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Fel i entreprenad – Närmare om felbedömningen enligt AB 04, ABT 06 och i entreprenadrättsliga blandformer

Johansson, Erik LU (2020) JURM02 20202
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I de fall en beställare av en kommersiell entreprenad är missnöjd med vad en entreprenör presterat, är det naturligtvis avgörande att fastställa vad som ska anses vara en så bristfällig prestation att beställaren får rätt att göra gällande påföljder mot entreprenören. En bedömning av om entreprenaden är behäftad med fel måste då göras. Frågan om fel i entreprenad och därmed sammanhängande frågor behandlas i denna uppsats.

För att nå adekvata svar på frågorna ovan används en rättsdogmatisk metod och sedvanliga juridiska rättskällor, som i sin tur beaktas utifrån 
rättskälleläran. Med stöd av metoden slås det fast att det inte finns något självständigt felbegrepp i AB 04 eller ABT 06. Vad som utgör fel i en entreprenad är istället direkt... (More)
I de fall en beställare av en kommersiell entreprenad är missnöjd med vad en entreprenör presterat, är det naturligtvis avgörande att fastställa vad som ska anses vara en så bristfällig prestation att beställaren får rätt att göra gällande påföljder mot entreprenören. En bedömning av om entreprenaden är behäftad med fel måste då göras. Frågan om fel i entreprenad och därmed sammanhängande frågor behandlas i denna uppsats.

För att nå adekvata svar på frågorna ovan används en rättsdogmatisk metod och sedvanliga juridiska rättskällor, som i sin tur beaktas utifrån 
rättskälleläran. Med stöd av metoden slås det fast att det inte finns något självständigt felbegrepp i AB 04 eller ABT 06. Vad som utgör fel i en entreprenad är istället direkt beroende av samspelet mellan individuella överenskommelser, mer standardiserade handlingar i avtalsunderlaget mellan parterna samt ett antal bestämmelser i respektive standardavtal. Detta närmare 
samspel belyses ingående i uppsatsen och presenteras på ett sammanhängande sätt, för att på så sätt underlätta felbedömningen i konkreta fall.

Ett antal regler i standardavtalen som har direkt betydelse för felbedömningen presenteras och analyseras i uppsatsen. Som exempel kan här nämns att 
reglerna i de båda standardavtalen beträffande kontraktsarbetenas omfattning samt vilka krav som kan ställas på utförandet av entreprenaden undersöks närmare i uppsatsen. Fokus ligger i det här avseendet hela tiden på vad som ingår i avtalet mellan parterna i entreprenaden.

I sammanhanget ovan görs bl.a. bedömningen att det sannolikt finns vissa möjligheter att tolka in viss prestationsskyldighet i entreprenörens åtagande, utan att detta uttryckligen framgår av entreprenadhandlingarna. Möjligheterna till detta är dock sannolikt beroende av vilket standardavtal som införlivats mellan parterna. Möjligheterna till en sådan tolkning torde nämligen vara större enligt ABT 06 än vad den är enligt AB 04.

I uppsatsen behandlas även fackmässighetskravet i respektive standardavtal närmare. Bedömningen görs att kravet på fackmässighet vid utförandet, bl.a. kan ses som en lägsta acceptabel gräns för hur bristfälligt entreprenören kan utföra sitt arbete i ett enskilt fall. Den närmare bedömningen blir i princip avhängig tillämpliga facknormer och ger dessa normer inte utslag får sannolikt en domstol eller skiljenämnd använda sig av sin diskretionära beslutskompetens för att avgöra en enskild tvist.

Det slås fast i uppsatsen att vad som blir att betrakta som fel i princip blir
andra sidan av myntet av vad entreprenören närmare åtagit sig att prestera i det enskilda fallet. Det kan i det här sammanhanget poängteras att när man har att bedöma om fel föreligger i ett utfört arbete, är det vanligtvis inte fråga om att avgöra entreprenadens skick. Det innebär att en viss byggnad som saknar t.ex. ett golv, kan vara felfri i den här avsedda betydelsen. Det gäller även om 
byggnaden är helt omöjlig att använda på ett normalt sätt. Så blir nämligen fallet om parterna uttryckligen avtalat om att den aktuella byggnaden ska 
utföras utan golv samt att inga andra avtalsbestämmelser innebär att detta får anses avtalat. Det ska dock i det här sammanhanget noteras att vissa avtalsbestämmelser i respektive standardavtal kan innebära att en annan bedömning ska göras i det enskilda fallet.

I uppsatsens senare delar behandlas vilka ytterligare förutsättningar som 
behöver vara uppfyllda för att hålla entreprenören ansvarig för något som 
konstaterats utgöra fel. I det här avseendet lyfts bl.a. reglerna kring slutbesiktningen fram samt det grundkrav som finns gällande att felet inte får bero på beställaren, för att påföljder ska få göras gällande. Den primära påföljden är avhjälpande av felet, men även andra påföljder kan tänkas vara aktuella vid konstaterat fel som entreprenören har att svara för.

Avslutningsvis blickas det framåt i uppsatsen på om några justeringar eller 
tydliggöranden skulle kunna göras i nya kommande versioner av standardavtalen, för att underlätta tillämpningen av standardavtalen för parter som 
använder dessa. Här görs bedömningen att vissa ytterligare regler kring entreprenörprojektering i utförandeentreprenader, med AB 04 införlivade, möjligen skulle kunna göra vissa bedömningar lättare att göra. I det här sammanhanget lyfts det fram att den här typen av regler redan finns i de danska och norska motsvarigheterna till AB 04. (Less)
In cases where a client of a commercial construction contract is dissatisfied with a contractor’s performance, it’s of course crucial to determine what is to be considered such an insufficient performance, that the client is entitled to claim remedies against the contractor. An assessment of whether the contractor’s performance is insufficient must be made in these cases. The issue of 
defect in construction contracting and related issues is dealt with in this essay.

In order to reach suitable answers to the above questions, a legal dogmatic method and usual legal sources are used, which in turn are taken into account on the basis of the theory of legal sources. With the support of the method, it’s established that there is no... (More)
In cases where a client of a commercial construction contract is dissatisfied with a contractor’s performance, it’s of course crucial to determine what is to be considered such an insufficient performance, that the client is entitled to claim remedies against the contractor. An assessment of whether the contractor’s performance is insufficient must be made in these cases. The issue of 
defect in construction contracting and related issues is dealt with in this essay.

In order to reach suitable answers to the above questions, a legal dogmatic method and usual legal sources are used, which in turn are taken into account on the basis of the theory of legal sources. With the support of the method, it’s established that there is no independent concept of defect in AB 04 or ABT 06. What constitutes a defect is instead directly dependent of the interaction between individual agreements, more standardized documents in the contractual relationship between the parties and a number of terms in the standard form contract. This closer interaction is highlighted in the essay and presented in a coherent way, in order to facilitate the legal defect assessment in specific 

A number of terms in the standard form contracts that are relevant in the defect assessment are presented and analysed in the essay. As an example, that can be mentioned here, the terms in the two standard form contracts regarding the extent of the contract work and the performance requirements is examined in detail in the essay. In this regard, the focus is on what’s included in the agreement between the parties.

In the context above, e.g., the assessment is made that there are certain possibilities to interpret a certain performance obligation in the contractor’s 
commitment, without this being explicitly stated in the contract documents. The possibilities for this, however, probably depend on what standard form contracts the parties have chosen. The possibilities for such interpretation are more likely when the parties have chosen ABT 06 than AB 04.

The thesis also deals with the requirement in each standard form contract that the contractor shall perform his work in a professional manner. The assessment is made that the requirement for professionalism can be seen as a minimum acceptable limit for how poor the contractor can perform his work. The closer assessment depend on the applicable professional standards. If the 
standards don’t give an answer, a court or arbitral tribunal will probably have to use its discretionary decision-making power to adjudicate a case.

It’s stated in the thesis what should be considered as a defect in principle 
becomes the other side of the coin of what the contractor has committed to perform in the individual case. In this context, it can be pointed out that when it comes to assessing whether there is a defect in a performed work, it’s 
usually not a question of determining the present condition. This means that a 
certain building without e.g., a floor, therefore, can be without defect. This 
applies even if the building is completely impossible to use in a normal way. This is the case if the parties have agreed that the building, shall be constructed without a floor and no other contractual terms state otherwise. However, 
it should be noted in this context, that certain terms in each standard form 
contract may lead to a different assessment in the individual case.

The essay also deals with the additional conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to hold the contractor responsible for something that has been found to constitute a defect. In this regard, e.g., the rules regarding the final inspection and the requirement that the defect must not be the clients fault, in order for sanctions to be enforced. The primary sanction is rectification of defects, but other sanctions may also be relevant in the event of an established defect for which the contractor is responsible.

Finally, the essay look ahead to see if any adjustments or clarifications could be made in new future versions of the standard form contract, in order to 
facilitate the application of the standard form contract for parties who uses them. The assessment is made that certain additional terms regarding 
contractors project planning in a construction contract, with AB 04 
incorporated, could possibly make certain assessments easier to make. In this context, it’s highlighted that this kind of terms already exists in the Danish and 
Norwegian standard form contract corresponding to AB 04. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Johansson, Erik LU
alternative title
Defective Construction Work – about defects according to AB 04, ABT 06 and in other types of construction hybrids
JURM02 20202
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2021-01-25 12:23:56
date last changed
2021-01-25 12:23:56
  abstract     = {{In cases where a client of a commercial construction contract is dissatisfied with a contractor’s performance, it’s of course crucial to determine what is to be considered such an insufficient performance, that the client is entitled to claim remedies against the contractor. An assessment of whether the contractor’s performance is insufficient must be made in these cases. The issue of 
defect in construction contracting and related issues is dealt with in this essay. 

In order to reach suitable answers to the above questions, a legal dogmatic method and usual legal sources are used, which in turn are taken into account on the basis of the theory of legal sources. With the support of the method, it’s established that there is no independent concept of defect in AB 04 or ABT 06. What constitutes a defect is instead directly dependent of the interaction between individual agreements, more standardized documents in the contractual relationship between the parties and a number of terms in the standard form contract. This closer interaction is highlighted in the essay and presented in a coherent way, in order to facilitate the legal defect assessment in specific 

A number of terms in the standard form contracts that are relevant in the defect assessment are presented and analysed in the essay. As an example, that can be mentioned here, the terms in the two standard form contracts regarding the extent of the contract work and the performance requirements is examined in detail in the essay. In this regard, the focus is on what’s included in the agreement between the parties.

In the context above, e.g., the assessment is made that there are certain possibilities to interpret a certain performance obligation in the contractor’s 
commitment, without this being explicitly stated in the contract documents. The possibilities for this, however, probably depend on what standard form contracts the parties have chosen. The possibilities for such interpretation are more likely when the parties have chosen ABT 06 than AB 04. 

The thesis also deals with the requirement in each standard form contract that the contractor shall perform his work in a professional manner. The assessment is made that the requirement for professionalism can be seen as a minimum acceptable limit for how poor the contractor can perform his work. The closer assessment depend on the applicable professional standards. If the 
standards don’t give an answer, a court or arbitral tribunal will probably have to use its discretionary decision-making power to adjudicate a case.

It’s stated in the thesis what should be considered as a defect in principle 
becomes the other side of the coin of what the contractor has committed to perform in the individual case. In this context, it can be pointed out that when it comes to assessing whether there is a defect in a performed work, it’s 
usually not a question of determining the present condition. This means that a 
certain building without e.g., a floor, therefore, can be without defect. This 
applies even if the building is completely impossible to use in a normal way. This is the case if the parties have agreed that the building, shall be constructed without a floor and no other contractual terms state otherwise. However, 
it should be noted in this context, that certain terms in each standard form 
contract may lead to a different assessment in the individual case. 

The essay also deals with the additional conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to hold the contractor responsible for something that has been found to constitute a defect. In this regard, e.g., the rules regarding the final inspection and the requirement that the defect must not be the clients fault, in order for sanctions to be enforced. The primary sanction is rectification of defects, but other sanctions may also be relevant in the event of an established defect for which the contractor is responsible. 

Finally, the essay look ahead to see if any adjustments or clarifications could be made in new future versions of the standard form contract, in order to 
facilitate the application of the standard form contract for parties who uses them. The assessment is made that certain additional terms regarding 
contractors project planning in a construction contract, with AB 04 
incorporated, could possibly make certain assessments easier to make. In this context, it’s highlighted that this kind of terms already exists in the Danish and 
Norwegian standard form contract corresponding to AB 04.}},
  author       = {{Johansson, Erik}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Fel i entreprenad – Närmare om felbedömningen enligt AB 04, ABT 06 och i entreprenadrättsliga blandformer}},
  year         = {{2020}},