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”Less is more” – En studie om Scandi Styles betydelse utifrån ett konsumentkulturperspektiv

Neldemo, Petter LU ; Holmqvist, Jessica LU and Örtegren, Lisa LU (2017) FEKH29 20162
Department of Business Administration
Abstract (Swedish)
Examensarbetets titel: ”Less is more” – En studie om Scandi Styles betydelse utifrån ett
Seminariedatum: 2017-01-12
Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå
Författare: Jessica Holmqvist, Petter Neldemo, Lisa Örtegren
Handledare: Clara Gustafsson
Nyckelord: Ambi-Brands, Consumer Culture Theory, Consumer Identity Projects, Fashion Theory,
Style Codes, Group Identity
Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur Scandi Style uttrycks och, med utgångspunkt från CCT
och Fashion Theory, studera hur denna modestil kan användas för att skapa en unik och social identitet.
Metod: En kvalitativ studie har gjorts i uppsatsen, som har baserats på ett hermeneutiskt
... (More)
Examensarbetets titel: ”Less is more” – En studie om Scandi Styles betydelse utifrån ett
Seminariedatum: 2017-01-12
Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå
Författare: Jessica Holmqvist, Petter Neldemo, Lisa Örtegren
Handledare: Clara Gustafsson
Nyckelord: Ambi-Brands, Consumer Culture Theory, Consumer Identity Projects, Fashion Theory,
Style Codes, Group Identity
Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur Scandi Style uttrycks och, med utgångspunkt från CCT
och Fashion Theory, studera hur denna modestil kan användas för att skapa en unik och social identitet.
Metod: En kvalitativ studie har gjorts i uppsatsen, som har baserats på ett hermeneutiskt
tillvägagångssätt tillsammans med etnografiska inslag. En deduktiv forskningsansats med induktiva
komponenter tillämpades. Data samlades in från semistrukturerade djupintervjuer, vetenskapliga
artiklar, böcker, webbsidor och tidningsmagasin.
Teoretiska Perspektiv: Med utgångspunkt i CCT, har teorier om Consumer Identity Projects och
Fashion Theory utforskats, med fokus på ambi-brands, stilkoder och gruppidentitet.
Empiri: Resultatet från tio djupintervjuer med modeintresserade individer har skapat studiens
empiriska underlag, vilken analysen baserats på.
Resultat: Genom analys av det empiriska underlaget, har nya bidrag till området CCT upptäckts. Den
mest framträdande insikten var att Scandi Style kan anammas för att uttrycka en stor mängd av olika
behov av att vara unik och olika personligheter. En annan upptäckt var att den unika identiteten inom
Scandi Style kan skapas med influenser från andra stilar. (Less)
Title: “Less is more” – Examining the Significance of Scandi Style Through a Consumer Culture
Seminar date: 2017-01-12
Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate
Level, 15 credits.
Authors: Jessica Holmqvist, Petter Neldemo, Lisa Örtegren
Advisor: Clara Gustafsson
Key words: Ambi-Brands, Consumer Culture Theory, Consumer Identity Projects, Fashion Theory,
Style Codes, Group Identity
Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to observe how Scandi Style appears and, with Consumer
Culture Theory (CCT) and Fashion Theory as a basis, examine the usage of this fashion style to obtain
a unique and social identity.
Methodology: A qualitative study has been generated,... (More)
Title: “Less is more” – Examining the Significance of Scandi Style Through a Consumer Culture
Seminar date: 2017-01-12
Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate
Level, 15 credits.
Authors: Jessica Holmqvist, Petter Neldemo, Lisa Örtegren
Advisor: Clara Gustafsson
Key words: Ambi-Brands, Consumer Culture Theory, Consumer Identity Projects, Fashion Theory,
Style Codes, Group Identity
Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to observe how Scandi Style appears and, with Consumer
Culture Theory (CCT) and Fashion Theory as a basis, examine the usage of this fashion style to obtain
a unique and social identity.
Methodology: A qualitative study has been generated, based on a hermeneutic approach with
ethnographical elements. The scientific approach was deductive with inductive features. The data
emanates from semi-structured in-depth interviews, scientific articles, books, websites and magazines.
Theoretical perspectives: Centered around CCT, theories within Consumer Identity Projects and
Fashion Theory have been researched, focusing on theories regarding ambi-brands, style codes and
group identity.
Empirical foundation: The results from ten in-depth interviews with fashion conscious individuals
construct the empirical foundation of the study, which the analysis is based on.
Conclusions: Through analysis of the empirical foundation, new contributions to the field of CCT have
been discovered. The most striking insight was that Scandi Style can be adopted to express a distinctive
variation of needs of uniqueness and personalities. Another finding is that an unique identity within
Scandi Style, can be created with influences from other styles. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Neldemo, Petter LU ; Holmqvist, Jessica LU and Örtegren, Lisa LU
alternative title
“Less is more” – Examining the Significance of Scandi Style Through a Consumer Culture Perspective
FEKH29 20162
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Ambi-Brands, Consumer Culture Theory, Consumer Identity Projects, Fashion Theory, Style Codes, Group Identity
date added to LUP
2017-02-07 07:57:45
date last changed
2017-02-07 07:57:45
  abstract     = {{Abstract
Title: “Less is more” – Examining the Significance of Scandi Style Through a Consumer Culture
Seminar date: 2017-01-12
Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate
Level, 15 credits.
Authors: Jessica Holmqvist, Petter Neldemo, Lisa Örtegren
Advisor: Clara Gustafsson
Key words: Ambi-Brands, Consumer Culture Theory, Consumer Identity Projects, Fashion Theory,
Style Codes, Group Identity
Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to observe how Scandi Style appears and, with Consumer
Culture Theory (CCT) and Fashion Theory as a basis, examine the usage of this fashion style to obtain
a unique and social identity.
Methodology: A qualitative study has been generated, based on a hermeneutic approach with
ethnographical elements. The scientific approach was deductive with inductive features. The data
emanates from semi-structured in-depth interviews, scientific articles, books, websites and magazines.
Theoretical perspectives: Centered around CCT, theories within Consumer Identity Projects and
Fashion Theory have been researched, focusing on theories regarding ambi-brands, style codes and
group identity.
Empirical foundation: The results from ten in-depth interviews with fashion conscious individuals
construct the empirical foundation of the study, which the analysis is based on.
Conclusions: Through analysis of the empirical foundation, new contributions to the field of CCT have
been discovered. The most striking insight was that Scandi Style can be adopted to express a distinctive
variation of needs of uniqueness and personalities. Another finding is that an unique identity within
Scandi Style, can be created with influences from other styles.}},
  author       = {{Neldemo, Petter and Holmqvist, Jessica and Örtegren, Lisa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{”Less is more” – En studie om Scandi Styles betydelse utifrån ett konsumentkulturperspektiv}},
  year         = {{2017}},