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Lund University Publications


SRU Service for LUP

About the SRU Service

SRU (Search/Retrieve via URL) is a standard XML-based search protocol for Internet search queries, utilizing CQL (Contextual Query Language) as the standard syntax for representing queries.

This service makes it possible to automate basic queries and search in all the public records of LUP.

Note that student papers are not included. They have their own SRU service.

If you want to harvest all the records, the LUP OAI service is better suited for that purpose.

To avoid server overload we kindly ask you to limit use to maximum 30 queries per minute.

The base URL for the service is

SRU and CQL conformance

  • Version 1.1 of SRU is supported (Link to specification here )
  • Scan operation is not supported.
  • Explain operation is supported.
  • The following relations are supported: '<', '>', '>=', '<=', '=',  '<>', 'exact', 'all', 'any'.
  • Relation modifiers are not supported.
  • The boolean operators 'And', 'Or', 'Not' are supported. 'Prox' is not supported.
  • Boolean modifiers are not supported.
  • Masking characters '*' and '?' are supported, except at the beginning of words.
  • Result sets are not supported.
  • Maximum number of records that can be returned for a single request is now 1000. By default not more than 20 records are returned, but this can be changed by setting the parameter maximumRecords.

Indexes available for CQL queries

The available indexes are listed below. Note that the '_' between letters are ignored in the index name and the index name is also case insensitive. So articlenumber can also be written as article_number or articleNumber.

Each index corresponds to one or more fields in the records.

Index nameRelations SupportedPossible ValuesSortableDescription
abstract <>, =, all, any any text no
articlenumber <>, =, >, exact any text no
articletype <>, =, exact One of 'article', 'review', 'letter' yes Old LUP subtype - depricated
artisticwork <>, =, exact 1 no 1 if document is artistic work
artisticworktype <>, =, any, exact See list of valid artistic work types no
author <>, =, all, any, exact See person indexes yes
authorf <>, =, all, any, exact See person indexes yes First author
authorl <>, =, all, any, exact See person indexes yes Last author
basic <>, =, all, any any text no Search in the following basic fields: alternativeTitle, author, conferenceName, contributor, corporateAuthor, editor, isbn, issn, mainTitle, oId, publication, publisher, publishingYear, reportNumber, uuid
conference <>, =, >, all, any, exact any text yes Conference name
contributorid <>, =, >, all, any, exact any text no LUCAT ID of contributor (or author or editor)
corporateauthor <>, =, >, all, any, exact any text yes
datecreated <, <=, <>, =, >, >=, exact See date-time indexes yes
datelastchanged <, <=, <>, =, >, >=, exact See date-time indexes yes
defensedate <, <=, <>, =, >, >=, exact See date-time indexes yes Date of defense. Can also be spelled 'defencedate'.
department <>, =, >, all, any, exact See list of valid department/affilation no will also find any subunits of the given organizationial unit
dissertationtype <>, =, exact 'composite' or 'monograph' yes Old LUP subtype - depricated
documentsubtype <>, =, all, any, exact see the list of document types yes matches the document subtype
documenttype <>, =, all, any, exact see the list of document types yes matches the full document type or the main type
doi <>, =, >, exact valid DOI no
editor <>, =, >, all, any, exact See person indexes yes
externalidentifier <>, =, >, all, any, exact any text yes PMID, PubMed, Other, Scopus, WOS etc
fulltext <>, =, exact 1 no 1 if document has open access full text
highereducation <>, =, exact 0 or 1 no
id <>, =, any, exact Valid UUID or old LUP ID (number) yes Matches the Pure UUID of the record or the old LUP ID if available
isbn <>, =, >, any, exact Valid ISBN yes
issn <>, =, >, any, exact Valid ISSN yes
keywords <>, =, >, all, any, exact any text no
language <>, =, exact three letter code. See the list of language codes. no
lucatid <>, =, >, all, any, exact Valid LUCAT ID yes LUCAT ID of an author
nonlu <>, =, exact 0 or 1 no 1 if not an LU publication
openaccess <>, =, exact 1 no Find documents that are open access either in LUP or externally
orcid <>, =, >, all, any, exact Valid ORCID no ORCID of an author
patentnumber <>, =, exact any text no
peerreviewed <>, =, exact 0 or 1 no
person <>, =, all, any, exact See person indexes yes finds matching authors or editors (excluding corporate authors)
popularscience <>, =, exact 0 or 1 no
project <>, =, >, all, any, exact project ID / free text no Search project ID or name
publication <>, =, >, all, any, exact any text yes
publicationstatus <>, =, >, exact see the list of publication statuses below yes
publisher <>, =, >, all, any, exact any text yes
publishingyear <, <=, <>, =, >, >=, exact valid year yes 'year' can also be used instead of 'publishingyear'
reportnumber <>, =, exact any text no
researchgroup <>, =, >, all, any, exact Research Group ID / free text no Search research group ID or name
spage <>, =, >, all, any, exact any text yes start page
subject <>, =, >, all, any, exact see the list of subjects codes no Truncate with '*'
supervisor <>, =, >, all, any, exact See person indexes no
title <>, =, all, any, exact any text yes Searches both the main title and the alternative title
tlhe <>, =, exact 0 or 1 no
url <>, =, exact Valid URL no
volume <>, =, >, all, any, exact any text yes

Date-time indexes

Search term can be in the form of:

  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (required to match using the 'exact' relation)

For other relations you have the option to specify just parts of the date-time to match:

  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
  • YYYY-MM-DD hh
  • YYYY

For the '=' relation you can use the wildcards * and ? anywhere in the string to match. For example: 'datecreated = *-07-*' will find all records created in July any year.

Person Indexes

Searches names and IDs associated with the person.

If 'exact' is used the search term should one of:

  • "surname, given names" (used also for sorting)
  • lucat-id
  • orcid

List of values for specific fields

Document Types

Main Document typeDescription

Document type (full, with subtype)Description
bookanthology/anthology Anthology (editor)
bookanthology/book Book
bookanthology/proceedingeditor Conference proceeding (editor)
bookanthology/report Report
bookanthology/scholarly Scholarly or commented edition
contributiontobookanthology/chapter Book chapter
contributiontobookanthology/conference Paper in conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/entry Entry for encyclopaedia/dictionary
contributiontobookanthology/foreword Foreword/Postscript
contributiontobookanthology/proceedingpreface Preface to conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/reportchapter Chapter in report
contributiontoconference/abstract Abstract
contributiontoconference/other Other
contributiontoconference/paper Paper, not in proceeding
contributiontoconference/poster Poster
contributiontojournal/abstract Published meeting abstract
contributiontojournal/article Article
contributiontojournal/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontojournal/comment Debate/Note/Editorial
contributiontojournal/letter Letter
contributiontojournal/special Special issue (editor)
contributiontojournal/systematicreview Scientific review
contributiontoperiodical/article Specialist publication article
contributiontoperiodical/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontoperiodical/newspaperarticle Newspaper article
nontextual/artisticwork Artistic work
nontextual/exhibition Curated/produced exhibition/event
nontextual/other Other
nontextual/software Software
nontextual/web Dataset
othercontribution/consultation_response Consultation response
othercontribution/other Miscellaneous
othercontribution/teaching_case Teaching case
othercontribution/web_publication_blog_post Web publication
patent/other Other
patent/patent Patent
thesis/docart Doctoral thesis (artistic)
thesis/doccomp Doctoral thesis (compilation)
thesis/docmono Doctoral thesis (monograph)
thesis/licentiatethesis Licentiate thesis
thesis/master Master's thesis
thesis/nontextual Dissertation
workingpaper/preprint Preprint in preprint archive
workingpaper/workingpaper Working paper
contributiontobookanthologyChapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding

Document type (full, with subtype)Description
bookanthology/anthology Anthology (editor)
bookanthology/book Book
bookanthology/proceedingeditor Conference proceeding (editor)
bookanthology/report Report
bookanthology/scholarly Scholarly or commented edition
contributiontobookanthology/chapter Book chapter
contributiontobookanthology/conference Paper in conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/entry Entry for encyclopaedia/dictionary
contributiontobookanthology/foreword Foreword/Postscript
contributiontobookanthology/proceedingpreface Preface to conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/reportchapter Chapter in report
contributiontoconference/abstract Abstract
contributiontoconference/other Other
contributiontoconference/paper Paper, not in proceeding
contributiontoconference/poster Poster
contributiontojournal/abstract Published meeting abstract
contributiontojournal/article Article
contributiontojournal/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontojournal/comment Debate/Note/Editorial
contributiontojournal/letter Letter
contributiontojournal/special Special issue (editor)
contributiontojournal/systematicreview Scientific review
contributiontoperiodical/article Specialist publication article
contributiontoperiodical/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontoperiodical/newspaperarticle Newspaper article
nontextual/artisticwork Artistic work
nontextual/exhibition Curated/produced exhibition/event
nontextual/other Other
nontextual/software Software
nontextual/web Dataset
othercontribution/consultation_response Consultation response
othercontribution/other Miscellaneous
othercontribution/teaching_case Teaching case
othercontribution/web_publication_blog_post Web publication
patent/other Other
patent/patent Patent
thesis/docart Doctoral thesis (artistic)
thesis/doccomp Doctoral thesis (compilation)
thesis/docmono Doctoral thesis (monograph)
thesis/licentiatethesis Licentiate thesis
thesis/master Master's thesis
thesis/nontextual Dissertation
workingpaper/preprint Preprint in preprint archive
workingpaper/workingpaper Working paper
contributiontoconferenceContribution to conference

Document type (full, with subtype)Description
bookanthology/anthology Anthology (editor)
bookanthology/book Book
bookanthology/proceedingeditor Conference proceeding (editor)
bookanthology/report Report
bookanthology/scholarly Scholarly or commented edition
contributiontobookanthology/chapter Book chapter
contributiontobookanthology/conference Paper in conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/entry Entry for encyclopaedia/dictionary
contributiontobookanthology/foreword Foreword/Postscript
contributiontobookanthology/proceedingpreface Preface to conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/reportchapter Chapter in report
contributiontoconference/abstract Abstract
contributiontoconference/other Other
contributiontoconference/paper Paper, not in proceeding
contributiontoconference/poster Poster
contributiontojournal/abstract Published meeting abstract
contributiontojournal/article Article
contributiontojournal/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontojournal/comment Debate/Note/Editorial
contributiontojournal/letter Letter
contributiontojournal/special Special issue (editor)
contributiontojournal/systematicreview Scientific review
contributiontoperiodical/article Specialist publication article
contributiontoperiodical/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontoperiodical/newspaperarticle Newspaper article
nontextual/artisticwork Artistic work
nontextual/exhibition Curated/produced exhibition/event
nontextual/other Other
nontextual/software Software
nontextual/web Dataset
othercontribution/consultation_response Consultation response
othercontribution/other Miscellaneous
othercontribution/teaching_case Teaching case
othercontribution/web_publication_blog_post Web publication
patent/other Other
patent/patent Patent
thesis/docart Doctoral thesis (artistic)
thesis/doccomp Doctoral thesis (compilation)
thesis/docmono Doctoral thesis (monograph)
thesis/licentiatethesis Licentiate thesis
thesis/master Master's thesis
thesis/nontextual Dissertation
workingpaper/preprint Preprint in preprint archive
workingpaper/workingpaper Working paper
contributiontojournalContribution to journal

Document type (full, with subtype)Description
bookanthology/anthology Anthology (editor)
bookanthology/book Book
bookanthology/proceedingeditor Conference proceeding (editor)
bookanthology/report Report
bookanthology/scholarly Scholarly or commented edition
contributiontobookanthology/chapter Book chapter
contributiontobookanthology/conference Paper in conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/entry Entry for encyclopaedia/dictionary
contributiontobookanthology/foreword Foreword/Postscript
contributiontobookanthology/proceedingpreface Preface to conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/reportchapter Chapter in report
contributiontoconference/abstract Abstract
contributiontoconference/other Other
contributiontoconference/paper Paper, not in proceeding
contributiontoconference/poster Poster
contributiontojournal/abstract Published meeting abstract
contributiontojournal/article Article
contributiontojournal/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontojournal/comment Debate/Note/Editorial
contributiontojournal/letter Letter
contributiontojournal/special Special issue (editor)
contributiontojournal/systematicreview Scientific review
contributiontoperiodical/article Specialist publication article
contributiontoperiodical/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontoperiodical/newspaperarticle Newspaper article
nontextual/artisticwork Artistic work
nontextual/exhibition Curated/produced exhibition/event
nontextual/other Other
nontextual/software Software
nontextual/web Dataset
othercontribution/consultation_response Consultation response
othercontribution/other Miscellaneous
othercontribution/teaching_case Teaching case
othercontribution/web_publication_blog_post Web publication
patent/other Other
patent/patent Patent
thesis/docart Doctoral thesis (artistic)
thesis/doccomp Doctoral thesis (compilation)
thesis/docmono Doctoral thesis (monograph)
thesis/licentiatethesis Licentiate thesis
thesis/master Master's thesis
thesis/nontextual Dissertation
workingpaper/preprint Preprint in preprint archive
workingpaper/workingpaper Working paper
contributiontoperiodicalContribution to specialist publication or newspaper

Document type (full, with subtype)Description
bookanthology/anthology Anthology (editor)
bookanthology/book Book
bookanthology/proceedingeditor Conference proceeding (editor)
bookanthology/report Report
bookanthology/scholarly Scholarly or commented edition
contributiontobookanthology/chapter Book chapter
contributiontobookanthology/conference Paper in conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/entry Entry for encyclopaedia/dictionary
contributiontobookanthology/foreword Foreword/Postscript
contributiontobookanthology/proceedingpreface Preface to conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/reportchapter Chapter in report
contributiontoconference/abstract Abstract
contributiontoconference/other Other
contributiontoconference/paper Paper, not in proceeding
contributiontoconference/poster Poster
contributiontojournal/abstract Published meeting abstract
contributiontojournal/article Article
contributiontojournal/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontojournal/comment Debate/Note/Editorial
contributiontojournal/letter Letter
contributiontojournal/special Special issue (editor)
contributiontojournal/systematicreview Scientific review
contributiontoperiodical/article Specialist publication article
contributiontoperiodical/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontoperiodical/newspaperarticle Newspaper article
nontextual/artisticwork Artistic work
nontextual/exhibition Curated/produced exhibition/event
nontextual/other Other
nontextual/software Software
nontextual/web Dataset
othercontribution/consultation_response Consultation response
othercontribution/other Miscellaneous
othercontribution/teaching_case Teaching case
othercontribution/web_publication_blog_post Web publication
patent/other Other
patent/patent Patent
thesis/docart Doctoral thesis (artistic)
thesis/doccomp Doctoral thesis (compilation)
thesis/docmono Doctoral thesis (monograph)
thesis/licentiatethesis Licentiate thesis
thesis/master Master's thesis
thesis/nontextual Dissertation
workingpaper/preprint Preprint in preprint archive
workingpaper/workingpaper Working paper
nontextualNon-textual form

Document type (full, with subtype)Description
bookanthology/anthology Anthology (editor)
bookanthology/book Book
bookanthology/proceedingeditor Conference proceeding (editor)
bookanthology/report Report
bookanthology/scholarly Scholarly or commented edition
contributiontobookanthology/chapter Book chapter
contributiontobookanthology/conference Paper in conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/entry Entry for encyclopaedia/dictionary
contributiontobookanthology/foreword Foreword/Postscript
contributiontobookanthology/proceedingpreface Preface to conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/reportchapter Chapter in report
contributiontoconference/abstract Abstract
contributiontoconference/other Other
contributiontoconference/paper Paper, not in proceeding
contributiontoconference/poster Poster
contributiontojournal/abstract Published meeting abstract
contributiontojournal/article Article
contributiontojournal/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontojournal/comment Debate/Note/Editorial
contributiontojournal/letter Letter
contributiontojournal/special Special issue (editor)
contributiontojournal/systematicreview Scientific review
contributiontoperiodical/article Specialist publication article
contributiontoperiodical/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontoperiodical/newspaperarticle Newspaper article
nontextual/artisticwork Artistic work
nontextual/exhibition Curated/produced exhibition/event
nontextual/other Other
nontextual/software Software
nontextual/web Dataset
othercontribution/consultation_response Consultation response
othercontribution/other Miscellaneous
othercontribution/teaching_case Teaching case
othercontribution/web_publication_blog_post Web publication
patent/other Other
patent/patent Patent
thesis/docart Doctoral thesis (artistic)
thesis/doccomp Doctoral thesis (compilation)
thesis/docmono Doctoral thesis (monograph)
thesis/licentiatethesis Licentiate thesis
thesis/master Master's thesis
thesis/nontextual Dissertation
workingpaper/preprint Preprint in preprint archive
workingpaper/workingpaper Working paper
othercontributionOther contribution

Document type (full, with subtype)Description
bookanthology/anthology Anthology (editor)
bookanthology/book Book
bookanthology/proceedingeditor Conference proceeding (editor)
bookanthology/report Report
bookanthology/scholarly Scholarly or commented edition
contributiontobookanthology/chapter Book chapter
contributiontobookanthology/conference Paper in conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/entry Entry for encyclopaedia/dictionary
contributiontobookanthology/foreword Foreword/Postscript
contributiontobookanthology/proceedingpreface Preface to conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/reportchapter Chapter in report
contributiontoconference/abstract Abstract
contributiontoconference/other Other
contributiontoconference/paper Paper, not in proceeding
contributiontoconference/poster Poster
contributiontojournal/abstract Published meeting abstract
contributiontojournal/article Article
contributiontojournal/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontojournal/comment Debate/Note/Editorial
contributiontojournal/letter Letter
contributiontojournal/special Special issue (editor)
contributiontojournal/systematicreview Scientific review
contributiontoperiodical/article Specialist publication article
contributiontoperiodical/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontoperiodical/newspaperarticle Newspaper article
nontextual/artisticwork Artistic work
nontextual/exhibition Curated/produced exhibition/event
nontextual/other Other
nontextual/software Software
nontextual/web Dataset
othercontribution/consultation_response Consultation response
othercontribution/other Miscellaneous
othercontribution/teaching_case Teaching case
othercontribution/web_publication_blog_post Web publication
patent/other Other
patent/patent Patent
thesis/docart Doctoral thesis (artistic)
thesis/doccomp Doctoral thesis (compilation)
thesis/docmono Doctoral thesis (monograph)
thesis/licentiatethesis Licentiate thesis
thesis/master Master's thesis
thesis/nontextual Dissertation
workingpaper/preprint Preprint in preprint archive
workingpaper/workingpaper Working paper

Document type (full, with subtype)Description
bookanthology/anthology Anthology (editor)
bookanthology/book Book
bookanthology/proceedingeditor Conference proceeding (editor)
bookanthology/report Report
bookanthology/scholarly Scholarly or commented edition
contributiontobookanthology/chapter Book chapter
contributiontobookanthology/conference Paper in conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/entry Entry for encyclopaedia/dictionary
contributiontobookanthology/foreword Foreword/Postscript
contributiontobookanthology/proceedingpreface Preface to conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/reportchapter Chapter in report
contributiontoconference/abstract Abstract
contributiontoconference/other Other
contributiontoconference/paper Paper, not in proceeding
contributiontoconference/poster Poster
contributiontojournal/abstract Published meeting abstract
contributiontojournal/article Article
contributiontojournal/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontojournal/comment Debate/Note/Editorial
contributiontojournal/letter Letter
contributiontojournal/special Special issue (editor)
contributiontojournal/systematicreview Scientific review
contributiontoperiodical/article Specialist publication article
contributiontoperiodical/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontoperiodical/newspaperarticle Newspaper article
nontextual/artisticwork Artistic work
nontextual/exhibition Curated/produced exhibition/event
nontextual/other Other
nontextual/software Software
nontextual/web Dataset
othercontribution/consultation_response Consultation response
othercontribution/other Miscellaneous
othercontribution/teaching_case Teaching case
othercontribution/web_publication_blog_post Web publication
patent/other Other
patent/patent Patent
thesis/docart Doctoral thesis (artistic)
thesis/doccomp Doctoral thesis (compilation)
thesis/docmono Doctoral thesis (monograph)
thesis/licentiatethesis Licentiate thesis
thesis/master Master's thesis
thesis/nontextual Dissertation
workingpaper/preprint Preprint in preprint archive
workingpaper/workingpaper Working paper

Document type (full, with subtype)Description
bookanthology/anthology Anthology (editor)
bookanthology/book Book
bookanthology/proceedingeditor Conference proceeding (editor)
bookanthology/report Report
bookanthology/scholarly Scholarly or commented edition
contributiontobookanthology/chapter Book chapter
contributiontobookanthology/conference Paper in conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/entry Entry for encyclopaedia/dictionary
contributiontobookanthology/foreword Foreword/Postscript
contributiontobookanthology/proceedingpreface Preface to conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/reportchapter Chapter in report
contributiontoconference/abstract Abstract
contributiontoconference/other Other
contributiontoconference/paper Paper, not in proceeding
contributiontoconference/poster Poster
contributiontojournal/abstract Published meeting abstract
contributiontojournal/article Article
contributiontojournal/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontojournal/comment Debate/Note/Editorial
contributiontojournal/letter Letter
contributiontojournal/special Special issue (editor)
contributiontojournal/systematicreview Scientific review
contributiontoperiodical/article Specialist publication article
contributiontoperiodical/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontoperiodical/newspaperarticle Newspaper article
nontextual/artisticwork Artistic work
nontextual/exhibition Curated/produced exhibition/event
nontextual/other Other
nontextual/software Software
nontextual/web Dataset
othercontribution/consultation_response Consultation response
othercontribution/other Miscellaneous
othercontribution/teaching_case Teaching case
othercontribution/web_publication_blog_post Web publication
patent/other Other
patent/patent Patent
thesis/docart Doctoral thesis (artistic)
thesis/doccomp Doctoral thesis (compilation)
thesis/docmono Doctoral thesis (monograph)
thesis/licentiatethesis Licentiate thesis
thesis/master Master's thesis
thesis/nontextual Dissertation
workingpaper/preprint Preprint in preprint archive
workingpaper/workingpaper Working paper
workingpaperWorking paper/Preprint

Document type (full, with subtype)Description
bookanthology/anthology Anthology (editor)
bookanthology/book Book
bookanthology/proceedingeditor Conference proceeding (editor)
bookanthology/report Report
bookanthology/scholarly Scholarly or commented edition
contributiontobookanthology/chapter Book chapter
contributiontobookanthology/conference Paper in conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/entry Entry for encyclopaedia/dictionary
contributiontobookanthology/foreword Foreword/Postscript
contributiontobookanthology/proceedingpreface Preface to conference proceeding
contributiontobookanthology/reportchapter Chapter in report
contributiontoconference/abstract Abstract
contributiontoconference/other Other
contributiontoconference/paper Paper, not in proceeding
contributiontoconference/poster Poster
contributiontojournal/abstract Published meeting abstract
contributiontojournal/article Article
contributiontojournal/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontojournal/comment Debate/Note/Editorial
contributiontojournal/letter Letter
contributiontojournal/special Special issue (editor)
contributiontojournal/systematicreview Scientific review
contributiontoperiodical/article Specialist publication article
contributiontoperiodical/book Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.)
contributiontoperiodical/newspaperarticle Newspaper article
nontextual/artisticwork Artistic work
nontextual/exhibition Curated/produced exhibition/event
nontextual/other Other
nontextual/software Software
nontextual/web Dataset
othercontribution/consultation_response Consultation response
othercontribution/other Miscellaneous
othercontribution/teaching_case Teaching case
othercontribution/web_publication_blog_post Web publication
patent/other Other
patent/patent Patent
thesis/docart Doctoral thesis (artistic)
thesis/doccomp Doctoral thesis (compilation)
thesis/docmono Doctoral thesis (monograph)
thesis/licentiatethesis Licentiate thesis
thesis/master Master's thesis
thesis/nontextual Dissertation
workingpaper/preprint Preprint in preprint archive
workingpaper/workingpaper Working paper



Languages, 3 letter code, subset of (iso639-2b), 'mis' is used for other languages.

Language codeLanguage name


Subjects terms are based on the UKÄ classification.

Subject CodeSubject
1 Natural Sciences
101       Mathematics
10101           Mathematical Analysis
10102           Geometry
10103           Algebra and Logic
10104           Discrete Mathematics
10105           Computational Mathematics
10106           Probability Theory and Statistics
10199           Other Mathematics
102       Computer and Information Science
10201           Computer Science
10202           Information Systems
10203           Bioinformatics (Computational Biology)
10204           Human Computer Interaction
10205           Software Engineering
10206           Computer Engineering
10207           Computer Vision and Robotics (Autonomous Systems)
10208           Language Technology (Computational Linguistics)
10209           Media and Communication Technology
10299           Other Computer and Information Science
103       Physical Sciences
10301           Subatomic Physics
10302           Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics
10303           Fusion, Plasma and Space Physics
10304           Condensed Matter Physics
10305           Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
10306           Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation
10399           Other Physics Topics
104       Chemical Sciences
10401           Analytical Chemistry
10402           Physical Chemistry
10403           Materials Chemistry
10404           Inorganic Chemistry
10405           Organic Chemistry
10406           Polymer Chemistry
10407           Theoretical Chemistry
10499           Other Chemistry Topics
105       Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
10501           Climate Research
10502           Environmental Sciences
10503           Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
10504           Geology
10505           Geophysics
10506           Geochemistry
10507           Physical Geography
10508           Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
10509           Oceanography, Hydrology, Water Resources
10599           Other Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
106       Biological Sciences
10601           Structural Biology
10602           Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
10603           Biophysics
10604           Cell Biology
10605           Immunology
10606           Microbiology
10607           Botany
10608           Zoology
10609           Genetics
10610           Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
10611           Ecology
10612           Biological Systematics
10613           Behavioral Sciences Biology
10614           Developmental Biology
10615           Evolutionary Biology
10699           Other Biological Topics
107       Other Natural Sciences
10799           Other Natural Sciences not elsewhere specified
2 Engineering and Technology
201       Civil Engineering
20101           Architectural Engineering
20102           Construction Management
20103           Building Technologies
20104           Infrastructure Engineering
20105           Transport Systems and Logistics
20106           Geotechnical Engineering
20107           Water Engineering
20108           Environmental Analysis and Construction Information Technology
20199           Other Civil Engineering
202       Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
20201           Robotics
20202           Control Engineering
20203           Communication Systems
20204           Telecommunications
20205           Signal Processing
20206           Computer Systems
20207           Embedded Systems
20299           Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
203       Mechanical Engineering
20301           Applied Mechanics
20302           Aerospace Engineering
20303           Vehicle Engineering
20304           Energy Engineering
20305           Reliability and Maintenance
20306           Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics
20307           Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
20308           Tribology
20399           Other Mechanical Engineering
204       Chemical Engineering
20401           Chemical Process Engineering
20402           Corrosion Engineering
20403           Polymer Technologies
20404           Pharmaceutical Chemistry
20499           Other Chemical Engineering
205       Materials Engineering
20501           Ceramics
20502           Composite Science and Engineering
20503           Paper, Pulp and Fiber Technology
20504           Textile, Rubber and Polymeric Materials
20505           Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
20506           Metallurgy and Metallic Materials
20599           Other Materials Engineering
206       Medical Engineering
20601           Medical Laboratory and Measurements Technologies
20602           Medical Materials
20603           Medical Image Processing
20604           Medical Equipment Engineering
20605           Medical Ergonomics
20699           Other Medical Engineering
207       Environmental Engineering
20701           Geophysical Engineering
20702           Energy Systems
20703           Remote Sensing
20704           Mineral and Mine Engineering
20705           Marine Engineering
20706           Ocean and River Engineering
20707           Environmental Management
20799           Other Environmental Engineering
208       Environmental Biotechnology
20801           Bioremediation
20802           Diagnostic Biotechnology
20803           Water Treatment
20804           Bioethics
20899           Other Environmental Biotechnology
209       Industrial Biotechnology
20901           Bioprocess Technology
20902           Biochemicals
20903           Bio Materials
20904           Bioenergy
20905           Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
20906           Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology
20907           Bioengineering Equipment
20908           Medical Biotechnology
20999           Other Industrial Biotechnology
210       Nano Technology
21001           Nano Technology
211       Other Engineering and Technologies
21101           Food Engineering
21102           Media Engineering
21103           Interaction Technologies
21199           Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
3 Medical and Health Sciences
301       Basic Medicine
30101           Pharmaceutical Sciences
30102           Pharmacology and Toxicology
30103           Medicinal Chemistry
30104           Social and Clinical Pharmacy
30105           Neurosciences
30106           Physiology
30107           Medical Genetics
30108           Cell and Molecular Biology
30109           Microbiology in the medical area
30110           Immunology in the medical area
30199           Other Basic Medicine
302       Clinical Medicine
30201           Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
30202           Hematology
30203           Cancer and Oncology
30204           Dermatology and Venereal Diseases
30205           Endocrinology and Diabetes
30206           Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems
30207           Neurology
30208           Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging
30209           Infectious Medicine
30210           Rheumatology and Autoimmunity
30211           Orthopedics
30212           Surgery
30213           Gastroenterology and Hepatology
30214           Urology and Nephrology
30215           Psychiatry
30216           Dentistry
30217           Ophthalmology
30218           Otorhinolaryngology
30219           Respiratory Medicine and Allergy
30220           Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine
30221           Pediatrics
30222           Geriatrics
30223           Clinical Laboratory Medicine
30224           Family Medicine
30299           Other Clinical Medicine
303       Health Sciences
30301           Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy
30302           Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
30303           Environmental Health and Occupational Health
30304           Nutrition and Dietetics
30305           Nursing
30306           Occupational Therapy
30307           Physiotherapy
30308           Sport and Fitness Sciences
30309           Substance Abuse
30310           Medical Ethics
30399           Other Health Sciences
304       Medical Biotechnology
30401           Medical Biotechnology
30402           Biomedical Laboratory Science/Technology
30403           Biomaterials Science
30499           Other Medical Biotechnology
305       Other Medical Sciences
30501           Forensic Science
30502           Gerontology, specializing in Medical and Health Sciences
30599           Other Medical Sciences not elsewhere specified
4 Agricultural Sciences
401       Agricultural Science, Forestry and Fisheries
40101           Agricultural Science
40102           Horticulture
40103           Food Science
40104           Forest Science
40105           Wood Science
40106           Soil Science
40107           Fish and Aquacultural Science
40108           Landscape Architecture
402       Animal and Dairy Science
40201           Animal and Dairy Science
403       Veterinary Science
40301           Medical Bioscience
40302           Pathobiology
40303           Clinical Science
40304           Other Veterinary Science
404       Agricultural Biotechnology
40401           Plant Biotechnology
40402           Genetics and Breeding
405       Other Agricultural Sciences
40501           Renewable Bioenergy Research
40502           Fish and Wildlife Management
40503           Agricultural Occupational Health and Safety
40504           Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
40599           Other Agricultural Sciences not elsewhere specified
5 Social Sciences
501       Psychology
50101           Psychology (excluding Applied Psychology)
50102           Applied Psychology
502       Economics and Business
50201           Economics
50202           Business Administration
50203           Economic History
503       Educational Sciences
50301           Pedagogy
50302           Didactics
50303           Learning
50304           Pedagogical Work
504       Sociology
50401           Sociology (excluding Social Work, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)
50402           Social Work
50403           Social Psychology
50404           Social Anthropology
505       Law
50501           Law (excluding Law and Society)
50502           Law and Society
506       Political Science
50601           Political Science (excluding Public Administration Studies and Globalization Studies)
50602           Public Administration Studies
50603           Globalization Studies
507       Social and Economic Geography
50701           Human Geography
50702           Economic Geography
508       Media and Communications
50801           Media Studies
50802           Communication Studies
50803           Human Aspects of ICT
50804           Information Systems, Social aspects
50805           Information Studies
509       Other Social Sciences
50901           Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
50902           Gender Studies
50903           Work Sciences
50904           International Migration and Ethnic Relations
50999           Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified
6 Humanities
601       History and Archaeology
60101           History
60102           History of Technology
60103           Archaeology
602       Languages and Literature
60201           General Language Studies and Linguistics
60202           Specific Languages
60203           General Literature Studies
60204           Specific Literatures
603       Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
60301           Philosophy
60302           Ethics
60303           Religious Studies
60304           History of Religions
60305           History of Ideas
604       Arts
60401           Visual Arts
60402           Music
60403           Literary Composition
60404           Performing Arts
60405           Architecture
60406           Design
60407           Art History
60408           Musicology
60409           Performing Art Studies
60410           Studies on Film
605       Other Humanities
60501           Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
60502           Cultural Studies
60503           Ethnology
60599           Other Humanities not elsewhere specified

Publication statuses

  • epub
  • inpress
  • published
  • submitted
  • unpublished

Artistic work types

  • artefact
  • composition
  • concert
  • data_set_database
  • design
  • digital
  • exhibition_event
  • performance
  • software
  • text
  • other
  • web_publication_site

Example queries

(department exact v1000601 or popularscience exact 0) and deathRecords under v1000601 (Department of Biology) or popular science and death in any of the common fields.
abstract = nanotechnologythe abstracts contains the word "nanotechnology"
author all "eriksson bergman"author list contains both the words eriksson and bergman
author any "eriksson bergman"author list contains either eriksson or bergman
author exact "Persson, Martin"author has the given full name
author exact 0000-0002-4775-872Xauthor has the given ORCID
author exact lub-jerauthor has the given LUCAT-ID
dateCreated = *-05-30the record was last changed in January 2019 or later
dateCreated exact "2019-03-20 11:03:00"the record was created at the specified date and time
dateCreated= "*-01 00*"the record was created the 1st of the month between 12 and 1 am.
datelastChanged >= 2019-01the record was last changed in January 2019 or later
documenttype exact "contributiontojournal/article" not openaccess exact 1journal articles that are not open access
externalIdentifier ="22940734"record containing given identifier with any prefix
externalIdentifier exact "PMID:22940734"record containing the exact given identifier
id any "4414302 8643cf22-fb90-4d49-ac9d-c2c2d81d6b88"records with any the given IDs (pure UUID or old LUP ID)
issn any "1436-3798 1943-3530"Records with the any of the supplied ISSNs
keywords exact "war crimes"keywords entry is exactly the phrase "war crimes"
project = "cent??"Records with with words in project name matching the supplied term (will match both 'centre' and center)
project exact P123Record with project matching the project id
project+exact+c746f611-02ca-4de3-adc4-f84bd4f42bfbRecords with project matching the supplied UUID
subject all "1* 203*"with subjects both under 1 (natural sciences) and 203 (Mechanical Engineering)
subject exact 10407with subject 10407 (Theoretical Chemistry)
swedenany common fields contain the word "Sweden"
title=computer* and title <> gamestitle or alternative title contains words starting with "computer" but don't contain "games"

Note that the maximum size of the URI should not reach more than 8190 bytes or you will get the "URI too long" server error. In order to avoid this error for large queries the request to the server can be sent as a POST request instead of a GET request.

Output format

For description (in Swedish) of the output format see: MODS applikationsprofil

See also mapping of LUP fields to MODS: LUP to MODS mapping .