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Bekämpning av organiserad brottslighet - En undersökning av om en skärpning av 23 kap. 6 § BrB är ett mer effektivt sätt för att bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten

Namazi Moghaddam, Sepehr LU (2015) LAGM01 20151
Department of Law
Abstract (Uncoded languages)
The paper also contains a summary in Farsi.
Organised crime is a subject that is constantly current and constantly discussed. It is an extensive and problematic area, for example when it comes to definitions. In recent years, considerable resources have been spent on combating organised crime. Organised crime is said to constantly grow, despite considerable resource investments, and the question of how this type of crime is best fought, is still current. In regard of what is said above, the Swedish government decided to appoint an inquiry, February 21, 2013. One of the inquiry's considerations was whether modifying the Penal Code’s twenty-third chapter’s sixth paragraph more effectively could counteract organised crime. The inquiry's work resulted in SOU 2014: 63: Organiserad... (More)
Organised crime is a subject that is constantly current and constantly discussed. It is an extensive and problematic area, for example when it comes to definitions. In recent years, considerable resources have been spent on combating organised crime. Organised crime is said to constantly grow, despite considerable resource investments, and the question of how this type of crime is best fought, is still current. In regard of what is said above, the Swedish government decided to appoint an inquiry, February 21, 2013. One of the inquiry's considerations was whether modifying the Penal Code’s twenty-third chapter’s sixth paragraph more effectively could counteract organised crime. The inquiry's work resulted in SOU 2014: 63: Organiserad brottslighet – förfälts- och underlåtenhetsansvar, kvalifikationsgrunder m.m.

When the author was in his eight semester of the law program in the fall of 2014, he had a group presentation on criminalization principles. During the work for the presentation, the author got familiarized with various inquiries, which, among other things, discussed the effects of an criminalization inflation and that argumentation in different inquiries were adapted to support the conclusion that new criminalization were necessary. Through this paper were given an opportunity for the author to explore the intriguing question that the inquiry also has investigated. In addition to investigating whether or not the Penal Code’s twenty-third chapter’s sixth paragraph should be modified, the author chose to also investigate whether a modification can be considered compatible with the important criminalization principles or not.

In conclusion it may be said that organised crime is a threat to the Swedish society, but the threat is diffuse. The ambiguity of the threat is partly due to the fact that organised crime is made up of different types of gangs and groups who commit different types of crimes. The inquiry's proposal is, like the threat from organised crime, unclear. Ambiguities in the proposal will also ensure that it becomes difficult to determine whether it is a more efficient way to counter organised crime, and this is why the proposal, according to the author, should be rejected. The author also believes that the Penal Code’s twenty-third chapter’s sixth paragraph is not suitable for a modification on the grounds that the new provision will have limited practical significance. A possible modification on the grounds that some efficiency can be achieved should not be considered compatible with the criminalization principles, which stipulate that criminalization should be a last resort. If a criminalization is introduced without further ado, and the principles of criminalization not sufficiently are taken into account, the author fears that there is a real risk for a future criminalization inflation. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Den organiserade brottsligheten är ett ämne som ständigt är aktuellt och som ständigt diskuteras. Det är ett omfattande och problematiskt område, bland annat när det kommer till definitioner. Under senare år har stora resurser lagts ner på bekämpandet av denna brottslighet. Den organiserade brottsligheten sägs ständigt växa, trots betydande resurssatsningar, och frågan om hur denna brottslighet bäst bekämpas är därför jämt aktuell. Med anledning av bland annat ovanstående beslutade regeringen den 21 februari 2013 att tillsätta en utredning. Ett av utredningens överväganden var huruvida den organiserade brottsligheten mer effektivt kunde motverkas genom att skärpa bestämmelsen om underlåtenhetsansvar i 23 kap. 6 § BrB. Utredningens arbete... (More)
Den organiserade brottsligheten är ett ämne som ständigt är aktuellt och som ständigt diskuteras. Det är ett omfattande och problematiskt område, bland annat när det kommer till definitioner. Under senare år har stora resurser lagts ner på bekämpandet av denna brottslighet. Den organiserade brottsligheten sägs ständigt växa, trots betydande resurssatsningar, och frågan om hur denna brottslighet bäst bekämpas är därför jämt aktuell. Med anledning av bland annat ovanstående beslutade regeringen den 21 februari 2013 att tillsätta en utredning. Ett av utredningens överväganden var huruvida den organiserade brottsligheten mer effektivt kunde motverkas genom att skärpa bestämmelsen om underlåtenhetsansvar i 23 kap. 6 § BrB. Utredningens arbete resulterade i SOU 2014:63: Organiserad brottslighet – förfälts- och underlåtenhetsansvar, kvalifikationsgrunder m.m.

När författaren läste sin sista fördjupningskurs på juristprogrammet under höstterminen 2014, hade han en gruppredovisning om kriminaliserings-principer. Under arbetet med redovisningen bekantade sig författaren med olika utredningar, där det bland annat skrevs om effekterna av en kriminaliseringsinflation och att argumentationen i olika utredningar anpassades för att stödja vissa slutsatser som talade för kriminaliseringar. Genom denna uppsats gavs tillfälle för författaren att undersöka den spännande fråga som även utredningen har undersökt. Utöver frågan om skärpt underlåtenhetsansvar, valde författaren att även undersöka om en skärpning kan anses vara förenlig med de viktiga kriminaliserings-principerna.

Sammanfattningsvis kan anföras att den organiserade brottsligheten utgör ett hot mot det svenska samhället, men hotbilden är diffus. Hotbildens oklarhet beror bland annat på att den organiserade brottsligheten består av olika typer av gängbildningar och sammanslutningar som begår olika typer av brott. Utredningens förslag är, likt den organiserade brottslighetens hotbild, otydligt. Otydligheterna i förslaget leder även till att det blir svårt att avgöra om det mer effektivt kan komma att motverka den organiserade brottsligheten, varför förslaget, enligt författaren, bör avstyrkas. Författaren menar vidare att 23 kap. 6 § BrB inte är lämplig för en skärpning med anledning av att den nya bestämmelsen kommer att få begränsad praktisk betydelse. En eventuell skärpning med anledning av att viss effektivitet kan uppnås bör inte heller anses vara förenlig med kriminaliseringsprinciperna, som bland annat stadgar att kriminaliseringar endast ska ske i sista hand. Om kriminaliseringar sker utan vidare, och om principerna för krimina-liseringar inte beaktas i tillräcklig utsträckning, befarar författaren att det föreligger en reell risk för en framtida kriminaliseringsinflation. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Namazi Moghaddam, Sepehr LU
alternative title
Combating organised crime - An inquiry about if a modification of the Penal Code’s twenty-third chapter’s sixth paragraph more effectively could counteract organised crime
LAGM01 20151
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
organiserad brottslighet, bekämpning av organiserad brottslighet, Straffrätt (en. criminal law), 23 kap. 6 § BrB, kriminaliseringsprinciper, principer
date added to LUP
2015-06-05 13:10:54
date last changed
2015-06-05 13:10:54
  abstract     = {{Organised crime is a subject that is constantly current and constantly discussed. It is an extensive and problematic area, for example when it comes to definitions. In recent years, considerable resources have been spent on combating organised crime. Organised crime is said to constantly grow, despite considerable resource investments, and the question of how this type of crime is best fought, is still current. In regard of what is said above, the Swedish government decided to appoint an inquiry, February 21, 2013. One of the inquiry's considerations was whether modifying the Penal Code’s twenty-third chapter’s sixth paragraph more effectively could counteract organised crime. The inquiry's work resulted in SOU 2014: 63: Organiserad brottslighet – förfälts- och underlåtenhetsansvar, kvalifikationsgrunder m.m.

When the author was in his eight semester of the law program in the fall of 2014, he had a group presentation on criminalization principles. During the work for the presentation, the author got familiarized with various inquiries, which, among other things, discussed the effects of an criminalization inflation and that argumentation in different inquiries were adapted to support the conclusion that new criminalization were necessary. Through this paper were given an opportunity for the author to explore the intriguing question that the inquiry also has investigated. In addition to investigating whether or not the Penal Code’s twenty-third chapter’s sixth paragraph should be modified, the author chose to also investigate whether a modification can be considered compatible with the important criminalization principles or not.

In conclusion it may be said that organised crime is a threat to the Swedish society, but the threat is diffuse. The ambiguity of the threat is partly due to the fact that organised crime is made up of different types of gangs and groups who commit different types of crimes. The inquiry's proposal is, like the threat from organised crime, unclear. Ambiguities in the proposal will also ensure that it becomes difficult to determine whether it is a more efficient way to counter organised crime, and this is why the proposal, according to the author, should be rejected. The author also believes that the Penal Code’s twenty-third chapter’s sixth paragraph is not suitable for a modification on the grounds that the new provision will have limited practical significance. A possible modification on the grounds that some efficiency can be achieved should not be considered compatible with the criminalization principles, which stipulate that criminalization should be a last resort. If a criminalization is introduced without further ado, and the principles of criminalization not sufficiently are taken into account, the author fears that there is a real risk for a future criminalization inflation.}},
  author       = {{Namazi Moghaddam, Sepehr}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Bekämpning av organiserad brottslighet - En undersökning av om en skärpning av 23 kap. 6 § BrB är ett mer effektivt sätt för att bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten}},
  year         = {{2015}},