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Transaktionskostnader inom e-handel

Haeggblom, Jonna LU ; Larsson, Amelie LU and Bontin, Anton LU (2016) FEKH19 20152
Department of Business Administration
Abstract (Swedish)
Abstract (Swedish)

Examensarbetets titel: Transaktionskostnader inom e-handel

Seminariedatum: 2016-01-14

Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete inom Strategic Management på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng

Författare: Anton Bontin, Jonna Haeggblom, Amelie Larsson

Handledare: Magnus Johansson

Nyckelord: Transaktionskostnader, E-handel, Relationsspecifika tillgångar, Osäkerhet, Förtroende

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka till vilken grad osäkerhet och relationsspecifika tillgångar ger upphov till transaktionskostnader inom business-to-business e-handel.

Metod: Studien är av kvantitativ karaktär och via en deduktiv ansats genomfördes en tvärsnittsstudie. Med tidigare forskning som bas utfördes en... (More)
Abstract (Swedish)

Examensarbetets titel: Transaktionskostnader inom e-handel

Seminariedatum: 2016-01-14

Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete inom Strategic Management på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng

Författare: Anton Bontin, Jonna Haeggblom, Amelie Larsson

Handledare: Magnus Johansson

Nyckelord: Transaktionskostnader, E-handel, Relationsspecifika tillgångar, Osäkerhet, Förtroende

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka till vilken grad osäkerhet och relationsspecifika tillgångar ger upphov till transaktionskostnader inom business-to-business e-handel.

Metod: Studien är av kvantitativ karaktär och via en deduktiv ansats genomfördes en tvärsnittsstudie. Med tidigare forskning som bas utfördes en webbaserad enkätundersökning bland e-handlare, där respondenterna ombads ta ställning till ett antal påståenden vilka mätte faktorerna osäkerhet och relationsspecifika tillgångar. Därefter bearbetades insamlad data genom analysverktyget SPSS.

Teoretiska perspektiv: Studien har utgångspunkt i transaktionskostnadsteorin och Williamsons (1979) antagande om tre kritiska faktorer; osäkerhet, relationsspecifika tillgångar och frekvens, vilka anses karaktärisera transaktioner och därmed ge upphov till transaktionskostnader. Transaktionskostnader delas vanligen in i tre kategorier; (1) sökkostnader, (2) kontraktkostnader samt (3) kontrollkostnader.

Empiri: Tidigare forskning inom e-handel i relation till transaktionskostnadsteorin är gles, varpå författarna ställde sig nyfikna till hur teorin verkar i en modern och något outforskad kontext. Vald population har begränsats till Svensk Digital Handel, branschorganisationen för digital handel i Sverige.

1. Inom e-handel har osäkerhet en starkare positiv korrelation med transaktionskostnader än vad relationsspecifika tillgångar har.
2. Sökkostnader är den transaktionskostnad som har svagast positiv korrelation med osäkerhet inom e-handel.

Resultat: Resultatet visar att, i linje med hypotes (1) är osäkerhet den faktorn som har starkast positivt samband med transaktionskostnader. Den transaktionskostnad som har störst inverkan inom e-handel är dock sökkostnader, vilket inte var förväntat och går emot hypotes (2). (Less)
Abstract (english)

Title: Transaction costs within e-commerce

Seminar date: 2016-01-14

Course: FEKH19, Business Administration: Degree Project Undergraduate level, 15
University Credits Points

Authors: Anton Bontin, Jonna Haeggblom, Amelie Larsson

Advisor: Magnus Johansson

Key words: Transaction costs, E-commerce, Relation specific assets, Uncertainty, Trust

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine which of the two factors uncertainty and relation specific assets most highly influence transaction costs within business-to-business e- commerce.

Methodology: The study is of quantitative character and by a deductive approach a cross- sectional study was performed. With earlier research within the field as a... (More)
Abstract (english)

Title: Transaction costs within e-commerce

Seminar date: 2016-01-14

Course: FEKH19, Business Administration: Degree Project Undergraduate level, 15
University Credits Points

Authors: Anton Bontin, Jonna Haeggblom, Amelie Larsson

Advisor: Magnus Johansson

Key words: Transaction costs, E-commerce, Relation specific assets, Uncertainty, Trust

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine which of the two factors uncertainty and relation specific assets most highly influence transaction costs within business-to-business e- commerce.

Methodology: The study is of quantitative character and by a deductive approach a cross- sectional study was performed. With earlier research within the field as a base, a web-based questionnaire was made. The respondents were asked to take a stand on statements about e- commerce, which measured the factors uncertainty and relation specific assets. After that, the collected data was analyzed by a statistical test in SPSS in order to find out the correlations between the variables.

Theoretical perspectives: The study is based on the theory of transaction costs economics, and Williamson’s (1979) contribution regarding three critical factors; uncertainty, frequency and relation specific assets, which characterize transactions and therefore give rise to transaction costs. Transaction costs are divided into three categories (1) search costs, (2) contracting costs and (3) control costs.

Empirical foundation: Earlier research within the field of transaction cost economics and e- commerce is hard to come by, therefore the authors found it interesting to test the theory in a new and an unexplored context. Chosen population is the ‘Swedish Digital Commerce’, which is the trade organization of digital commerce in Sweden.

1. Within e-commerce, uncertainty correlates stronger with transaction costs than with relation specific assets.
2. Search costs are the category of transaction costs that have the least correlation with uncertainty within e-commerce.

Results: The result of the study provides insight that uncertainty is the factor that correlates strongest with transaction costs, in accordance with hypothesis (1). Among the transaction costs the category that indicates the strongest correlation is search costs, which was unexpected and goes against hypothesis (2). (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Haeggblom, Jonna LU ; Larsson, Amelie LU and Bontin, Anton LU
FEKH19 20152
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Transaction Costs, E-commerce, Relation Specific assets, Uncertainty, Trust
date added to LUP
2016-02-05 11:30:12
date last changed
2016-02-05 11:30:12
  abstract     = {{Abstract (english)

Title: Transaction costs within e-commerce

Seminar date: 2016-01-14

Course: FEKH19, Business Administration: Degree Project Undergraduate level, 15
University Credits Points

Authors: Anton Bontin, Jonna Haeggblom, Amelie Larsson

Advisor: Magnus Johansson

Key words: Transaction costs, E-commerce, Relation specific assets, Uncertainty, Trust

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine which of the two factors uncertainty and relation specific assets most highly influence transaction costs within business-to-business e- commerce.

Methodology: The study is of quantitative character and by a deductive approach a cross- sectional study was performed. With earlier research within the field as a base, a web-based questionnaire was made. The respondents were asked to take a stand on statements about e- commerce, which measured the factors uncertainty and relation specific assets. After that, the collected data was analyzed by a statistical test in SPSS in order to find out the correlations between the variables.

Theoretical perspectives: The study is based on the theory of transaction costs economics, and Williamson’s (1979) contribution regarding three critical factors; uncertainty, frequency and relation specific assets, which characterize transactions and therefore give rise to transaction costs. Transaction costs are divided into three categories (1) search costs, (2) contracting costs and (3) control costs.

Empirical foundation: Earlier research within the field of transaction cost economics and e- commerce is hard to come by, therefore the authors found it interesting to test the theory in a new and an unexplored context. Chosen population is the ‘Swedish Digital Commerce’, which is the trade organization of digital commerce in Sweden.

1. Within e-commerce, uncertainty correlates stronger with transaction costs than with relation specific assets.
2. Search costs are the category of transaction costs that have the least correlation with uncertainty within e-commerce.

Results: The result of the study provides insight that uncertainty is the factor that correlates strongest with transaction costs, in accordance with hypothesis (1). Among the transaction costs the category that indicates the strongest correlation is search costs, which was unexpected and goes against hypothesis (2).}},
  author       = {{Haeggblom, Jonna and Larsson, Amelie and Bontin, Anton}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Transaktionskostnader inom e-handel}},
  year         = {{2016}},