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Avräkningsdilemmat – Om tillgodoräknande av tid för frihetsberövande i förhållande till LVU-placeringar i särskilda ungdomshem

Kaminska, Dominika LU (2020) JURM02 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Unga lagöverträdare som har uppnått straffmyndighetsåldern kan ställas ansvariga för brott. Är den begångna brottsligheten av allvarligt slag och de lagstadgade förutsättningarna uppfyllda, kan påföljden bestämmas till fängelse eller sluten ungdomsvård. Allvarlig brottslighet som leder till frihetsberövande påföljd föregås ofta av ett annat frihetsberövande, vilket för minderåriga kan innebära häktning eller omedelbart omhändertagande enligt LVU med placering i särskilt ungdomshem, även kallad SiS-placering.

I enlighet med gällande strafftidslagstiftning kan den som döms till fängelse eller sluten ungdomsvård tillgodoräkna ett straffprocessuellt frihetsberövande i den verkställande påföljden. Det innebär att den som har varit häktad med... (More)
Unga lagöverträdare som har uppnått straffmyndighetsåldern kan ställas ansvariga för brott. Är den begångna brottsligheten av allvarligt slag och de lagstadgade förutsättningarna uppfyllda, kan påföljden bestämmas till fängelse eller sluten ungdomsvård. Allvarlig brottslighet som leder till frihetsberövande påföljd föregås ofta av ett annat frihetsberövande, vilket för minderåriga kan innebära häktning eller omedelbart omhändertagande enligt LVU med placering i särskilt ungdomshem, även kallad SiS-placering.

I enlighet med gällande strafftidslagstiftning kan den som döms till fängelse eller sluten ungdomsvård tillgodoräkna ett straffprocessuellt frihetsberövande i den verkställande påföljden. Det innebär att den som har varit häktad med anledning av brottet kan avräkna häktningstiden från påföljden. Den som istället för häktad har omedelbart omhändertagits med stöd av LVU har blivit föremål för ett administrativt frihetsberövande och kan inte tillgodoräkna ingripandet i strafftiden. Detta är något som kan tänkas skapa ett dilemma. Den repressiva häktningen kan vara att föredra framför det socialrättsliga och mer barnanpassade ingripandet, när häktning leder till ett sammanlagt kortare frihetsberövande.

Förevarande uppsats behandlar det ovan nämnda dilemmat genom att undersöka gällande avräkningssystem i förhållande till LVU-omhändertaganden. Uppsatsens syfte är att ur ett barnrättsperspektiv uppmärksamma och problematisera den icke-existerande möjligheten att i strafftiden tillgodoräkna omedelbara omhändertaganden enligt LVU med placering i särskilt ungdomshem. För att uppnå syftet presenteras likheter och skillnader mellan häktning och placering i särskilt ungdomshem. Jämförelsen används sedan som verktyg när det icke-avräkningsgilla LVU-omhändertagandet med placering i särskilt ungdomshem analyseras i förhållande till gällande avräkningsreglering, samt till barnkonventionens princip om barnets bästa och krav på att frihetsberövande av barn ska ske för kortast möjliga tid. Undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av en rättsdogmatisk och en rättspolitisk metod.

Arbetet visar att frånvaron av möjligheten att i strafftiden tillgodoräkna LVU-omhändertaganden med placering i särskilda ungdomshem är problematisk ur flera aspekter. Trots att lagstiftaren uttrycker att administrativa omhändertaganden inte bör omfattas av avräkningssystemet, är frånvaron problematisk i förhållande till lagstiftarens övriga tankar bakom systemet. Att en SiS-placering inte är avräkningsgill är vidare oförenligt med barnkonventionen. Med hänsyn till tvångsvårdens nära koppling till brottsutredningen och på grund av vårdens repressiva inslag anses avräkningssystemet vara otillräckligt och orättvist. Lagstiftaren bör därför se över regleringen för att hitta en lösning, förslagsvis genom ett särskilt avräkningssystem som är anpassat till SiS-placeringar. (Less)
Young offenders of the age of 15 and above are criminally responsible, and can therefore be prosecuted for committing a crime. The convicted offender can, if the committed crime is serious and other legal requirements are met, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment or to institutional care of young persons. In these situations, it is fairly usual that the offender has been deprived of his or her liberty before the trial. When it comes to juvenile delinquents, such deprivation of liberty that can arise is pre-trial detention or, as an alternative to pre-trial detention, immediate taking into care of the child under Care of Young Persons Act (LVU) with a placement in a special residential home for young people, also called SiS- homes.

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Young offenders of the age of 15 and above are criminally responsible, and can therefore be prosecuted for committing a crime. The convicted offender can, if the committed crime is serious and other legal requirements are met, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment or to institutional care of young persons. In these situations, it is fairly usual that the offender has been deprived of his or her liberty before the trial. When it comes to juvenile delinquents, such deprivation of liberty that can arise is pre-trial detention or, as an alternative to pre-trial detention, immediate taking into care of the child under Care of Young Persons Act (LVU) with a placement in a special residential home for young people, also called SiS- homes.

According to the regulation about term of sentence, it is possible to deduct of time on remand from the execution of a sentence, if the sentence imposed is imprisonment or institutional care of young people. However, the deduction system only involves coercive measures. This implies that only the time from a pre-trial detention can be counted in the custodial sentence, not the time from a special residential home for young people. The lack of possibility to include the latter deprivation of liberty in the execution of sentence can be problematic. Because of the deduction system, a pre-trial detention may be preferable than taking into care under LVU, despite the fact that taking into care is less repressive. That is because only the pre-trial detention can be deducted from the execution of sentence and can therefore lead to in total a shorter time of deprivation of liberty.

This thesis deals with the issue described above, by examining the deduction system in relation to compulsory LVU-care with placement in special residential homes for young people. The aim of this thesis is to bring attention to, and from a children´s rights perspective problematize the nonpossibility to deduct an administrative deprivation of liberty in a SiS-home from the execution of sentence. In order to achieve its purpose, this thesis examines similarities and dissimilarities between a pre-trial detention and a taking into care under LVU with a placement in a SiS-residential home. This comparison is used as a tool when the compulsory LVU-care is examined in relation to current deduction system, to the principle of the best interests of the child and to the requirement stated under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) that every deprivation of liberty of a child shall only occur for the shortest appropriate period of time. The methods chosen for this study are traditional judicial method, and legal policy method.

The results of this thesis show that the lack of possibility to deduct LVU-care with placement in a SiS-home from the execution of sentence is in several ways problematic. Despite the fact that the legislator explicitly excludes administrative deprivations of liberty from the deduction system, there are other issues related to the purpose of the system. Furthermore, the non-possibility to deduct LVU care is inconsistent with UNCRC. Current deduction system is found as insufficient and unjust which i.e. is due to LVU-care´s close connection to the crime investigation, and to the repressive components that are included in LVU-care when it is being carried out in in a SiS-home. Therefore, the legislation should be reviewed and possibilities for LVU-care with placement in a SiS-home to be a part of the deduction system should be considered. As a suggestion, the problem could possibly be solved by a deduction regulation that is specially adapted to SiS-placements. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Kaminska, Dominika LU
alternative title
The deduction dilemma - About deducting of time on remand from the execution of a sentence in relation to LVU-care in special residential homes for young people
JURM02 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, criminal law, socialrätt, social and welfare law, strafftid, strafftidsreglering, unga lagöverträdare, barnkonventionen, särskilda ungdomshem.
date added to LUP
2020-06-15 09:23:59
date last changed
2020-06-15 09:23:59
  abstract     = {{Young offenders of the age of 15 and above are criminally responsible, and can therefore be prosecuted for committing a crime. The convicted offender can, if the committed crime is serious and other legal requirements are met, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment or to institutional care of young persons. In these situations, it is fairly usual that the offender has been deprived of his or her liberty before the trial. When it comes to juvenile delinquents, such deprivation of liberty that can arise is pre-trial detention or, as an alternative to pre-trial detention, immediate taking into care of the child under Care of Young Persons Act (LVU) with a placement in a special residential home for young people, also called SiS- homes. 

According to the regulation about term of sentence, it is possible to deduct of time on remand from the execution of a sentence, if the sentence imposed is imprisonment or institutional care of young people. However, the deduction system only involves coercive measures. This implies that only the time from a pre-trial detention can be counted in the custodial sentence, not the time from a special residential home for young people. The lack of possibility to include the latter deprivation of liberty in the execution of sentence can be problematic. Because of the deduction system, a pre-trial detention may be preferable than taking into care under LVU, despite the fact that taking into care is less repressive. That is because only the pre-trial detention can be deducted from the execution of sentence and can therefore lead to in total a shorter time of deprivation of liberty. 

This thesis deals with the issue described above, by examining the deduction system in relation to compulsory LVU-care with placement in special residential homes for young people. The aim of this thesis is to bring attention to, and from a children´s rights perspective problematize the nonpossibility to deduct an administrative deprivation of liberty in a SiS-home from the execution of sentence. In order to achieve its purpose, this thesis examines similarities and dissimilarities between a pre-trial detention and a taking into care under LVU with a placement in a SiS-residential home. This comparison is used as a tool when the compulsory LVU-care is examined in relation to current deduction system, to the principle of the best interests of the child and to the requirement stated under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) that every deprivation of liberty of a child shall only occur for the shortest appropriate period of time. The methods chosen for this study are traditional judicial method, and legal policy method. 

The results of this thesis show that the lack of possibility to deduct LVU-care with placement in a SiS-home from the execution of sentence is in several ways problematic. Despite the fact that the legislator explicitly excludes administrative deprivations of liberty from the deduction system, there are other issues related to the purpose of the system. Furthermore, the non-possibility to deduct LVU care is inconsistent with UNCRC. Current deduction system is found as insufficient and unjust which i.e. is due to LVU-care´s close connection to the crime investigation, and to the repressive components that are included in LVU-care when it is being carried out in in a SiS-home. Therefore, the legislation should be reviewed and possibilities for LVU-care with placement in a SiS-home to be a part of the deduction system should be considered. As a suggestion, the problem could possibly be solved by a deduction regulation that is specially adapted to SiS-placements.}},
  author       = {{Kaminska, Dominika}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Avräkningsdilemmat – Om tillgodoräknande av tid för frihetsberövande i förhållande till LVU-placeringar i särskilda ungdomshem}},
  year         = {{2020}},