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Hemlig dataavläsning - Intresseavvägningen mellan effektiv brottsbekämpning och skydd för den personliga integriteten

Banaee, Narin LU (2021) JURM02 20212
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Over the past years in Sweden, there has been a lot of discussions concerning the struggle on gang-related misconduct. Enclosed in the framework of the Swedish government's 34-point program, moreover an agenda comprising several proposals for measures to combat gang-related criminality, a new temporary legislation was introduced for a period of five years. In April 2020, the Secret Data Interception Act (2020:62) was introduced to permit the authorities to read encrypted communications in real time without the individual's comprehension.

This thesis aims to critically analyze secret data interception and the Secret Data Interception Act, based on the interests of the individual's right to protection of personal integrity and effective... (More)
Over the past years in Sweden, there has been a lot of discussions concerning the struggle on gang-related misconduct. Enclosed in the framework of the Swedish government's 34-point program, moreover an agenda comprising several proposals for measures to combat gang-related criminality, a new temporary legislation was introduced for a period of five years. In April 2020, the Secret Data Interception Act (2020:62) was introduced to permit the authorities to read encrypted communications in real time without the individual's comprehension.

This thesis aims to critically analyze secret data interception and the Secret Data Interception Act, based on the interests of the individual's right to protection of personal integrity and effective law enforcement. What has been investigated is how the Secret Data Interception Act relates to the protection of personal integrity and guarantees of legal certainty regulated in the Swedish constitutional law, the European Convention on Human Rights, and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. Furthermore, it has been assessed whether the secret data interception has resulted in appropriate measures in terms of law enforcement. Based on these assessments, i.e., protection of personal integrity as well as the effective law enforcement, a conclusion will be drawn on whether the temporary Secret Data Interception Act should be made permanent following the legislation period.

This thesis concludes that the secret data interception is an effective measure in terms of law enforcement. The secret data interception has resulted in effective actions against gang-related misconduct. This, within several areas, e.g., effective reconnaissance and exclusion of suspected individuals from police investigations. Although theoretically, this thesis also demonstrates that the Secret Data Interception Act is, in accordance with the guidelines on protection of personal integrity and the legal security guarantees stipulated in the regulations above. However, compliance with these safety mechanisms is the responsibility of law enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities. According to present investigations, there are shortcomings in compliance regarding supervision. In fact, supervisory authority such as the Security and Integrity Protection Board lack sufficient resources to conduct effective supervision of the law enforcement authorities' use of secret data interception. In addition, the prosecutor's ability to decide on such an intrusive measure as secret data interception should be revised, as prosecutors may become the individual's counterpart if the investigation continues. When protection of personal integrity and guarantees of legal certainty can be guaranteed such interim decisions should be allowed. Otherwise, the provision should be excluded from the law. In conclusion, as protection of personal privacy cannot currently be ensured, the Secret Data Interception Act should not be made permanent following the temporary legislation period of five year. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
På senare år har det diskuterats frenetiskt om arbetet mot gängkriminaliteten. Inom ramen för regeringens 34-punktsprogram, ett program bestående av flera förslag till åtgärder mot gängkriminaliteten i Sverige, infördes en ny tillfällig lag som gäller under en femårsperiod. I april 2020 trädde lagen (2020:62) om hemlig dataavläsning i kraft, för att möjliggöra för de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna att ta del av krypterade data i realtid utan den enskildes vetskap som ett steg i brottsutredningen.

Förevarande uppsats syftar till att kritiskt undersöka lagen om hemlig dataavläsning utifrån intressena den enskildes rätt till skydd för sin personliga integritet och effektiv brottsbekämpning. Det som undersöks är hur lagen om hemlig... (More)
På senare år har det diskuterats frenetiskt om arbetet mot gängkriminaliteten. Inom ramen för regeringens 34-punktsprogram, ett program bestående av flera förslag till åtgärder mot gängkriminaliteten i Sverige, infördes en ny tillfällig lag som gäller under en femårsperiod. I april 2020 trädde lagen (2020:62) om hemlig dataavläsning i kraft, för att möjliggöra för de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna att ta del av krypterade data i realtid utan den enskildes vetskap som ett steg i brottsutredningen.

Förevarande uppsats syftar till att kritiskt undersöka lagen om hemlig dataavläsning utifrån intressena den enskildes rätt till skydd för sin personliga integritet och effektiv brottsbekämpning. Det som undersöks är hur lagen om hemlig dataavläsning förhåller sig till skyddet för den personliga integriteten och de rättssäkerhetsgarantier som regleras i regeringsformen, Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna samt rättspraxis från Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna. Det utreds även om hemlig dataavläsning har medfört tillräckligt goda effekter i fråga om brottsbekämpning. Utifrån ovanstående bedömningar, om skydd för den personliga integriteten och effektiv brottsbekämpning, ska det bedömas om den tillfälliga lagen bör permanentas efter femårsperioden.

Uppsatsen konstaterar att hemlig dataavläsning är en effektiv åtgärd i fråga om brottsbekämpning. Detta då hemlig dataavläsning, på så kort tid efter dess ikraftträdande, har resulterat i en effektiv brottsbekämpning inom flera områden såsom effektiv spaning och att misstänkta har kunnat föras bort från polisutredningar. Vidare påvisar uppsatsen att lagen om hemlig dataavläsning, teoretiskt sett, är utformad i enlighet med bestämmelserna om skyddet för den personliga integriteten samt de rättssäkerhetsgarantier som stipuleras i bestämmelserna ovan. Efterlevnaden av dessa skyddsmekanismer ankommer dock på de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna samt tillsynsorganen. Enligt förevarande undersökning är tillsynen av hemlig dataavläsning bristfällig, då vissa tillsynsorgan däribland Säkerhets- och integritetsskyddsnämnden saknar tillräckliga resurser för att bedriva en effektiv tillsyn över de brottsbekämpande myndigheternas användning av hemlig dataavläsning. Därutöver bör åklagarens möjlighet att fatta beslut om en sådan ingripande åtgärd såsom hemlig dataavläsning ses över, då en åklagare kan komma att bli den enskildes motpart om utredningen fortlöper. Först om skyddet för den personliga integriteten och rättssäkerhetsgarantierna kan tillförsäkras bör det tillåtas med intermistiska beslut. I annat fall bör bestämmelsen tas bort från lagen. Mot bakgrund av ovan bör den tillfälliga lagen om hemlig dataavläsning inte permanentas efter avsatt tid, då skyddet för den personliga integriteten för närvarande inte kan säkerställas. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Banaee, Narin LU
alternative title
Secret Data Interception - The balance of interests between effective law enforcement and protection of personal integrity
JURM02 20212
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Straffrätt, Criminal law, Hemliga tvångsmedel, Secret coercive measures, Hemlig dataavläsning, Secret Data Interception, Effektiv brottsbekämpning, Effective law enforcement, Skydd för personlig integritet, Protection of personal integrity
date added to LUP
2022-01-20 11:35:35
date last changed
2022-01-20 11:35:35
  abstract     = {{Over the past years in Sweden, there has been a lot of discussions concerning the struggle on gang-related misconduct. Enclosed in the framework of the Swedish government's 34-point program, moreover an agenda comprising several proposals for measures to combat gang-related criminality, a new temporary legislation was introduced for a period of five years. In April 2020, the Secret Data Interception Act (2020:62) was introduced to permit the authorities to read encrypted communications in real time without the individual's comprehension. 

This thesis aims to critically analyze secret data interception and the Secret Data Interception Act, based on the interests of the individual's right to protection of personal integrity and effective law enforcement. What has been investigated is how the Secret Data Interception Act relates to the protection of personal integrity and guarantees of legal certainty regulated in the Swedish constitutional law, the European Convention on Human Rights, and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. Furthermore, it has been assessed whether the secret data interception has resulted in appropriate measures in terms of law enforcement. Based on these assessments, i.e., protection of personal integrity as well as the effective law enforcement, a conclusion will be drawn on whether the temporary Secret Data Interception Act should be made permanent following the legislation period.

This thesis concludes that the secret data interception is an effective measure in terms of law enforcement. The secret data interception has resulted in effective actions against gang-related misconduct. This, within several areas, e.g., effective reconnaissance and exclusion of suspected individuals from police investigations. Although theoretically, this thesis also demonstrates that the Secret Data Interception Act is, in accordance with the guidelines on protection of personal integrity and the legal security guarantees stipulated in the regulations above. However, compliance with these safety mechanisms is the responsibility of law enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities. According to present investigations, there are shortcomings in compliance regarding supervision. In fact, supervisory authority such as the Security and Integrity Protection Board lack sufficient resources to conduct effective supervision of the law enforcement authorities' use of secret data interception. In addition, the prosecutor's ability to decide on such an intrusive measure as secret data interception should be revised, as prosecutors may become the individual's counterpart if the investigation continues. When protection of personal integrity and guarantees of legal certainty can be guaranteed such interim decisions should be allowed. Otherwise, the provision should be excluded from the law. In conclusion, as protection of personal privacy cannot currently be ensured, the Secret Data Interception Act should not be made permanent following the temporary legislation period of five year.}},
  author       = {{Banaee, Narin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Hemlig dataavläsning - Intresseavvägningen mellan effektiv brottsbekämpning och skydd för den personliga integriteten}},
  year         = {{2021}},