secure communication, which the encryption technology can provide. I also conclude that the view on the meaning of the concept of integrity and anonymity, which today is not only the dominant in the European Court and the Swedish legislature, probably doesn’t allow for an acceptance of the legal situation concerning several aspects of encryption technology as it stands today; it’s most likely that some type of legislation, which limit the possibilities for an effective use of some aspects of the encryption technology, will be introduced. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Holmgren, Johan LU
alternative title
The omniscient state
JURM02 20132
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt (en. criminal law)
date added to LUP
2014-03-17 07:59:37
date last changed
2014-03-17 07:59:37
  abstract     = {{The conflict between the personal integrity and the judiciary’s ability to use different kinds of secret coercive means is a classic question within the school of law. A question, which I believe has gotten too little attention, is how modern computer technology affects this discussion.

In my paper, I have therefore focused on three areas. First, I have researched how several secret coercive means, including covert wiretaps and surveillance of electronic communication, are affected by different implementations of the increasingly accessible encryption technology. In connection with this, I point out the difficulties of achieving the intended purpose of some legislation at all, for instance, the current criminalization of so-called file-sharing of copyrighted material.

Second of all, I have done a, depending on which aspect of encryption technology it concerns, more or less thorough review of both its current legality, but in some cases also which tendency one may find with the legislature and what the future holds.

For the third, I have investigated how the modern technology affect the relationship between the individuals’ integrity and the States’ ability for surveillance, also which intrinsic value the integrity concept should be considered protected. Here I have partially done a pervading examination of the view on secret coercive means in relation to individuals’ integrity, which are expressed in a series of rulings from the European Court, but also those expressed in other legislatures, governmental investigations, and among individuals. I examine how these conclusions hold up when they are put against the abilities of modern technology, in combination with some historical events which I account for and put in the context of surveillance –integrity.

In my paper, I reach the conclusion that there exists great issues with the efficiency of current means of coercion when they are put against the encryption technology. But as I also conclude that the State, with the help of modern technology, has received immense possibilities for surveillance, I question the desirability of limiting the sphere of absolute anonymity and secure communication, which the encryption technology can provide. I also conclude that the view on the meaning of the concept of integrity and anonymity, which today is not only the dominant in the European Court and the Swedish legislature, probably doesn’t allow for an acceptance of the legal situation concerning several aspects of encryption technology as it stands today; it’s most likely that some type of legislation, which limit the possibilities for an effective use of some aspects of the encryption technology, will be introduced.}},
  author       = {{Holmgren, Johan}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Den allvetande staten}},
  year         = {{2013}},