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LUP Student Papers


Prevention & inhägnade bon - Sluten ungdomsvård i juridiken och praktiken

Rignell, Johanna LU (2020) LAGF03 20202
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
För drygt 20 år sedan infördes ungdomspåföljden sluten ungdomsvård som ett alternativ till fängelse för personer i åldern 15–17 år. Syftet med denna uppsats är att förstå de bakomliggande motiven till införandet av påföljden samt undersöka hur uppfyllandet av dessa motiv ser ut vid påföljdens verkställighet. I arbetet med att uppfylla syftet undersöks även påföljdens rättsliga reglering och avvägningen mellan de bakomliggande motiven. För uppsatsen första del används den rättsdogmatiska metoden och materialet består av lagtext, förarbeten, lagkommentarer och doktrin. I den andra delen används istället en rättssociologisk metod genom studier av främst empiriska forskningsresultat i form av statistik och rapporter.

Av undersökningen... (More)
För drygt 20 år sedan infördes ungdomspåföljden sluten ungdomsvård som ett alternativ till fängelse för personer i åldern 15–17 år. Syftet med denna uppsats är att förstå de bakomliggande motiven till införandet av påföljden samt undersöka hur uppfyllandet av dessa motiv ser ut vid påföljdens verkställighet. I arbetet med att uppfylla syftet undersöks även påföljdens rättsliga reglering och avvägningen mellan de bakomliggande motiven. För uppsatsen första del används den rättsdogmatiska metoden och materialet består av lagtext, förarbeten, lagkommentarer och doktrin. I den andra delen används istället en rättssociologisk metod genom studier av främst empiriska forskningsresultat i form av statistik och rapporter.

Av undersökningen framgår att de bakomliggande motiven vid införandet av sluten ungdomsvård framförallt var att förebygga brott genom allmänprevention och motverka återfallsbrottslighet genom individualprevention men att det även ansågs viktigt att skydda människor mot grov brottslighet genom att tillgodose samhällsskyddet. Att det finns brister i uppfyllandet av alla dessa tre motiv visar den vidare undersökningen. Exempelvis finns det ingen forskning som visar att det skett någon ökad avhållsamhet bland samhällsmedborgarna att begå brott och återfallstatistiken visar att personer dömda till sluten ungdomsvård både är den grupp där störst andel återfaller i ny brottslighet inom ett år och den där återfallsandelen ökat mest det senaste decenniet. Vad gäller samhällsskyddet visar den kritik som riktats mot ungdomshemmen i media, det uppdrag som regeringen gett SiS och den statistik, avseende ungdomarnas avvikelser från verkställigheten, som studerats att säkerheten vid LSU-institutionerna inte i tillräckligt hög grad tillgodoser detta. Att öka säkerheten vid institutionerna har dock tidigare visat sig inverka negativt på det återfallsförebyggande arbetet varför det måste göras en avvägning mellan dessa två intressen.

Det finns mycket arbete kvar för att de bakomliggande motiven ska kunna uppfyllas i högre grad och genom analysen av undersökningen identifieras vissa av de områden där förbättring och mer forskning särskilt behövs. Värt att lyfta fram är dock att det under uppsatsarbetet även påträffas resultat som tyder på positiva effekter av den slutna ungdomsvården. Ett exempel är att mediantiden till första återfallet har ökat mest bland de personer som döms till sluten ungdomsvård. (Less)
Just over 20 years ago the juvenile sanction called closed institutional youth care was introduced as an alternative sanction to imprisonment for people aged 15-17. The purpose of this essay is to understand the underlying motives for the introduction of the sanction and to investigate what the fulfillment of these motives looks like at the execution of the sanction. In the work of fulfilling the purpose, the legal regulation of the sanction and the balancing act between the underlying motives are furthermore examined. For the first part of the essay, the legal dogmatic method is used and the material consists of laws, prepatory work, legal comentary and doctrine. In the second part a forensic sociological method is used through studies of... (More)
Just over 20 years ago the juvenile sanction called closed institutional youth care was introduced as an alternative sanction to imprisonment for people aged 15-17. The purpose of this essay is to understand the underlying motives for the introduction of the sanction and to investigate what the fulfillment of these motives looks like at the execution of the sanction. In the work of fulfilling the purpose, the legal regulation of the sanction and the balancing act between the underlying motives are furthermore examined. For the first part of the essay, the legal dogmatic method is used and the material consists of laws, prepatory work, legal comentary and doctrine. In the second part a forensic sociological method is used through studies of empirical reasearch results in the form of statistics and reports.

The investigation shows that the underlying motives in the introduction of closed institutional youth care were primarily to prevent crime through general prevention, to counteract recidivism through individual prevention and to protect people from serious crime by providing social protection. The further investigation shows that there are deficiency in the fulfillment of all of these motives. For example, there is no evidence that continence among citizens to commit crime generally has increased. Furthermore recidivism statistics show that people sentenced to closed institutional youth care have the largest proportion of relapses within a year and that the recidivism rate has increased the most for these people in the last decade. Regarding social protection, the criticism directed at the institutions in media, the assignment given by the government to the national board of institutional care, SiS, and the statistics regarding juvenile delinquents´ deviations from the institutions show that security at the institutions does not meet this sufficiently. However, increasing security at the institutions has previously been shown to have a negative impact on recidivism prevention work, which means that a balancing act between these two interests is necessary.

There is still a lot of work to do to ensure that the underlying motives can be met to a greater extent, and the analysis of the investigation identifies some of the areas where improvements and further research are particularly needed. It is however worth highlighting that during the work with this essay results are also found that indicate positive effects of the new juvenile sanction. One example is that the median time to the first relapse has increased the most among those who have been sentenced to closed institutional youth care. (Less)
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Rignell, Johanna LU
LAGF03 20202
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Straffrätt, Rättssociologi, Sluten ungdomsvård, Ungdomsbrottslighet, Unga lagöverträdare, LSU, Allmänprevention, Individualprevention, Samhällsskydd, SiS, Återfall, Avvikelser
date added to LUP
2021-02-09 11:34:06
date last changed
2021-02-09 11:34:06
  abstract     = {{Just over 20 years ago the juvenile sanction called closed institutional youth care was introduced as an alternative sanction to imprisonment for people aged 15-17. The purpose of this essay is to understand the underlying motives for the introduction of the sanction and to investigate what the fulfillment of these motives looks like at the execution of the sanction. In the work of fulfilling the purpose, the legal regulation of the sanction and the balancing act between the underlying motives are furthermore examined. For the first part of the essay, the legal dogmatic method is used and the material consists of laws, prepatory work, legal comentary and doctrine. In the second part a forensic sociological method is used through studies of empirical reasearch results in the form of statistics and reports. 

The investigation shows that the underlying motives in the introduction of closed institutional youth care were primarily to prevent crime through general prevention, to counteract recidivism through individual prevention and to protect people from serious crime by providing social protection. The further investigation shows that there are deficiency in the fulfillment of all of these motives. For example, there is no evidence that continence among citizens to commit crime generally has increased. Furthermore recidivism statistics show that people sentenced to closed institutional youth care have the largest proportion of relapses within a year and that the recidivism rate has increased the most for these people in the last decade. Regarding social protection, the criticism directed at the institutions in media, the assignment given by the government to the national board of institutional care, SiS, and the statistics regarding juvenile delinquents´ deviations from the institutions show that security at the institutions does not meet this sufficiently. However, increasing security at the institutions has previously been shown to have a negative impact on recidivism prevention work, which means that a balancing act between these two interests is necessary. 

There is still a lot of work to do to ensure that the underlying motives can be met to a greater extent, and the analysis of the investigation identifies some of the areas where improvements and further research are particularly needed. It is however worth highlighting that during the work with this essay results are also found that indicate positive effects of the new juvenile sanction. One example is that the median time to the first relapse has increased the most among those who have been sentenced to closed institutional youth care.}},
  author       = {{Rignell, Johanna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Prevention & inhägnade bon - Sluten ungdomsvård i juridiken och praktiken}},
  year         = {{2020}},