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Pyromaner vs. Mordbrännare - Vem är det egentliga hotet?

Rasmussen, Emily LU (2021) JURM02 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
It is burning, the flames have spread to the roof and once again, terror plagues the people of Sweden. Gryningspyromanen has just left the entrance of Bollhusgatan 8 in Ystad and the police are right behind him. This time, the evidence will be sufficient for a conviction. Is gryningspyromanen really a pyromaniac? If not, what is pyromania and why does Sweden's most famous pyromaniac not qualify for the diagnosis? What does Sweden's history of arson look like and what does it really take to be convicted of arson? These are the questions that will be touched upon and answered in this thesis.

In the 19th century, interest in criminal law grew around the world. When the interest came to Sweden in 1811, the revision of the Penal Code of... (More)
It is burning, the flames have spread to the roof and once again, terror plagues the people of Sweden. Gryningspyromanen has just left the entrance of Bollhusgatan 8 in Ystad and the police are right behind him. This time, the evidence will be sufficient for a conviction. Is gryningspyromanen really a pyromaniac? If not, what is pyromania and why does Sweden's most famous pyromaniac not qualify for the diagnosis? What does Sweden's history of arson look like and what does it really take to be convicted of arson? These are the questions that will be touched upon and answered in this thesis.

In the 19th century, interest in criminal law grew around the world. When the interest came to Sweden in 1811, the revision of the Penal Code of 1734 began. The proposals were presented but no agreement could be reached and it took over 50 years before one of the proposals became law. The result was the 1864 Penal Code, which despite the long wait was not considered a finished product. The legislation was a lively discussion in the coming decades and parts of the legislation were gradually revised. It was not until 1940 that the idea of a new law was abandoned and the Criminal Law Committee was appointed to revise both the property crimes and the special part of the penal code.

In the Penal Code of 1864, the provisions on arson fell under the criminal law provisions on vandalism. The report on the new special section proposed that the provisions governing vandalism should be separated from the crimes that caused danger. The report resulted in the 1948 reform where the arson regulations would be covered by the public safety crimes. The idea behind the public safety crimes was that the interest in protection was shifted from individuals to the general public, which would encompass a larger range of people or objects. The interest in protection that emerged with the public safety crimes is still reflected today in the provisions on crimes against the public.

In 1962, it was realized that the Penal Code of 1864 could no longer be revised to the extent required to satisfy society's demands for the protection of public and private interests. The Criminal Code was divided into three main parts, where the first part concerned the general provisions, the second part dealt with the offenses and the third with the penalties. The arson regulations fell under the section on crimes against the public, but the wording and interest in protection were the same as in the 1948 reform.

In the current law, the arson provisions are classified as arson as a less serious crime, arson of the normal degree and aggravated arson. In order for the arson provisions to be relevant, it is required that the fire was started, that the fire entailed danger to another's life or well-being or danger of extensive destruction of another's property. In order for arson as a less serious crime to become relevant, it is required that no human life or well-being is endangered. In order for aggravated arson to become relevant, it is required that the fire was started in a densely populated community where it could easily have spread or otherwise posed a danger to several people or to property of special significance. The cases that are neither considered less serious nor as aggravated are classified as the normal degree.

Pyromania is an unusual forensic psychiatric diagnosis that is classified as an impulse control disorder. Impulse control disorders are mentioned in the preparatory work for the Forensic Psychiatric Care Act as a serious mental disorder that results in forensic psychiatric care before imprisonment. The DSM-IV has established six diagnostic criteria for pyromania. The criteria reflect the number of fires, the person's internal experiences before the fire, the person's interests and attraction, the person's experience at the time of the fire, the motive behind the fire and that the fire can not be explained in any other way or with any other diagnosis. There is no treatment for the diagnosis of pyromania and the recurrence statistics are high.

The essay analyzes gryningspyromanen 's three convictions regarding arson based on DSM-IV diagnostic requirements. In the Mora case from 2005, gryningspyromanen is convicted of two attempted arsons. In the Ystad case from 2010, he was again convicted of aggravated arson and in the Köping case from 2017, he was convicted of attempted arson. In all three cases, gryningspyromanen meets some of the six diagnostic requirements, but overall he does not fulfill the criteria for the diagnosis of pyromania. This is also supported by the §7 investigations made in all three conclusions by the forensic psychiatric care, all three of which assess that there is no serious mental disorder.

The essay concludes that the development of the arson regulations over the past 200 years has gone from protecting the individual to protecting a larger range of people and property. The difference between the degree division in current law differs depending on how great the danger is, whether the danger is directed at a person or at property and where the fire is located and the possible risk of spread. Regarding who poses the greatest threat, the analysis deems pyromania as being a dangerous diagnosis with poor conditions for rehabilitation. On the other hand, the treatment and follow-up of pyromaniacs is considerably better than the penalties for non-pyromaniacs. As a result, even though pyromania is an extremely dangerous mental disorder, they are provided with better tools and help, through treatment to deal with their problems compared to arsonists who receive neither treatment nor tools for future use. Gryningspyromanen reflects a typical example of how arsonists lack the tools and treatment to deal with their emotions. It has burned, it is burning and it will most likely burn again. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Det brinner, lågorna står från taket och än en gång väcks skräcken till liv i den svenska befolkningen. Gryningspyromanen har precis lämnat porten på Bollhusgatan 8 i Ystad och poliserna är honom hack i häl. Denna gång kommer bevisen att räcka för en fällande dom. Är gryningspyromanen egentligen pyroman? Om inte, vad är pyromani och varför faller inte Sveriges kändaste pyroman under begreppet? Hur ser Sveriges mordbrandshistoria ut och vad krävs egentligen för att man ska dömas för mordbrand? Det är frågorna som kommer att beröras och besvaras i detta examensarbete.

På 1800-talet växte intresset för straffrätten runt om i världen. När intresset kom till Sverige 1811 påbörjade man omarbetningen av 1734 års strafflag. Förslagen lades... (More)
Det brinner, lågorna står från taket och än en gång väcks skräcken till liv i den svenska befolkningen. Gryningspyromanen har precis lämnat porten på Bollhusgatan 8 i Ystad och poliserna är honom hack i häl. Denna gång kommer bevisen att räcka för en fällande dom. Är gryningspyromanen egentligen pyroman? Om inte, vad är pyromani och varför faller inte Sveriges kändaste pyroman under begreppet? Hur ser Sveriges mordbrandshistoria ut och vad krävs egentligen för att man ska dömas för mordbrand? Det är frågorna som kommer att beröras och besvaras i detta examensarbete.

På 1800-talet växte intresset för straffrätten runt om i världen. När intresset kom till Sverige 1811 påbörjade man omarbetningen av 1734 års strafflag. Förslagen lades fram men någon enighet kunde inte uppnås och det kom att dröja över 50 år innan ett av förslagen blev lag. Resultatet blev 1864 års strafflag som trots den långa väntetiden inte ansågs vara en färdig produkt. Lagstiftningen var under kommande årtionden en livlig diskussion och delar av lagstiftningen omarbetades succesivt. Det var först år 1940 som tanken om en ny lag övergavs och straffrättskommittén tillsattes för att omarbeta såväl förmögenhetsbrotten som strafflagens specialdel.

I 1864 års strafflag föll mordbrandsbestämmelserna in under de straffrättsliga bestämmelserna om skadegörelse. I betänkandet till den nya specialdelen lades det fram ett förslag om att bestämmelserna som reglerade skadegörelsen skulle separeras från brotten som orsakade fara. Betänkandet kom att resultera i 1948 års reform där mordbrandsbestämmelserna istället kom att omfattas av de allmänfarliga brotten. Tanken bakom de allmänfarliga brotten var att skyddsintresset flyttades från enskilda individer till ett större omfång av människor eller objekt. Skyddsintresset som kom att växa fram med de allmänfarliga brotten speglas än idag i bestämmelserna om brott mot allmänheten.

År 1962 insåg man att 1864 års strafflag inte längre kunde omarbetas i den utsträckning som krävdes för att tillfredsställa samhällets krav för skydd för allmänna och enskilda intressen. Brottsbalken delades in i tre huvuddelar, där första delen berörde de allmänna bestämmelserna, den andra delen handlade om brotten och den tredje om påföljderna. Mordbrandsbestämmelserna hamnade under avdelningen brott mot allmänheten men ordalydelsen och skyddsintresset var detsamma som i 1948 års reform.

Mordbrandsbestämmelserna i gällande rätt återspeglas i mordbrand som mindre allvarligt brott, mordbrand av normalgraden och grov mordbrand. För att mordbrandsbestämmelserna ska vara aktuella krävs att branden är anlagd, att branden inneburit fara för annans liv eller hälsa eller fara för omfattande förstörelse av annans egendom. För att mordbrand som mindre allvarligt brott ska bli aktuellt krävs att ingen människas liv eller hälsa kommit till fara. För att grov mordbrand ska bli aktuellt krävs att branden anlagts i tätbebyggt samhälle där den lätt kunnat sprida sig eller annars inneburit fara för flera människor eller för egendom av särskild betydenhet. De fallen som varken anses som mindre allvarliga eller som grova faller inom normalgraden.

Pyromani är en ovanlig rättspsykiatrisk diagnos som faller inom impulskontrollstörningar. Impulskontrollstörningarna omnämns i förarbetet till lagen om rättspsykiatrisk vård som en allvarlig psykisk störning som föranleder rättspsykiatrisk vård framför fängelse. DSM-IV har ställt upp sex diagnosticeringskriterier för pyromani. Kriterierna återspeglar antal bränder, personens inre upplevelser innan anläggandet av branden, personens intressen och attraktion, personens upplevelse vid anläggandet av branden, motivet bakom branden samt att branden inte kan förklaras på något annat sätt eller med någon annan diagnos. Det finns ingen behandling för diagnosen pyromani och återfallsstatistiken är hög.

Arbetet analyserar gryningspyromanens tre fällande domar avseende mordbrand utifrån DSM-IV’s diagnosticeringskrav. I Morafallet från 2005 döms gryningspyromanen för två försök till mordbrand. I Ystadfallet från 2010 dömds han återigen för grov mordbrand och i Köpingfallet från 2017 dömds han för ett försök av mordbrand. I samtliga tre fall uppfyller gryningspyromanen enstaka av de sex diagnosticeringskraven men sammantaget lever han inte upp till diagnosen pyromani. Något som också styrks av de §7-utredningar som gjorts i samtliga tre avgöranden av den rättspsykiatriska vården som alla tre bedömer att någon allvarlig psykisk störning inte föreligger.

Arbetets slutsats är att mordbrandsbestämmelsernas utveckling de senaste 200 åren har gått från att skydda individen till att skydda ett större omfång av människor och egendom. Skillnaden mellan gradindelningen i gällande rätt skiljer sig beroende på hur stor faran är, om faran är riktad mot en människa eller mot egendom samt vart branden är anlagd och den eventuella spridningsrisken. Avseende vem som utgör det största hotet, resulterade undersökningen i att pyromani är en farlig diagnos med dåliga förutsättningar för rehabilitering. Däremot är behandlingen och uppföljningen av pyromaner avsevärt mycket bättre i förhållande till påföljderna för icke-pyromaner. Det resulterar i att även om pyromani är en extremt farlig psykisk störning, så får de bättre förutsättningar för att hantera deras problematik jämfört med mordbrännare som varken får någon behandling eller verktyg för framtida bruk. Gryningspyromanen återspeglar ett typexempel på hur mordbrännare saknar verktygen och behandlingen för att hantera sina känslor. Det har brunnit, det brinner och det kommer med stor sannolikhet att brinna fler gånger. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Rasmussen, Emily LU
alternative title
Pyromaniacs vs. Arsonists - Who is the real threat?
JURM02 20211
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Straffrätt, Criminal Law, Pyromani, Pyromania, Mordbrännare, Mordbrand, Gryningspyromanen
date added to LUP
2021-06-09 11:02:58
date last changed
2021-06-09 11:02:58
  abstract     = {{It is burning, the flames have spread to the roof and once again, terror plagues the people of Sweden. Gryningspyromanen has just left the entrance of Bollhusgatan 8 in Ystad and the police are right behind him. This time, the evidence will be sufficient for a conviction. Is gryningspyromanen really a pyromaniac? If not, what is pyromania and why does Sweden's most famous pyromaniac not qualify for the diagnosis? What does Sweden's history of arson look like and what does it really take to be convicted of arson? These are the questions that will be touched upon and answered in this thesis. 

In the 19th century, interest in criminal law grew around the world. When the interest came to Sweden in 1811, the revision of the Penal Code of 1734 began. The proposals were presented but no agreement could be reached and it took over 50 years before one of the proposals became law. The result was the 1864 Penal Code, which despite the long wait was not considered a finished product. The legislation was a lively discussion in the coming decades and parts of the legislation were gradually revised. It was not until 1940 that the idea of a new law was abandoned and the Criminal Law Committee was appointed to revise both the property crimes and the special part of the penal code. 

In the Penal Code of 1864, the provisions on arson fell under the criminal law provisions on vandalism. The report on the new special section proposed that the provisions governing vandalism should be separated from the crimes that caused danger. The report resulted in the 1948 reform where the arson regulations would be covered by the public safety crimes. The idea behind the public safety crimes was that the interest in protection was shifted from individuals to the general public, which would encompass a larger range of people or objects. The interest in protection that emerged with the public safety crimes is still reflected today in the provisions on crimes against the public. 

In 1962, it was realized that the Penal Code of 1864 could no longer be revised to the extent required to satisfy society's demands for the protection of public and private interests. The Criminal Code was divided into three main parts, where the first part concerned the general provisions, the second part dealt with the offenses and the third with the penalties. The arson regulations fell under the section on crimes against the public, but the wording and interest in protection were the same as in the 1948 reform. 

In the current law, the arson provisions are classified as arson as a less serious crime, arson of the normal degree and aggravated arson. In order for the arson provisions to be relevant, it is required that the fire was started, that the fire entailed danger to another's life or well-being or danger of extensive destruction of another's property. In order for arson as a less serious crime to become relevant, it is required that no human life or well-being is endangered. In order for aggravated arson to become relevant, it is required that the fire was started in a densely populated community where it could easily have spread or otherwise posed a danger to several people or to property of special significance. The cases that are neither considered less serious nor as aggravated are classified as the normal degree. 

Pyromania is an unusual forensic psychiatric diagnosis that is classified as an impulse control disorder. Impulse control disorders are mentioned in the preparatory work for the Forensic Psychiatric Care Act as a serious mental disorder that results in forensic psychiatric care before imprisonment. The DSM-IV has established six diagnostic criteria for pyromania. The criteria reflect the number of fires, the person's internal experiences before the fire, the person's interests and attraction, the person's experience at the time of the fire, the motive behind the fire and that the fire can not be explained in any other way or with any other diagnosis. There is no treatment for the diagnosis of pyromania and the recurrence statistics are high. 

The essay analyzes gryningspyromanen 's three convictions regarding arson based on DSM-IV diagnostic requirements. In the Mora case from 2005, gryningspyromanen is convicted of two attempted arsons. In the Ystad case from 2010, he was again convicted of aggravated arson and in the Köping case from 2017, he was convicted of attempted arson. In all three cases, gryningspyromanen meets some of the six diagnostic requirements, but overall he does not fulfill the criteria for the diagnosis of pyromania. This is also supported by the §7 investigations made in all three conclusions by the forensic psychiatric care, all three of which assess that there is no serious mental disorder. 

The essay concludes that the development of the arson regulations over the past 200 years has gone from protecting the individual to protecting a larger range of people and property. The difference between the degree division in current law differs depending on how great the danger is, whether the danger is directed at a person or at property and where the fire is located and the possible risk of spread. Regarding who poses the greatest threat, the analysis deems pyromania as being a dangerous diagnosis with poor conditions for rehabilitation. On the other hand, the treatment and follow-up of pyromaniacs is considerably better than the penalties for non-pyromaniacs. As a result, even though pyromania is an extremely dangerous mental disorder, they are provided with better tools and help, through treatment to deal with their problems compared to arsonists who receive neither treatment nor tools for future use. Gryningspyromanen reflects a typical example of how arsonists lack the tools and treatment to deal with their emotions. It has burned, it is burning and it will most likely burn again.}},
  author       = {{Rasmussen, Emily}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Pyromaner vs. Mordbrännare - Vem är det egentliga hotet?}},
  year         = {{2021}},