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Processuell editions- och uppgiftsplikt i dispositiva tvistemål - En analys av omfattningen av 38 kap. 2 § RB och 42 kap. 8 § första stycket sista meningen RB i ljuset av den kontradiktoriska lärans syn på informationsanskaffning

Anderberg, Jonna LU (2022) JURM02 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Parternas processföring underlättas om de på ett tidigt stadium i en domstolstvist får tillgång till skriftliga bevis av betydelse för tvisten. Rättegångsbalken (RB) innehåller i detta avseende bestämmelser om inomprocessuell bevisanskaffning. Dessa bestämmelser utgör medel för parter att tillgripa inom ramen för ett pågående dispositivt tvistemål vid bevisanskaffning och bevisefterforskning inför den stundande rättegången. De tillgängliga medel som i RB står till buds och som behandlas i uppsatsen är möjligheten till en begäran om processuell edition samt uppgiftsplikt. Genom dessa medel kan en part, med domstolens hjälp, få del av såväl information om som innehåll i skriftlig bevisning, som innehas av motparten i målet eller i vissa fall... (More)
Parternas processföring underlättas om de på ett tidigt stadium i en domstolstvist får tillgång till skriftliga bevis av betydelse för tvisten. Rättegångsbalken (RB) innehåller i detta avseende bestämmelser om inomprocessuell bevisanskaffning. Dessa bestämmelser utgör medel för parter att tillgripa inom ramen för ett pågående dispositivt tvistemål vid bevisanskaffning och bevisefterforskning inför den stundande rättegången. De tillgängliga medel som i RB står till buds och som behandlas i uppsatsen är möjligheten till en begäran om processuell edition samt uppgiftsplikt. Genom dessa medel kan en part, med domstolens hjälp, få del av såväl information om som innehåll i skriftlig bevisning, som innehas av motparten i målet eller i vissa fall av tredje man.

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda omfattningen av regleringarna om processuell edition och uppgiftsplikt inom ramen för dispositiva tvistemål. Med "omfattning" avses dels vilka bevis som omfattas av regleringarna, dels vilka arbetsinsatser som omfattas av den processuella editionsplikten respektive uppgiftsplikten. Omfattningen av regleringarna analyseras i relation till det kontradiktoriska tvistemålsförfarandets syn på informationsanskaffning.

Av utredningen framgår sammanfattningsvis ett tätt inbördes logiskt samband mellan den processuella editionsplikten och uppgiftsplikten. Till stora delar sammanfaller den processuella editionsplikten och uppgiftsplikten vad gäller vilka skriftliga bevis som omfattas av regleringarna, med hänsyn till att förutsättningarna för plikterna i hög utsträckning förefaller överensstämma till innehållet. I uppsatsen konstateras att det har skett utvidgningar av den processuella editionspliktens omfattning i rättspraxis, vilket får påverkan även på uppgiftspliktens omfattning. Utvidgningarna har skett dels genom olika förändringar av bestämmelsen om processuell edition, dels genom hur bifallskraven för processuell edition tolkas och tillämpas av domstolen. Exempelvis omfattas fler skriftliga handlingar av regleringarna i dagsläget än tidigare. Vidare omfattar editions- och uppgiftsförelägganden i dagens digitala miljö alltmer omfattande arbetsinsatser och arbetsinsatser av annat kvalitativt slag för den editions- och uppgiftspliktige. Bland annat kan den processuella editionsplikten numera omfatta även arbetsinsatser som består i överföring av information från ett format till ett annat. Rättspraxis uppvisar en tendens att successivt över tid tänja på gränserna för de krav som råder för att editionsplikt ska föreligga, vilket ger upphov till behov av nya ställningstaganden som bör uppmärksammas av lagstiftaren. Exempel på sådana ställningstaganden är hur en förteckning inom ramen för uppgiftsplikten ska utformas vid elektroniskt lagrad information, huruvida ett editionsyrkande med framgång kan riktas mot samtliga rättssubjekt som anses uppfylla det uppställda innehavskravet oberoende av om dessa innehar efterfrågade bevis i form av kopior eller huvudskrifter, samt huruvida det finns en yttersta gräns för de arbetsinsatser som kan följa av ett föreläggande om processuell edition respektive uppgiftsplikt. Såväl den processuella editionsplikten som uppgiftsplikten utgör kontroversiella inslag i det svenska kontradiktoriska tvistemålsförfarandet. De utvidgningar av plikternas omfattning som ägt rum i rättspraxis framstår i flera avseenden innebära avsteg från den kontradiktoriska lärans syn på informationsanskaffning. Uppsatsen utmynnar i att det mot bakgrund av den gällande kontradiktoriska läran föreligger ett behov av tydligare och snävare rättsliga ramar för vilka bevis som omfattas av editions- och uppgiftsplikten samt vilka arbetsinsatser som får avkrävas en editions- och uppgiftspliktig. Vidare föreslås att uppgiftsplikten bör genomgå en översyn, för det fall den kontradiktoriska läran ska upprätthållas i svensk rätt. (Less)
The parties’ proceedings in court are facilitated if the parties are, on an early stage, given the opportunity to have access to documentary evidence of importance to an on-going trial. The Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure (SCJP) contains, in this regard, provisions that regulate intra-procedural gathering of documentary evidence. These provisions constitute tools for parties to utilize when trying to have access to information regarding documentary evidence as well as its content. The tools available in SCJP that are examined in this thesis are the duty of disclosure set out in Chapter 38 Section 2 of the SCJP and the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence set out in Chapter 42 Section 8 of the SCJP. Utilizing... (More)
The parties’ proceedings in court are facilitated if the parties are, on an early stage, given the opportunity to have access to documentary evidence of importance to an on-going trial. The Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure (SCJP) contains, in this regard, provisions that regulate intra-procedural gathering of documentary evidence. These provisions constitute tools for parties to utilize when trying to have access to information regarding documentary evidence as well as its content. The tools available in SCJP that are examined in this thesis are the duty of disclosure set out in Chapter 38 Section 2 of the SCJP and the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence set out in Chapter 42 Section 8 of the SCJP. Utilizing these tools, a party can, with the assistance of the court, have access to information regarding the opposite party’s or a third party’s documentary evidence as well as its content.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the scope of the provisions set out in Chapter 38 Section 2 and Chapter 42 Section 8 of the SCJP that regulate the duty of disclosure and the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence. The scope refers to what documentary evidence and what kind of work effort that are covered by the provisions. The scope of the provisions is being analyzed in relation to the Swedish adversary procedure for civil litigation and its ideas regarding gathering of information and documentary evidence.

In conclusion, the study shows that the duty of disclosure and the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence are closely interconnected. The duties overlap to a large extent as regards to what documentary evidence that are covered by the scopes of the provisions, due to the fact that the substance of several of the requirements set out in the provisions are in line with one another. The thesis concludes that the scope of the duty of disclosure has been subject to different kinds of extensions of the requirements set out in the provision, which also affects the scope of the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence. These extensions have taken place through modifications of the provision in case law and through how the provision is being construed and applied by the courts. For example, there are more sorts of documentary evidence that are covered by the scope of the provisions today than there were a couple of years ago. Furthermore, the scope of the provisions nowadays, in today’s technical environment, cover a higher amount of work effort and new forms of work effort for the party that is obliged to perform under the duty to disclose documentary evidence and information regarding documentary evidence. Swedish case law implies trends of, gradually over time, extending the scope of the requirements set out in the provision regulating the duty of disclosure, which give rise to new legal questions that should receive the attention of the legislator. Examples of legal questions that have arisen due to this are how information shall be provided under the duty of Chapter 42 Section 8 of the SCJP, in cases of electronically stored data, and against whom a claim for disclosure can be directed in cases of copies of requested documentary evidence. Another legal question that has arisen is whether there is any limit to the amount of work that is to be performed under the duty of disclosure as well as under the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence. Both duties are controversial elements in the Swedish adversary procedure for civil litigation. Finally, the thesis concludes that there is a need for a clearer and stricter legal framework regarding what documentary evidence and work efforts that are covered by the scopes of Chapter 38 Section 2 and Chapter 42 Section 8 of the SCJP, due to the Swedish adversary procedure for civil litigation. Furthermore, a review is suggested of the provision regulating the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence, in order to maintain the Swedish adversary procedure for civil litigation. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Anderberg, Jonna LU
alternative title
The duty of disclosure and the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence
JURM02 20222
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
processuell edition, processuell editionsplikt, duty of disclosure, uppgiftsplikt, duty of providing information regarding existing documentary evidence, documentary evidence, skriftlig bevisning, kontradiktorisk informationsanskaffning, det kontradiktoriska tvistemålsförfarandet
date added to LUP
2023-01-17 08:26:28
date last changed
2023-01-17 08:26:28
  abstract     = {{The parties’ proceedings in court are facilitated if the parties are, on an early stage, given the opportunity to have access to documentary evidence of importance to an on-going trial. The Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure (SCJP) contains, in this regard, provisions that regulate intra-procedural gathering of documentary evidence. These provisions constitute tools for parties to utilize when trying to have access to information regarding documentary evidence as well as its content. The tools available in SCJP that are examined in this thesis are the duty of disclosure set out in Chapter 38 Section 2 of the SCJP and the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence set out in Chapter 42 Section 8 of the SCJP. Utilizing these tools, a party can, with the assistance of the court, have access to information regarding the opposite party’s or a third party’s documentary evidence as well as its content. 

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the scope of the provisions set out in Chapter 38 Section 2 and Chapter 42 Section 8 of the SCJP that regulate the duty of disclosure and the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence. The scope refers to what documentary evidence and what kind of work effort that are covered by the provisions. The scope of the provisions is being analyzed in relation to the Swedish adversary procedure for civil litigation and its ideas regarding gathering of information and documentary evidence.
In conclusion, the study shows that the duty of disclosure and the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence are closely interconnected. The duties overlap to a large extent as regards to what documentary evidence that are covered by the scopes of the provisions, due to the fact that the substance of several of the requirements set out in the provisions are in line with one another. The thesis concludes that the scope of the duty of disclosure has been subject to different kinds of extensions of the requirements set out in the provision, which also affects the scope of the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence. These extensions have taken place through modifications of the provision in case law and through how the provision is being construed and applied by the courts. For example, there are more sorts of documentary evidence that are covered by the scope of the provisions today than there were a couple of years ago. Furthermore, the scope of the provisions nowadays, in today’s technical environment, cover a higher amount of work effort and new forms of work effort for the party that is obliged to perform under the duty to disclose documentary evidence and information regarding documentary evidence. Swedish case law implies trends of, gradually over time, extending the scope of the requirements set out in the provision regulating the duty of disclosure, which give rise to new legal questions that should receive the attention of the legislator. Examples of legal questions that have arisen due to this are how information shall be provided under the duty of Chapter 42 Section 8 of the SCJP, in cases of electronically stored data, and against whom a claim for disclosure can be directed in cases of copies of requested documentary evidence. Another legal question that has arisen is whether there is any limit to the amount of work that is to be performed under the duty of disclosure as well as under the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence. Both duties are controversial elements in the Swedish adversary procedure for civil litigation. Finally, the thesis concludes that there is a need for a clearer and stricter legal framework regarding what documentary evidence and work efforts that are covered by the scopes of Chapter 38 Section 2 and Chapter 42 Section 8 of the SCJP, due to the Swedish adversary procedure for civil litigation. Furthermore, a review is suggested of the provision regulating the duty of providing information regarding documentary evidence, in order to maintain the Swedish adversary procedure for civil litigation.}},
  author       = {{Anderberg, Jonna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Processuell editions- och uppgiftsplikt i dispositiva tvistemål - En analys av omfattningen av 38 kap. 2 § RB och 42 kap. 8 § första stycket sista meningen RB i ljuset av den kontradiktoriska lärans syn på informationsanskaffning}},
  year         = {{2022}},