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Slopat integritetsskydd för en effektivare brottsbekämpning? Om intressekonflikter som aktualiseras vid användandet av överskottsinformation i brottsutredande syfte

Agert, Ebba LU (2020) LAGF03 20202
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
När brottsutredande myndigheter använder hemliga tvångsmedel kan det framkomma uppgifter som saknar samband med det brott som föranlett tvångsåtgärden men som kan vara av relevans för andra brottsutredningar. Sådan så kallad överskottsinformation är särskilt känslig ur integritets- och rättssäkerhetssynpunkt eftersom uppgifterna har inhämtats utan vare sig rättens eller den berördes tillstånd.

Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka de intressekonflikter som aktualiseras vid användning av överskottsinformation i brottsutredande syfte. Undersökningen omfattar dels vilka intresseavvägningar som föranlett rättegångsbalkens reglering av frågan, dels om denna reglering uppfyller grundläggande rättssäkerhetskrav och enskildas skydd mot... (More)
När brottsutredande myndigheter använder hemliga tvångsmedel kan det framkomma uppgifter som saknar samband med det brott som föranlett tvångsåtgärden men som kan vara av relevans för andra brottsutredningar. Sådan så kallad överskottsinformation är särskilt känslig ur integritets- och rättssäkerhetssynpunkt eftersom uppgifterna har inhämtats utan vare sig rättens eller den berördes tillstånd.

Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka de intressekonflikter som aktualiseras vid användning av överskottsinformation i brottsutredande syfte. Undersökningen omfattar dels vilka intresseavvägningar som föranlett rättegångsbalkens reglering av frågan, dels om denna reglering uppfyller grundläggande rättssäkerhetskrav och enskildas skydd mot integritetskränkningar. Uppsatsen utgår från en rättsdogmatisk metod och redogör för såväl svensk som europeisk rätt.

Vilka intresseavvägningar som har ansetts adekvata är något som både varierat över tid och beroende på vem som framfört åsikten. I nuvarande reglering tycks polisens kännedom om brottet, brottets svårighetsgrad och risken för att överskottsinformation ska uppkomma avgöra när effektivitets- respektive integritetsintresset har prioriterats.

Europadomstolens praxis tyder på att det inte finns något principiellt förbud mot användandet av överskottsinformation i brottsutredande syfte, förutsatt att åtgärden har ett erforderligt lagstöd. I min mening består nuvarande reglering består av rimliga intresseavvägningar mellan de motstående intressena effektivitet, integritet och rättssäkerhet. Det kan dock konstateras att bestämmelsen inte är tillräckligt precis och heltäckande för att utgöra en tillåten integritetsinskränkning enligt Europakonventionen eller för att vara förenlig med rättssäkerhetskravet så som det har formulerats i den juridiska litteraturen. (Less)
When law enforcement authorities use secret coercive measures, information may emerge that is unrelated to the crime that induced the coercive measure, but which may be relevant to other criminal investigations. Such so-called surplus information is obtained without permission of the court or the person concerned. Therefore, it is particularly sensitive and risks entailing excessive interference with the rule of law and the protection of individuals' right to respect for private and family life.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the conflicts of interest that arise when surplus information from secret coercive measures is used for criminal investigative purposes. The thesis scrutinizes the balancing of interests made in the... (More)
When law enforcement authorities use secret coercive measures, information may emerge that is unrelated to the crime that induced the coercive measure, but which may be relevant to other criminal investigations. Such so-called surplus information is obtained without permission of the court or the person concerned. Therefore, it is particularly sensitive and risks entailing excessive interference with the rule of law and the protection of individuals' right to respect for private and family life.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the conflicts of interest that arise when surplus information from secret coercive measures is used for criminal investigative purposes. The thesis scrutinizes the balancing of interests made in the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure’s regulation of the issue, and whether this regulation is compatible with the rule of law and the right to respect for private and family life. The thesis is based on a formal dogmatic approach and describes both Swedish and European law.

Which balances of interest that have been considered adequate is something that varies both over time and depending on who expresses the opinion. In the current regulation, the police’s knowledge of the crime, the severity of the crime and the risk that surplus information will emerge, seems to determine when the interest of efficiency or integrity has been prioritized.

Legal precedents from the European Court of Justice indicate that there is no general prohibition of the use of surplus information for criminal investigative purposes, presupposed sufficient legal support for the coercive measure. In my opinion, the Swedish regulation balances the opposed interests, efficiency, integrity, and the rule of law in an adequate way. However, it can be stated that the law is not precise and exhaustive enough to constitute an allowed interference with the right to respect for private and family life, nor to be compatible with the rule of law as it has been formulated in the Swedish judicial literature. (Less)
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Agert, Ebba LU
LAGF03 20202
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Processrätt (en. criminal procedure)
date added to LUP
2021-02-09 11:53:36
date last changed
2021-02-09 11:53:36
  abstract     = {{When law enforcement authorities use secret coercive measures, information may emerge that is unrelated to the crime that induced the coercive measure, but which may be relevant to other criminal investigations. Such so-called surplus information is obtained without permission of the court or the person concerned. Therefore, it is particularly sensitive and risks entailing excessive interference with the rule of law and the protection of individuals' right to respect for private and family life.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the conflicts of interest that arise when surplus information from secret coercive measures is used for criminal investigative purposes. The thesis scrutinizes the balancing of interests made in the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure’s regulation of the issue, and whether this regulation is compatible with the rule of law and the right to respect for private and family life. The thesis is based on a formal dogmatic approach and describes both Swedish and European law.

Which balances of interest that have been considered adequate is something that varies both over time and depending on who expresses the opinion. In the current regulation, the police’s knowledge of the crime, the severity of the crime and the risk that surplus information will emerge, seems to determine when the interest of efficiency or integrity has been prioritized. 

Legal precedents from the European Court of Justice indicate that there is no general prohibition of the use of surplus information for criminal investigative purposes, presupposed sufficient legal support for the coercive measure. In my opinion, the Swedish regulation balances the opposed interests, efficiency, integrity, and the rule of law in an adequate way. However, it can be stated that the law is not precise and exhaustive enough to constitute an allowed interference with the right to respect for private and family life, nor to be compatible with the rule of law as it has been formulated in the Swedish judicial literature.}},
  author       = {{Agert, Ebba}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Slopat integritetsskydd för en effektivare brottsbekämpning? Om intressekonflikter som aktualiseras vid användandet av överskottsinformation i brottsutredande syfte}},
  year         = {{2020}},