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God skattelagstiftning, finansiell leasing och SOU 2014:40

Paoli, Oliver LU (2014) LAGM01 20142
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
SOU 2014:40 innebär avdragsbegränsningsregler för finansiella kostnader, bland annat finansiella leasingtransaktioner. Grundtanken bakom detta är att utjämna skillnaderna i den skattemässiga behandlingen av eget och lånat kapital. Ett ytterligare skäl till att avskaffa avdragsrätten för räntor är att det har förekommit omfattande skatteplanering med ränteavdrag som har visat sig svår att motverka. Utredningens lösning på problemet är att slopa avdragsrätten för räntor fullständigt.

Den utformning som utredningen har gett avdragsbegränsningsregler innebär att en vid definition för finansiella kostnader införs. I denna definition ingår hyres- och leasingkostnader. Förslaget innehåller dock ingen definition avseende hyres- eller... (More)
SOU 2014:40 innebär avdragsbegränsningsregler för finansiella kostnader, bland annat finansiella leasingtransaktioner. Grundtanken bakom detta är att utjämna skillnaderna i den skattemässiga behandlingen av eget och lånat kapital. Ett ytterligare skäl till att avskaffa avdragsrätten för räntor är att det har förekommit omfattande skatteplanering med ränteavdrag som har visat sig svår att motverka. Utredningens lösning på problemet är att slopa avdragsrätten för räntor fullständigt.

Den utformning som utredningen har gett avdragsbegränsningsregler innebär att en vid definition för finansiella kostnader införs. I denna definition ingår hyres- och leasingkostnader. Förslaget innehåller dock ingen definition avseende hyres- eller leasingbegreppen.

Uppsatsen behandlar avsaknaden av en definition av finansiell leasing. Tanken är att se om avsaknaden av en tydlig begreppsbestämning framstår som problematisk om man ser till rättstillämpningen. För att utreda detta undersöks ett flertal rättsområden. Inledningsvis behandlas skatterätten för att se om det i nuläget finns en tydlig definition av termen. Civilrätten blir även föremål för framställningen. Detta då skatterätten och civilrätten har ett starkt samband, inte minst när det gäller terminologi, vilket innebär att en civilrättslig definition av finansiell leasing skulle kunna påverka skatterätten. Ett tredje rättsområde som behandlas är redovisningsrätten. Sambandet mellan beskattningen och redovisningen innebär att det är relevant att se till den redovisningsmässiga hanteringen av finansiell leasing och vad denna kan innebära för den skatterättsliga definitionen.

Arbetet behandlar utöver detta vad som kan sägas utgöra en god skattelagstiftning. De delar av SOU 2014:40 som avser ränteavdragsbegränsningar för hyres- och leasingtransaktioner diskuteras sedan i relation till de krav som kan ställas på en sådan lagstiftningsprodukt.

De slutsatser jag dragit angående definitionen av finansiell leasing är att en tydlig sådan inte återfinns inom skatterätten eller civilrätten. Den definition som finns inom redovisningsrätten är inte lämplig för skatterätten då redovisningen inte har något behov av att skilja mellan finansiell leasing och avbetalningsköp/kreditköp, något som skatterätten har. När det gäller den goda skattelagstiftningen är det svårare att dra någon konkret slutsats. Det som kan sägas med en större säkerhet är att förslaget är komplicerat och att avsaknaden av en legaldefinition för finansiell leasing kan innebära gränsdragningsproblem mellan leasing och avbetalningsköp/kreditköp. Detta innebär att enkelheten, förutsebarheten och rättssäkerheten i SOU 2014:40 riskerar att inte nå upp till den nivå som den borde för att kunna sägas utgöra en god skattelagstiftning. (Less)
If the proposed changes in SOU 2014:40 are implemented it will impose limitations on deductions for ”financial expenses”. This process will mean limitations for deductions related to financial leasing. The idea behind this is to lessen the difference that exists between the taxation of equity and borrowed capital. Another reason behind the proposed changes is the large extent to which the current regulation has been used in order to lessen the extent of taxation. This has proved hard to counteract and the proposed changes address this by completely removing deductions tied to interest payments.

In its current state the proposal has a broad definition of what can be deemed as a ”financial expense”. This definition includes costs tied to... (More)
If the proposed changes in SOU 2014:40 are implemented it will impose limitations on deductions for ”financial expenses”. This process will mean limitations for deductions related to financial leasing. The idea behind this is to lessen the difference that exists between the taxation of equity and borrowed capital. Another reason behind the proposed changes is the large extent to which the current regulation has been used in order to lessen the extent of taxation. This has proved hard to counteract and the proposed changes address this by completely removing deductions tied to interest payments.

In its current state the proposal has a broad definition of what can be deemed as a ”financial expense”. This definition includes costs tied to rent and leasing. The proposal does not contain a definition concerning what is to be considered rent and leasing.

This essay examines the lack of a definition for financial leasing. This is done to determine if this absence of a clear definition will lead to problems if the rules are put to use. To determine this we have to determine if there is a current definition for financial leasing. Tax law, civil law the laws and regulations surrounding accounting are examined. Civil law and accounting are part of the study since they have a close connection to tax law in Sweden. This connection is also examined.

Aside from this the essay also deals with the question: What makes a legislation good? This is then discussed with reference to the parts of the proposed changes in SOU 2014:40 that deal with limiting deductions for rent and leasing.

My conclusions are that there is no clear definition of the term financial leasing in Swedish tax or civil law. The definition that can be found in the regulations surrounding accounting is not useful with regard to tax law given that there is no need to differentiate between financial leasing and credit purchases from an accounting perspective. This is not the case in tax law. Drawing conclusions about the quality of the legislation is harder but what can be said with a high degree of certainty is that the proposal in SOU 2014:40 is complicated and that the lack of a clear definition of financial leasing can pose future problems when there is a need to differentiate between financial leasing and credit purchases. This means that aside from being needlessly complicated the predictability of the legislation is lessened which makes it hard to claim that the proposal is in fact an example of a good tax legislation. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Paoli, Oliver LU
alternative title
Good tax legislation, financial leasing and SOU 2014:40
LAGM01 20142
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
skatterätt, sou 2014:40, finansiell leasing
date added to LUP
2015-02-05 17:46:30
date last changed
2015-02-05 17:46:30
  abstract     = {{If the proposed changes in SOU 2014:40 are implemented it will impose limitations on deductions for ”financial expenses”. This process will mean limitations for deductions related to financial leasing. The idea behind this is to lessen the difference that exists between the taxation of equity and borrowed capital. Another reason behind the proposed changes is the large extent to which the current regulation has been used in order to lessen the extent of taxation. This has proved hard to counteract and the proposed changes address this by completely removing deductions tied to interest payments.

In its current state the proposal has a broad definition of what can be deemed as a ”financial expense”. This definition includes costs tied to rent and leasing. The proposal does not contain a definition concerning what is to be considered rent and leasing.

This essay examines the lack of a definition for financial leasing. This is done to determine if this absence of a clear definition will lead to problems if the rules are put to use. To determine this we have to determine if there is a current definition for financial leasing. Tax law, civil law the laws and regulations surrounding accounting are examined. Civil law and accounting are part of the study since they have a close connection to tax law in Sweden. This connection is also examined.

Aside from this the essay also deals with the question: What makes a legislation good? This is then discussed with reference to the parts of the proposed changes in SOU 2014:40 that deal with limiting deductions for rent and leasing. 

My conclusions are that there is no clear definition of the term financial leasing in Swedish tax or civil law. The definition that can be found in the regulations surrounding accounting is not useful with regard to tax law given that there is no need to differentiate between financial leasing and credit purchases from an accounting perspective. This is not the case in tax law. Drawing conclusions about the quality of the legislation is harder but what can be said with a high degree of certainty is that the proposal in SOU 2014:40 is complicated and that the lack of a clear definition of financial leasing can pose future problems when there is a need to differentiate between financial leasing and credit purchases. This means that aside from being needlessly complicated the predictability of the legislation is lessened which makes it hard to claim that the proposal is in fact an example of a good tax legislation.}},
  author       = {{Paoli, Oliver}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{God skattelagstiftning, finansiell leasing och SOU 2014:40}},
  year         = {{2014}},