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Kronvittnessystem - ett hot mot rättssäkerheten eller ett hot mot den organiserade brottsligheten?

Pålsson, Filippa LU (2019) LAGF03 20192
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Det har blivit vardag för allmänheten att dagligen läsa rubriker om sprängningar, skjutningar, mord och narkotikabrott. Dessa brott har ökat de senaste åren, så pass mycket att många inte längre höjer på ögonbrynen när man läser om det i medierna. Osäkerheten och otryggheten i samhället har ökat i takt med att den organiserade brottsligheten har ökat.

De senaste åren har den organiserade brottsligheten växt, nya tekniker har börjat användas och samarbeten över gränserna har blivit mer vanligt. Många brott som sker inom de kriminella nätverken förblir ouppklarade på grund av att det saknas vittnen och bevis som kan styrka åtalet. Det har att göra med den tystnadskultur som råder och denna vill myndigheterna nu bryta. Man har därför lagt... (More)
Det har blivit vardag för allmänheten att dagligen läsa rubriker om sprängningar, skjutningar, mord och narkotikabrott. Dessa brott har ökat de senaste åren, så pass mycket att många inte längre höjer på ögonbrynen när man läser om det i medierna. Osäkerheten och otryggheten i samhället har ökat i takt med att den organiserade brottsligheten har ökat.

De senaste åren har den organiserade brottsligheten växt, nya tekniker har börjat användas och samarbeten över gränserna har blivit mer vanligt. Många brott som sker inom de kriminella nätverken förblir ouppklarade på grund av att det saknas vittnen och bevis som kan styrka åtalet. Det har att göra med den tystnadskultur som råder och denna vill myndigheterna nu bryta. Man har därför lagt fram ett 34-punktsprogram med åtgärder för att stävja gängkriminaliteten. Införandet av kronvittnen är ett av förslagen och utredningen kommer redovisas i maj 2021.

Frågan om införandet av kronvittnen har varit en debatt som förts i Sverige sedan 1986. Systemet har ansetts rättsosäkert och rädslan för falska vittnesmål har gjort att man inte infört kronvittnen i det svenska rättssystemet. Uppsatsen kommer därför bland annat att bygga på ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv.

Denna uppsats utreder både den strafflindring som finns idag vid angivelse av det egna brottet men också vid angivelse av andras brottslighet. Ett renodlat kronvittnessystem finns inte i Sverige men i och med Högsta domstolens dom från 2009 finns viss möjlighet till strafflindring för kronvittnen. Detta har lett till diskussioner där en del anser att ett kronvittnessystem mer eller mindre redan har införts. Uppsatsen redogör även för en komparativ jämförelse mellan Danmark och Sverige. Danmark valde att reglera kronvittnen 2004 efter ett rättsfall från 1998. Anledningen till införandet berodde bland annat på att man ville underlätta arbetet mot den grova organiserade brottsligheten.

Sammanfattningsvis konstateras det i uppsatsen att det finns både för- och nackdelar med kronvittnen men landar i en slutsats att ett kronvittnessystem inte är ett hot mot rättssäkerheten. Därmed är det också lämpligt att införa ett sådant system i den svenska rättsordningen för att bryta tystnadskulturen och bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten. (Less)
It has become commonplace for the general public in Sweden to read daily news reports about explosions, shootings, homicides, and narcotics related crimes. These types of crimes have increased during the last years, to such an extent that many people do not feel safe. With rising crime rates, there is an increased sense of insecurity and uncertainty.

The criminals have adopted new technologies, as well as engaging in cross-border collaborations with criminal networks abroad. Furthermore, the majority of these kind of crimes remain unresolved. One reason for this can be due to the lack of witnesses and evidence that can substantiate the prosecution. It is common practice within criminal groups to uphold a culture of silence. To... (More)
It has become commonplace for the general public in Sweden to read daily news reports about explosions, shootings, homicides, and narcotics related crimes. These types of crimes have increased during the last years, to such an extent that many people do not feel safe. With rising crime rates, there is an increased sense of insecurity and uncertainty.

The criminals have adopted new technologies, as well as engaging in cross-border collaborations with criminal networks abroad. Furthermore, the majority of these kind of crimes remain unresolved. One reason for this can be due to the lack of witnesses and evidence that can substantiate the prosecution. It is common practice within criminal groups to uphold a culture of silence. To counteract this prevailing silence, which in turn keeps the number of unresolved crimes high, the Swedish authorities have put forward a 34-point program with the aim to stop 1) gang related crime in general, and 2) the “silence culture” specifically. One example from this program is the introduction of the so-called “crown witness”. This suggestion is currently under investigation and is expected to be presented by May 2021.

The subject of “crown witness” has been in debate in Sweden since 1986. A legal system which includes possibilities to become a “crown witness” has generally been considered legally insecure, mainly due to the risk of false testimonies. It has therefore not been incorporated into the Swedish legal system, and remains a proposal. With this in mind, this thesis will consider the subject of “crown witness” from a legal security perspective.

This thesis investigates 1) the reduction of sentence that exists today if a defendant recognizes their own crime, and 2) the non-existing “crown witness” whereby a defendant may have reduction of sentence by indication of the crime of others. An official legal system for “crown witnesses” does not exist in Sweden today, but the Swedish Supreme Court ruling from 2009 found that some reduction of sentence can be granted to a “crown witness”. This has led to discussions, where some considers the “crown witness”-system more or less implemented. The thesis also engages in a comparative analysis between Denmark and Sweden. Denmark officially implemented a system of “crown witness” 2004 following a legal case from 1998. The reason for this implementation by Denmark was, among other things, an attempt to reduce organized crime.

In summary, this thesis finds positive as well as negative aspects in a legal system which uses “crown witnesses”, but concludes however that implementing “crown witness” in Sweden would not pose a risk against legal security. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Pålsson, Filippa LU
LAGF03 20192
M2 - Bachelor Degree
date added to LUP
2020-04-05 13:32:47
date last changed
2020-04-05 13:32:47
  abstract     = {{It has become commonplace for the general public in Sweden to read daily news reports about explosions, shootings, homicides, and narcotics related crimes. These types of crimes have increased during the last years, to such an extent that many people do not feel safe. With rising crime rates, there is an increased sense of insecurity and uncertainty.

The criminals have adopted new technologies, as well as engaging in cross-border collaborations with criminal networks abroad. Furthermore, the majority of these kind of crimes remain unresolved. One reason for this can be due to the lack of witnesses and evidence that can substantiate the prosecution. It is common practice within criminal groups to uphold a culture of silence. To counteract this prevailing silence, which in turn keeps the number of unresolved crimes high, the Swedish authorities have put forward a 34-point program with the aim to stop 1) gang related crime in general, and 2) the “silence culture” specifically. One example from this program is the introduction of the so-called “crown witness”. This suggestion is currently under investigation and is expected to be presented by May 2021.

The subject of “crown witness” has been in debate in Sweden since 1986. A legal system which includes possibilities to become a “crown witness” has generally been considered legally insecure, mainly due to the risk of false testimonies. It has therefore not been incorporated into the Swedish legal system, and remains a proposal. With this in mind, this thesis will consider the subject of “crown witness” from a legal security perspective.

This thesis investigates 1) the reduction of sentence that exists today if a defendant recognizes their own crime, and 2) the non-existing “crown witness” whereby a defendant may have reduction of sentence by indication of the crime of others. An official legal system for “crown witnesses” does not exist in Sweden today, but the Swedish Supreme Court ruling from 2009 found that some reduction of sentence can be granted to a “crown witness”. This has led to discussions, where some considers the “crown witness”-system more or less implemented. The thesis also engages in a comparative analysis between Denmark and Sweden. Denmark officially implemented a system of “crown witness” 2004 following a legal case from 1998. The reason for this implementation by Denmark was, among other things, an attempt to reduce organized crime.

In summary, this thesis finds positive as well as negative aspects in a legal system which uses “crown witnesses”, but concludes however that implementing “crown witness” in Sweden would not pose a risk against legal security.}},
  author       = {{Pålsson, Filippa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Kronvittnessystem - ett hot mot rättssäkerheten eller ett hot mot den organiserade brottsligheten?}},
  year         = {{2019}},