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Lund University Publications


ASSERT - Kontroll av markstabilisering med resistivitetstomografi (ERT)

Dahlin, Torleif LU ; Lumetzberger, Mikael LU ; Hedblom, Per LU ; Rejkjär, Simon LU and Holmén, Martin (2023) Grundläggningsdagen 2023 p.219-228
Soil stabilisation is becoming increasingly common for the development of areas with
poor bearing capacity. However, there is a need for better and volume-wide control
methods for quality assurance. The control methods can be divided into two steps,
where the first takes place in immediate connection to the mixing of binders to check
whether the entire intended volume has been successfully treated, or whether there
are zones that need completion. The second step focuses on the strength of the
stabilised volume and assumes that the binder has cured.

The R&D project ASSERT focuses on quality control using electrical resistivity
tomography (ERT). The idea is to use the method in immediate connection... (More)
Soil stabilisation is becoming increasingly common for the development of areas with
poor bearing capacity. However, there is a need for better and volume-wide control
methods for quality assurance. The control methods can be divided into two steps,
where the first takes place in immediate connection to the mixing of binders to check
whether the entire intended volume has been successfully treated, or whether there
are zones that need completion. The second step focuses on the strength of the
stabilised volume and assumes that the binder has cured.

The R&D project ASSERT focuses on quality control using electrical resistivity
tomography (ERT). The idea is to use the method in immediate connection with the
mixing of binders to delineate the soil volume that has been treated with binders from
untreated parts. ERT could then be used to quickly check the results of the
stabilisation, so that supplementary measures can be taken in zones of insufficient
treatment while personnel and equipment are in place. Furthermore, there is potential
for volume-wide quantification of strength growth via correlation between change in
resistivity and change in strength during the curing process, but this would probably
need to be done on a site specific basis.

Testing and verification of the method takes place in different geomaterials in the
laboratory and in the field, including full-scale tests for different types of
stabilisations. Furthermore, method development and adaptation for the application
are included, so that the method becomes sufficiently robust and fast to be used
routinely in a sustainable manner. Field trials have been carried out by installing
electrodes in lime-cement columns and jet columns in direct connection to the
stabilisation. Laboratory tests have so far been carried out for lime-cement
stabilisation of clay and for stabilisation of dredged masses. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Markstabilisering blir allt vanligare för exploatering av områden med dålig bärighet.
Det finns dock behov av bättre och volymstäckande kontrollmetoder för
kvalitetssäkring. Kontrollmetoderna kan delas upp i två steg, där det första sker i
omedelbar anslutning till inblandning av bindemedel för att kontrollera om man
lyckats behandla hela den avsedda volymen, eller om det finns zoner som behöver
komplettering. Det andra steget har fokus på hållfastheten i den stabiliserade
volymen, och förutsätter att bindemedlet har härdat.

FoU-projektet ASSERT har fokus på kvalitetskontroll med hjälp av elektrisk
resistivitetstomografi (ERT). Tanken är att använda metoden i omedelbar anslutning
till inblandning av... (More)
Markstabilisering blir allt vanligare för exploatering av områden med dålig bärighet.
Det finns dock behov av bättre och volymstäckande kontrollmetoder för
kvalitetssäkring. Kontrollmetoderna kan delas upp i två steg, där det första sker i
omedelbar anslutning till inblandning av bindemedel för att kontrollera om man
lyckats behandla hela den avsedda volymen, eller om det finns zoner som behöver
komplettering. Det andra steget har fokus på hållfastheten i den stabiliserade
volymen, och förutsätter att bindemedlet har härdat.

FoU-projektet ASSERT har fokus på kvalitetskontroll med hjälp av elektrisk
resistivitetstomografi (ERT). Tanken är att använda metoden i omedelbar anslutning
till inblandning av bindemedel för att avgränsa den markvolym som har behandlats
med bindemedel från obehandlade delar. ERT skulle då kunna användas för att snabbt
kontrollera resultatet av stabiliseringen, så att kompletterande åtgärder i zoner med
otillräcklig inblandning kan vidtas medan personal och utrustning finns på plats.
Vidare finns det potential för volymstäckande kvantifiering av hållfasthetstillväxten
via korrelation mellan förändring av resistivitet och förändring i hållfasthet under
härdningsprocessen, men det torde behöva göras platsspecifikt.

Test och verifiering av metoden sker i olika geomaterial i laboratorium och i fält,
inklusive fullskaletester för olika typer av stabilisering. Vidare ingår metodutveckling
och anpassning för tillämpningen, för att metoden ska bli tillräckligt robust och snabb
för att kunna användas rutinmässigt på ett hållbart sätt. Fältförsök har genomförts
med att installera elektroder i KC-pelare och jetpelare i direkt anslutning till
stabiliseringen. Laboratorietester har hittills gjorts för KC-stabilisering av lera och
för stabilisering av muddermassor. (Less)
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publishing date
Contribution to conference
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219 - 228
conference name
Grundläggningsdagen 2023
conference location
Stockholm, Sweden
conference dates
2023-03-16 - 2023-03-16
Assessment of Soil Stabilisation using Electrical Resisitivity Tomography
LU publication?
date added to LUP
2023-09-15 11:18:25
date last changed
2023-11-07 11:08:09
  abstract     = {{Soil stabilisation is becoming increasingly common for the development of areas with<br/>poor bearing capacity. However, there is a need for better and volume-wide control<br/>methods for quality assurance. The control methods can be divided into two steps,<br/>where the first takes place in immediate connection to the mixing of binders to check<br/>whether the entire intended volume has been successfully treated, or whether there<br/>are zones that need completion. The second step focuses on the strength of the<br/>stabilised volume and assumes that the binder has cured.<br/><br/>The R&amp;D project ASSERT focuses on quality control using electrical resistivity<br/>tomography (ERT). The idea is to use the method in immediate connection with the<br/>mixing of binders to delineate the soil volume that has been treated with binders from<br/>untreated parts. ERT could then be used to quickly check the results of the<br/>stabilisation, so that supplementary measures can be taken in zones of insufficient<br/>treatment while personnel and equipment are in place. Furthermore, there is potential<br/>for volume-wide quantification of strength growth via correlation between change in<br/>resistivity and change in strength during the curing process, but this would probably<br/>need to be done on a site specific basis.<br/><br/>Testing and verification of the method takes place in different geomaterials in the<br/>laboratory and in the field, including full-scale tests for different types of<br/>stabilisations. Furthermore, method development and adaptation for the application<br/>are included, so that the method becomes sufficiently robust and fast to be used<br/>routinely in a sustainable manner. Field trials have been carried out by installing<br/>electrodes in lime-cement columns and jet columns in direct connection to the<br/>stabilisation. Laboratory tests have so far been carried out for lime-cement<br/>stabilisation of clay and for stabilisation of dredged masses.}},
  author       = {{Dahlin, Torleif and Lumetzberger, Mikael and Hedblom, Per and Rejkjär, Simon and Holmén, Martin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  pages        = {{219--228}},
  title        = {{ASSERT - Kontroll av markstabilisering med resistivitetstomografi (ERT)}},
  url          = {{}},
  year         = {{2023}},