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Ett mord, tack! En uppsats om hur de straffrättsliga verktygen i 23 kap. 4 § BrB om gärningsmannaskap och medverkansansvar kan appliceras för straffrättsligt ansvar för beställare av mord i gängmiljö

Palmquist Wilke, Matilda LU (2022) JURM02 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
The Swedish criminal law system is structured so that those who meet the necessary conditions in a criminal provision are liable as perpetrators. But for a satisfactory system, it is required that other people involved also can be attributed criminal liability, which is solved through the responsibility for complicity. This thesis aims to investigate the range of the perpetration and responsibility for complicity to investigate whether the act of ordering a murder in a criminal network can be attributed criminal liability. Through a presentation of criminological research on organized crime, the essay provides the instruments required to evaluate current law from a societal perspective.

There is no legal definition of organized crime in... (More)
The Swedish criminal law system is structured so that those who meet the necessary conditions in a criminal provision are liable as perpetrators. But for a satisfactory system, it is required that other people involved also can be attributed criminal liability, which is solved through the responsibility for complicity. This thesis aims to investigate the range of the perpetration and responsibility for complicity to investigate whether the act of ordering a murder in a criminal network can be attributed criminal liability. Through a presentation of criminological research on organized crime, the essay provides the instruments required to evaluate current law from a societal perspective.

There is no legal definition of organized crime in Swedish law, which has been justified by the fact that the legislator does not want to limit the courts in the interpretation of the term. The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebygganderådet, Brå) highlights characteristics such as the for-profit and project based criminal activities, structured rules of procedure and that certain networks show themselves openly with violent behavior and symbols.

The relationship between perpetration and participation is stated in chapter 23 § 4 second paragraph of the Swedish Criminal Code. A distinction is made between the person who committed the act and the person who promoted the act. The boundaries of perpetration can in some cases be extended by the construction that a person can be regarded as a perpetrator, without being the perpetrator in the strict sense. In order for a participation to be described as an undue act, it is required that the participant has promoted someone else's unlawful act.

Criminological research has shown that chiefs of criminal networks have a strong influence on members below them in the criminal hierarchy. The degree of influence is decisive in determining criminal liability and is important to determine liability in both extended perpetratorship and incitement. In order to attribute criminal liability in the form of extended criminality, it is required that the person has a central role in the realization of the crime. Criminal liability as of incitement can be more difficult to assess because it is arguable to which extent a chief can impel a member who also has additional incentives to commit the crime. The relationship between the client and the perpetrator is crucial, because only a leader's strong psychological impact on people lower in rank can be so strong as to meet the requirement of criminal inducement. However, a murder on contract is often carried out through a project-based constellation in order to spread the risk and distance the murderer from the perpetrators. The head in these projects is given such a remote role that the criminal justice system does not consider it desirable to criminalize.

To summarize, it is possible to extend the boundaries of perpetration or attribute criminal liability through instigation. Liability for aiding and abetting seems to be of only limited importance at present, before the court decides whether the act of ordering a murder can be such an act that gives rise to liability for aiding and abetting. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Det svenska straffrättsliga systematiken är uppbyggt så att den som uppfyller rekvisiten i en brottsbestämmelse är ansvarig i strikt gärningsmannaskap. Men för ett tillfredsställande system krävs det att även andra involverade personer kan tillskrivas straffansvar vilket löses genom medverkansansvaret. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda hur långt gärningsmannaskapet och medverkansansvaret sträcker sig genom att undersöka om en mordbeställare i ett kriminellt nätverk kan tillskrivas straffansvar. Genom en framställning av kriminologisk forskning om organiserad brottslighet, ges de instrument som läsaren behöver för att utvärdera gällande rätt utifrån ett samhälleligt perspektiv.

I svensk rätt saknas en legaldefinition av organiserad... (More)
Det svenska straffrättsliga systematiken är uppbyggt så att den som uppfyller rekvisiten i en brottsbestämmelse är ansvarig i strikt gärningsmannaskap. Men för ett tillfredsställande system krävs det att även andra involverade personer kan tillskrivas straffansvar vilket löses genom medverkansansvaret. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda hur långt gärningsmannaskapet och medverkansansvaret sträcker sig genom att undersöka om en mordbeställare i ett kriminellt nätverk kan tillskrivas straffansvar. Genom en framställning av kriminologisk forskning om organiserad brottslighet, ges de instrument som läsaren behöver för att utvärdera gällande rätt utifrån ett samhälleligt perspektiv.

I svensk rätt saknas en legaldefinition av organiserad brottslighet vilket har motiverats med att lagstiftaren inte vill begränsa domstolarna i tolkningen av begreppet. Brottsförebyggande rådet (Brå) lyfter fram att organiserad brottslighet kännetecknas av vinstdrivande brottslig verksamhet som bedrivs i projektform, strukturerad arbetsordning och att vissa nätverk visar sig öppet med våldsamt beteende och symboler.

Gärningsmannaskapets förhållande till medverkan framgår av 23 kap. 4 § andra stycket BrB genom att det görs skillnad på den som utfört gärningen och den som främjat gärningen. Gränserna för gärningsmannaskapet kan i vissa fall utvidgas genom konstruktionen av att en person kan anses vara gärningsman, utan att vara gärningsman i strikt mening. För att en brottsbeskrivningsenlig medverkan ska föreligga krävs det att den medverkande främjat någon annans otillåtna gärning.

Den kriminologiska forskningen har visat att ledande personer i kriminella nätverk har starkt inflytande på personer lägre ner i hierarkin. Graden av inflytande är avgörande för att fastställa straffansvaret och har betygelse för ansvar både i utvidgat gärningsmannaskap och anstiftan. för utvidga gärningsmannaskapet är vilken inblandning personen har i planeringen. För att tillskriva straffansvar i form av utvidgat gärningsmannaskap krävs det att personen har en central roll i gärningens förverkligande. Straffansvar i form av anstiftan kan vara mer svårbedömt eftersom frågan är hur en ledare kan förmå en medlem som har ytterligare incitament för våldshandlingar än mordbeställningen. Relationen mellan beställare och gärningsman är avgörande, eftersom bara en ledares starka psykiska påverkan på personer lägre i rang kan vara så stark för att uppfylla kravet för straffbart förmående. Ett beställningsmord utförs dock ofta genom en projektbaserad konstellation i syfte att sprida risken och distansera mordbeställaren från gärningsmännen. Huvudmannen i dessa projekt får en sådan avlägsen roll att det straffrättsliga systemet inte tillhandahåller något verktyg för straffansvar.

Sammanfattningsvis är ett utvidgat gärningsmannaskap, alternativt anstiftan, möjliga verktyg för att tillskriva en mordbeställare straffrättsligt ansvar. Ansvar för medhjälp tycks endast vara av begränsad betydelse i nuläget, innan domstolen tar ställning till ifall en mordbeställning till sin typ utgör sådan handling som föranleder ansvar för medhjälp. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Palmquist Wilke, Matilda LU
alternative title
One murder, please! An essay about how the criminal liability tools in chapter 23 section 4 of the Swedish Criminal Code can be applied to attribute criminal liability regarding perpetration and criminal inducement for the act of ordering a murder in a criminal environment
JURM02 20221
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Straffrätt, Gärningsmannaskap, Medverkan, Organiserad Brottslighet
date added to LUP
2022-06-13 13:01:13
date last changed
2022-06-13 13:01:13
  abstract     = {{The Swedish criminal law system is structured so that those who meet the necessary conditions in a criminal provision are liable as perpetrators. But for a satisfactory system, it is required that other people involved also can be attributed criminal liability, which is solved through the responsibility for complicity. This thesis aims to investigate the range of the perpetration and responsibility for complicity to investigate whether the act of ordering a murder in a criminal network can be attributed criminal liability. Through a presentation of criminological research on organized crime, the essay provides the instruments required to evaluate current law from a societal perspective.

There is no legal definition of organized crime in Swedish law, which has been justified by the fact that the legislator does not want to limit the courts in the interpretation of the term. The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebygganderådet, Brå) highlights characteristics such as the for-profit and project based criminal activities, structured rules of procedure and that certain networks show themselves openly with violent behavior and symbols.

The relationship between perpetration and participation is stated in chapter 23 § 4 second paragraph of the Swedish Criminal Code. A distinction is made between the person who committed the act and the person who promoted the act. The boundaries of perpetration can in some cases be extended by the construction that a person can be regarded as a perpetrator, without being the perpetrator in the strict sense. In order for a participation to be described as an undue act, it is required that the participant has promoted someone else's unlawful act.

Criminological research has shown that chiefs of criminal networks have a strong influence on members below them in the criminal hierarchy. The degree of influence is decisive in determining criminal liability and is important to determine liability in both extended perpetratorship and incitement. In order to attribute criminal liability in the form of extended criminality, it is required that the person has a central role in the realization of the crime. Criminal liability as of incitement can be more difficult to assess because it is arguable to which extent a chief can impel a member who also has additional incentives to commit the crime. The relationship between the client and the perpetrator is crucial, because only a leader's strong psychological impact on people lower in rank can be so strong as to meet the requirement of criminal inducement. However, a murder on contract is often carried out through a project-based constellation in order to spread the risk and distance the murderer from the perpetrators. The head in these projects is given such a remote role that the criminal justice system does not consider it desirable to criminalize.

To summarize, it is possible to extend the boundaries of perpetration or attribute criminal liability through instigation. Liability for aiding and abetting seems to be of only limited importance at present, before the court decides whether the act of ordering a murder can be such an act that gives rise to liability for aiding and abetting.}},
  author       = {{Palmquist Wilke, Matilda}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Ett mord, tack! En uppsats om hur de straffrättsliga verktygen i 23 kap. 4 § BrB om gärningsmannaskap och medverkansansvar kan appliceras för straffrättsligt ansvar för beställare av mord i gängmiljö}},
  year         = {{2022}},