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Får det finnas några osäkerheter? - Legalitetsprincipens krav i relation till kriminaliseringen av psykisk misshandel.

Axelsson, Sara LU (2022) LAGF03 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att utreda om den utformning av kriminaliseringen av psykisk misshandel som föreslås i Ds 2022:18 angående straffansvar för psykiskt våld är förenlig med legalitetsprincipens krav. Den straffrättsliga legalitetsprincipen är en grundläggande princip i svensk rätt som innebär att straff inte kan utdömas utan direkt stöd i lag. Lagen måste även vara bestämd i sin utformning för att skapa en förutsebarhet för individen. För att bedöma om en föreskrift uppfyller dessa krav finns det enligt doktrinen ett flertal olika teorier. Enligt svensk rätt görs bedömningen utifrån synpunkten att förutsebarhet ska bedömas utifrån individen och inte skolade jurister.
Förslaget till en utökad kriminalisering av psykiskt våld... (More)
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att utreda om den utformning av kriminaliseringen av psykisk misshandel som föreslås i Ds 2022:18 angående straffansvar för psykiskt våld är förenlig med legalitetsprincipens krav. Den straffrättsliga legalitetsprincipen är en grundläggande princip i svensk rätt som innebär att straff inte kan utdömas utan direkt stöd i lag. Lagen måste även vara bestämd i sin utformning för att skapa en förutsebarhet för individen. För att bedöma om en föreskrift uppfyller dessa krav finns det enligt doktrinen ett flertal olika teorier. Enligt svensk rätt görs bedömningen utifrån synpunkten att förutsebarhet ska bedömas utifrån individen och inte skolade jurister.
Förslaget till en utökad kriminalisering av psykiskt våld har bedömts nödvändig av utredningen då lindrigare våld faller utanför dagens kriminaliserade område. Bland annat för att våldet inte omfattas av lagens ordalydelse, men även på grund av att föreskrifter såsom fridskränkningsbrotten inte har tillämpats på psykiskt våld i den utsträckning som egentligen anses möjlig. För att den föreslagna föreskriften ska uppfylla kraven som ställs av legalitetsprincipen utformas den med ett flertal viktiga begränsningar såsom ett abstrakt faredelikt för öka möjligheten till en framtida enhetlig praxis. Trots detta medför kriminaliseringen av ett flertal icke brottsliga beteenden, som tillsammans resulterar i ett relativt allvarligt brott, frågor kring legalitetsprincipens uppfyllande. När en liknande kriminalisering diskuterades i samband med införandet av fridskränkningsbrotten ansågs den inte vara möjlig utifrån ett legalitetsperspektiv. Slutligen kan man även i detta fall inte konstatera med säkerhet att den nya kriminaliseringen inte skulle strida mot legalitetsprincipen då det för den enskilde skulle krävas en svår avvägning i flera led för att bedöma föreskriftens omfattning. Denna vaghet i brottets utformning riskerar även att resultera i framtida tillämpningsproblem då det bland annat finns tecken på att tillämparen inte har de resurser som krävs för att hantera en sådan kriminalisering. (Less)
The purpose of the essay has been to investigate whether the design of the criminalization of psychological abuse proposed in Ds 2022:18 regarding criminal responsibility for psychological violence is compatible with the requirements of the principle of legality. The principle of legality in criminal law is a fundamental principle in Swedish law which means that punishment cannot be imposed without direct support through law. The law must also be definite in its design to create predictability for the individual. To assess whether a regulation meets these requirements, there are, according to the doctrine, several different theories. According to Swedish law, the assessment is made from the point of view that foreseeability must be... (More)
The purpose of the essay has been to investigate whether the design of the criminalization of psychological abuse proposed in Ds 2022:18 regarding criminal responsibility for psychological violence is compatible with the requirements of the principle of legality. The principle of legality in criminal law is a fundamental principle in Swedish law which means that punishment cannot be imposed without direct support through law. The law must also be definite in its design to create predictability for the individual. To assess whether a regulation meets these requirements, there are, according to the doctrine, several different theories. According to Swedish law, the assessment is made from the point of view that foreseeability must be assessed based on the individual and not trained lawyers.
The proposal for an expanded criminalization of psychological violence has been deemed necessary by the investigation, as milder violence falls outside the current criminalized area. Partly because the violence is not covered by the wording of the law, but also because regulations such as the violation of integrity offence have not been applied to psychological violence to the extent that is considered possible. For the proposed statute to meet the requirements set by the principle of legality, it is designed with several important limitations such as an abstract risk intent to increase the possibility of a future uniform practice. Despite this, the criminalization of several non-criminal behaviors, which together result in a relatively serious crime, raises questions about the fulfillment of the requirements set by the principle of legality. When a similar criminalization was discussed in connection with the introduction of the violation of integrity offence, it wasn’t considered to be in alignment with the principle of legality. Finally, it cannot be stated with certainty whether the new criminalization would meet all the requirements set by the principle of legality, as it would require a difficult assessment for the individual to judge the scope of the law. This vagueness in the formation of the law also risks resulting in future enforcement problems, as there are signs that administers of the law do not have the resources required to deal with such a criminalization. (Less)
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Axelsson, Sara LU
LAGF03 20222
M2 - Bachelor Degree
straffrätt (en. criminal law), legalitetsprincipen (en. principle of legality), psykisk misshandel
date added to LUP
2023-02-03 15:41:25
date last changed
2023-02-03 15:41:25
  abstract     = {{The purpose of the essay has been to investigate whether the design of the criminalization of psychological abuse proposed in Ds 2022:18 regarding criminal responsibility for psychological violence is compatible with the requirements of the principle of legality. The principle of legality in criminal law is a fundamental principle in Swedish law which means that punishment cannot be imposed without direct support through law. The law must also be definite in its design to create predictability for the individual. To assess whether a regulation meets these requirements, there are, according to the doctrine, several different theories. According to Swedish law, the assessment is made from the point of view that foreseeability must be assessed based on the individual and not trained lawyers.
The proposal for an expanded criminalization of psychological violence has been deemed necessary by the investigation, as milder violence falls outside the current criminalized area. Partly because the violence is not covered by the wording of the law, but also because regulations such as the violation of integrity offence have not been applied to psychological violence to the extent that is considered possible. For the proposed statute to meet the requirements set by the principle of legality, it is designed with several important limitations such as an abstract risk intent to increase the possibility of a future uniform practice. Despite this, the criminalization of several non-criminal behaviors, which together result in a relatively serious crime, raises questions about the fulfillment of the requirements set by the principle of legality. When a similar criminalization was discussed in connection with the introduction of the violation of integrity offence, it wasn’t considered to be in alignment with the principle of legality. Finally, it cannot be stated with certainty whether the new criminalization would meet all the requirements set by the principle of legality, as it would require a difficult assessment for the individual to judge the scope of the law. This vagueness in the formation of the law also risks resulting in future enforcement problems, as there are signs that administers of the law do not have the resources required to deal with such a criminalization.}},
  author       = {{Axelsson, Sara}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Får det finnas några osäkerheter? - Legalitetsprincipens krav i relation till kriminaliseringen av psykisk misshandel.}},
  year         = {{2022}},