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Skälig tid - En studie av den kontraktuella reklamationsfristen

Blomqvist, Jonatan LU (2020) JURM02 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
The obligation for a contracting party to notify the counterparty of any dissatisfaction with the contractual relationship or the counterparty’s performance has for long been a part of Swedish law. The obligation is an expression of the parties’ duty of loyalty and establishes a general contractual obligation to give notice. An obligation that has been the focus of several of the Swedish Supreme Court’s decisions recent years. By the Supreme Court’s decisions it is clear that the obligation exists and has a wide application. The meaning of the obligation such as when the dissatisfied party is obliged to give notice has not been clarified. This thesis aims to investigate and clarify within what time span the dissatisfied party should give... (More)
The obligation for a contracting party to notify the counterparty of any dissatisfaction with the contractual relationship or the counterparty’s performance has for long been a part of Swedish law. The obligation is an expression of the parties’ duty of loyalty and establishes a general contractual obligation to give notice. An obligation that has been the focus of several of the Swedish Supreme Court’s decisions recent years. By the Supreme Court’s decisions it is clear that the obligation exists and has a wide application. The meaning of the obligation such as when the dissatisfied party is obliged to give notice has not been clarified. This thesis aims to investigate and clarify within what time span the dissatisfied party should give notice in order to avoid losing the opportunity to make the claim.

The contractual party is obliged to leave notice within reasonable time. The legal doctrine, legislative work and court practice has all found that reasonable time is a flexible time span. The time span varies depending on the circumstances of the individual case. This thesis aims to clarify which circumstances that affect the assessment. It also examines selected standard agreements in order to understand what the market participants considers to be a reasonable time.

This thesis clarifies the circumstances and factors that influence the assessment of reasonable time. The assessment should balance the parties’ underlying interests; the right to establish themselves in the belief that the opposing party is satisfied with the situation as long as they not give notice and the right to investigate the performance and gain an overview of the consequences ofthe breach of contract. In addition, to the parties’ underlying interests, several factors such as the position of the parties and the parties’ knowledge, the nature and price of the contracted goods, the relationship of the parties as the parties’ loyalty obligation primarily affects the assessment. The period, reasonable time, begins when it appears likely for the affected party that there is a breach of contract and that there is a suspicion that the counterparty bears the responsibility for the breach of contract.

Is it possible to give the flexible period reasonable time a clearer meaning in the form of a certain actual time period? I argue that two months could be a reasonable balance of the parties’ interests and provide a starting point for the assessment of reasonable time. Support for the two months is obtained from the legal literature, court-practice and through analogies from legislation. The consumer law legislation states that a notice made within two months of the purchase is considered to have been submitted within in a reasonable time. A period which, based on the practice of the courts, would not be foreign to commercial parties as well and could be accepted in booth Norway and Finland. In addition, the examination of standard agreements indicates that the contractual parties should be particularly vigilant that claims can be made within three months from the expiry of various contractual deadlines. Due to the various factors affecting the deadline, the two months cannot be made generally valid as a fixed deadline but must be adapted to the current situation. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Skyldigheten för en avtalspart att meddela motparten om eventuellt miss-nöje med avtalsrelationen eller den levererade prestationen har länge varit en del av den svenska rätten. Skyldigheten förstås i dag som ett utlopp av par-ternas lojalitetsplikt och stadgar en allmän avtalsrättslig reklamationsplikt. Den allmänna reklamationsplikten har de senaste åren återkommande prö-vats av HD. Genom HD:s praxis är det klart att principen existerar och har en vid tillämpning. Principens innebörd så som när den missnöjda parten är skyldig att reklamera är desto oklarare. Denna uppsats syftar till att under-söka inom vilket tidsspann den missnöjde parten bör lämna meddelande för att undvika att förlora möjligheten att väcka talan på grund av... (More)
Skyldigheten för en avtalspart att meddela motparten om eventuellt miss-nöje med avtalsrelationen eller den levererade prestationen har länge varit en del av den svenska rätten. Skyldigheten förstås i dag som ett utlopp av par-ternas lojalitetsplikt och stadgar en allmän avtalsrättslig reklamationsplikt. Den allmänna reklamationsplikten har de senaste åren återkommande prö-vats av HD. Genom HD:s praxis är det klart att principen existerar och har en vid tillämpning. Principens innebörd så som när den missnöjda parten är skyldig att reklamera är desto oklarare. Denna uppsats syftar till att under-söka inom vilket tidsspann den missnöjde parten bör lämna meddelande för att undvika att förlora möjligheten att väcka talan på grund av missnöjet.

Reklamationen bör lämnas inom skälig tid. I den juridiska litteraturen, lag-förarbeten och domstolarnas praxis har det konstaterats att skälig tid är en flexibel frist. Vad som utgör skälig beror på omständigheterna i det enskilda fallet. För att förstå vilka omständigheter som påverkar bedömningen under-söks rättskällorna med rättsdogmatisk metod och för att förstå vad mark-nadens aktörer anser vara skälig tid används en typ av rättsociologisk metod då utvalda standardavtal undersöks i jakten på en mer bestämd frist.

I uppsatsen klargörs vilka omständigheter och faktorer som påverkar be-dömningen. Bedömningen bör balansera parternas bakomliggande intressen; rätten att efter en viss tid inrätta sig i tron på att motparten är nöjd med situ-ationen så länge hen inte låter meddela motsatsen och rätten att undersöka prestationen och nå en överblick över avtalsbrottets konsekvenser. Utöver parternas grundläggande intressen påverkar flera faktorer så som partsställ-ningen och parternas kunskap, den avtalade varans natur och pris samt par-ternas relation då främst parternas lojalitetsplikt bedömningen. Fristen börjar löpa när det framstår som sannolikt för den drabbade att avtalsbrott förelig-ger och att det finns en misstanke om att motparten bär ansvaret för avtals-brottet.

Går det att ge den flexibla fristen skälig tid en tydligare innebörd i form av en viss faktisk tidsrymd? I uppsatsen argumenterar jag för att två månader skulle kunna vara en rimlig avvägning av parternas intressen och utgöra en utgångspunkt för bedömningen av skälig tid. Stöd för den faktiska fristen hämtas från den juridiska litteraturen, domstolspraxis och genom analogier från lagstiftning. Den konsumenträttsliga lagstiftningen slår fast att en re-klamation som lämnas inom två månader från köpet alltid ska anses ha läm-nats inom skälig tid. En frist som utifrån domstolarnas praxis inte skulle vara främmande också för kommersiella parter. Stöd för de två månaderna häm-tas från den juridiska skandinaviska litteraturen. Därtill pekar undersökning-en av standardavtalen på att i vart fall parterna inom entreprenadrätten bör vara särskilt vaksamma på att anspråk kan framställas inom tre månader från att de olika avtalsfristerna löpt ut. På grund av de olika faktorerna som på-verkar fristen kan de två månaderna inte göras allmänt gällande som en fast frist utan måste anpassas till den aktuella situationen. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Blomqvist, Jonatan LU
alternative title
Reasonable time - A study of the contractual time to give notice
JURM02 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
avtalsrätt, skälig tid: reklamationsfrist
date added to LUP
2020-06-16 10:55:24
date last changed
2020-06-16 10:55:24
  abstract     = {{The obligation for a contracting party to notify the counterparty of any dissatisfaction with the contractual relationship or the counterparty’s performance has for long been a part of Swedish law. The obligation is an expression of the parties’ duty of loyalty and establishes a general contractual obligation to give notice. An obligation that has been the focus of several of the Swedish Supreme Court’s decisions recent years. By the Supreme Court’s decisions it is clear that the obligation exists and has a wide application. The meaning of the obligation such as when the dissatisfied party is obliged to give notice has not been clarified. This thesis aims to investigate and clarify within what time span the dissatisfied party should give notice in order to avoid losing the opportunity to make the claim.

The contractual party is obliged to leave notice within reasonable time. The legal doctrine, legislative work and court practice has all found that reasonable time is a flexible time span. The time span varies depending on the circumstances of the individual case. This thesis aims to clarify which circumstances that affect the assessment. It also examines selected standard agreements in order to understand what the market participants considers to be a reasonable time.

This thesis clarifies the circumstances and factors that influence the assessment of reasonable time. The assessment should balance the parties’ underlying interests; the right to establish themselves in the belief that the opposing party is satisfied with the situation as long as they not give notice and the right to investigate the performance and gain an overview of the consequences ofthe breach of contract. In addition, to the parties’ underlying interests, several factors such as the position of the parties and the parties’ knowledge, the nature and price of the contracted goods, the relationship of the parties as the parties’ loyalty obligation primarily affects the assessment. The period, reasonable time, begins when it appears likely for the affected party that there is a breach of contract and that there is a suspicion that the counterparty bears the responsibility for the breach of contract.

Is it possible to give the flexible period reasonable time a clearer meaning in the form of a certain actual time period? I argue that two months could be a reasonable balance of the parties’ interests and provide a starting point for the assessment of reasonable time. Support for the two months is obtained from the legal literature, court-practice and through analogies from legislation. The consumer law legislation states that a notice made within two months of the purchase is considered to have been submitted within in a reasonable time. A period which, based on the practice of the courts, would not be foreign to commercial parties as well and could be accepted in booth Norway and Finland. In addition, the examination of standard agreements indicates that the contractual parties should be particularly vigilant that claims can be made within three months from the expiry of various contractual deadlines. Due to the various factors affecting the deadline, the two months cannot be made generally valid as a fixed deadline but must be adapted to the current situation.}},
  author       = {{Blomqvist, Jonatan}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Skälig tid - En studie av den kontraktuella reklamationsfristen}},
  year         = {{2020}},