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Lund University Publications


Download & API

Embedding into external pages (iframe)

Most pages and any CQL search can be embedded into your own page.

Easy embedding guide

  1. Do a normal search for the publications you want to embed.

    Optionally set the desired page size or sorting.

  2. Choose Embed this list.

  3. Customize the appearance of the list.

    Choose a fitting citation style:

    Set width and height of the list:

    Hide or show parts of the list:

    hide pagination hides the pagination links at the top and bottom of the list.
    hide info hides the range info in the top left corner:
    hide options hides the page size, sorting and export controls in the top right corner:

  4. Copy and paste the resulting HTML code snippet into your own page.

Embedding manually

Adding the embed=1 query parameter will give you a headless layout.

To get publications by the Department of Experimental psychology:
To get the first 100 publications with the word "polyps" in the title, in the APA citation style, without showing the page size, sorting and export controls:
Embed Parameters
style={style} see the list of citation styles for possible values
hide_pagination=1 hides the pagination links at the top and bottom of the list
hide_info=1 hides the range info in the top left corner
hide_options=1 hides the page size, sorting and export controls in the top right corner

RSS news feeds

RSS feeds are available for any CQL search.

base url

Example queries

hourly feed for all changes:
monthly feed for the Department of Public Health:
weekly feed for the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy:
daily feed for the HERMIONE project:


@ugentbiblio is a Twitter channel of open access additions.

Data dumps

For easy reporting and statistics we provide dumps of the complete publication dataset.

Comma-separated text

download url (± 130MB) (zipped, ± 40MB)


download url (± 780MB) (zipped, ± 120MB)

A JSON Schema is available here.

Tab-separated text (depreciated)

download url
basic (± 60MB, zipped ± 20MB)
more fields (± 120MB, zipped ± 40MB)


single publication
GET /publication/{id}?format={format}
GET /publication/{id}.{format}
all publications
GET /publication/export?format={format}
subset of publications
GET /publication/export?q={query}&format={format}
by a person
GET /person/{ugent id}/publication/export?format={format}
by a group of people
GET /group/{ugent id},{ugent id}/publication/export?format={format}
by an organizational unit
GET /organization/{id}/publication/export?format={format}
by an organizational unit for a given year
GET /organization/{id}/{year}/publication/export?format={format}
relating to a project
GET /project/{id}/publication/export?format={format}

Single publication

Every publication can be exported in various formats. Given a publication with id 780271:

Excel - common fields
Excel - all fields
CSV - common fields
CSV - all fields
RIS (reference software)
End Note (RIS)

Publication list

Publication list exports are currently limited to 1500 records.

Given a search for "dna" and an author page:

Excel - common fields
Excel - all fields
CSV - common fields
CSV - all fields
RIS (reference software)
RIS (End Note)

Search API

base url
request method
response content type
  • application/json
  • text/javascript (JSONP)

Example queries

a search for "dna":
wrapped in a Javascript callback:
a search for "dna" sorted by year and title:,title.asc

Example response

    "hits": [
    "limit": 10,
    "total": 49967,
    "size": 10,
    "start": 0
JSONP wraps the JSON response in a callback function:
    "hits": [

unAPI discovery service

unAPI is a simple HTTP service to discover alternate formats. This allows software like Zotero to autodiscover record metadata.

base url

Example queries

get a list of alternate formats available for all records:
get a list of alternate formats available for a particular record:
retrieve the record as BibTeX:


A sitemap listing all records is available at The sitemap can be used as a lightweight method to harvest all records.

OAI harvesting service

A OAI-PMH based service is available to completely or partially harvest publications.

base url

Example queries

get information about this repository:
list export formats supported by this repository:
list records for an export format:
retrieve the next batch of records based on a resumptionToken (found in the output of the previous command):!!!oai_dc!100

SRU search service

SRU is a standard XML-focused search protocol for Internet search queries, utilizing CQL (Contextual Query Language), a standard syntax for representing queries.

base url

Example queries

search for "dna" in the default index (basic):
search for "dna" or "loci" in the title:"dna+loci"
records 101-200 of a search for "dna":


Sorting is supported by adding a sortKeys query parameter.

Sort on year ascending:
Sort on year descending:
Sort on first author ascending and then on year descending:


  • the scan and explain operations are not yet supported
  • result sets are not supported



CQL basics

A CQL clause is a combination of an index, a relation and search terms. In the clause
title any physics
title is the index, any the relation and physics the search term.

A CQL query consists of either a single clause:
title any physics
Or multiple clauses connected by boolean operators:
title any physics and author any einstein
Clauses are grouped with parentheses:
title any physics and (author any einstein or documentType exact journalArticle)

Some examples

Search for "dna":
Search for "dna" in the title:
title any dna
Search for "dna" and "loci" in the title:
title all "dna loci"
Search for "dna" or "loci" in the title:
title any "dna loci"
Search for records published between 2003 and 2005:
year within "2003 2005"
Search for records published after 2003:
year > 2003
Search for records where "dna" and "loci" are separated by less than 3 words:
title prox/distance<3 loci
This search will also match "Claus" and "Klaas":
author =/fuzzy Klaus
This search will match both "psychology" and "psychopathology":


  • resultSetId is not supported
  • only the default cql context set is supported
  • the default relation is =
  • the encloses relation is not supported
  • only the =/fuzzy relation modifier is supported
  • =/fuzzy only gives the expected result for single terms, not phrases
  • relation qualifiers are not supported
  • wildcards (*, ?) are supported for the = relation, but can't be the first letter
  • wildcards only give the expected result for single terms, not phrases
  • anchors (^) are not yet supported
  • boolean modifiers other than prox/distance<n are not supported

Available indexes

supported relations:
<>, =, all, any
supported relations:
<>, =, >, exact
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
One of 'article', 'review', 'letter'
Old LUP subtype - depricated
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
1 if document is artistic work
supported relations:
<>, =, any, exact
supported relations:
<>, =, all, any, exact
supported relations:
<>, =, all, any, exact
First author
supported relations:
<>, =, all, any, exact
Last author
supported relations:
<>, =, all, any
index with common fields (the default index)
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
Conference name
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
LUCAT ID of contributor (or author or editor)
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
supported relations:
<, <=, <>, =, >, >=, exact
supported relations:
<, <=, <>, =, >, >=, exact
supported relations:
<, <=, <>, =, >, >=, exact
Date of defense. Can also be spelled 'defencedate'.
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
will also find any subunits of the given organizationial unit
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
'composite' or 'monograph'
Old LUP subtype - depricated
supported relations:
<>, =, all, any, exact
possible values:
see the list of document types
matches the document subtype
supported relations:
<>, =, all, any, exact
possible values:
see the list of document types
matches the full document type or the main type
supported relations:
<>, =, >, exact
possible values:
valid DOI
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
PMID, PubMed, Other, Scopus, WOS etc
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
1 if document has open access full text
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
0 or 1
supported relations:
<>, =, any, exact
possible values:
Valid UUID or old LUP ID (number)
Matches the Pure UUID of the record or the old LUP ID if available
supported relations:
<>, =, >, any, exact
possible values:
Valid ISBN
supported relations:
<>, =, >, any, exact
possible values:
Valid ISSN
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
three letter code. See the list of language codes.
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
possible values:
LUCAT ID of an author
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
0 or 1
1 if not an LU publication
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
Find documents that are open access either in LUP or externally
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
possible values:
ORCID of an author
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
0 or 1
supported relations:
<>, =, all, any, exact
finds matching authors or editors (excluding corporate authors)
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
0 or 1
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
possible values:
project ID / free text
Search project ID or name
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
supported relations:
<>, =, >, exact
possible values:
see the list of publication statuses below
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
supported relations:
<, <=, <>, =, >, >=, exact
possible values:
valid year
'year' can also be used instead of 'publishingyear'
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
possible values:
Research Group ID / free text
Search research group ID or name
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
start page
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
possible values:
see the list of subjects codes
Truncate with '*'
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact
supported relations:
<>, =, all, any, exact
Searches both the main title and the alternative title
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
0 or 1
supported relations:
<>, =, exact
possible values:
Valid URL
supported relations:
<>, =, >, all, any, exact


Publication types

  • bookanthology
  • contributiontobookanthology
  • contributiontoconference
  • contributiontojournal
  • contributiontoperiodical
  • nontextual
  • othercontribution
  • patent
  • thesis
  • workingpaper

Article types

  • letternote
  • original
  • review

Dissertation types

  • composite
  • monograph

Misc types

Publication statuses

  • epub
  • inpress
  • published
  • submitted
  • unpublished


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  • HASH(0x5640c2888580)
  • HASH(0x5640c27bdbb8)
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  • HASH(0x5640c31057a8)
  • HASH(0x5640c2815750)
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  • HASH(0x5640c2885388)
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  • HASH(0x5640c3109b48)
  • HASH(0x5640c3109698)
  • HASH(0x5640c286cfe8)
  • HASH(0x5640c2805050)
  • HASH(0x5640c30edec8)
  • HASH(0x5640c28b7488)
  • HASH(0x5640c28018c8)
  • HASH(0x5640c31052f8)
  • HASH(0x5640c3101510)
  • HASH(0x5640c3109ce0)
  • HASH(0x5640c28c1c68)
  • HASH(0x5640c288e680)
  • HASH(0x5640c2753c18)
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UGent classifications


RG1000 Lund University Research Groups
V1000365 Experimental Dementia Research
V1000424 Mental Health Services Research
V1000523 Cardiovascular Research - Hypertension
V1000513 Cardiology Research Group
V1000351 Adaptive Immunity
V1000362 Cellular Biomechanics
V1000386 Molecular Neurogenetics
V1000417 Human Movement: health and rehabilitation
V1000385 Molecular Neurobiology
V1000586 Pathology, Malmö
V1000409 Host-Pathogen Interactions
V1000487 Diabetes - Cardiovascular Disease
V1000381 Medical Protein Science
V1000570 Experimental Infection Medicine, Malmö
V1000516 Surgery
V1000515 Renal Research Unit
V1000535 Paediatric Hematologic Research Group
V1000375 Vascular Physiology
V1000509 Infectious Diseases Research Unit
V1000574 Clinical Chemistry, Malmö
V1000498 Neuroendocrine Cell Biology
V1000358 Bioimplant Research
V1000414 Sustainable occupations and health in a life course perspective
V1000488 Diabetes - Immunovirology
V1000527 Obstetric, Gynaecological and Prenatal Ultrasound Research
V1000578 Clinical Virology, Malmö
V1000503 Community Medicine
V1000525 Clinical Memory Research
V1000368 Glycobiology
V1000548 Laryngoesophagology, Allergy and Life Quality
V1000547 Clinical and Experimental Allergy Research
V1000423 Sport Sciences
V1000536 Paediatric Endocrinology
V1000493 Diabetes - Islet Cell Exocytosis
V1000366 Functional Plasticity, Learning and Memory
V1000359 Biomarkers in Brain Disease
V1000380 Matrix Biology
V1000418 Geriatric Medicine
V1000413 Mental Health, Activity and Participation
V1000374 Chemical Biology and Therapeutics
V1000492 Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology
V1000540 Forensic Psychiatry, Malmö
V1000576 Clinical Microbiology, Malmö
V1000389 Muscle Biology
V1000532 Orthopedics
V1000425 Rehabilitation medicine
V1000382 Medical Structural Biology
V1000520 Internal Medicine - Epidemiology
V1000453 Clinical Stroke Research Group
V1000364 Eosinophil Biology
V1000505 Social Medicine and Global Health
V1000579 Medical Microbiology, Malmö
V1000551 Developmental Hematopoiesis
V1000404 IPSC Laboratory for CNS Disease Modeling
V1000383 Molecular Endocrinology
V1000422 Clinical Health Promotion Centre
V1000567 Urological cancer, Malmö
V1000394 Translational Neurogenetics
V1000490 Genetics
V1000384 Molecular Vascular Physiology
V1000504 Social Epidemiology
V1000361 CNS Gene Therapy
V1000369 Neural Basis of Sensorimotor Control
V1000539 The Biological Psychiatry Research Group
V1000376 Vessel Wall Biology
V1000522 Nutrition Epidemiology
V1000491 Diabetes - Epigenetics
V1000371 Infectious Immunology
V1000360 Brain Repair and Imaging in Neural Systems (BRAINS)
V1000564 Cell Pathology, Malmö
V1000486 Translational Muscle Research
V1000352 Antigen Presentation
V1000512 Cardiovascular Research - Immunity and Atherosclerosis
V1000363 Drug Target Discovery
V1000575 Clinical Coagulation, Malmö
V1000353 Appetite Regulation
V1000408 Invertebrate Developmental Biology, Udo Haecker's group
V1000391 Neural Plasticity and Repair
V1000537 Preventive Paediatrics
V1000405 Translational Neuroendocrinology
V1000478 Family Medicine and Community Medicine
V1000585 Reproductive medicine, Malmö
V1000397 Neuroinflammation
V1000378 Airway Inflammation and Immunology
V1000933 Human Neural Developmental Biology
V1000568 Urological research, Malmö
V1000355 Autoimmunity
V1000495 Diabetes - Islet Patophysiology
V1000518 Vascular Diseases - Clinical Research
V1000563 Cancer Immunology, Malmö
V1000457 Translational Neurology (TNY)
V1000412 Active and Healthy Ageing Research Group
V1000415 Child and Family Health
V1000941 Urology - urothelial cancer, Malmö
V1000566 Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Malmö
V1000577 Clinical pathology, Malmö
V1000580 Radiology Diagnostics, Malmö
V1000565 Nuclear medicine, Malmö
V1000533 Joint and Soft Tissue Unit
V1000482 Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
V1000372 Integrative Neurophysiology
V1000388 Molecular Nutrition
V1000530 Ophthalmology (Malmö)
V1000410 Åke Oldberg´s group
V1000496 Diabetes - Clinical Obesity
V1000390 Nanomedicine and Biomaterials
V1000528 Urogynaecology and Reproductive Pharmacology
V1000581 Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö
V1000547 Clinical and Experimental Allergy Research
V1000454 Neural stem cell biology and therapy
V1000367 Glucose Transport and Protein Trafficking
V1000437 VBE
V1000379 Lung Biology
V1000407 Invertebrate Developmental Biology, Stefan Baumgartner's group
V1000392 Neural Interfaces
V1000587 Protein Chemistry, Malmö
V1000401 Respiratory Immunopharmacology
V1000357 Biogenic Amines
V1000370 Immunology
V1000398 Neuronano Research Center (NRC)
V1000427 Older people's health and Person-Centred care
V1000521 Chronic Inflammatory and Degenerative Diseases Research Unit
V1000497 Diabetes - Molecular Metabolism
V1000400 Protein Phosphorylation
V1000542 Rheumatology Research Unit
V1000356 Basal Ganglia Pathophysiology
V1000584 Molecular genetic reproductive medicine, Malmö
V1000489 Celiac Disease and Diabetes Unit
V1000354 Associative Learning
V1000484 Occupational and Environmental Dermatology
V1000402 Insulin Signal Transduction
V1000494 Islet cell physiology
V1000403 Mucosal Immunology
V1000393 Neurobiology
V1000582 Molecular Pathology, Malmö
V1000426 Care in high technological environments
V1000416 Participation, ageing and everyday life
V1000395 Neurophysiology
V1000455 Neurogenesis and cell therapy
V1000396 Neurogastroenterology
V1000569 Experimental Cancer Research, Malmö
V1000571 Experimental Pathology, Malmö
V1000387 Molecular Neuromodulation
V1000406 Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology
V1000377 Leukocyte Migration
V1000419 Integrative Health Research
V1000515 Renal Research Unit
V1000399 Protein Bioinformatics
V1000460 Psychiatric Neuromodulation Unit (PNU)
V1000456 Stroke policy and quality register research
V1000420 Health promotion in nursing care
V1000572 Hand Surgery, Malmö
V1000501 Cardiovascular Research - Epidemiology
RG240 The Cultural Studies Group of Neuroscience
RG260 Lund University Information Quality Research Group (LUIQ)
RG301 Information Practices: Communication, Culture and Society
RG306 Metaphysics and Collectivity
RG274 Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen–Lund (CSS)
RG305 CogComlab
RG275 LUCS Cognitive Zoology Group
RG279 The Burial Archaeological Research Group – Death, Burial, and Social Identity
RG284 Roman Encounters
RG295 Critical studies in (dis)ability & illness
RG282 Interdisciplinary perspectives on Dmitri Shostakovich
RG283 Interdisciplinary perspectives on Gustav Mahler
RG286 Crafts and craftspeople-lup-obsolete-HT_748
RG287 Language Acquisition
RG289 Sweden and the Mediterranean World (1600-1900)
RG292 Evolutionary archaeology-lup-obsolete-HT_759
RG291 Updating Pompeii-lup-obsolete-HT_760
RG303 Language, Cognition and Discourse@Lund (LCD@L)
RG307 Digital Heritage Forum-lup-obsolete-HT_821
RG308 Digital Archaeology Laboratory DARK Lab
RG309 The language of accounting Financial reporting as organizational communication-lup-obsolete-HT_834
RG310 The Educational Technology Group
RG312 Transborder television. Scandinavia and the GDR-lup-obsolete-HT_873
RG315 Cognitive modeling
RG318 The Rise of the New Big Science: Opportunities and challenges for nations, universities and science-lup-obsolete-HT_925
RG21 Tele- och datakommunikationssystem-lup-obsolete
RG271 Biophotonics-lup-obsolete
RG22 LUCAS-lup-obsolete
RG23 Cardiorespiratory Physiology Group-lup-obsolete
RG24 AMS, Nuclear Physics-lup-obsolete
RG25 Pullerits-lup-obsolete
RG26 Photobiology-lup-obsolete
RG27 Nuclear Microprobe-lup-obsolete
RG28 Fransk språkvetenskap-lup-obsolete
RG31 Nuclear Structure-lup-obsolete
RG33 Aerosol, Nuclear Physics-lup-obsolete
RG34 Photonuclear Research-lup-obsolete
RG36 Informations- och kommunikationsteori-lup-obsolete
RG37 Hadronic Reactions-lup-obsolete
RG38 Elektronikkonstruktion-lup-obsolete
RG39 LUCRAM (Lund University Center for Risk Analysis and Management-lup-obsolete
RG41 remote sensing-lup-obsolete
RG42 Nanometer structure consortium (nmC)-lup-obsolete
RG43 Linne Center for Nanoscience and Quantum Engineering-lup-obsolete
RG45 GRIMM-lup-obsolete
RG48 Inorganic Chemistry Group, Ebbe Nordlander-lup-obsolete
RG50 International Supply Chain Risk Management Network-lup-obsolete
RG51 Highway Engineering-lup-obsolete
RG53 Political Psychology-lup-obsolete
RG60 Lund University, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden-lup-obsolete
RG72 heat transfer-lup-obsolete
RG74 Competence Center - Traffic Environment for Older and Disabled Persons-lup-obsolete
RG75 Observational and Theoretical Astrophysics-lup-obsolete
RG76 Mechanics-lup-obsolete
RG78 Thermal Environment Laboratory-lup-obsolete
RG80 Afrint team-lup-obsolete
RG81 Hematology-lup-obsolete
RG82 Radio Systems-lup-obsolete
RG83 Signal Processing-lup-obsolete
RG84 Broadband Communication-lup-obsolete
RG86 DISKA/DO:PING-lup-obsolete
RG88 Signal Processing Group-lup-obsolete
RG89 Nordiska museets forskarskola-lup-obsolete
RG90 Clinical Alcohol Research-lup-obsolete
RG91 Lund Transgenic Core Facility, Reproductive Immunology.-lup-obsolete
RG92 Barn som aktörer-lup-obsolete
RG93 Evacuation-lup-obsolete
RG94 Electromagnetic theory-lup-obsolete
RG95 Social Dimensions of Technological Change-lup-obsolete
RG96 Osteoarthritis research group-lup-obsolete
RG98 EDSLab-lup-obsolete
RG99 ESDLAB-lup-obsolete
RG101 EU FP6 DeSurvey WP 1.5.1: RS & Geomatics-Land condition assessment, Regional trends-lup-obsolete
RG102 EU, FP6 DeSurvey, WP 1.3.3 LUS Vulnerability;Integration and Dynamic Systems modeling-lup-obsolete
RG104 The Swedish research network on education and sustainable development funded by the Swedish Research Council 2002-07-lup-obsolete
RG106 Researchers´ Network on Education for Sustainable Development sponsored by The Swedish Research Council 2002-07-lup-obsolete
RG107 MiC-projektet 1999-2003, Sociology of Law, Lund University-lup-obsolete
RG108 MiC-projektet, Sociology of Law-lup-obsolete
RG109 Forskarskolan inom forskarprogrammet Utvägar-lup-obsolete
RG111 Sociology of Law - Utvägar-lup-obsolete
RG113 Ledarskap och normer-lup-obsolete
RG114 Laboratory for Ceramic Research-lup-obsolete
RG115 Non-commutative Geometry-lup-obsolete
RG117 Sustainability and Development Studies-lup-obsolete
RG118 Samhälle, utveckling och miljö-lup-obsolete
RG119 Mats Åkerlund, Stefan Hansson-lup-obsolete
RG121 Numerical Analysis
RG122 Observatorio "Giordano dell Ámore" sui Rapporti tra Diritto ed Economia-lup-obsolete
RG124 Hematopoietic Stem Cell Laboratory-lup-obsolete
RG127 Ways Ahead/Utvägar-lup-obsolete
RG129 Konversionsprojektet-lup-obsolete
RG134 EU-project group-lup-obsolete
RG138 Botnia Research Group-lup-obsolete
RG139 Forskargruppen Boende och bebyggelse-lup-obsolete
RG140 Social Movements and Strategies in the Third World-lup-obsolete
RG141 Vattenresursplanering, Teknisk vattenresurslära, LTH.-lup-obsolete
RG142 T.E.M. Teknik, Ekonomi, Mlijö-lup-obsolete
RG143 Barnahusgruppen-lup-obsolete
RG144 Rätten som adminsitrativt instrument-lup-obsolete
RG145 Rättens som adminsitrativt instrument-lup-obsolete
RG146 Cell and organism biology-lup-obsolete
RG147 Urban Studies-lup-obsolete
RG149 Environmental and Energy Systems Studies-lup-obsolete
RG150 Public Procurement - Lund University and Chalmers Technical University-lup-obsolete
RG151 Critical Perspectives in Sociology / Kritiska Studier i Sociologi-lup-obsolete
RG152 Sector Committee on Culture, Security and Sustainable Development-lup-obsolete
RG153 The Spanish-Swedish Network-lup-obsolete
RG154 Computer Graphics-lup-obsolete
RG156 PROP - Programme on Population and Development in Poor Countries-lup-obsolete
RG158 Synch Rad Res-lup-obsolete
RG161 Department of Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation-lup-obsolete
RG164 Cellular Autoimmunity Unit-lup-obsolete
RG170 Forskargruppen för mångkulturell pedagogik
RG171 Partiforskningsgruppen-lup-obsolete
RG172 Välfärd, Socialförsäkring och Arbetsliv-lup-obsolete
RG173 Evolutionary Population Biology (Erik Svensson)-lup-obsolete
RG175 Matematik NF-lup-obsolete
RG176 Lund University Cognitive Science (LUCS)-lup-obsolete
RG177 Normforskningsprojektet-lup-obsolete
RG178 Normvetenskap-lup-obsolete
RG180 Research Network on Education and Sustainable Deelopment-lup-obsolete
RG181 FOG-lup-obsolete
RG184 ICLU-lup-obsolete
RG185 Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology-lup-obsolete
RG186 Institution of Laboratory Medicine, Medical Microbiolgy, Respiratory Pathogen Group-lup-obsolete
RG187 Lunds universitet. Centrum för Danmarksstudier-lup-obsolete
RG189 Research Training Network "Women in European Universities"-lup-obsolete
RG191 Mathematical Imaging Group
RG192 Water Resources Engineering-lup-obsolete
RG193 Travelling Concepts: Resisters-lup-obsolete
RG194 ATHENA Expert Panel on ICTs and Education-lup-obsolete
RG195 Teknik, praktik och identitet-lup-obsolete
RG200 Atomic Astrophysics-lup-obsolete
RG201 Communication Systems-lup-obsolete
RG202 Fruktan, fascination och frändskap. Det svenska kulturlivets och vetenskapssamhällets relation till nazism och fascism 1930-1950-lup-obsolete
RG203 WP7-lup-obsolete
RG204 EPSD-lup-obsolete
RG207 Sprache und Politik im skandinavischen und deutschen Kontext 1933 - 1945-lup-obsolete
RG208 Theoretical Ecology-lup-obsolete
RG210 nCHREM/ Reine Wallenberg-lup-obsolete
RG11 Politisk teori och metod-lup-obsolete
RG13 Statsskick och centrala statsorgan-lup-obsolete
RG12 Politiska partier-lup-obsolete
RG9 Politisk kommunikation-lup-obsolete
RG8 Politik och utveckling-lup-obsolete
RG7 Politik i Europa-lup-obsolete
RG6 Miljöpolitik-lup-obsolete
RG4 Freds- och konfliktforskning-lup-obsolete
RG2 Förhandlingar-lup-obsolete
RG3 Förvaltning - demokrati-lup-obsolete
RG5 Internationell politik-lup-obsolete
RG1 LearnIT-lup-obsolete
RG14 Sociology of Everyday Life-lup-obsolete
RG19 FOLIO - Forum för litteraturens offentligheter-lup-obsolete
RG15 Per Nettelbladt Research Group-lup-obsolete
RG16 Telescope Group-lup-obsolete
RG17 Design Methodology-lup-obsolete
RG18 Industrial Relations Foresight 2025 for EU27 and G7 (Eurofound)-lup-obsolete
RG20 Halle-lup-obsolete
RG211 Cybernorms-lup-obsolete
RG212 Kriminal- och socialvetenskapligt nätverk-lup-obsolete
RG214 Program K.-lup-obsolete
RG215 Våld i nära relationer-lup-obsolete
RG216 Algorithms-lup-obsolete
RG219 RSS-lup-obsolete
RG218 AI-lup-obsolete
RG217 Den sociala barnavården-lup-obsolete
RG221 Nonlinear PDE-lup-obsolete
RG225 Differential Geometry
RG228 Analysis and Dynamics-lup-obsolete
RG232 Mathematical Finance-lup-obsolete
RG233 Stochastics in Medicine-lup-obsolete
RG234 Statistical Signal Processing-lup-obsolete
RG235 Spatio-temporal Stochastic Models-lup-obsolete
RG236 Evolutionary Genetics
RG237 Fire risk analysis-lup-obsolete
RG238 Fire dynamics-lup-obsolete
RG239 Fire modeling-lup-obsolete
RG241 Crypto and Security-lup-obsolete
RG242 Networking-lup-obsolete
RG243 Analog RF-lup-obsolete
RG244 Data converters & RF-lup-obsolete
RG245 Digital ASIC-lup-obsolete
RG246 KnowLib-lup-obsolete
RG247 Nano-lup-obsolete
RG248 Information Theory-lup-obsolete
RG249 Telecommunication Theory-lup-obsolete
RG250 Organisation och organisering-lup-obsolete
RG252 Information Studies-lup-obsolete
RG253 Archive Science-lup-obsolete
RG254 Museology-lup-obsolete
RG257 CERCAP (Center for Research on Consciousness and Anomalous Psychology)-lup-obsolete
RG258 LUDC (Lund University Diabetes Centre)-lup-obsolete
RG261 Towards a Common Past. Conflicting Memories and Competing Historical Narratives in Europe after 1989-lup-obsolete
RG264 DETECTER (Detection Technologies, Terrorism, Ethics and Human Rights)-lup-obsolete
RG263 Division of Cognitive Psychology-lup-obsolete
RG265 LUCID - Lund University Centre of Excellence for Integration of Social and Natural Dimensions of Sustainability-lup-obsolete
RG266 Harmonic Analysis and Applications-lup-obsolete
RG267 Algebra
RG268 Knut Wicksell Centre for Financial Studies-lup-obsolete
RG269 Nätverket för professionsforskning-lup-obsolete
RG270 Applied Molecular Spectroscopy and Remote Sensing-lup-obsolete
RG272 Middle East politics-lup-obsolete
RG273 KCFP-lup-obsolete
RG276 Audio-Haptic Interactive Design-lup-obsolete
RG277 Mitochondrial Pathophysiology Unit-lup-obsolete
RG278 GREIT-lup-obsolete
RG285 The Scanian Neolithic Group-lup-obsolete
RG288 Social Medicine and Global Health-lup-obsolete
RG293 Materials@LU-lup-obsolete
RG294 Kränkningar i en digital kontext-lup-obsolete
RG296 Quantum Information Group-lup-obsolete
RG297 Beslutsoförmögna I Forskning (BIF)-lup-obsolete
RG298 ETC/SCP European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production-lup-obsolete
RG299 Lund Luminescence Laboratory-lup-obsolete
RG300 Incivility as a social process in the organization-lup-obsolete
RG302 L/UMIN (Lund-Uppsala Migration Law Research Network)-lup-obsolete
RG311 HuMeNS (Humanities, Medicine, Natural science, Social science)-lup-obsolete
RG313 Communications Engineering-lup-obsolete
RG314 Integrated Electronic Systems-lup-obsolete
RG319 Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship-lup-obsolete
V1000947 Virus Recognition
V1000544 Social Medicine and Health Policy
V1000499 Psychiatry
V1000480 Family Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology
V1000545 Diabetic Complications
V1000506 Gastroenterology
V1000543 Forensic Medicine
V1000507 Health Economics
V1000479 Family Medicine, Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Lifestyle
V1000960 Lund OsteoArthritis Division - From molecule to clinical implementation
V1000970 Clinical and experimental bone healing
V1000962 The Hip and Knee Joint Arthroplasty Research Group
V1000964 CPUP - Children's Orthopedics Group
V1000965 Building Bone Killing Bugs
V1000968 Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Hip diseases from the cradle to the prosthesis
V1000961 Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Clinical Epidemiology Unit
V1000963 Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Joint injury research group
V1000966 Applied epidemiology
V1000967 Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Molecular marker research group
V1000972 Inflammation and Stemcell Therapy Group
V1000971 Mitochondrial Medicine
V1000969 Orthopaedic Sarcoma Research
V1000973 Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery
V1000976 Lund Melanoma Study Group
V1000975 Breast Cancer Surgery
V1000974 Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery
V1000977 Endocrine and Sarcoma Surgery
V1000982 Infection Medicine Proteomics
V1000981 Infection and immunomodulation
V1000978 Host parasite interactions
V1000979 Antioxidation medicine
V1000980 Molecular Pathogenesis
V1000992 Artificial Intelligence in CardioThoracic Sciences (AICTS)
V1000991 Minimal invasive cardiac surgery in valvular heart disease
V1000984 Diabetes
V1000986 Gastro
V1000985 Experimental Vascular Research
V1000995 Clinical and experimental lung transplantation
V1000993 DCD transplantation of lungs
V1000998 Cardiopulmonary disease - information, support and reception
V1000994 NPWT technology
V1000990 Heart and Lung transplantation
V1000997 Less invasive cardiac surgery
V1000988 Endocrine
V1000987 Diabetes lab
V1000996 Bleeding disorders and acute typ-A dissection
V1001003 Clinical studies af Atrial Fibrillation
V1001002 Electrocardiology Research Group - CIEL
V1001005 Molecular Epidemiology and Cardiology
V1001004 Heart Failure and Mechanical Support
V1001007 Renal physiology and peritoneal dialysis
V1001001 Lund Hemodynamic Lab
V1000999 Molecular Cardiology
V1001008 Autoimmunity and kidney diseases
V1001006 Cardiovascular Epigenetics
V1001000 Arrhytmias and Cardiac Device treatment
V1001009 Clinical studies in CKD
V1001012 Center for cardiac arrest
V1001010 Cardiothoracic anesthesia and intensive care
V1001015 Muscle disease
V1001013 Intensive Care Epidemiology
V1001014 Fluid resuscitation in critical illness
V1001025 Lund Vasculitis Epidemiology Research Group
V1001027 Lund Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group
V1001024 Lund Systemic Sclerosis Research Group
V1001018 Critical infections
V1001017 Health care related infections in seriously and critically ill patients
V1001022 SWECRIT
V1001020 Anesthesia, pain and cancer outcome
V1001019 Pediatric anesthesia and intensive care
V1001026 Lund SLE Research Group
V1001021 Neurosurgical intensive care
V1001023 Lund Arthritis Research Group (LARG)
V1001016 Clinical Research in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine
V1001032 Stem Cells & Restorative Neurology
V1001035 Regeneration in Movement Disorders
V1001030 Pragmatics and multilingualism
V1001031 Cat-human communication
V1001033 Stem Cells, Aging and Neurodegeneration
V1001029 Communication and Cognition
V1001034 Restorative Parkinson Unit
V1001028 The voice group
V1001053 Systemic Radiation Therapy Group
V1001047 Quality and Safety in Healtcare
V1001051 MR Physics
V1001044 Brain function and behavioral mechanisms in psychopathology
V1001041 Severe Mental Illness research unit
V1001048 Medical ultrasound
V1001037 Clinical Epilepsy Research
V1001036 Brain Injury After Cardiac Arrest
V1001056 Late effects after childhood cancer treatment
V1001040 The Lundby Study
V1001049 Nuclear Medicine Physics
V1001043 Disorders in clinical child and adolescent psychiatry
V1001050 Radiotherapy Physics
V1001039 Clinical addiction research unit
V1001054 Neonatology
V1001052 X-ray Phase Contrast
V1001038 Unit for clinical suicide research
V1001045 Lund Clinical Research on Externalizing and Developmental psychopathology (LU-CRED)
V1001062 Pediatric Oncology
V1001066 LOOPS, Lund Overweight and Obesity Preschool study group
V1001058 Pediatric Nephrology
V1001060 Children cardiology
V1001057 Paediatric Haematology Research Unit
V1001064 Pediatric Autoimmunity
V1001059 Surgery and public health
V1001063 Center of Pediatric Rheumatology
V1001067 Pediatric surgery
V1001065 Childhood Cancer Research Unit
V1001068 Ophthalmology Imaging Research Group
V1001070 Biomimetic Retinal Tissue Engineering
V1001069 Clinical and epidemiological studies in medical retinal disorders
V1001075 Clinical research in neuro-ophthalmology
V1001073 Retinal Molecular Homeostasi
V1001076 Clinical research in corneal disease and disorders
V1001077 Clinical research in families with inherited retinal degeneration
V1001071 Nanomaterials for retinal prostheses
V1001072 Nanostructures in neural systems
V1001078 Clinical uveitis - treatment and epidemiology
V1001074 Retinal degeneration: Molecular Pathology
V1001079 Head and Neck Cancer Research Group
V1001080 Membrane Protein Structural Biology
V1001081 Improved diagnostics and prognostics of lung cancer and metastases to the lungs
2DACC0A7-1979-4FD6-A682-47AB14FC797D Dynamical systems
3440A41F-05DA-4170-A2EF-41F0323FEC00 Financial Mathematics Group
V1001084 Genetic chaos in aggressive cancer
V1001085 Genetic Occupational and Environmental Medicine
V1001082 Environmental Epidemiology
V1001089 Cancer and non coding RNA
V1001088 Lymphoma - Clinical Research
V1001090 Research Group Lung Cancer
V1001093 Pathways of cancer cell evolution
V1001091 Epidemiology and pharmacogenetics
V1001094 The genetics of soft tissue tumors
V1001095 Transcriptional mechanisms for the Wilms’ tumor gene 1 (WT1) oncoprotein
V1001096 Environmental health and occupational health
V1001092 Melanoma Genomics
V1001097 Urothelial Cancer Genomics
V1001098 Personalized Pathology & Cancer Therapy
V1001100 Broadband Communication
V1001102 Communications Engineering
V1001103 Networks and Security
V1001106 Nano Electronics
V1001105 Electromagnetic Theory
V1001101 Integrated Electronic Systems
V1001104 Signal Processing
V1001108 Hematogenomics
V1001111 Clinical infection medicine
V1001113 Respiratory Medicine and Allergology Research Group
V1001114 Clinical Neurogenetics
V1001115 Breast cancer Proteogenomics
V1001117 Molecular Pediatric Oncology
V1001116 Molecular virology
V1001119 Rausing laboratory of Lund - Tumor section
V1001120 Tumor microenvironment
V1001121 Breast cancer prevention & intervention
V1001123 Molecular Lymphopoiesis
V1001126 The pathogenetic mechanisms behind MLL-rearranged acute leukemia in infancy
V1001122 Personalized Breast Cancer Treatment
V1001125 Genetic and epigenetic studies of pediatric leukemia
V1001124 Proteomic Hematology
V1001127 Lund Cardiac MR Group
V1001128 Breast and Ovarian Cancer Genomics
V1001129 LUBIN Lab- Lund Brain Injury laboratory for Neurosurgical research
V1001130 Molecular therapeutics in breast cancer
V1001131 The Liquid Biopsy and Tumor Progression in Breast Cancer
V1001132 Kidney cancer research group
V1001135 Urology
V1001133 RNA and Stem Cell Biology
V1001134 Tornblad Institute
V1001136 Multidimensional microstructure imaging
V1001137 Work-related musculoskeletal disorders
V1001139 Familial Breast Cancer
V1001140 Translational Oncogenomics
V1001141 Protease Inhibitor Research
V1001142 Molecular oncology
V1001143 Evidence based clinical methods
V1001145 Experimental Epilepsy Group
V1001144 Genetiska och epigenetiska
V1001146 Experimental oncology
V1001147 Brain Tumor Biology
V1001149 Tumor Cell Biology
V1001151 Aneuploidy in cancer
V1001150 Molecular Tumor Pathology
V1001152 Lymphoid Development and Regulation
V1001153 Hematopoietic and immunologic developement
V1001157 Honey group
V1001158 Hematopoietic Stem Cell Development
V1001160 Targeted therapies in leukemia
RG290 Partial differential equations
V1001164 Quantitative immunobiology
V1001163 Translational infection medicine
V1001165 Translational Sepsis research
V1001169 Airways, pathogens, innate immunity
V1001176 Virus Biophysics
V1001177 Immunomodulatory effects of platelets during inflammation and infection
6C95D7BC-FF6F-4FE6-AE65-A6ADA2F8B018 Biomedical Modelling and Computation
E3A808EE-2A08-43FE-9E60-9BA92C8391A2 Harmonic Analysis and Applications
077CC7D8-3666-4761-AD2F-4C8BD566167F Non-commutative Geometry and Applications
2B5B96C1-003D-4C69-A4E0-7BB94A2ADFE9 Operator Theory and Complex Analysis
DD211E41-82D5-43E8-A40F-39C1BA153962 Probability and Inference Theory Group
59336B49-3C99-43AB-A059-4637B6443B02 Spatio-Temporal Stochastic Modelling Group
7740959D-3E60-4C05-A8E5-1122371DE40A Statistical Signal Processing Group
229CAC19-1BB5-4D27-9603-EDE277D8AE80 Stochastic Modelling
V1001179 SEBRA Sepsis and Bacterial Resistance Alliance
V1001178 Redox Medicine
V1001180 HIV-1 and HIV-2 host interactions
V1001182 Hematopoiesis and Gene Therapy
V1001183 Medical Molecular Biology
V1001181 Stem cell and red cell biology
V1001184 Myeloma research group
V1001185 Neutrophils – new mechanisms and new biomarkers
V1001186 Geriatrics
V1001187 Schmidtchen Lab
V1001188 Systems Virology
V1001189 Stem Cell Metabolism
V1001191 Experimental Infection Medicine
V1001190 Conputational Genomics Group
V1001192 epIgG
V1001194 Lung Bioengineering and Regeneration
V1001193 Vascular Biology
V1001196 BioMS
V1001198 Developmental Immunology
V1001197 Cancer and matrix remodelling
V1001199 National Graduate School on Ageing and Health
V1001203 Neuroendokrin cellbiologi
V1001202 Vascular Biology
V1001204 Lung Bioengineering
V1001205 CEBMMS PI
V1001206 Acoustofluidics group
V1001207 Clinical Protein Science and Imaging
V1001209 Glia-Immune Interactions
V1001210 Stem Cells and Leukemia
V1001211 Midwifery research - reproductive, perinatal and sexual health
V1001212 Molecular Skeletal Biology
V1001213 Stem Cells to Red Blood Cells
V1001214 Health-promoting Complex Interventions
V1001215 Translational Genomic and Functional Studies of Leukemia
V1001216 Transfusion Medicine
V1001217 The Institute for Palliative Care
V1001218 Medical Microbiology
V1001219 Diabetes and Brain Function
V1001224 Cancer Infection
V1001227 Muskuloskeletal radiologi
V1001225 Neuroradiology
V1001226 Gastroradiologi
V1001229 Pediatrisk radiologi
V1001230 Hyperpolarised MR
V1001231 Cystatin C, renal disease, amyloidosis and antibiotics
V1001233 Applied Mass Spectrometry in Environmental Medicine
V1001234 Medicon Bridge
V1001248 Pediatrik infectious diseases and global child health
V1001249 Cell Reprogramming in Hematopoiesis and Immunity
V1001250 Translational lymphoma epigenetics
V1001251 Platelet Immunology
V1001262 Molecular Cancer Research
V1001264 Stem cell and Cancer stem cell Regulation
V1001265 Endocrine Cell Differentiation and Function
V1001266 Respiratory Cell Biology
V1001267 Bone marrow stem cells and cellular therapies
V1001268 Cardiovascular Research - Cellular Metabolism and Inflammation
V1001269 Cardiovascular Research - Matrix and Inflammation in Atherosclerosis
V1001270 Cardiovascular Research - Translational Studies
V1001271 Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory
V1001272 Medical Microspectroscopy
V1001273 Structural Biochemistry
V1001276 Translational Cancer Pharmacology
V1001277 Register-based epidemiology
V1001280 Dermatology
V1001281 Neuropharmacology and pain
V1001282 Lung physiology and biomarkers
V1001283 Regenerative Neurophysiology
V1001284 Cell Death, Lysosomes and Artificial Intelligence
V1001286 Planetary Health
V1001290 Systems Virology
V1001293 Clinical Lung Medicine and Allergology
V1001294 Glioma immunotherapy group
V1001296 Molecular Neurophysiology and Epilepsy group
V1001295 Cellular Neurophysiology and Epilepsy group
V1001297 Stroke Imaging Research group
V1001298 EPI@LUND
V1001311 Laboratory for Experimental Brain Research
V1001321 Emergency medicine
V1001322 Family medicine, cardiovascular medicine and genetics
V1001330 Functional Breast Cancer Genomics
V1001341 Oftalmology, Ghosh
V1001342 Sensory Neurophysiology
V1001343 Spenshults arthritis group
V1001344 Living with a Disability: Research from a Public Health Perspective
V1001348 Breathlessness and chronic respiratory failure
V1001349 Translational Respiratory Medicine
V1001350 Novel strategies targeting detrimental airway inflammation
V1001351 Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
V1001352 Hereditary angioedema (HAE) – epidemiology, genetics and pathophysiology
V1001357 Clinical Respiratory Medicine
V1001358 Epidemiology
V1001359 Developmental lymphopoiesis and leukemia
V1001360 Perinatal and cardiovascular epidemiology
V1001362 Metabolic disorders and liver disease
V1001370 Aquatic Ecology
V1001371 Plant Biology
V1001372 Microbiology Group
V1001373 Bioinformatics
V1001374 Molecular Genetics and Genetics
V1001386 Proactive Integrated Care
V1001385 Regenerative Immunology
V1001400 Animal Flight Lab
V1001401 Genetics of Sex Differences
V1001402 Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology
V1001404 Microbial Ecology
V1001403 Soil Ecology
V1001405 Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab
V1001406 Mammalian Rhinarium Group
V1001407 Lund Vision Group
V1001408 Systematic Biology Group
V1001409 Theoretical Population Ecology and Evolution Group
V1001410 Animal Physiology
V1001394 Biodiversity and Conservation Science
V1001395 Animal Navigation Lab
V1001396 Population biology, micro- and macroevolution
V1001397 Evolutionary Biology
V1001398 Speciation, Adaptation and Coevolution
V1001399 Pheromone Group
V1001426 LUSCaR- Lund University Skin Cancer Research group
V1001427 Applied Neurovascular Research
V1001428 Unit for Biological and Precision Psychiatry
V1001430 Molecular Evolution
V1001431 Endometrial and cervical cancer
V1001432 Advanced ovarian cancer
V1001433 Rheumatology
V1001434 Unit for translational obstetric research
V1001436 Islet cell physiology
V1001437 Gynecological Cancer and Cancer prevention as well as prevention of Osteoporosis
V1001439 Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics in Cardiothoracic Sciences (AIBCTS)
V1001440 Malaria and Babesia
V1001442 CAnMove - Centre for Animal Movement Research
V1001444 DigitalHistory @ Lund
V1001445 DIAD (Digital Integration Across Disciplines) Advancing Cultural Heritage Documentation
V1001446 Space Humanities
V1001447 LAMiNATE (Language Acquisition, Multilingualism, and Teaching)
V1001448 Christianity and Nationalism
V1001452 Neural stem cells
V1001453 Protein Evolution
V1001454 Molecular Enzymology
V1001462 Public Law
V1001465 Applied Gerontology
V1001467 Retinopathy of Prematurity
V1001470 Molecular Biophysics
V1001472 Self-harm
V1001473 Environmental Law
V1001475 Extracellular signaling and cell fate
V1001476 EU Law
V1001477 Health Law
V1001478 Rehabilitation and Sustainable Health
V1001485 Microbial Biogeochemistry in Lund
V1001489 Glial and Neuronal Biology
V1001492 Epigenetics and Chromatin Dynamics
V1001497 Law, Evidence and Cognition (LEVIC)
V1001498 Norma Research Programme
V1001499 Translational Diabetes Research
V1001500 Human Rights Law
V1001512 Developmental Biology in Vertebrates
V1001513 Leukemia, Genetics, Epidemiology
V1001519 Dispute resolution
V1001520 Lund University Centre for Business Law (Swedish abbr: ACLU)
V1001521 Migration Law
V1001522 Integration and Law
V1001523 Legal history
V1001524 Public International Law
V1001525 Innovations in pediatric mental health
V1001526 Heparin bindning protein in cardiothoracic surgery
V1001527 Neurological injury in acute type A aortic dissection
V1001529 Valid IntraPartum Surveillance and Interventions to make Pregnancy Safe
V1001537 Cardiac Inflammation Research Group
V1001538 Environmental Psychology
V1001540 AI and Society
V1001541 FORevidence
V1001542 Law and Vulnerabilities
V1001544 SciLifeLab Site@Lund
V1001545 Integrative Physiology
V1001546 Geodetic Surveying
V1001547 Highway Engineering
V1001548 Railway Operation
V1001549 Traffic Safety and Behaviour
V1001550 Transport Accessibility and Equity
V1001551 Transport Planning and Mobility
V1001555 Cardiovascular research - Immune regulation
V1001582 Unit for Clinical Neuropsychology in Psychiatric disorders (CNP)
V1001585 Architecture, Form and Design
V1001586 Architecture and Culture
V1001587 Housing Development and Management
V1001588 Urban Design and Urbanism
V1001601 Breast/lung cancer
V1001603 LUNDD (LUnd Neurodevelopmental Disorders)
V1001604 Rights, Regulations, and Society
V1001605 Socioeconomic Technology Studies (SoeTech)
V1001611 Lung infections and immunity
V1001612 Stem cells, aging and neurodegeneration
V1001614 Structural Infection Medicine (STRIME)
V1001619 Systems Immunology
V1001657 Algebra, Analysis and Dynamical Systems
V1001658 Applied Mathematics
V1001659 Computer Vision and Machine Learning
V1001663 Lund Tax Academy
V1001703 Computational Science for Health and Environment
V1001724 Electromagnetics and Nanoelectronics
V1001725 Secure and Networked Systems
V1001726 Synthetic Immunology
V1001728 Lund Migration Group
V1001729 Reprogramming of Immunosuppressive and Pro-metastatic TAMs
V1000330 Faculty of Medicine
V1000342 CRC, Clinical Research Centre
V1000344 CRC Service
V1000343 CRC Administration
V1000348 Fakultetsgemensam enhet
V1000562 Department of Translational Medicine
V1000586 Pathology, Malmö
V1000570 Experimental Infection Medicine, Malmö
V1000574 Clinical Chemistry, Malmö
V1000578 Clinical Virology, Malmö
V1000576 Clinical Microbiology, Malmö
V1000579 Medical Microbiology, Malmö
V1000567 Urological cancer, Malmö
V1000564 Cell Pathology, Malmö
V1000575 Clinical Coagulation, Malmö
V1000585 Reproductive medicine, Malmö
V1000568 Urological research, Malmö
V1000563 Cancer Immunology, Malmö
V1000941 Urology - urothelial cancer, Malmö
V1000566 Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Malmö
V1000577 Clinical pathology, Malmö
V1000580 Radiology Diagnostics, Malmö
V1000565 Nuclear medicine, Malmö
V1000581 Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö
V1000587 Protein Chemistry, Malmö
V1000584 Molecular genetic reproductive medicine, Malmö
V1000582 Molecular Pathology, Malmö
V1000569 Experimental Cancer Research, Malmö
V1000571 Experimental Pathology, Malmö
V1000572 Hand Surgery, Malmö
V1000573 Dept of Translational Medicine's adminstrative office
V1001111 Clinical infection medicine
V1001188 Systems Virology
V1001290 Systems Virology
V1001439 Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics in Cardiothoracic Sciences (AIBCTS)
V1001501 Register-based epidemiology
V1001537 Cardiac Inflammation Research Group
V1000336 Library and ICT-services
V1000341 Library and ICT-services - SUS Lund
V1000339 Library and ICT-services - CRC Malmö
V1000340 Library and ICT-services - HSC Lund
V1000337 Stöd till forskning och lärande
V1000338 MedIT
V1000590 Lund University Bioimaging Center
V1000593 Faculty office - The medical degree programme board
V1000594 Faculty office - The nursing, radiography, and reproductive, perinatal and sexual health programmes
V1000597 Wallenberg Neuroscience Centre, Lund
V1000331 BMC, Biomedical Centre
V1000333 BMC Service
V1000332 BMC Administration
V1000335 Consultants BMC
V1000334 Functionaddresses BMC
V1000589 Faculty Office - BMC
V1001320 Course Administrative Section
V1001323 Research and Management Support Section
V1001325 International Office
V1001324 Communications Section
V1001326 Human Resources & Recruitment Section
V1001327 Finance Section
V1001328 Education Section
V1001480 The Education Office
V1001481 Division of Programme and Student Support
V1001482 Division of Faculty-Wide Education Support
V1001483 Division of Course Administration for the Medical Programme
V1001486 Teachers at the Medical Programme
V1001484 Division of Course Administration
V1000591 MIM - Departmental Office for Medicine, Malmö
V1000595 Faculty office - The rehabilitation programmes board
V1000411 Department of Health Sciences
V1000424 Mental Health Services Research
V1000417 Human Movement: health and rehabilitation
V1000414 Sustainable occupations and health in a life course perspective
V1000423 Sport Sciences
V1000418 Geriatric Medicine
V1000413 Mental Health, Activity and Participation
V1000425 Rehabilitation medicine
V1000422 Clinical Health Promotion Centre
V1000412 Active and Healthy Ageing Research Group
V1000415 Child and Family Health
V1000427 Older people's health and Person-Centred care
V1000426 Care in high technological environments
V1000416 Participation, ageing and everyday life
V1000419 Integrative Health Research
V1000420 Health promotion in nursing care
V1000421 Department Office of Health Sciences
V1001199 National Graduate School on Ageing and Health
V1001211 Midwifery research - reproductive, perinatal and sexual health
V1001214 Health-promoting Complex Interventions
V1001386 Proactive Integrated Care
V1001465 Applied Gerontology
V1001478 Rehabilitation and Sustainable Health
V1001584 MoRe Lab
V1000350 Department of Experimental Medical Science
V1000365 Experimental Dementia Research
V1000351 Adaptive Immunity
V1000362 Cellular Biomechanics
V1000386 Molecular Neurogenetics
V1000385 Molecular Neurobiology
V1000409 Host-Pathogen Interactions
V1000381 Medical Protein Science
V1000375 Vascular Physiology
V1000498 Neuroendocrine Cell Biology
V1000358 Bioimplant Research
V1000368 Glycobiology
V1000366 Functional Plasticity, Learning and Memory
V1000359 Biomarkers in Brain Disease
V1000380 Matrix Biology
V1000374 Chemical Biology and Therapeutics
V1000389 Muscle Biology
V1000382 Medical Structural Biology
V1000364 Eosinophil Biology
V1000404 IPSC Laboratory for CNS Disease Modeling
V1000383 Molecular Endocrinology
V1000394 Translational Neurogenetics
V1000384 Molecular Vascular Physiology
V1000361 CNS Gene Therapy
V1000369 Neural Basis of Sensorimotor Control
V1000376 Vessel Wall Biology
V1000371 Infectious Immunology
V1000360 Brain Repair and Imaging in Neural Systems (BRAINS)
V1000352 Antigen Presentation
V1000363 Drug Target Discovery
V1000353 Appetite Regulation
V1000408 Invertebrate Developmental Biology, Udo Haecker's group
V1000391 Neural Plasticity and Repair
V1000405 Translational Neuroendocrinology
V1000397 Neuroinflammation
V1000378 Airway Inflammation and Immunology
V1000933 Human Neural Developmental Biology
V1000355 Autoimmunity
V1000372 Integrative Neurophysiology
V1000388 Molecular Nutrition
V1000410 Åke Oldberg´s group
V1000390 Nanomedicine and Biomaterials
V1000367 Glucose Transport and Protein Trafficking
V1000379 Lung Biology
V1000407 Invertebrate Developmental Biology, Stefan Baumgartner's group
V1000392 Neural Interfaces
V1000401 Respiratory Immunopharmacology
V1000357 Biogenic Amines
V1000370 Immunology
V1000398 Neuronano Research Center (NRC)
V1000400 Protein Phosphorylation
V1000356 Basal Ganglia Pathophysiology
V1000354 Associative Learning
V1000402 Insulin Signal Transduction
V1000403 Mucosal Immunology
V1000393 Neurobiology
V1000395 Neurophysiology
V1000396 Neurogastroenterology
V1000387 Molecular Neuromodulation
V1000406 Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology
V1000377 Leukocyte Migration
V1000399 Protein Bioinformatics
V1000373 Department Office of Experimental Medical Science
V1000947 Virus Recognition
V1001033 Stem Cells, Aging and Neurodegeneration
V1001080 Membrane Protein Structural Biology
V1001124 Proteomic Hematology
V1001176 Virus Biophysics
V1001194 Lung Bioengineering and Regeneration
V1001193 Vascular Biology
V1001203 Neuroendokrin cellbiologi
V1001202 Vascular Biology
V1001204 Lung Bioengineering
V1001209 Glia-Immune Interactions
V1001219 Diabetes and Brain Function
V1001266 Respiratory Cell Biology
V1001271 Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory
V1001272 Medical Microspectroscopy
V1001273 Structural Biochemistry
V1001276 Translational Cancer Pharmacology
V1001283 Regenerative Neurophysiology
V1001284 Cell Death, Lysosomes and Artificial Intelligence
V1001342 Sensory Neurophysiology
V1001430 Molecular Evolution
V1001452 Neural stem cells
V1001453 Protein Evolution
V1001454 Molecular Enzymology
V1001455 Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities (BRCMH)
V1001470 Molecular Biophysics
V1001475 Extracellular signaling and cell fate
V1001489 Glial and Neuronal Biology
V1001492 Epigenetics and Chromatin Dynamics
V1001545 Integrative Physiology
V1001612 Stem cells, aging and neurodegeneration
V1000599 The Wallenberg Laboratory, Malmö
V1000598 The Wallenberg Laboratory
V1000592 The Faculty of Medicine Centre for Teaching and Learning
V1000428 Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund
V1000462 Section V
V1000468 Medical Radiation Physics, Lund
V1001051 MR Physics
V1001049 Nuclear Medicine Physics
V1001050 Radiotherapy Physics
V1001052 X-ray Phase Contrast
V1000469 Biomedical Engineering, Lund
V1001047 Quality and Safety in Healtcare
V1001048 Medical ultrasound
V1001230 Hyperpolarised MR
V1001234 Medicon Bridge
V1000464 Diagnostic Radiology, (Lund)
V1001136 Multidimensional microstructure imaging
V1001227 Muskuloskeletal radiologi
V1001225 Neuroradiology
V1001226 Gastroradiologi
V1001229 Pediatrisk radiologi
V1001297 Stroke Imaging Research group
V1000470 Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Lund)
V1001135 Urology
V1001134 Tornblad Institute
V1001431 Endometrial and cervical cancer
V1001432 Advanced ovarian cancer
V1001434 Unit for translational obstetric research
V1001437 Gynecological Cancer and Cancer prevention as well as prevention of Osteoporosis
V1001529 Valid IntraPartum Surveillance and Interventions to make Pregnancy Safe
V1000473 Paediatrics (Lund)
V1001056 Late effects after childhood cancer treatment
V1001054 Neonatology
V1001062 Pediatric Oncology
V1001066 LOOPS, Lund Overweight and Obesity Preschool study group
V1001058 Pediatric Nephrology
V1001060 Children cardiology
V1001057 Paediatric Haematology Research Unit
V1001064 Pediatric Autoimmunity
V1001059 Surgery and public health
V1001063 Center of Pediatric Rheumatology
V1001067 Pediatric surgery
V1001065 Childhood Cancer Research Unit
V1001178 Redox Medicine
V1001248 Pediatrik infectious diseases and global child health
V1000465 History of Medicine
V1000466 Surgery (Lund)
V1000973 Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery
V1000976 Lund Melanoma Study Group
V1000975 Breast Cancer Surgery
V1000974 Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery
V1000977 Endocrine and Sarcoma Surgery
V1000467 Clinical Physiology (Lund)
V1001127 Lund Cardiac MR Group
V1001148 Lung nuclear medicine diagnostics
V1001195 Mass Spectrometry
V1000982 Infection Medicine Proteomics
V1001196 BioMS
V1001205 CEBMMS PI
V1001206 Acoustofluidics group
V1001207 Clinical Protein Science and Imaging
V1001212 Molecular Skeletal Biology
V1001361 Pathology, Lund
V1001081 Improved diagnostics and prognostics of lung cancer and metastases to the lungs
V1000445 Section IV
V1000458 Ophthalmology, Lund
V1001068 Ophthalmology Imaging Research Group
V1001070 Biomimetic Retinal Tissue Engineering
V1001069 Clinical and epidemiological studies in medical retinal disorders
V1001075 Clinical research in neuro-ophthalmology
V1001073 Retinal Molecular Homeostasi
V1001076 Clinical research in corneal disease and disorders
V1001077 Clinical research in families with inherited retinal degeneration
V1001071 Nanomaterials for retinal prostheses
V1001072 Nanostructures in neural systems
V1001078 Clinical uveitis - treatment and epidemiology
V1001074 Retinal degeneration: Molecular Pathology
V1001467 Retinopathy of Prematurity
V1000459 Psychiatry (Lund)
V1000460 Psychiatric Neuromodulation Unit (PNU)
V1001041 Severe Mental Illness research unit
V1001040 The Lundby Study
V1001039 Clinical addiction research unit
V1001038 Unit for clinical suicide research
V1001428 Unit for Biological and Precision Psychiatry
V1001472 Self-harm
V1001541 FORevidence
V1001582 Unit for Clinical Neuropsychology in Psychiatric disorders (CNP)
V1000448 Clinical Neurophysiology
V1000972 Inflammation and Stemcell Therapy Group
V1000971 Mitochondrial Medicine
V1000446 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
V1001044 Brain function and behavioral mechanisms in psychopathology
V1001043 Disorders in clinical child and adolescent psychiatry
V1001045 Lund Clinical Research on Externalizing and Developmental psychopathology (LU-CRED)
V1001143 Evidence based clinical methods
V1001525 Innovations in pediatric mental health
V1001603 LUNDD (LUnd Neurodevelopmental Disorders)
V1000451 Neurology, Lund
V1000453 Clinical Stroke Research Group
V1000457 Translational Neurology (TNY)
V1000454 Neural stem cell biology and therapy
V1000455 Neurogenesis and cell therapy
V1000456 Stroke policy and quality register research
V1001032 Stem Cells & Restorative Neurology
V1001035 Regeneration in Movement Disorders
V1001034 Restorative Parkinson Unit
V1001037 Clinical Epilepsy Research
V1001036 Brain Injury After Cardiac Arrest
V1001114 Clinical Neurogenetics
V1000461 Otorhinolaryngology (Lund)
V1000449 Logopedics, Phoniatrics and Audiology
V1001030 Pragmatics and multilingualism
V1001031 Cat-human communication
V1001029 Communication and Cognition
V1001028 The voice group
V1000450 Neurosurgery
V1001119 Rausing laboratory of Lund - Tumor section
V1001129 LUBIN Lab- Lund Brain Injury laboratory for Neurosurgical research
V1001294 Glioma immunotherapy group
V1001311 Laboratory for Experimental Brain Research
V1001427 Applied Neurovascular Research
V1000447 Epilepsy Center
V1000972 Inflammation and Stemcell Therapy Group
V1001037 Clinical Epilepsy Research
V1001145 Experimental Epilepsy Group
V1001296 Molecular Neurophysiology and Epilepsy group
V1001295 Cellular Neurophysiology and Epilepsy group
V1000429 Department Office of Clinical Sciences, Lund
V1001252 Education office
V1000440 Section III
V1000444 Rheumatology
V1001025 Lund Vasculitis Epidemiology Research Group
V1001027 Lund Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group
V1001024 Lund Systemic Sclerosis Research Group
V1001026 Lund SLE Research Group
V1001023 Lund Arthritis Research Group (LARG)
V1001212 Molecular Skeletal Biology
V1001343 Spenshults arthritis group
V1000441 Dermatology and Venereology (Lund)
V1001187 Schmidtchen Lab
V1001426 LUSCaR- Lund University Skin Cancer Research group
V1000442 Infection Medicine (BMC)
V1000982 Infection Medicine Proteomics
V1000981 Infection and immunomodulation
V1000978 Host parasite interactions
V1000979 Antioxidation medicine
V1000980 Molecular Pathogenesis
V1001164 Quantitative immunobiology
V1001163 Translational infection medicine
V1001165 Translational Sepsis research
V1001169 Airways, pathogens, innate immunity
V1001177 Immunomodulatory effects of platelets during inflammation and infection
V1001179 SEBRA Sepsis and Bacterial Resistance Alliance
V1001185 Neutrophils – new mechanisms and new biomarkers
V1001191 Experimental Infection Medicine
V1001192 epIgG
V1001611 Lung infections and immunity
V1001614 Structural Infection Medicine (STRIME)
V1000443 Orthopaedics (Lund)
V1000960 Lund OsteoArthritis Division - From molecule to clinical implementation
V1000970 Clinical and experimental bone healing
V1000962 The Hip and Knee Joint Arthroplasty Research Group
V1000964 CPUP - Children's Orthopedics Group
V1000965 Building Bone Killing Bugs
V1000968 Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Hip diseases from the cradle to the prosthesis
V1000961 Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Clinical Epidemiology Unit
V1000963 Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Joint injury research group
V1000966 Applied epidemiology
V1000967 Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Molecular marker research group
V1000969 Orthopaedic Sarcoma Research
V1001344 Living with a Disability: Research from a Public Health Perspective
V1000430 Section II
V1000432 Cardiology
V1001003 Clinical studies af Atrial Fibrillation
V1001002 Electrocardiology Research Group - CIEL
V1001005 Molecular Epidemiology and Cardiology
V1001004 Heart Failure and Mechanical Support
V1001001 Lund Hemodynamic Lab
V1000999 Molecular Cardiology
V1001006 Cardiovascular Epigenetics
V1001000 Arrhytmias and Cardiac Device treatment
V1000439 Thoracic Surgery
V1000992 Artificial Intelligence in CardioThoracic Sciences (AICTS)
V1000991 Minimal invasive cardiac surgery in valvular heart disease
V1000995 Clinical and experimental lung transplantation
V1000993 DCD transplantation of lungs
V1000998 Cardiopulmonary disease - information, support and reception
V1000994 NPWT technology
V1000990 Heart and Lung transplantation
V1000997 Less invasive cardiac surgery
V1000996 Bleeding disorders and acute typ-A dissection
V1001526 Heparin bindning protein in cardiothoracic surgery
V1001527 Neurological injury in acute type A aortic dissection
V1000435 Medicine, Lund
V1000984 Diabetes
V1000986 Gastro
V1000985 Experimental Vascular Research
V1000988 Endocrine
V1000987 Diabetes lab
V1001321 Emergency medicine
V1000434 Respiratory Medicine, Allergology, and Palliative Medicine
V1001113 Respiratory Medicine and Allergology Research Group
V1001217 The Institute for Palliative Care
V1001282 Lung physiology and biomarkers
V1001293 Clinical Lung Medicine and Allergology
V1001348 Breathlessness and chronic respiratory failure
V1001349 Translational Respiratory Medicine
V1001350 Novel strategies targeting detrimental airway inflammation
V1001351 Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
V1001352 Hereditary angioedema (HAE) – epidemiology, genetics and pathophysiology
V1001357 Clinical Respiratory Medicine
V1000438 Nephrology
V1001007 Renal physiology and peritoneal dialysis
V1001008 Autoimmunity and kidney diseases
V1001009 Clinical studies in CKD
V1000436 Medical Ethics
V1000437 VBE
V1000433 Clinical Sciences, Helsingborg
V1000431 Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
V1001012 Center for cardiac arrest
V1001010 Cardiothoracic anesthesia and intensive care
V1001015 Muscle disease
V1001013 Intensive Care Epidemiology
V1001014 Fluid resuscitation in critical illness
V1001018 Critical infections
V1001017 Health care related infections in seriously and critically ill patients
V1001022 SWECRIT
V1001020 Anesthesia, pain and cancer outcome
V1001019 Pediatric anesthesia and intensive care
V1001021 Neurosurgical intensive care
V1001016 Clinical Research in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine
V1001364 Section I
V1000472 Breastcancer-genetics
V1001089 Cancer and non coding RNA
V1001130 Molecular therapeutics in breast cancer
V1001139 Familial Breast Cancer
V1000471 Tumor microenvironment
V1001120 Tumor microenvironment
V1000463 Medical oncology
V1001088 Lymphoma - Clinical Research
V1001279 Therapeutic pathology
V1001098 Personalized Pathology & Cancer Therapy
V1001365 Melanoma
V1001092 Melanoma Genomics
V1001366 Urothelial cancer
V1001097 Urothelial Cancer Genomics
V1001367 Breast/ovarian cancer
V1001128 Breast and Ovarian Cancer Genomics
V1001330 Functional Breast Cancer Genomics
V1001375 Radiation therapy
V1001053 Systemic Radiation Therapy Group
V1001079 Head and Neck Cancer Research Group
V1001376 Cell mechanobiology
V1001377 Cancerepidemiology and radiation
V1001091 Epidemiology and pharmacogenetics
V1001378 Biomarkers and epidemiology
V1001115 Breast cancer Proteogenomics
V1001277 Register-based epidemiology
V1001379 Breastcancer
V1001121 Breast cancer prevention & intervention
V1001380 Breast/lungcancer
V1001090 Research Group Lung Cancer
V1001381 Palliative care
V1001382 Oncology corporate
V1001383 Transl oncogenomics
V1001140 Translational Oncogenomics
V1001384 Breast cancer treatment
V1001122 Personalized Breast Cancer Treatment
V1001131 The Liquid Biopsy and Tumor Progression in Breast Cancer
V1001662 Medical Molecular Biology
V1000476 Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmö
V1000523 Cardiovascular Research - Hypertension
V1000513 Cardiology Research Group
V1000487 Diabetes - Cardiovascular Disease
V1000516 Surgery
V1000515 Renal Research Unit
V1000535 Paediatric Hematologic Research Group
V1000488 Diabetes - Immunovirology
V1000527 Obstetric, Gynaecological and Prenatal Ultrasound Research
V1000503 Community Medicine
V1000525 Clinical Memory Research
V1000548 Laryngoesophagology, Allergy and Life Quality
V1000547 Clinical and Experimental Allergy Research
V1000536 Paediatric Endocrinology
V1000493 Diabetes - Islet Cell Exocytosis
V1000492 Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology
V1000532 Orthopedics
V1000520 Internal Medicine - Epidemiology
V1000505 Social Medicine and Global Health
V1000490 Genetics
V1000504 Social Epidemiology
V1000522 Nutrition Epidemiology
V1000491 Diabetes - Epigenetics
V1000486 Translational Muscle Research
V1000512 Cardiovascular Research - Immunity and Atherosclerosis
V1000537 Preventive Paediatrics
V1000478 Family Medicine and Community Medicine
V1000495 Diabetes - Islet Patophysiology
V1000518 Vascular Diseases - Clinical Research
V1000533 Joint and Soft Tissue Unit
V1000482 Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
V1000530 Ophthalmology (Malmö)
V1000496 Diabetes - Clinical Obesity
V1000528 Urogynaecology and Reproductive Pharmacology
V1000521 Chronic Inflammatory and Degenerative Diseases Research Unit
V1000497 Diabetes - Molecular Metabolism
V1000542 Rheumatology Research Unit
V1000489 Celiac Disease and Diabetes Unit
V1000484 Occupational and Environmental Dermatology
V1000494 Islet cell physiology
V1000501 Cardiovascular Research - Epidemiology
V1000510 Department Office of Clinical Sciences, Malmö
V1000544 Social Medicine and Health Policy
V1000499 Psychiatry
V1000508 Infectious Diseases
V1000509 Infectious Diseases Research Unit
V1000480 Family Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology
V1000545 Diabetic Complications
V1000506 Gastroenterology
V1000543 Forensic Medicine
V1000507 Health Economics
V1000538 Psychiatry
V1000540 Forensic Psychiatry, Malmö
V1000539 The Biological Psychiatry Research Group
V1000479 Family Medicine, Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Lifestyle
V1001186 Geriatrics
V1001268 Cardiovascular Research - Cellular Metabolism and Inflammation
V1001269 Cardiovascular Research - Matrix and Inflammation in Atherosclerosis
V1001270 Cardiovascular Research - Translational Studies
V1001280 Dermatology
V1001281 Neuropharmacology and pain
V1001322 Family medicine, cardiovascular medicine and genetics
V1001341 Oftalmology, Ghosh
V1001360 Perinatal and cardiovascular epidemiology
V1001362 Metabolic disorders and liver disease
V1001433 Rheumatology
V1001436 Islet cell physiology
V1001499 Translational Diabetes Research
V1001536 Cognitive disorders
V1001555 Cardiovascular research - Immune regulation
V1001702 Neurodegenerative research
V1001705 Genetics and Diabetes
V1000349 Health Sciences Centre
V1000345 Centre for Comparative Medicine
V1000346 In Vivo unit
V1000347 Transgenic Core Facility
V1001353 CCM BMC
V1001354 CCM MV
V1001355 CCM CRC
V1000596 University Veterinary
V1000549 Department of Laboratory Medicine
V1000558 Division of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy
V1001158 Hematopoietic Stem Cell Development
V1001182 Hematopoiesis and Gene Therapy
V1001181 Stem cell and red cell biology
V1001189 Stem Cell Metabolism
V1001213 Stem Cells to Red Blood Cells
V1001232 Cell Reprogramming in Hematopoiesis and Immunity
V1001249 Cell Reprogramming in Hematopoiesis and Immunity
V1001264 Stem cell and Cancer stem cell Regulation
V1001385 Regenerative Immunology
V1000559 Division of Translational Cancer Research
V1001117 Molecular Pediatric Oncology
V1001132 Kidney cancer research group
V1001142 Molecular oncology
V1001146 Experimental oncology
V1001147 Brain Tumor Biology
V1001149 Tumor Cell Biology
V1001150 Molecular Tumor Pathology
V1001183 Medical Molecular Biology
V1001197 Cancer and matrix remodelling
V1001262 Molecular Cancer Research
V1001601 Breast/lung cancer
V1001729 Reprogramming of Immunosuppressive and Pro-metastatic TAMs
V1000550 Division of Molecular Hematology (DMH)
V1000551 Developmental Hematopoiesis
V1001123 Molecular Lymphopoiesis
V1001133 RNA and Stem Cell Biology
V1001152 Lymphoid Development and Regulation
V1001153 Hematopoietic and immunologic developement
V1001190 Conputational Genomics Group
V1001198 Developmental Immunology
V1001210 Stem Cells and Leukemia
V1001267 Bone marrow stem cells and cellular therapies
V1001359 Developmental lymphopoiesis and leukemia
V1001619 Systems Immunology
V1000560 Department Office of Laboratory Medicine
V1000555 Division of Clinical Chemistry and Pharmacology
V1001141 Protease Inhibitor Research
V1001231 Cystatin C, renal disease, amyloidosis and antibiotics
V1001440 Malaria and Babesia
V1000557 Division of Microbiology, Immunology and Glycobiology - MIG
V1001218 Medical Microbiology
V1001224 Cancer Infection
V1000553 Division of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
V1001095 Transcriptional mechanisms for the Wilms’ tumor gene 1 (WT1) oncoprotein
V1001108 Hematogenomics
V1001184 Myeloma research group
V1001216 Transfusion Medicine
V1001250 Translational lymphoma epigenetics
V1001251 Platelet Immunology
V1000554 Division of Clinical Genetics
V1001084 Genetic chaos in aggressive cancer
V1001093 Pathways of cancer cell evolution
V1001094 The genetics of soft tissue tumors
V1001126 The pathogenetic mechanisms behind MLL-rearranged acute leukemia in infancy
V1001125 Genetic and epigenetic studies of pediatric leukemia
V1001144 Genetiska och epigenetiska
V1001151 Aneuploidy in cancer
V1001160 Targeted therapies in leukemia
V1001215 Translational Genomic and Functional Studies of Leukemia
V1001441 Center for Translational Genomics (CTG)
V1001726 Synthetic Immunology
V1000552 Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University
V1001085 Genetic Occupational and Environmental Medicine
V1001082 Environmental Epidemiology
V1001096 Environmental health and occupational health
V1001137 Work-related musculoskeletal disorders
V1001233 Applied Mass Spectrometry in Environmental Medicine
V1001286 Planetary Health
V1001298 EPI@LUND
V1001358 Epidemiology
V1000556 Division of Medical Microbiology
V1001116 Molecular virology
V1001157 Honey group
V1001180 HIV-1 and HIV-2 host interactions
V1001511 Division of stem cell research
V1000561 Stem Cell Center
V1001514 FACS
V1001515 Bioinformatics
V1001516 Electrophysiology
V1001517 Imaging
V1001518 Cell and Gene Therapy Core
V1001265 Endocrine Cell Differentiation and Function
V1001512 Developmental Biology in Vertebrates
V1001513 Leukemia, Genetics, Epidemiology
V1001543 SciLifeLab Site@Lund
V1001544 SciLifeLab Site@Lund
V1000959 The Master's programmes board
V1001274 WCMM-Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine
V1001421 Med-service
V1001422 Fastighet och säkerhet
V1001423 Teknik och service
V1001424 Enhetsstöd
V1001425 Med-service Board
V1001701 LU-ATMP: Lund University Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
V1000001 Library
V1000002 Board of Lund University Libraries
V1000003 Lund University Libraries
V1000004 Lund University Library
V1000006 Department of IT
V1000009 Library office
V1000008 Department of Scholarly Communication
V1000007 Department of Collections
V1000005 Department of Library services
V1001456 Department of Electronic Resources
V1001457 Department of Collections
V1001458 Department of Preservation and Digitisation
V1001459 Department of Metadata and Cataloguing
V1000670 Faculty of Social Sciences
V1000671 Faculty Office
V1000673 Department Service
V1000674 Faculty Office
V1000672 Graduate School
V1000675 Departments of Administrative, Economic and Social Sciences
V1000928 LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies)
V1000930 Lund University International Master´s Programme in Environmental Science (LUMES)
V1000929 Earth System Governance International Project Office
V1000676 Centre for European Studies
V1000677 Department of Gender Studies
V1000681 Department of Psychology
V1000683 Department of Strategic Communication
V1000689 Department of Sociology
V1000690 Education
V1000692 Sociology
V1000691 Social Anthropology
V1000678 Department of Human Geography
V1000679 Human Ecology
V1000680 Human Geography
V1000682 Department of Service Studies
V1000065 Department of Communication and Media
V1000067 Journalism
V1000069 Media History
V1000070 Rhetoric
V1000068 Media and Communication Studies
V1000066 Administration
V1000685 Social Sciences Faculty Library
V1000687 The Lund Library
V1000686 The Campus Helsingborg Library
V1000684 Department of Sociology of Law
V1000693 Department of Political Science
V1000688 School of Social Work
V1001313 Child, Youth and Family
V1001312 Ageing and Eldercare
V1001314 Professions and Organisation
V1001315 Civil Society and Social Movements
V1001316 Addiction Research
V1001317 Social Policy and Sustainability
V1001318 Migration and Mobility
V1001319 Social Vulnerability and Inequality
V1001331 Timanställda
V1001221 Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES)
V1001161 Lund University Internet Institute (LUii)
V1001222 Middle Eastern Studies
V1001223 SASNET
V1000137 Faculty of Law
V1000142 Department of Law
V1000143 Distance & Comm education
V1001256 Distance learning coworkers
V1001263 Service
V1000146 IT & Infrastructure
V1001257 Office caretaker coworkers
V1001258 AssistantReception
V1001261 Receptionen
V1001672 Amanuens
V1000147 Jämställdshets- och likabehandlingskommittén (Juridik)
V1000145 Library
V1001255 Computer tutors
V1000144 Educational Service
V1001253 Programme administrators
V1001254 Student Teacher
V1001285 Student ambassador
V1000148 Kommittén för Hälsa, miljö och säkerhet (Juridik)
V1000139 Faculty Board of Law
V1000140 Research Committee
V1000141 Educational Committee
V1000149 Appointments Board
V1000138 Faculty Office (Faculty of Law)
V1001462 Public Law
V1001473 Environmental Law
V1001476 EU Law
V1001477 Health Law
V1001497 Law, Evidence and Cognition (LEVIC)
V1001498 Norma Research Programme
V1001500 Human Rights Law
V1001519 Dispute resolution
V1001520 Lund University Centre for Business Law (Swedish abbr: ACLU)
V1001521 Migration Law
V1001522 Integration and Law
V1001523 Legal history
V1001524 Public International Law
V1001542 Law and Vulnerabilities
V1001663 Lund Tax Academy
V1000150 Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts
V1000157 Malmö Academy of Music
V1000158 Teachers (Malmö Academy of Music)
V1000159 Performance, Composition and Church music department
V1000166 Music Teacher Training Office
V1000160 Office of the Malmö Academy of Music
V1000164 Engelsk rubrik
V1000163 På engelska
V1000165 Technicians / Piano Tuners
V1000161 Library
V1000162 eng rubrik
V1000154 Southern Choral Centre
V1000151 Office
V1000152 Inter Arts Center
V1000153 Swedish Artistic Research School
V1001704 Konstnärliga fakultetens Bibliotek
V1000155 Malmö Art Academy
V1000156 Board of the Academies of Performing Arts
V1000167 Malmö Theatre Academy
V1000169 Teachers (Malmö Theatre Academy)
V1000168 Technical/Administrative staff (Malmö Theatre Academy)
V1000170 Faculty of Engineering, LTH
V1000200 Departments at LTH
V1000621 Department of Physics
V1000624 Physics and Astronomy Library
V1000622 Atomic Physics
V1000631 National Resource Centre for Physics Education
V1000629 Nuclear physics
V1000630 Mathematical Physics
V1000625 Combustion Physics
V1000633 Synchrotron Radiation Research
V1000626 Undergraduate studies in Physics
V1000627 Undergraduate Programme of Studies in Physics within Faculty of Science
V1000628 Engelsk rubrik
V1000623 Solid State Physics
V1000632 Particle and nuclear physics
V1001535 Astrophysics
V1001721 Lund Nano Lab
V1000647 Department of Chemistry
V1000660 Joint Services, KC
V1000663 Reception
V1000662 Library (C.C.C.E)
V1000661 Administration Section
V1000664 Undergraduate Studies in Chemistry
V1000656 Physical and theoretical chemistry
V1000659 Computational Chemistry
V1000658 Chemical Physics
V1000657 Physical Chemistry
V1000652 Center for Applied Life Sciences
V1000654 Applied Microbiology
V1000653 Biotechnology
V1000655 Pure and Applied Biochemistry
V1000648 Center for Molecular Protein Science
V1000649 Biophysical Chemistry
V1000650 Biochemistry and Structural Biology
V1000651 Centre for Analysis and Synthesis
V1001291 LINXS - Institute of advanced Neutron and X-ray Science
V1000665 Centre for Mathematical Sciences
V1000667 Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
V1001657 Algebra, Analysis and Dynamical Systems
V1001658 Applied Mathematics
V1001659 Computer Vision and Machine Learning
V1000668 Mathematical Statistics
V1000666 Mathematics (Faculty of Sciences)
V1000669 Library of Mathematics
673D131A-92A7-4E74-8816-C44157380BE6 Research groups at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences
RG121 Numerical Analysis
RG191 Mathematical Imaging Group
RG225 Differential Geometry
RG267 Algebra
2DACC0A7-1979-4FD6-A682-47AB14FC797D Dynamical systems
3440A41F-05DA-4170-A2EF-41F0323FEC00 Financial Mathematics Group
RG290 Partial differential equations
6C95D7BC-FF6F-4FE6-AE65-A6ADA2F8B018 Biomedical Modelling and Computation
E3A808EE-2A08-43FE-9E60-9BA92C8391A2 Harmonic Analysis and Applications
077CC7D8-3666-4761-AD2F-4C8BD566167F Non-commutative Geometry and Applications
2B5B96C1-003D-4C69-A4E0-7BB94A2ADFE9 Operator Theory and Complex Analysis
DD211E41-82D5-43E8-A40F-39C1BA153962 Probability and Inference Theory Group
59336B49-3C99-43AB-A059-4637B6443B02 Spatio-Temporal Stochastic Modelling Group
7740959D-3E60-4C05-A8E5-1122371DE40A Statistical Signal Processing Group
229CAC19-1BB5-4D27-9603-EDE277D8AE80 Stochastic Modelling
V1000218 Department of Building and Environmental Technology
V1000221 Division of Building Materials
V1000222 Division of Building Services
V1000223 Division of Structural Engineering
V1000224 Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety
V1000219 Division of Fire Safety Engineering
V1000948 Division of Construction Management
V1000225 Division of Water Resources Engineering
V1000220 Division of Building Physics
V1000216 Division of Energy and Building Design
V1001471 Division of Energy and Building Design
V1000235 Department of Design Sciences
V1000944 ID-A workshop
V1000237 Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology
V1000240 Innovation Engineering
V1000239 Industrial Design
V1000238 Packaging Logistics
V1000241 Innovation
V1000236 Certec - Rehabilitation Engineering and Design
V1001112 Service team, IKDC
V1001228 CIRCLE
V1000201 Department of Biomedical Engineering
V1000203 Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation
V1000202 Department of Biomedical Engineering
V1000204 Engineering Geology
V1000258 Department of Industrial Management and Logistics
V1000261 LTH School of Engineering in Helsingborg
V1000254 Department of Technology and Society
V1000256 Environmental and Energy Systems Studies
V1000257 Transport and Roads
V1001546 Geodetic Surveying
V1001547 Highway Engineering
V1001548 Railway Operation
V1001549 Traffic Safety and Behaviour
V1001550 Transport Accessibility and Equity
V1001551 Transport Planning and Mobility
V1000255 Real Estate Science
V1001540 AI and Society
V1001604 Rights, Regulations, and Society
V1001605 Socioeconomic Technology Studies (SoeTech)
V1000226 Department of Construction Sciences
V1000228 Structural Mechanics
V1000233 Engineering Acoustics
V1000229 Construction Management
V1000230 Geotechnical Engineering
V1000227 Building Science
V1000232 Design Methodology
V1000231 Solid Mechanics
V1000212 Department of Immunotechnology
V1000248 Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences
V1000260 Engineering Logistics
V1000259 Production Management
V1000251 Materials Engineering
V1000252 Mechanics
V1000250 Machine Elements
V1000249 Production and Materials Engineering
V1001565 Mechanics, Materials and Component Design
V1000253 Department of Automatic Control
V1000213 Department of Architecture and Built Environment
V1000217 Temporarily employed
V1000214 Architectural, Conservation and Restoration
V1001154 Architecture
V1001468 Form, design, culture
V1001585 Architecture, Form and Design
V1001586 Architecture and Culture
V1001469 Urbanity, housing, environment
V1001538 Environmental Psychology
V1001587 Housing Development and Management
V1001588 Urban Design and Urbanism
V1000234 Department of Computer Science
V1001417 Parallel Systems
V1001418 Software Development and Environments
V1001419 Software Engineering Research Group
V1001420 Robotics and Semantic Systems
V1001479 Technical and administrative support
V1001722 Computing Education and Didactics
V1000205 Department of Energy Sciences
V1000209 Thermal Power Engineering
V1000207 Combustion Engines
V1000208 Joint staff at Department of Energy Sciences
V1000206 Efficient Energy Systems
V1000211 Heat Transfer
V1000210 Fluid Mechanics
V1000262 School of Aviation
V1000242 Department of Electrical and Information Technology
V1001100 Broadband Communication
V1001102 Communications Engineering
V1001103 Networks and Security
V1001106 Nano Electronics
V1001105 Electromagnetic Theory
V1001101 Integrated Electronic Systems
V1001104 Signal Processing
V1001724 Electromagnetics and Nanoelectronics
V1001725 Secure and Networked Systems
V1001661 Department of Process and Life Science Engineering
V1000245 Division of Food and Pharma
V1000247 Department of Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition
V1000246 Foodnexus
V1000243 Division of Chemical Engineering
V1000244 Water and Environmental Engineering
V1000194 Joint Services, LTH
V1000198 Joint Services, V-building
V1000660 Joint Services, KC
V1000663 Reception
V1000662 Library (C.C.C.E)
V1000661 Administration Section
V1000196 Joint Services, E-building
V1000195 Joint Services, A-building
V1000197 Joint Services, M-building
V1000282 Educational programmes, LTH
V1000327 Wireless communication (M.Sc.)
V1000303 Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000294 Food Technology and Nutrition (M.Sc.)
V1000313 Embedded Electronics Engineering (M.Sc.)
V1000311 Risk Management and Safety Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000317 Programmes in Helesingborg
V1000321 Computer Science and Engineering (B.Sc.Eng.)
V1000318 Civil Engineering - Railway Construction (B.Sc.Eng.)
V1000320 Civil Engineering - Architecture (B.Sc.Eng.)
V1000324 Pre-University Course in Technical Sciences
V1000319 Civil Engineering - Road and Traffic Technology (B.Sc.Eng.)
V1000323 Electrical Engineering with Automation (B.Sc.Eng.)
V1000322 Computer Science and Engineering - Logistics (Bachelor)
V1000290 Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000316 Engineering Nanoscience (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000309 Nanoscience (M.Sc.)
V1000292 Energy-efficient and Environmental Building Design (M.Sc.)
V1000287 Master of Science in Engineering - Chinees
V1000296 Industrial Management and Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000305 Master Programme in Architecture
V1000288 Computer Science and Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000304 Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Design Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000293 Fire Safety Engineering (M.Sc.)
V1000306 Master's Programme in Industrial Design
V1000326 Water Resources (M.Sc.)
V1000301 Food Technology
V1000310 Photonics (M.Sc.)
V1000286 Fire Protection Engineering 3,5 years
V1000300 Surveying (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000312 Sustainable Urban Design
V1000285 Biotechnology (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000289 Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation (M.Sc.)
V1000298 Bachelor Programme in Industrial Design
V1000308 Biomedical Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000295 Industrial design
V1000299 Chemical Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000325 Civil Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000302 Logistics and Supply Chain Management (M.Sc.)
V1000284 Biotechnology (MSc)
V1000315 Engineering Mathematics (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000307 Food Innovation and Product Design (M.Sc.)
V1000283 Master of Architecture
V1000297 Information and Communications Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000291 Electrical Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1000314 Engineering Physics (M.Sc.Eng.)
V1001275 Production and Materials Engineering (master)
V1001339 Pharmaceutical Technology (master)
V1001340 Machine Learning, Systems and Control (master)
V1001415 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (master)
V1001414 Livsmedelsteknik (kandidat)
V1001416 Sustainable Energy Engineering (master)
V1001487 Master's Programme in Digital Architecture and Emergent Futures
V1001488 Master's Programme in Food Systems
V1001589 Risk, Safety and Crisis Management (MScEng)
V1000281 The Executive Group for The Lund Institute of Technology, LTH
V1000171 Other operations, LTH
V1000187 MAPCI - Mobile and Pervasive Computing Institute at Lund University
V1000181 Combustion Centre
V1000176 Handicap- and Rehabilitation Research Centre
V1000177 Create Health
V1000212 Department of Immunotechnology
V1000186 Lund University Centre for Risk Assessment and Management (LUCRAM)
V1000173 Centre for Biomechanics at Lund University CBML
V1000180 The Competence Centre for Combustion Processes
V1000190 NanoLund: Centre for Nanoscience
V1000175 Consortium for Aerosol Science and Technology at Lund University (CAST)
V1000185 Lund University Centre for Risk Assessment and Management (LUCRAM)
V1000188 Lund University Medical Laser Centre
V1000179 Moisture Research Centre
V1000184 Lund Laser Centre, LLC
V1000174 The Centre for Combustion Science and Technology
V1000192 Process Industry Centre at Lund University, PIC-LU
V1000191 National Renovation Centre
V1000183 LUNARC, Centre for Scientific and Technical Computing at Lund University
V1000172 CAP, the Centre for Amphiphilic Polymers from Renewable Resources
V1000189 Metalund
V1000949 Centre for Engineering Education CEE
V1000952 Tekniskt basår
V1000950 Gemensam forskarutbildning
V1000953 Academic Development Unit
V1001138 Vattenhallen Science Center
V1001411 X-Lab
V1001413 Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy
V1001412 Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments
V1001451 Lund University School of Industrial Design
V1000263 Faculty Office, LTH
V1000269 Quality Support, LTH
V1000272 Management Support, LTH
V1000265 Finances, LTH
V1000266 Academic Development Unit, LTH
V1000270 Library, LTH
V1000951 Supplemental Instruction
V1000264 Facility and IT, LTH
V1000268 Communication and Collaboration, LTH
V1000267 International Office, LTH
V1000275 Supplemental Instruction SI, LTH
V1000276 Academic Services, LTH
V1000273 Human Resources, LTH
V1000939 Student Service, LTH
V1000278 Student and Programme Service, LTH Helsingborg
V1000274 Service & Technology, LTH
V1000271 Management, LTH
V1000277 Education Office, LTH
V1001201 The educational unit, LTH
V1000328 Vattenhallen Science Center
V1001502 LTH Profile areas
V1001503 LTH Profile Area: Aerosols
V1001504 LTH Profile Area: Nanoscience and Semiconductor Technology
V1001505 LTH Profile Area: Photon Science and Technology
V1001506 LTH Profile Area: Circular Building Sector
V1001507 LTH Profile Area: AI and Digitalization
V1001508 LTH Profile Area: The Energy Transition
V1001509 LTH Profile Area: Engineering Health
V1001583 LTH Profile Area: Water
V1001618 LTH Profile Area: Food and Bio
V1000725 University Cultural and Public Centres
V1000728 Odeum
V1000734 Palaestra Vocal Ensemble
V1000733 Lund University Brass Band
V1000731 Lund Academic Wind Symphony
V1000732 Lund Academic Choir
V1000729 Lund University Academic Orchestra
V1000730 Concentio Odei
V1000727 The Historical Museum
V1000735 Skissernas Museum - Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art
V1000945 Lund University Art Collection
V1000726 Botanical Garden
V1000736 University Management and Central Administration
V1000737 Central Administration
V1000890 Student Affairs
V1000893 Education Strategy Support
V1000891 Admissions Office
V1000892 Degree Office
V1000896 Study support and learning
V1000898 Disability support services
V1000899 The Academic Support Centre
V1000897 General Study Guidance
V1001174 Supplemental Instruction
V1001664 European Centre for SI-PASS (Supplemental Instruction)
V1000895 Student health
V1000894 Study Administration Systems
V1001166 Student Records Office
V1001167 The student portal
V1001168 Lubas
V1001356 SUNET Survey
V1001170 Projekt
V1001173 Project: Implementation of Ladok3 at LU
V1001171 Recognition of Prior Learning
V1001175 Projekt: Nyanlända akademiker
V1000885 Human Resources
V1000886 Employer Support and Organisational Development Office
V1000889 Salaries and Benefits
V1000888 HR System Support and Professional Development
V1000887 CED - Centre for Educational Development
V1001220 Operational HR Services
V1000878 Corporate Communication
V1000880 LU350 Office
V1000883 Department Web Communications
V1000879 Office of Special Events and Protocol
V1000881 Media and Branding
V1000882 Department Branding Office
V1000884 LU Communication Support
V1000857 Division of External Relations
V1000863 Division Support
V1001288 Alumni Relations, Employability and National Student Recruitment Office
V1000862 National Student Recruitment and Marketing
V1000858 Alumni Relations and Employability
V1001613 General Study Guidance
V1001289 International Office
V1000860 International Marketing and Recruitment
V1000861 Student Experience and Mobility
V1000865 University of California Study Center
V1000864 Strategic Partnerships and Networks
V1000867 Research, Collaboration and Innovation
V1000866 Lund University Commissioned Education
V1000871 LU Open
V1000872 Life Science Foresight Institute
V1000874 Cooperation office
V1000870 LU Innovation
V1001099 VentureLab
V1000869 Research Services
V1000868 Development Office
V1001278 Lärosäten Syd Brussels office
V1000738 Occupational Health Services
V1000900 Offices of the Vice-Chancellor
V1000901 Planning
V1000936 Rektorsråd
V1000902 Special Advisers
V1000903 Office of the Vice-Chancellor
V1000904 Strategic Development Office
V1000905 Office of USV/LUKOM
V1001723 Gemensamma förvaltningens kansli
V1001464 Office of the Vice-Chancellor
V1000739 Department of Estates, IT and Service
V1000846 Division of Finances
V1000852 Department of Management and Administration
V1000853 Endowment Administration
V1000856 Stiftelse- och donationsfastigheter
V1000854 Juridik och utdelningsadministration
V1000855 Kapitalförvaltning och redovisning
V1000851 Purchase and Procurement
V1000848 Division Support
V1000847 Budget och uppföljning
V1001461 Accounts and Ledgers
V1000849 Invoice Management
V1000850 Accounting
V1000875 Legal and Record Management
V1000876 Record Management and Archives
V1000877 Legal Division
V1000750 LU Service
V1000752 Campus Helsingborg
V1000754 Cleaning Staff
V1000796 Cleaning Kulturanatomen
V1000815 Cleaning Sensus
V1000757 Cleaning A-Huset, LTH
V1000825 Cleaning Teaterhögskolan
V1000821 Cleaning Sol
V1000765 Lokalvård Biologi
V1000837 Cleaning Wrangel
V1000833 Cleaning Villa Forsman
V1000770 Cleaning Domkyrkorådet
V1000782 Cleaning Färgaren
V1000795 Cleaning Konsthögskolan
V1000799 Cleaning LDC
V1000802 Cleaning MNO
V1000771 Cleaning Domvillan
V1000836 Cleaning Wallenberg i Malmö
V1000762 Cleaning Arkivcentrum syd
V1000818 Cleaning House J
V1000784 Cleaning Genetik
V1000800 Cleaning LUX
V1000831 Cleaning Vattenhallen
V1000789 används ej
V1000809 Cleaning Palmhuset
V1000820 Lokalvård Gamla lungkliniken
V1000803 Cleaning Annexet
V1000832 Cleaning Villa Blix
V1000828 Cleaning UB
V1000778 Cleaning Facket
V1000783 Cleaning Gamla kirurgen
V1000806 Cleaning Musikhögskolan
V1000805 Cleaning Max-Lab
V1000811 Subsitute worker
V1000801 Cleaning M-Huset, LTH
V1000761 Cleaning Arkeologen
V1000816 Cleaning Skiffervägen 14
V1000792 Cleaning Interart i Malmö
V1000769 Cleaning Staff
V1000791 Cleaning Sofieberg
V1000808 Cleaning Palestra
V1000814 Cleaning Rättsmedicin
V1000839 Cleaning Tegelstenen, LTH
V1000774 Cleaning Eden
V1000826 Cleaning Teologen
V1000798 Cleaning Kårhuset
V1000756 Cleaning Josephsson
V1000794 Cleaning Kemicentrum
V1000777 Cleaning St Algatan
V1000785 Cleaning Geo 1
V1000788 Cleaning Gula villan
V1000764 Cleaning BMC
V1000772 Cleaning E-huset, LTH
V1000835 Cleaning HSC
V1000786 Cleaning Geo 2
V1000780 Cleaning Fysicum
V1000830 Cleaning V-Huset, LTH
V1000937 Cleaning Nodrum
V1000822 Cleaning Sparta
V1000776 Cleaning Ekonomibyggnaden i Botan
V1000827 Cleaning tillämpad psykologi
V1000755 Cleaning Gis
V1000775 Cleaning Ekologi
V1000781 Cleaning Fysicum
V1000760 Cleaning Alfa 2
V1000810 Cleaning Pedagogen
V1000824 Cleaning Studiecentrum
V1000807 Cleaning Norling
V1000773 Cleaning EC
V1000829 Cleaning Universitetshuset
V1000779 Cleaning Forsbergska huset
V1000823 Cleaning Stiftet
V1000817 Cleaning Skissernas museeum
V1000838 Cleaning Campus Helsingborg
V1000766 Cleaning Biskopshuset
V1000790 Cleaning Historiska museet
V1000759 Cleaning Alfa 1
V1000767 Cleaning Byrålogen
V1000797 Cleaning Kungshuset
V1000819 Cleaning Socialhögskolan
V1000763 Cleaning Astronomi
V1000758 Cleaning Agardianum
V1000768 Cleaning CRC
V1000793 Cleaning Internationella miljö
V1000834 Cleaning Villa Holma
V1000804 Cleaning Matematikhuset
V1000787 Cleaning Guest house
V1000812 Cleaning Psykologen
V1000813 Cleaning Pufendorf
V1000954 Caretaker
V1000957 Caretaker Helsingborg
V1001292 Cleaning Botanical Museum
V1000844 Lund University Mail Service
V1000753 Lund University Conferences
V1000751 Lund University Mail Service
V1000841 Media-Tryck
V1000845 Caretaker - Administration section
V1000840 LU Accommodation
V1000843 Office of LU Service
V1000956 Parking Office
V1000958 Reception
V1001466 Exam organization Campus Helsingborg
V1001510 Lund University Shop
V1000842 Parking Office
V1000955 Lund University Mail Service
V1000740 Division of IT
V1000742 Projects and Applications
V1001302 Application Development
V1001494 LU Project Office, IT
V1000745 Verksamhetsstöd
V1000744 Projekt
V1000743 Infrastructure
V1001303 Application Operations
V1001307 Network infrastructure
V1001308 Server infrastructure
V1001309 Infrastructure services
V1001493 Operational IT Security
V1001660 Serverinfrastruktur
V1000741 Organisation support
V1001305 Client support
V1001301 Stab
V1001495 Case Management
V1001304 Service Desk & Switchboard
V1001496 Televäxel & Servicedesk
V1000746 LU Estates
V1000748 Facilities Coordination
V1000747 Security and Enviroment
V1000749 Facilities Planning
V1001539 Examination Office
V1001491 Shared lecture halls
V1001474 Unit for Educational Services
V1001707 E-infrastruktur
V1000906 University Management
V1000909 Research Board
V1000908 Disciplinary Committee
V1000910 Education Board
V1000907 Board of Admissions
V1000911 Board of Lund University
V1000912 Internal Audit
V1000017 Lund University School of Economics and Management, LUSEM
V1000022 Department of Economic History
V1001387 Administration
V1001388 Growth, technological change, and inequality
V1001389 Economic demography
V1001390 Economic development of the Global South
V1001391 Sustainability transformations over time and space
V1001392 Historical labour markets
V1001393 Financial history, banking and insurance
V1001460 Research support
V1000018 Centre for Economic Demography
V1000028 Department of Informatics
V1000029 Department of Economics
V1000019 EFL, Executive Foundation Lund
V1000024 Institute of Economic Research
V1000025 AgriFood Economics Centre, Lund University School of Economics and Management
V1000026 AgriFood Economics Centre, SLU
V1000023 Department of Business Administration
V1001329 Professional Services
V1001332 Entrepreneurship
V1001333 Research Policy
V1001334 Marketing
V1001335 Organizational Studies
V1001336 Accounting and Corporate Finance
V1001337 Strategy
V1001338 Research and Teaching Units
V1001602 Centre for Retail Research at Lund University
V1000027 Department of Business Law
V1000030 Department of Statistics
016503000 Research Policy Institute (RPI)
V1001299 Units
V1000020 Dean's Office, LUSEM
V1000021 School of Economics and Management Library
V1000031 Corporate Partnership Foundation
V1001300 Departments
V1000694 Other Institutions and Utilities
V1000723 Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
V1000717 Staff Unions
V1000719 Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations
V1000720 OFR/S Confederation of Professional Employees
V1000722 ST - the Union of Civil Servants
V1000721 National Union of Teachers
V1000718 Seko
V1000716 LU Holding AB
V1000715 Lund University Art Club
V1000695 European Spallation Source ESS AB
V1000696 Gerdahallen
V1000697 Anställd
V1000698 Reception
V1000699 Verksamhetsavdelningen
V1000700 Grenar
V1000712 Yoga
V1000706 Gympa
V1000704 CORE
V1000702 Afro
V1000701 Aerobic
V1000703 Box
V1000711 TRX
V1000713 Zumba
V1000705 Funktionell träning
V1000709 Spinning
V1000708 Pilates
V1000710 Styrketräning
V1000707 HIT
V1000714 Grenledare
V1000724 TEM
V1000873 Swedish Ethical Review Authority
V1000913 University Specialised Centres
V1000927 The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics
V1000931 Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies
V1000923 Centre for Societal Resilience
V1000924 PlantLink
V1000915 Centre for Work, Technology and Social Change (WTS)
V1000916 Centre for Work Environment and Leadership
V1000918 Lund University Internet Institute (LUii)
V1000917 Lund University Economic Security Instiute (EconSec)
V1000920 Food for Health Science Centre
V1000922 Food for Health Science Centre, Medicon Village
V1000921 Food for Health Science Centre, Kemicentrum
V1000925 Centre for Oresund Region Studies
016600000 Learning Lund
V1001310 LU Futura
V1000329 MAX IV Laboratory
V1001552 MAX IV, Administrative division
V1001554 MAX IV, Finance
V1001557 MAX IV, HR
V1001559 MAX IV, Facility management
V1001560 MAX IV, Communications
V1001727 MAX IV, IRO/User office
V1001553 MAX IV, Technical division
V1001558 MAX IV, IT Infrastructure
V1001568 MAX IV, Software
V1001569 MAX IV, Electronics
V1001571 MAX IV, Central Project Office
V1001570 MAX IV, Scientific Data
V1001572 MAX IV, Engineering I
V1001575 MAX IV, Survey, Alignment & Mechanical stability
V1001576 MAX IV, Vacuum
V1001577 MAX IV, Mechanical design
V1001578 MAX IV, Mechanical workshop
V1001573 MAX IV, Engineering II
V1001579 MAX IV, Electrical & power supply systems
V1001580 MAX IV, Automation
V1001581 MAX IV, Technical infrastructure
V1001590 MAX IV, Logistics & Technical services
V1001561 MAX IV, Safety
V1001563 MAX IV, Experimental safety
V1001564 MAX IV, Radiation safety
V1001574 MAX IV, General Safety
V1001566 MAX IV, Accelerator division
V1001592 MAX IV, RF
V1001591 MAX IV, Accelerator Development
V1001593 MAX IV, Accelerator Operations
V1001567 MAX IV, Science division
V1001595 MAX IV, BO
V1001600 MAX IV, SEDS
V1001596 MAX IV, Floor Coordinators
V1001597 MAX IV,Spectroscopy I
V1001606 MAX IV, Bloch
V1001607 MAX IV, SMS
V1001608 MAX IV, LDM
V1001598 MAX IV, Spectroscopy II
V1001609 MAX IV, RIXS
V1001610 MAX IV, APXPS
V1001599 MAX IV, Insertion devices
V1001709 MAX IV, Diffraction and scattering
V1001712 MAX IV, Balder
V1001713 MAX IV, Bio and Chem labs
V1001715 MAX IV, DanMAX
V1001714 MAX IV, CoSAXS
V1001716 MAX IV, FemtoMAX
V1001717 MAX IV, ForMAX
V1001710 MAX IV, Imaging
V1001685 MAX IV, NanoMAX
V1001686 MAX IV, SoftiMAX
V1001688 MAX IV, STM
V1001689 MAX IV, MedMAX
V1001711 MAX IV, MX
V1001719 MAX IV, FragMAX
V1001718 MAX IV, MicroMAX
V1001720 MAX IV, BioMAX
V1001674 MAX IV, Life Science division
V1001677 MAX IV, MX
V1001690 MAX IV, BioMAX, Gammal
V1001691 MAX IV, MicroMAX, Gammal
V1001692 MAX IV, FragMAX, Gammal
V1001678 MAX IV, User office
V1001679 MAX IV, Industrial Relations Office
V1001675 MAX IV, Diffraction and scattering
V1001680 MAX IV, FemtoMAX
V1001681 MAX IV, ForMAX
V1001682 MAX IV, CoSAXS
V1001683 MAX IV, DanMAX
V1001684 MAX IV, Balder
V1001693 MAX IV, Bio and Chem labs
V1001676 MAX IV, Imaging
V1000032 Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
V1000033 Units
V1000035 Folklife Archives
V1000039 Faculty Office
V1000040 International Office, HT
V1000036 Libraries of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
V1000037 Lund University Humanities Lab
V1000038 IT unit, HT
V1001259 Maintenance unit, HT
V1000034 Maintenance unit, LUX
V1001260 Maintenance unit, SOL
V1000041 Departments
V1000065 Department of Communication and Media
V1000067 Journalism
V1000069 Media History
V1000070 Rhetoric
V1000068 Media and Communication Studies
V1000066 Administration
V1000048 Department of Philosophy
RG260 Lund University Information Quality Research Group (LUIQ)
RG306 Metaphysics and Collectivity
RG305 CogComlab
RG275 LUCS Cognitive Zoology Group
RG310 The Educational Technology Group
RG315 Cognitive modeling
V1000052 Theoretical Philosophy
V1000050 Cognitive Science
V1000049 Administration
V1000053 Other activities
V1000051 Practical Philosophy
V1000054 Department of History
RG289 Sweden and the Mediterranean World (1600-1900)
V1000926 Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University
V1000058 Human Rights Studies
V1000055 Administration
V1000057 History
V1000056 National Graduate School of History
V1000085 Department of Educational Sciences
V1000087 Educational Sciences
V1000086 Administration Educational Sciences
V1000942 Division for Higher Education Development
V1001706 Administration Upper Secondary Teacher Education
V1000042 Centre for Theology and Religious Studies
V1000046 History of Religions and Religious Behavioural Science
V1001639 History of Religions
V1001640 Islamic Studies
V1001641 Jewish Studies
V1001642 Sociology of Religions
V1000044 Biblical Studies
V1001615 Old Testament Exegesis
V1001620 New Testament Exegesis
V1001621 Bible, Politics and Culture
V1000047 Studies in Faith and World Views
V1001643 Philosophy of Religion
V1001644 Systematic Theology
V1001645 Ethics
V1000045 Church and Mission Studies
V1001635 Church History
V1001636 Global Christianity and Interreligious Relations
V1001637 Practical Theology
V1000043 Administration
V1001435 Affiliated (CTR)
V1001633 Affiliated Systematic Theology
V1001634 Affiliated Didactics of Religion
V1001622 Affiliated Old Testament Exegesis
V1001623 Affiliated New Testament Exegesis
V1001624 Affiliated Bible, Politics and Culture
V1001625 Affiliated Church History
V1001626 Affiliated Global Christianity and interreligious Relations
V1001627 Affiliated Practical Theology
V1001628 Affiliated History of Religions
V1001629 Affiliated Islamic Studies
V1001630 Affiliated Jewish Studies
V1001631 Affiliated Ethics
V1001632 Affiliated Philosophy of Religion
V1001699 Affilierad Religionssociologi
V1001616 Didactics of Religion
V1001638 Didactics of Religion
V1001617 Researchers in interdisciplinary projects
V1001646 Interdisc. Political Science
V1001647 Interdisc. Classical Greek
V1001648 Interdisc. Latin
V1000088 Centre for Languages and Literature
RG287 Language Acquisition
RG303 Language, Cognition and Discourse@Lund (LCD@L)
V1000119 Section 4
V1000120 Division of English Studies
V1000121 English Studies
V1000122 Division of German
V1000123 German
V1000101 Section 2
V1000102 Division of Creative Writing Program, Film Studies, and Theatre Studies
V1000105 Theatre Studies
V1000104 Creative Writing Program
V1000103 Film Studies
V1000106 Division of Comparative Literature
V1000107 Children's Literature
V1000108 Comparative Literature
V1000090 Section 1
V1000095 Division of Swedish, Danish, Icelandic, Public Service Interpreting and Translation
V1000096 Danish
V1000097 Icelandic
V1000098 Swedish
V1001651 Public Service Interpreting
V1001652 Translation
V1001650 Division of Swedish as a Second Language and Swedish as a Foreign Language
V1000099 Swedish as Second Language
V1000100 Swedish as a Foreign Language
V1000109 Section 3
V1000114 Division of Greek Studies, Latin, Modern Greek, and Spanish Studies
V1000116 Latin
V1000115 Greek (Ancient and Byzantine)
V1000117 Greek (Modern Greek)
V1000118 Spanish Studies
V1000110 Division of French Studies, Italian Studies, and Romanian Studies
V1000113 Romanian Studies
V1000112 Italian Studies
V1000111 French Studies
015013002 Polish Studies
V1000089 Administration
V1000124 Section 5
V1000132 Division of Slavic Studies, Central and Eastern European Studies and European Studies
V1000133 European Studies
V1000135 Russian Studies
V1000136 Central and Eastern European Studies
V1001654 Polish Studies
V1001655 Ukrainian Studies
V1000125 Division of Arabic Studies, Hebrew, and Middle Eastern Studies
V1000127 Hebrew
V1000126 Arabic Studies
V1000128 Middle Eastern Studies
V1001653 Division of Heritage Language
V1000134 Yiddish
V1001656 Mother Tongue Instruction
V1001649 Section 6
V1000091 Division of Linguistics and Cognitive Semiotics
V1000092 General Linguistics
V1000093 Phonetics
V1000094 Cognitive Semiotics
V1000129 Division of Chinese Studies and Japanese Studies
V1000131 Chinese Studies
V1000130 Japanese Studies
V1000071 Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences
RG240 The Cultural Studies Group of Neuroscience
RG301 Information Practices: Communication, Culture and Society
V1000082 Division of Fashion Studies
V1000075 Division of Digital Cultures
V1000084 Sound Environment Centre
V1000073 Division of ALM, Digital Cultures and Publishing Studies
V1000077 Publishing Studies
V1001695 Archival Studies
V1001696 Information Studies
V1001697 Museology
V1001698 Digital Cultures
V1000081 Division of Cultural Management
V1000072 Administration
V1000080 Division of Art History and Visual Studies
V1000078 Division of History of Ideas and Sciences
V1000076 Division of Ethnology
V1000074 Division of Book History
V1001159 Centre for Oresund Region Studies
V1001694 Division of Musicology and Intermedia Studies
V1000083 Musicology
V1000079 Intermedia Studies
V1000059 Department of Archaeology and Ancient History
RG279 The Burial Archaeological Research Group – Death, Burial, and Social Identity
RG308 Digital Archaeology Laboratory DARK Lab
V1000061 Classical archaeology and ancient history
V1000063 Historical Archaeology
V1000064 Historical Osteology
V1000062 Archaeology
V1000060 Administration
V1001449 Affiliated (ARK)
V1001443 Research platforms, HT
V1001444 DigitalHistory @ Lund
V1001445 DIAD (Digital Integration Across Disciplines) Advancing Cultural Heritage Documentation
V1001446 Space Humanities
V1001447 LAMiNATE (Language Acquisition, Multilingualism, and Teaching)
V1001448 Christianity and Nationalism
V1000600 Faculty of Science
V1000642 Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics - Has been reorganised
V1000643 Lund Observatory - Has been reorganised
V1000644 Computational Biology and Biological Physics - Has been reorganised
V1000645 Theoretical Particle Physics - Has been reorganised
V1000639 Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
V1000641 LUCCI - Lund Centre for Studies of Carbon Cycle and Climate Interaction
V1000637 Geolibrary
V1000640 Centre for Geographical Information Systems (GIS Centre)
V1000636 GeoBiosphere Science Centre administrative unit
V1000615 Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)
V1000620 ICOS Sweden
V1000618 MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system
V1000616 BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate
V1000617 Lund university sustainability forum
V1000619 Environmental Science
V1001703 Computational Science for Health and Environment
V1000621 Department of Physics
V1000624 Physics and Astronomy Library
V1000622 Atomic Physics
V1000631 National Resource Centre for Physics Education
V1000629 Nuclear physics
V1000630 Mathematical Physics
V1000625 Combustion Physics
V1000633 Synchrotron Radiation Research
V1000626 Undergraduate studies in Physics
V1000627 Undergraduate Programme of Studies in Physics within Faculty of Science
V1000628 Engelsk rubrik
V1000623 Solid State Physics
V1000632 Particle and nuclear physics
V1001535 Astrophysics
V1001721 Lund Nano Lab
V1000647 Department of Chemistry
V1000660 Joint Services, KC
V1000663 Reception
V1000662 Library (C.C.C.E)
V1000661 Administration Section
V1000664 Undergraduate Studies in Chemistry
V1000656 Physical and theoretical chemistry
V1000659 Computational Chemistry
V1000658 Chemical Physics
V1000657 Physical Chemistry
V1000652 Center for Applied Life Sciences
V1000654 Applied Microbiology
V1000653 Biotechnology
V1000655 Pure and Applied Biochemistry
V1000648 Center for Molecular Protein Science
V1000649 Biophysical Chemistry
V1000650 Biochemistry and Structural Biology
V1000651 Centre for Analysis and Synthesis
V1001291 LINXS - Institute of advanced Neutron and X-ray Science
V1000601 Department of Biology
V1000611 MEMEG
V1000603 Biodiversity
V1000604 Biology Library
V1000614 Education office
V1000602 Division aquatic ecology
V1000612 Molecular Cell Biology
V1000610 Functional zoology
V1000613 Oikos Editorial Office
V1000609 Evolutionary ecology
V1001374 Molecular Genetics and Genetics
V1001406 Mammalian Rhinarium Group
V1001409 Theoretical Population Ecology and Evolution Group
V1001410 Animal Physiology
V1001397 Evolutionary Biology
V1001442 CAnMove - Centre for Animal Movement Research
V1001666 Sections at the Department of Biology
V1000605 Biological Museum
V1000608 Zoological collections
V1000606 Botanical collections
V1000607 Entomological collections
V1001665 Molecular biosciences
V1001667 Sensory Biology
V1001668 Functional ecology
V1001669 Evolutionary ecology and infection biology
V1001670 Biodiversity and evolution
V1001671 Research groups at the Department of Biology
V1001370 Aquatic Ecology
V1001371 Plant Biology
V1001372 Microbiology Group
V1001373 Bioinformatics
V1001400 Animal Flight Lab
V1001401 Genetics of Sex Differences
V1001402 Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology
V1001404 Microbial Ecology
V1001403 Soil Ecology
V1001405 Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab
V1001407 Lund Vision Group
V1001408 Systematic Biology Group
V1001394 Biodiversity and Conservation Science
V1001395 Animal Navigation Lab
V1001396 Population biology, micro- and macroevolution
V1001398 Speciation, Adaptation and Coevolution
V1001399 Pheromone Group
V1001485 Microbial Biogeochemistry in Lund
V1001728 Lund Migration Group
V1000646 Administration Office (Science)
V1000665 Centre for Mathematical Sciences
V1000667 Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
V1001657 Algebra, Analysis and Dynamical Systems
V1001658 Applied Mathematics
V1001659 Computer Vision and Machine Learning
V1000668 Mathematical Statistics
V1000666 Mathematics (Faculty of Sciences)
V1000669 Library of Mathematics
673D131A-92A7-4E74-8816-C44157380BE6 Research groups at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences
RG121 Numerical Analysis
RG191 Mathematical Imaging Group
RG225 Differential Geometry
RG267 Algebra
2DACC0A7-1979-4FD6-A682-47AB14FC797D Dynamical systems
3440A41F-05DA-4170-A2EF-41F0323FEC00 Financial Mathematics Group
RG290 Partial differential equations
6C95D7BC-FF6F-4FE6-AE65-A6ADA2F8B018 Biomedical Modelling and Computation
E3A808EE-2A08-43FE-9E60-9BA92C8391A2 Harmonic Analysis and Applications
077CC7D8-3666-4761-AD2F-4C8BD566167F Non-commutative Geometry and Applications
2B5B96C1-003D-4C69-A4E0-7BB94A2ADFE9 Operator Theory and Complex Analysis
DD211E41-82D5-43E8-A40F-39C1BA153962 Probability and Inference Theory Group
59336B49-3C99-43AB-A059-4637B6443B02 Spatio-Temporal Stochastic Modelling Group
7740959D-3E60-4C05-A8E5-1122371DE40A Statistical Signal Processing Group
229CAC19-1BB5-4D27-9603-EDE277D8AE80 Stochastic Modelling
V1000468 Medical Radiation Physics, Lund
V1001051 MR Physics
V1001049 Nuclear Medicine Physics
V1001050 Radiotherapy Physics
V1001052 X-ray Phase Contrast
V1000634 Department of Geology
V1000637 Geolibrary
V1000636 GeoBiosphere Science Centre administrative unit
V1000635 Lithosphere and Biosphere Science
V1000638 Quaternary Sciences
V1001700 SEM-lab
011014002 Computer Science
V1001429 Library of Science
V1001463 Project office Science Village
V1000010 Campus Helsingborg
V1000014 Administration Office, Campus Helsingborg
V1000013 Reception, Campus Helsingborg
V1000012 IT-department, Campus Helsingborg
V1000016 Janitor's Office
V1000935 Skrivningsvakter, Campus Hbg
V1000011 Campus board
V1000015 Study support and learning at Campus Helsingborg
V1001345 Profile areas and other strong research environments
V1001235 Strategic research areas (SRA)
V1000190 NanoLund: Centre for Nanoscience
V1000618 MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system
V1000616 BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate
V1001237 BioCARE: Biomarkers in Cancer Medicine improving Health Care, Education and Innovation
V1001238 ELLIIT: the Linköping-Lund initiative on IT and mobile communication
V1001239 EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health
V1001240 eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration
V1001241 EXODIAB: Excellence of Diabetes Research in Sweden
V1001242 MECW: The Middle East in the Contemporary World
V1001243 MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global Earth System
V1001244 MultiPark: Multidisciplinary research focused on Parkinson´s disease
V1001245 NanoLund: Nanoscience and nanotechnology
V1001246 SPI: Sustainable Production Initiative
V1001236 BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate
V1001247 StemTherapy: National Initiative on Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy
V1001346 Other Strong Research Environments
V1001228 CIRCLE
V1001347 LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre
V1001528 Lund University Profile areas
V1001530 LU Profile Area: Human rights
V1001531 LU Profile Area: Light and Materials
V1001532 LU Profile Area: Natural and Artificial Cognition
V1001533 LU Profile Area: Proactive Ageing
V1001534 LU Profile Area: Nature-based future solutions

Citation styles

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