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Barns rättsliga ställning i familjerättsliga mål, LVU-mål och asylmål- förslag på samverkansformer av dessa processer

Zaoujan, Salwa LU (2014) JURM02 20141
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen behandlar barns rättsliga ställning i familjerättsliga mål, LVU-mål och asylmål. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka de likheter och skillnader som föreligger mellan dessa typer av processer. Det förekommer att barn kan vara inblandade hos flera myndigheter och domstolar samtidigt. Det kan handla om en vårdnadstvist mellan vårdnadshavarna i tingsrätten, samtidigt som det finns en begäran om omhändertagande hos förvaltningsrätten. I dagsläget finns det i Sverige ingen lagstiftning eller system som förenar problem med barnrättslig karaktär under samma tak. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka möjligheter med att samla ihop alla barnrelaterade fall under samma tak, genom att införa någon form av samverkan, exempelvis... (More)
Uppsatsen behandlar barns rättsliga ställning i familjerättsliga mål, LVU-mål och asylmål. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka de likheter och skillnader som föreligger mellan dessa typer av processer. Det förekommer att barn kan vara inblandade hos flera myndigheter och domstolar samtidigt. Det kan handla om en vårdnadstvist mellan vårdnadshavarna i tingsrätten, samtidigt som det finns en begäran om omhändertagande hos förvaltningsrätten. I dagsläget finns det i Sverige ingen lagstiftning eller system som förenar problem med barnrättslig karaktär under samma tak. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka möjligheter med att samla ihop alla barnrelaterade fall under samma tak, genom att införa någon form av samverkan, exempelvis familjedomstolar. I uppsatsen undersöks gällande svensk rätt, men också australiensisk rätt, med fokus på familjedomstolar.

Den gemensamma tanken för barn i familjerättsliga mål, LVU-mål och asylmål är, att barnens inställning ska så långt som möjligt redovisas för rätten. Det ska ske på ett sätt som barn inte kan ta skada av. Likaså har barn i alla fallen rätt att ge uttryck för sin vilja och inställning. De skillnaderna som föreligger mellan de olika måltyperna, kan ha sin förklaring i hur mycket barn i de olika processerna ska skyddas, hur pass viktigt det är att ha med barns åsikter i processen, och hur pass avgörande denna åsikt blir för utgången av processen. I familjerättsliga mål tycks lagstiftaren ha lämnat ett förtroende för barns vårdnadshavare att själva komma överens, företräda och se till vad som är barnets bästa. De övriga målen d.v.s. asyl och LVU-målen är det samhället, antingen genom socialtjänsten eller migrationsverket, som har det övergripande ansvaret för barn, och ska se till att barns angelägenheter och åsikter blir så pass utredda som möjligt. Idag finns det inget som samverkar dessa tre rättsprocesser under ett och samma tak. Detta kan vara problematiskt då barn tvingas slussas mellan olika myndigheter och personal.

De närmsta Sverige har kommit till en samverkan är via barnahus, som är en samverkan mellan socialtjänst, polis, åklagare, ungdomspsykiatrin m.m. för barn som utsätts för brott. Dessa aktörer samlas under ett och samma tak, för att barn inte ska behöva slussas mellan olika myndigheter och personal. Det finns dock ingen samverkan på domstolsnivå, och det föreligger inget intresse av att arbeta gentemot en sådan konstruktion i Sverige. Ett land som har familjedomstolar är Australien. Familjedomstolen arbetar enbart med familjerättsliga mål och har specialiserade domare som handlägger ärendena.

Slutligen innehar uppsatsen en analytisk del där det konstateras att det finns ett tydligt behov av kompetens hos beslutsfattarna, men också behov av en bättre domstolsmiljö för barn, där barn kan känna trygghet. För att uppnå detta bör man inrätta familjedomstolar där personal får genomgå utbildningar och ha specialkompetens inom barnrätten. Det borde ställas krav på specialkompetens hos domare och på biträde som företräder barnet, detta kan i sin tur bidra till ökad rättssäkerhet, men också en förkortning av domstolshandläggningen. (Less)
The essay deals with legal status of children in family law cases, LVU cases, and asylum cases. This work aims to investigate the similarities and differences that exist between these types of processes. It happens that a child may be involved with several governments and courts at the same time. This may involve a custody dispute between the legal guardians, in the district court, while there is a request for compulsory caretaking at the administrative law court. In the current situation in Sweden there is no legislation or system that combines child-related cases in one place. The purpose of this essay is to investigate if it´s possible to collect all child-related cases in one place, by introducing some form of collaboration, such as... (More)
The essay deals with legal status of children in family law cases, LVU cases, and asylum cases. This work aims to investigate the similarities and differences that exist between these types of processes. It happens that a child may be involved with several governments and courts at the same time. This may involve a custody dispute between the legal guardians, in the district court, while there is a request for compulsory caretaking at the administrative law court. In the current situation in Sweden there is no legislation or system that combines child-related cases in one place. The purpose of this essay is to investigate if it´s possible to collect all child-related cases in one place, by introducing some form of collaboration, such as family courts. The essay examines current Swedish law, but also Australian law, focusing on the family courts.

The common thought for children in family law cases, LVU cases and asylum cases is that the child's attitude will, as far as possible, be reported to the court. And it should be done in a way that the child can´t be harmed. Likewise, the children in all cases have the right to express their will and attitude. The differences that exist between these cases, can be explained by how much the child needs to be protected, how important it is to have child´s opinion in the process, and how crucial this opinion becomes at the end of the process. In family law cases the legislator appears to have left a trust for the child's guardians to agree among themselves, represent and make sure what is in the child's best interests. While in the other cases that is asylum and LVU- cases are the society, either through social services or immigration office, which has the overall responsibility for the child, and shall ensure that the child's concerns and opinions is so unravelled as possible. Today, there is nothing that interact these three cases in one place. This can be problematic when children are forced to be passed between different agencies and personnel.

The closest Sweden has come to an interaction is through barnahus, which is a collaboration between social services, police, prosecutors, and adolescent psychiatry, for children who are victims of crime. These operators gather in one place, so that the child shouldn´t have to be passed between different agencies and personnel. However, there is no interaction at court level, and there is no interest in working towards such a construction in Sweden. A country that has family courts is Australia. The Family Court works exclusively with family law and has specialized judges hearing the cases.

Finally, the essay hold an analytical part which states that there is a clear need for expertise of decision-makers, but there is also a need for a better court environment for the child, where the child can feel safe. To achieve this, Sweden should establish family courts where the staff will undergo training and have special expertise in child law. It should be required expertise among judges and the counsel representing the child, this in turn contributes to greater legal certainty, but also an abbreviation of the court proceedings. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Zaoujan, Salwa LU
alternative title
Legal status of children in family law cases, LVU cases and asylum cases - proposals on forms of collaboration of these processes
JURM02 20141
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Familjerätt, socialrätt, förvaltningsrätt, vårdnad, familjedomstolar, asylmål, LVU-mål
date added to LUP
2014-06-12 09:04:15
date last changed
2014-06-12 09:04:15
  abstract     = {{The essay deals with legal status of children in family law cases, LVU cases, and asylum cases. This work aims to investigate the similarities and differences that exist between these types of processes. It happens that a child may be involved with several governments and courts at the same time. This may involve a custody dispute between the legal guardians, in the district court, while there is a request for compulsory caretaking at the administrative law court. In the current situation in Sweden there is no legislation or system that combines child-related cases in one place. The purpose of this essay is to investigate if it´s possible to collect all child-related cases in one place, by introducing some form of collaboration, such as family courts. The essay examines current Swedish law, but also Australian law, focusing on the family courts.

The common thought for children in family law cases, LVU cases and asylum cases is that the child's attitude will, as far as possible, be reported to the court. And it should be done in a way that the child can´t be harmed. Likewise, the children in all cases have the right to express their will and attitude. The differences that exist between these cases, can be explained by how much the child needs to be protected, how important it is to have child´s opinion in the process, and how crucial this opinion becomes at the end of the process. In family law cases the legislator appears to have left a trust for the child's guardians to agree among themselves, represent and make sure what is in the child's best interests. While in the other cases that is asylum and LVU- cases are the society, either through social services or immigration office, which has the overall responsibility for the child, and shall ensure that the child's concerns and opinions is so unravelled as possible. Today, there is nothing that interact these three cases in one place. This can be problematic when children are forced to be passed between different agencies and personnel.

The closest Sweden has come to an interaction is through barnahus, which is a collaboration between social services, police, prosecutors, and adolescent psychiatry, for children who are victims of crime. These operators gather in one place, so that the child shouldn´t have to be passed between different agencies and personnel. However, there is no interaction at court level, and there is no interest in working towards such a construction in Sweden. A country that has family courts is Australia. The Family Court works exclusively with family law and has specialized judges hearing the cases.

Finally, the essay hold an analytical part which states that there is a clear need for expertise of decision-makers, but there is also a need for a better court environment for the child, where the child can feel safe. To achieve this, Sweden should establish family courts where the staff will undergo training and have special expertise in child law. It should be required expertise among judges and the counsel representing the child, this in turn contributes to greater legal certainty, but also an abbreviation of the court proceedings.}},
  author       = {{Zaoujan, Salwa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barns rättsliga ställning i familjerättsliga mål, LVU-mål och asylmål- förslag på samverkansformer av dessa processer}},
  year         = {{2014}},