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Lund University Publications


På gränsen till framtiden – Möjligheter till koordinatbestämda fastighetsgränser

Land, Kristin LU (2008)
In Sweden, the course of a property boundary is first and foremost determined by boundary marks on the ground, and only secondly by cadastral survey plans and measurements. In recent years, the demand for digital property information has increased substantially, not least in respect of accurate boundary data in the national cadastral map. Today, well-established techniques such as GPS positioning provide both the foundation and some of the essential prerequisites for a boundary system in which digital coordinates could be given legal effect. Examples of such concepts from abroad, so-called legal coordinated cadastres, already exist elsewhere in Europe and in Asia.

So far, Swedish ideas about whether property boundaries... (More)
In Sweden, the course of a property boundary is first and foremost determined by boundary marks on the ground, and only secondly by cadastral survey plans and measurements. In recent years, the demand for digital property information has increased substantially, not least in respect of accurate boundary data in the national cadastral map. Today, well-established techniques such as GPS positioning provide both the foundation and some of the essential prerequisites for a boundary system in which digital coordinates could be given legal effect. Examples of such concepts from abroad, so-called legal coordinated cadastres, already exist elsewhere in Europe and in Asia.

So far, Swedish ideas about whether property boundaries should be determined by coordinates have been expressed in fairly general terms. Accordingly, the practical implications and consequences of a future systems change need to be investigated further. This thesis discusses some widely different approaches to the possible legal effects of adopting a model based on coordinates, as well as various methods for data capture (terrestrial surveying, aerial imagery interpretation etc.) in order to obtain a reliable digital cadastral map. The term 'legal effect' seeks to cover both the conventional meaning, i.e. the evidential status in relation to other means of boundary evidence, and the level of economic protection (e.g. rights to claim damages) for land owners and other parties, should boundary data be found to be incorrect. Irrespective of the particular nature of any prospective reform, it is also essential to handle other transitional aspects in a legally secure manner, such as providing opportunities for property owners to influence the process and taking into consideration the actual conditions on the ground. After illustrating these aspects, the thesis presents a relative comparison of five hypothetical reform alternatives, based on rough estimations of the time and cost of the systems change as well as outlining the characteristics of the new system.

The study shows that there are several ways – with various consequences – to realise the idea of a legal coordinated cadastre. It concludes that future decisions on that matter, and the detailed design of a possible new system, ought to be based on clearly articulated policies which are strategically aligned with the aims and objectives of the digital cadastral map. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

I Sverige bestäms fastighetsgränsers sträckningar i första hand av gränsmärken på marken, därefter av förrättningskartor och mätuppgifter. Under senare år har efterfrågan på digital fastighetsinformation ökat kraftigt, inte minst beträffande lägesnoggranna gränsdata i den nationella registerkartan. Den utvecklade positioneringstekniken med GPS utgör idag en grundförutsättning för ett gränssystem där digitala koordinater skulle kunna ges rättsverkan. Utländska exempel på sådana koncept, s.k. legal coordinated cadastres, finns redan i Europa och Asien.

Svenska idéer om koordinatbestämda fastighetsgränser är ännu generellt hållna, varför innebörder och konsekvenser av ett... (More)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

I Sverige bestäms fastighetsgränsers sträckningar i första hand av gränsmärken på marken, därefter av förrättningskartor och mätuppgifter. Under senare år har efterfrågan på digital fastighetsinformation ökat kraftigt, inte minst beträffande lägesnoggranna gränsdata i den nationella registerkartan. Den utvecklade positioneringstekniken med GPS utgör idag en grundförutsättning för ett gränssystem där digitala koordinater skulle kunna ges rättsverkan. Utländska exempel på sådana koncept, s.k. legal coordinated cadastres, finns redan i Europa och Asien.

Svenska idéer om koordinatbestämda fastighetsgränser är ännu generellt hållna, varför innebörder och konsekvenser av ett framtida systembyte behöver undersökas närmare. I denna avhandling diskuteras vitt skilda principiella synsätt rörande koordinaters möjliga rättsverkan, liksom olika metoder för datafångst (detaljmätning, flygbildstolkning etc.) för att uppnå en tillförlitlig digital registerkarta. Termen rättsverkan avser i denna studie dels den konventionella betydelsen, dvs. det materiella bevisvärdet gentemot andra uppgifter om gränsers sträckningar, dels graden av ekonomisk skydd (t.ex. skadestånd) för berörda parter i händelse av fel i en gällande koordinatuppgift. Oavsett hur långtgående en tänkt reform skulle bli i dessa avseenden krävs också en rättssäker hantering av vissa andra övergångsaspekter, t.ex. fastighetsägarnas påverkansmöjlighet och hänsyn till befintliga förhållanden på marken. Efter en belysning av dessa aspekter presenteras en jämförelse av fem hypotetiska reformalternativ relativt varandra, utifrån grova uppskattningar av tidsåtgång och kostnad för systembytet samt av det nya systemets egenskaper.

Studien visar att det finns flera olika tillvägagångssätt – med varierande konsekvenser – för att förverkliga tankar på koordinatbestämda gränser. Framtida beslut i frågan, liksom detaljutformningen av ett eventuellt nytt system, bör grundas på ett tydligt ställningstagande om det strategiska syftet med digitala registerkartan. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
  • Professor Mattsson, Hans, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm
alternative title
Mapping out the Boundaries of the Future – Prospects for a Legal Coordinated Cadastre
publishing date
publication status
reform, property boundary, digital cadastral map, cadastre, legal coordinated cadastre
343 pages
Department of Technology and Society, Lund University
defense location
Room E1406, E-building, Ole Römers väg 3, Lund
defense date
2008-09-26 13:15:00
external identifiers
  • other:LMV-rapport 2008:2
LU publication?
2238ca62-9f2c-4c85-afe9-2f009fba541b (old id 1214338)
date added to LUP
2016-04-04 11:49:14
date last changed
2018-11-21 21:07:25
  abstract     = {{In Sweden, the course of a property boundary is first and foremost determined by boundary marks on the ground, and only secondly by cadastral survey plans and measurements. In recent years, the demand for digital property information has increased substantially, not least in respect of accurate boundary data in the national cadastral map. Today, well-established techniques such as GPS positioning provide both the foundation and some of the essential prerequisites for a boundary system in which digital coordinates could be given legal effect. Examples of such concepts from abroad, so-called legal coordinated cadastres, already exist elsewhere in Europe and in Asia.<br/><br>
So far, Swedish ideas about whether property boundaries should be determined by coordinates have been expressed in fairly general terms. Accordingly, the practical implications and consequences of a future systems change need to be investigated further. This thesis discusses some widely different approaches to the possible legal effects of adopting a model based on coordinates, as well as various methods for data capture (terrestrial surveying, aerial imagery interpretation etc.) in order to obtain a reliable digital cadastral map. The term 'legal effect' seeks to cover both the conventional meaning, i.e. the evidential status in relation to other means of boundary evidence, and the level of economic protection (e.g. rights to claim damages) for land owners and other parties, should boundary data be found to be incorrect. Irrespective of the particular nature of any prospective reform, it is also essential to handle other transitional aspects in a legally secure manner, such as providing opportunities for property owners to influence the process and taking into consideration the actual conditions on the ground. After illustrating these aspects, the thesis presents a relative comparison of five hypothetical reform alternatives, based on rough estimations of the time and cost of the systems change as well as outlining the characteristics of the new system.<br/><br>
The study shows that there are several ways – with various consequences – to realise the idea of a legal coordinated cadastre. It concludes that future decisions on that matter, and the detailed design of a possible new system, ought to be based on clearly articulated policies which are strategically aligned with the aims and objectives of the digital cadastral map.}},
  author       = {{Land, Kristin}},
  isbn         = {{978-91-628-7539-8}},
  keywords     = {{reform; property boundary; digital cadastral map; cadastre; legal coordinated cadastre}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  publisher    = {{Department of Technology and Society, Lund University}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  title        = {{På gränsen till framtiden – Möjligheter till koordinatbestämda fastighetsgränser}},
  year         = {{2008}},