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Lika allvarliga mord - olika straff? - En studie av betydelsen av gärningens relativa svårhet vid omvandling av fängelse på livstid

Arrhén, Sara LU (2021) JURM02 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Since the passing of the Act (2006:45) on conversion of life imprisonment (omvandlingslagen), prisoners serving life sentences can apply for conversion from a life sentence to a fixed sentence. The petitions for conversion are adjudicated by Örebro district court. The majority of individuals serving life imprisonment in Sweden are convicted of murder. The increase of the severity of the penalty for murder in 2020, implying that more cases of murder will lead to life imprisonment, will therefore have a direct effect on the decisions on conversion. As a result of the increase of severity of the penalty for murder, more criminal acts, with various degrees of severity, will lead to life imprisonment. The purpose of the essay is to examine how... (More)
Since the passing of the Act (2006:45) on conversion of life imprisonment (omvandlingslagen), prisoners serving life sentences can apply for conversion from a life sentence to a fixed sentence. The petitions for conversion are adjudicated by Örebro district court. The majority of individuals serving life imprisonment in Sweden are convicted of murder. The increase of the severity of the penalty for murder in 2020, implying that more cases of murder will lead to life imprisonment, will therefore have a direct effect on the decisions on conversion. As a result of the increase of severity of the penalty for murder, more criminal acts, with various degrees of severity, will lead to life imprisonment. The purpose of the essay is to examine how the severity of the criminal act effects the length of the fixed sentence that prisoners with life sentences in practice has to serve.

The method used in the essay is the traditional legal dogmatic method, meaning the traditional sources of law are examined to determine the law. The essay also consists of a case study, where the decisions on conversion from 2019 and 2020 are examined. The analysis is based on the theories of the rule of law. The rule of law is in this essay used by its traditional meaning – that decisions based on law has to be predictable.

When the court is preforming the meting out of punishment, the point of departure is the penal value of the criminal act. Penal value can be described as a measurement of the severity of a criminal act. When the penal value of the criminal act is the point of departure for the sentence, the penalty is determined according to the principle of proportionality. If the court finds that the penal value of the criminal act is life imprisonment, there is no possibility for the court to decide how long the execution of the sentence will be. Instead, this is decided in the assessment of conversion by Örebro district court, after the convicted has served at least ten years of the sentence. Örebro district court is to consider the time the convicted has served, the conditions from the sentence that were the basis for the meting out of punishment, whether there is a risk of recidivism into serious crime, if the prisoner has neglected the rules in terms of execution and if the prisoner has participated in promoting his or her reintegration into society. Out of the five criteria, only the criteria that regards the conditions from the sentence is assignable to the severity of the criminal act. The risk of recidivism is further viewed as an unreserved ground to reject the petition for conversion, and is therefore crucial for the courts assessment. Out of the 58 decisions on conversion made in 2019 and 2020, 40 were refused on the basis that the risk of recidivism was concrete and considerable.

The conclusion drawn by the case study is that the assessments regarding the penal value made by Örebro district court are blunt and that the conditions to make a nuanced assessment are not ideal. In practice, the penal value is consistently determined to be 21 or 24 years in prison or, in very severe cases (for example if the convicted individual has committed multiple murders), a longer prison sentence. Another conclusion from the study is that the decisions on conversion often result in a longer prison sentence than what the penal value would suggest. In summary, the severity of the criminal act has some impact on the fixed sentence that the convicted in practice has to serve, but the severity is not the only criteria that effects the punishment. Therefore, the impact the severity of the criminal act has on the fixed sentence varies greatly.

Finally, the essay concludes that the assessments of conversion are not sufficiently predictable because of the following reasons: (1) The convicted individual does not know the sentence he or she is to serve until Örebro district court has approved the apply for conversion. (2) The assessment of the penal value of the criminal act is made many years after the sentence, by another court and based on second hand information. (3) The meting out of punishment is based on criteria with no connection to the criminal act, and (4) the validity of the assessment of the risk of recidivism is questionable. Accordingly, the application of the law is not sufficiently predictable and equivalent cases are not treated equally. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Sedan införandet av lag (2006:45) om omvandling av fängelse på livstid (omvandlingslagen) har personer som dömts till livstids fängelse möjlighet att ansöka om att få livstidsstraffet omvandlat till ett tidsbestämt straff. Örebro tingsrätt prövar samtliga ansökningar om omvandling. Majoriteten av de som döms till livstids fängelse i Sverige döms för brottet mord. Att straffskalan för mord skärptes 2020 på så vis att fler mord ska leda till livstids fängelse får därför betydelse även för prövningen av omvandling av fängelse på livstid. Konsekvensen av lagändringen är att fler gärningar, som är relativt varandra olika klandervärda, kommer leda till livstids fängelse. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken inverkan gärningens relativa... (More)
Sedan införandet av lag (2006:45) om omvandling av fängelse på livstid (omvandlingslagen) har personer som dömts till livstids fängelse möjlighet att ansöka om att få livstidsstraffet omvandlat till ett tidsbestämt straff. Örebro tingsrätt prövar samtliga ansökningar om omvandling. Majoriteten av de som döms till livstids fängelse i Sverige döms för brottet mord. Att straffskalan för mord skärptes 2020 på så vis att fler mord ska leda till livstids fängelse får därför betydelse även för prövningen av omvandling av fängelse på livstid. Konsekvensen av lagändringen är att fler gärningar, som är relativt varandra olika klandervärda, kommer leda till livstids fängelse. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken inverkan gärningens relativa svårhet har på längden av fängelsestraffet som den dömde i praktiken får avtjäna.

Uppsatsen bygger på den rättsdogmatiska metoden i vid mening. Genom den rättsdogmatiska metoden fastställs gällande rätt med hjälp av de vedertagna rättskällorna, lagtext, doktrin, förarbeten och praxis. Utöver de traditionella rättskällorna används också underrättspraxis, innefattande de omvandlingsbeslut som fattades 2019 och 2020. Granskningen av vilken inverkan gärningens relativa svårhet får på fängelsestraffet den livstidsdömde i praktiken får avtjäna görs mot bakgrund av den grundläggande straffrättsliga principen om rättssäkerhet. Rättssäkerhetsbegreppet används i enlighet med den traditionella definitionen – det vill säga att rättsliga beslut ska vara förutsebara.

Vid domstolens straffmätning är utgångspunkten gärningens straffvärde, som kan sägas vara ett mått på hur förkastlig eller klandervärd en gärning är i straffrättslig mening. Genom straffvärdebedömningen mäts straffet ut proportionerligt till den begångna gärningens allvar. Om domstolen finner att straffvärdet för en gärning är fängelse på livstid har den inte möjlighet att besluta hur lång tid av livstidsstraffet den dömde i slutändan kommer avtjäna. Detta är istället något som beslutas av Örebro tingsrätt, efter att den dömde har avtjänat minst 10 år av straffet. Örebro tingsrätt ska vid omvandlingsprövningen ta hänsyn till den tid den dömde avtjänat, vad som av domen framgår av de omständigheter som legat till grund för straffmätningen, risken för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet, om den dömde åsidosatt vad som gäller för verkställigheten och om den dömde medverkat till att främja sin anpassning i samhället. Av de kriterier som domstolen ska beakta är det alltså endast ett, vad som av domen framgår om de omständigheter som legat till grund för straffmätningen, som är hänförligt till gärningens allvar. Vidare utgör återfallsrisken ett absolut hinder mot att ansökan bifalls, vilket gör att detta kriterium spelar en avgörande roll. Av de 58 omvandlingsbeslut som fattades 2019 och 2020 avslogs 40 stycken på grund av att det ansågs föreligga en konkret och beaktansvärd risk att den dömde skulle återfalla i allvarlig brottslighet.

Av studien av omvandlingsbesluten framgår att den bedömning som Örebro tingsrätt gör beträffande gärningens straffvärde är trubbig och att förutsättningarna att göra en nyanserad bedömning är små. I praktiken bestäms straffvärdet konsekvent antingen till 21 eller 24 års fängelse, eller vid mycket allvarliga fall (t.ex. om den dömde begått flera mord) till ett ännu längre straff. Vad som också framgår av studien är att omvandlingsprövningen ofta leder till ett längre fängelsestraff än vad en ren straffvärdebedömning skulle leda till. Vid en sammantagen bedömning kan man säga att gärningens relativa allvar får viss betydelse när straffet tidsbestäms, men att det inte endast är gärningens allvar som styr vilket straff en livstidsdömd får avtjäna och att det därför varierar vilken vikt gärningens allvar tillmäts när livstidsstraffet omvandlas till ett tidsbestämt straff.

Det konstateras avslutningsvis att omvandlingsprövningen inte är tillräckligt förutsebar av följande skäl: (1) Den dömde får inte veta vilket straff denne ska avtjäna förrän Örebro tingsrätt omvandlat livstidsstraffet till fängelse på viss tid. (2) Bedömningen av gärningens faktiska straffvärde görs långt efter domen, av en annan domstol och på andrahandsinformation. (3) Straffmätningen görs vidare på grunder som saknar koppling till gärningen och (4) tillförlitligheten hos bedömningen av återfallsrisken kan ifrågasättas. Jag menar därför att omvandlingsprövningen inte är tillräckligt rättssäker och att lika fall inte behandlas lika. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Arrhén, Sara LU
alternative title
Equally severe murders - different sentences? - A study of the courts assessment of the severity of the criminal act by a revision of the conversion of life sentences
JURM02 20211
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Omvandlingslagen, livstids fängelse, livstidsstraff, rättssäkerhet, straffrätt, straffprocessrätt
date added to LUP
2021-06-14 12:26:26
date last changed
2021-06-14 12:26:26
  abstract     = {{Since the passing of the Act (2006:45) on conversion of life imprisonment (omvandlingslagen), prisoners serving life sentences can apply for conversion from a life sentence to a fixed sentence. The petitions for conversion are adjudicated by Örebro district court. The majority of individuals serving life imprisonment in Sweden are convicted of murder. The increase of the severity of the penalty for murder in 2020, implying that more cases of murder will lead to life imprisonment, will therefore have a direct effect on the decisions on conversion. As a result of the increase of severity of the penalty for murder, more criminal acts, with various degrees of severity, will lead to life imprisonment. The purpose of the essay is to examine how the severity of the criminal act effects the length of the fixed sentence that prisoners with life sentences in practice has to serve.

The method used in the essay is the traditional legal dogmatic method, meaning the traditional sources of law are examined to determine the law. The essay also consists of a case study, where the decisions on conversion from 2019 and 2020 are examined. The analysis is based on the theories of the rule of law. The rule of law is in this essay used by its traditional meaning – that decisions based on law has to be predictable.

When the court is preforming the meting out of punishment, the point of departure is the penal value of the criminal act. Penal value can be described as a measurement of the severity of a criminal act. When the penal value of the criminal act is the point of departure for the sentence, the penalty is determined according to the principle of proportionality. If the court finds that the penal value of the criminal act is life imprisonment, there is no possibility for the court to decide how long the execution of the sentence will be. Instead, this is decided in the assessment of conversion by Örebro district court, after the convicted has served at least ten years of the sentence. Örebro district court is to consider the time the convicted has served, the conditions from the sentence that were the basis for the meting out of punishment, whether there is a risk of recidivism into serious crime, if the prisoner has neglected the rules in terms of execution and if the prisoner has participated in promoting his or her reintegration into society. Out of the five criteria, only the criteria that regards the conditions from the sentence is assignable to the severity of the criminal act. The risk of recidivism is further viewed as an unreserved ground to reject the petition for conversion, and is therefore crucial for the courts assessment. Out of the 58 decisions on conversion made in 2019 and 2020, 40 were refused on the basis that the risk of recidivism was concrete and considerable.

The conclusion drawn by the case study is that the assessments regarding the penal value made by Örebro district court are blunt and that the conditions to make a nuanced assessment are not ideal. In practice, the penal value is consistently determined to be 21 or 24 years in prison or, in very severe cases (for example if the convicted individual has committed multiple murders), a longer prison sentence. Another conclusion from the study is that the decisions on conversion often result in a longer prison sentence than what the penal value would suggest. In summary, the severity of the criminal act has some impact on the fixed sentence that the convicted in practice has to serve, but the severity is not the only criteria that effects the punishment. Therefore, the impact the severity of the criminal act has on the fixed sentence varies greatly.

Finally, the essay concludes that the assessments of conversion are not sufficiently predictable because of the following reasons: (1) The convicted individual does not know the sentence he or she is to serve until Örebro district court has approved the apply for conversion. (2) The assessment of the penal value of the criminal act is made many years after the sentence, by another court and based on second hand information. (3) The meting out of punishment is based on criteria with no connection to the criminal act, and (4) the validity of the assessment of the risk of recidivism is questionable. Accordingly, the application of the law is not sufficiently predictable and equivalent cases are not treated equally.}},
  author       = {{Arrhén, Sara}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Lika allvarliga mord - olika straff? - En studie av betydelsen av gärningens relativa svårhet vid omvandling av fängelse på livstid}},
  year         = {{2021}},