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En utredning om inredning - En kvalitativ studie om hur bloggare inom heminredningsgenren framställer konsumtion och skapar ideal.

Björkling, Malin LU ; Karlsson, Maja LU and Westher, Pontus LU (2016) FEKH29 20152
Department of Business Administration
Abstract (Swedish)
Examensarbetets titel: En utredning om inredning - En kvalitativ studie om hur bloggare
inom heminredningsgenren framställer konsumtion och skapar ideal.

Seminariedatum: 14 januari 2016

Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring, 15 högskolepoäng

Författare: Malin Björkling, Maja Karlsson, Pontus Westher

Handledare: Annette Cerne

Nyckelord: Identitetsskapande, ideal, konsumtion, heminredning, blogg.

Syfte: Studera hur bloggare inom heminredningsgenren framställer konsumtion och hur detta
skapar ideal.

Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på kvalitativ metod i form av en semiotisk innehållsanalys av
utvalda inlägg på webbsidor som skrivs i bloggformat. Bloggarna som analyseras är två av de
största i genren, vilket... (More)
Examensarbetets titel: En utredning om inredning - En kvalitativ studie om hur bloggare
inom heminredningsgenren framställer konsumtion och skapar ideal.

Seminariedatum: 14 januari 2016

Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring, 15 högskolepoäng

Författare: Malin Björkling, Maja Karlsson, Pontus Westher

Handledare: Annette Cerne

Nyckelord: Identitetsskapande, ideal, konsumtion, heminredning, blogg.

Syfte: Studera hur bloggare inom heminredningsgenren framställer konsumtion och hur detta
skapar ideal.

Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på kvalitativ metod i form av en semiotisk innehållsanalys av
utvalda inlägg på webbsidor som skrivs i bloggformat. Bloggarna som analyseras är två av de
största i genren, vilket motsvarar marknadsledare. De två bloggar som analyseras är
Trendenser och Tant Johanna.

Teoretiska perspektiv: I det teoretiska ramverket beskrivs först identitetsbegreppet, hur
identitet ofta är vetskapen om tillhörighet till en viss social grupp. Vidare beskrivs hur
konsumenter ofta väljer varumärke med varumärkespersonligheter som stämmer överens med
hur de uppfattar sig själva. Ett annat teoretiskt perspektiv som presenteras är Goffmans teori
om främre och bakre regioner. Slutligen presenteras teorier om hur kontexten är avgörande
för hur innehållet uppfattas.

Empiri: Trendenser skrivs av Frida Ramstedt och har cirka 205 000 besökare i månaden. Tant
Johanna drivs av Johanna Bradford och har cirka 140 000 besökare i månaden.

Resultat: Analysen visar att bloggerskorna konsumerar produkter som har egenskaper de vill
bli förknippad med. De lånar varumärkesassociationer av produkterna som visas upp i
bloggen. På så vis blir konsumtionen en samling av statussymboler för att positionera sig
själva och sitt varumärke. Det är även tydligt att kontexten är avgörande för hur
konsumtionen framställs. Hur konsumtionen framställs skapar i sin tur ideal om hur ett hem
bör inredas och hur konsumenten bör agera; kräsen, medveten och subtil. (Less)
Title: An Investigation into Interior Design

Seminar date: January 14, 2016

Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration,
Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC)

Authors: Malin Björkling, Maja Karlsson, Pontus Westher

Advisor: Annette Cerne

Key words: Identity, Ideal, Consumption, Interior Design, Blogs.

Purpose: Study on the way in which home furnishing blogs portray consumption, and how
this creates ideals.

Methodology: A qualitative content analysis using semiotics. The thesis methodical
foundation is based on a semiotic analysis of web pages written in a blog format. The blogs
analyzed are two of the most read in the genre, called Trendenser and Tant Johanna.

... (More)
Title: An Investigation into Interior Design

Seminar date: January 14, 2016

Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration,
Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC)

Authors: Malin Björkling, Maja Karlsson, Pontus Westher

Advisor: Annette Cerne

Key words: Identity, Ideal, Consumption, Interior Design, Blogs.

Purpose: Study on the way in which home furnishing blogs portray consumption, and how
this creates ideals.

Methodology: A qualitative content analysis using semiotics. The thesis methodical
foundation is based on a semiotic analysis of web pages written in a blog format. The blogs
analyzed are two of the most read in the genre, called Trendenser and Tant Johanna.

Theoretical pespectives: First described in the theoretical framework is the concept of
identity, identity is often the knowledge of membership of a particular social group. It is also
described how consumers often choose the brand with the brand personalities that correspond
to the way they perceive themselves. Another theoretical perspective presented is Goffman's
theory of the front and the back regions and finally theories about how the context is crucial
for the content, is presented.

Empirical foundation: Trendenser is written by Frida Ramstedt and has about 205 000
visitors a month. Tant Johanna is run by Johanna Bradford and has about 140 000 visitors a

Conclusions: The analysis shows that the bloggers use products that have features they want
to be associated with. They borrow brand associations of products displayed in the blog. This
makes their product choises a collection of status symbols that help to position themselves
and their brand. It is also clear that the context is crucial to how consumption is porttrayed.
How the consumption is protrayed constructs ideals about how one should decorate a home
and how one should act as a consumer; selective, concious and subtle. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Björkling, Malin LU ; Karlsson, Maja LU and Westher, Pontus LU
FEKH29 20152
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Identitetsskapande, ideal, konsumtion, heminredning, blogg.
date added to LUP
2016-03-02 11:31:52
date last changed
2019-03-22 09:04:12
  abstract     = {{Title: An Investigation into Interior Design

Seminar date: January 14, 2016

Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration,
Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC)

Authors: Malin Björkling, Maja Karlsson, Pontus Westher

Advisor: Annette Cerne

Key words: Identity, Ideal, Consumption, Interior Design, Blogs.

Purpose: Study on the way in which home furnishing blogs portray consumption, and how
this creates ideals.

Methodology: A qualitative content analysis using semiotics. The thesis methodical
foundation is based on a semiotic analysis of web pages written in a blog format. The blogs
analyzed are two of the most read in the genre, called Trendenser and Tant Johanna.

Theoretical pespectives: First described in the theoretical framework is the concept of
identity, identity is often the knowledge of membership of a particular social group. It is also
described how consumers often choose the brand with the brand personalities that correspond
to the way they perceive themselves. Another theoretical perspective presented is Goffman's
theory of the front and the back regions and finally theories about how the context is crucial
for the content, is presented.

Empirical foundation: Trendenser is written by Frida Ramstedt and has about 205 000
visitors a month. Tant Johanna is run by Johanna Bradford and has about 140 000 visitors a

Conclusions: The analysis shows that the bloggers use products that have features they want
to be associated with. They borrow brand associations of products displayed in the blog. This
makes their product choises a collection of status symbols that help to position themselves
and their brand. It is also clear that the context is crucial to how consumption is porttrayed.
How the consumption is protrayed constructs ideals about how one should decorate a home
and how one should act as a consumer; selective, concious and subtle.}},
  author       = {{Björkling, Malin and Karlsson, Maja and Westher, Pontus}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{En utredning om inredning - En kvalitativ studie om hur bloggare inom heminredningsgenren framställer konsumtion och skapar ideal.}},
  year         = {{2016}},