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Förföljd av reklam? - En utredning om skyddet mot individanpassad onlinereklam

Bergström, Maria LU (2019) JURM02 20192
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Digitaliseringen har lett till ett nytt marknadsföringslandskap där näringsidkare i allt större utsträckning använder sig av information om konsumenten för att skapa reklam på individnivå. Genom analys av olika typer av data som enskilda lämnar ifrån sig på den digitala och/eller fysiska marknaden kan företag identifiera potentiella konsumenter och målinrikta sin reklam. Det är till exempel möjligt att identifiera en persons beteendemönster, intressen, svagheter och fördomar. Det är även möjligt att identifiera om en person står inför en förändring i livet som till exempel en skilsmässa eller graviditet eller om en person ämnar göra ett större inköp såsom en bil. Denna kunskap kan utnyttjas i marknadsföring genom att låta konsumenter nås... (More)
Digitaliseringen har lett till ett nytt marknadsföringslandskap där näringsidkare i allt större utsträckning använder sig av information om konsumenten för att skapa reklam på individnivå. Genom analys av olika typer av data som enskilda lämnar ifrån sig på den digitala och/eller fysiska marknaden kan företag identifiera potentiella konsumenter och målinrikta sin reklam. Det är till exempel möjligt att identifiera en persons beteendemönster, intressen, svagheter och fördomar. Det är även möjligt att identifiera om en person står inför en förändring i livet som till exempel en skilsmässa eller graviditet eller om en person ämnar göra ett större inköp såsom en bil. Denna kunskap kan utnyttjas i marknadsföring genom att låta konsumenter nås av en viss typ av reklam vid en tidpunkt konsumenten är som mest mottaglig för reklamen.

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka konsumentens skydd mot individanpassad onlinereklam utifrån reglerna om aggressiv marknadsföring och direktreklam i marknadsföringslagen (2008:486) (MFL) samt skyddet för personuppgifter i EU:s allmänna dataskyddsförordning (GDPR). Uppsatsen utreder konsumentens skydd utifrån dessa skilda rättsområden för att därefter bedöma regelverkens samspel och inverkan på konsumentens skydd mot individanpassad onlinereklam.

Av uppsatsen framkommer att både marknadsföringsrätten och dataskyddsrätten är viktiga instrument som kan användas för att skydda konsumenter i det digitala samhället. Dagens skydd i förhållande till individanpassad reklam består främst i att konsumenten genom GDPR och reglerna om direktmarknadsföring normalt sett har möjlighet att själv påverka den behandling av personuppgifter som ligger till grund för utformningen av reklam samt mottagandet av sådan reklam. Konsumenten kan även skyddas mot viss individanpassad reklam genom förbudet mot aggressiv marknadsföring i MFL. Uppsatsen identifierar emellertid vissa oklarheter i lagstiftningen som gör det svårt att, i dagsläget, fastställa konsumentskyddets verkliga omfattning i förhållande till individanpassad reklam online.

I uppsatsen konstateras att det varken är nödvändigt eller önskvärt, om ens möjligt, med ett generellt förbud mot individanpassad reklam. I uppsatsen förordas en reglering som utgår från att valet att motta individanpassad reklam och möjligheten för näringsidkare att utforma sådan reklam i möjligaste mån ska ligga hos den enskilda individen, likt dagens reglering gör. I dagsläget råder det dock osäkerhet kring om och hur dagens regler kan tillämpas på individanpassad reklam som utformas och distribueras genom många moderna digitala marknadsföringskanaler och marknadsföringsmetoder. Med beaktande av den digitala ekonomins framväxt och att utvecklingen har medfört nya risker som kan vara svåra för konsumenten att överblicka anses det nödvändigt att dagens lagstiftning förtydligas och kompletteras. Införande av ytterligare skyddsregler förordas. I uppsatsen föreslås ett förbud mot näringsidkare att analysera information om konsumenter i syfte att dra allt för ingående slutsatser och göra förutsägelse om en konsuments svagheter eller annan information som uppfattas känslig eller privat. Vidare förespråkas även regler som förhindrar näringsidkare att utforma reklam som är allt för individanpassad. (Less)
The development of today’s digital world has led to a new marketing paradigm in which traders increasingly use information about consumers to create individually targeted advertisement. The consumer is monitored in both the digital and physical world of commerce. Different types of information about the consumer is collected and by analyzing this various data companies are able to identify potential consumers and target their advertising to the consumer. For example, it is possible to identify a person’s behavioral patterns, interests, weaknesses and prejudices. Furthermore, it is possible to identify if a person is facing a change in life such as a pregnancy, divorce or a move or if a person intends to make a larger purchase. Companies... (More)
The development of today’s digital world has led to a new marketing paradigm in which traders increasingly use information about consumers to create individually targeted advertisement. The consumer is monitored in both the digital and physical world of commerce. Different types of information about the consumer is collected and by analyzing this various data companies are able to identify potential consumers and target their advertising to the consumer. For example, it is possible to identify a person’s behavioral patterns, interests, weaknesses and prejudices. Furthermore, it is possible to identify if a person is facing a change in life such as a pregnancy, divorce or a move or if a person intends to make a larger purchase. Companies can utilize this knowledge in its advertising by targeting consumers with a certain type of advertisement at a time when the consumer is most receptive to it.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent of consumer protection in relation to personalized online advertising based on the rules on aggressive marketing and direct marketing in the Swedish Marketing Act (2008:485) (MFL) and the protection of personal data in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This paper examines consumer protection based on these separate fields of law in order to draw a conclusion about the interaction between the regulations and their impact on the protection in relation to personalized advertising online.

This paper concludes both marketing law and data protection law as important instruments that can be used to protect consumers in the digital world. Today’s protection against personalized advertising consists mainly of the fact that the consumer, through GDPR and the rules of direct marketing, usually is able to influence the processing of personal data that is used for personalized advertising and the reception of such advertising. The consumer is also protected against personalized advertising that is unfair through the rules on aggressive marketing in MFL. However, the thesis identifies some ambiguities in the legislation that make it difficult to determine the real scope of consumer protection against personalized advertising online.

The thesis states that it is neither necessary nor desirable, if even possible, with a ban on personalized advertising. The thesis recommends a regulation that is based on the consumer’s self-determination, as the current legislation is. The choice to receive personalized advertising and the opportunity for traders to create personalized advertising should, as far as possible, be with the individual. There is, however, uncertainty about if and how today’s rules can be applied on personalized advertising that is designed and distributed through many modern digital marketing channels and methods. Considering the development of the digital economy and the fact that the development has brought new risk for the consumer that may be difficult for the consumer to monitor, it is necessary with a clarification of the current legislation. Additional rules that protects the consumer is also promoted. The thesis proposes a prohibition of analyzes of consumer data that is used to draw conclusions about a consumer’s weaknesses or other information about the individual that is perceived as sensitive or private. Furthermore, rules that prevent traders from using advertising that is highly tailored to the individual are also advocated. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Bergström, Maria LU
alternative title
Stalked by advertisement? - An investigation about consumer protection against personalized advertising
JURM02 20192
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
rättsvetenskap, förmögenhetsrätt, marknadsföringsrätt, individanpassad reklam, dataskydd, konsumentskydd
date added to LUP
2020-01-31 07:47:48
date last changed
2020-01-31 07:47:48
  abstract     = {{The development of today’s digital world has led to a new marketing paradigm in which traders increasingly use information about consumers to create individually targeted advertisement. The consumer is monitored in both the digital and physical world of commerce. Different types of information about the consumer is collected and by analyzing this various data companies are able to identify potential consumers and target their advertising to the consumer. For example, it is possible to identify a person’s behavioral patterns, interests, weaknesses and prejudices. Furthermore, it is possible to identify if a person is facing a change in life such as a pregnancy, divorce or a move or if a person intends to make a larger purchase. Companies can utilize this knowledge in its advertising by targeting consumers with a certain type of advertisement at a time when the consumer is most receptive to it. 

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent of consumer protection in relation to personalized online advertising based on the rules on aggressive marketing and direct marketing in the Swedish Marketing Act (2008:485) (MFL) and the protection of personal data in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This paper examines consumer protection based on these separate fields of law in order to draw a conclusion about the interaction between the regulations and their impact on the protection in relation to personalized advertising online. 

This paper concludes both marketing law and data protection law as important instruments that can be used to protect consumers in the digital world. Today’s protection against personalized advertising consists mainly of the fact that the consumer, through GDPR and the rules of direct marketing, usually is able to influence the processing of personal data that is used for personalized advertising and the reception of such advertising. The consumer is also protected against personalized advertising that is unfair through the rules on aggressive marketing in MFL. However, the thesis identifies some ambiguities in the legislation that make it difficult to determine the real scope of consumer protection against personalized advertising online. 

The thesis states that it is neither necessary nor desirable, if even possible, with a ban on personalized advertising. The thesis recommends a regulation that is based on the consumer’s self-determination, as the current legislation is. The choice to receive personalized advertising and the opportunity for traders to create personalized advertising should, as far as possible, be with the individual. There is, however, uncertainty about if and how today’s rules can be applied on personalized advertising that is designed and distributed through many modern digital marketing channels and methods. Considering the development of the digital economy and the fact that the development has brought new risk for the consumer that may be difficult for the consumer to monitor, it is necessary with a clarification of the current legislation. Additional rules that protects the consumer is also promoted. The thesis proposes a prohibition of analyzes of consumer data that is used to draw conclusions about a consumer’s weaknesses or other information about the individual that is perceived as sensitive or private. Furthermore, rules that prevent traders from using advertising that is highly tailored to the individual are also advocated.}},
  author       = {{Bergström, Maria}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Förföljd av reklam? - En utredning om skyddet mot individanpassad onlinereklam}},
  year         = {{2019}},