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Lund University Publications


On Premixed Gas Fuelled Stirling Engine Combustors with Combustion Gas Recirculation

Pålsson, Magnus LU (2002)
The main objective in the research described in this thesis was to design and test the use of lean premixed combustion using combustion gas recirculation for gas fuelled Stirling engine combustors. A system using a flame-arrester type of flame-holder to stabilize the flame and an ejector system for the recirculation of combustion gas was designed and tested in the laboratory. The impact of changes in different parameters of the ejector system was examined. Different combinations of recirculation rate and air/fuel ratio were examined regarding their impact on emissions and flame stability.

The laboratory combustion system was then adapted to commercial combustors. A propane combustion system for a hybrid sodium heat pipe... (More)
The main objective in the research described in this thesis was to design and test the use of lean premixed combustion using combustion gas recirculation for gas fuelled Stirling engine combustors. A system using a flame-arrester type of flame-holder to stabilize the flame and an ejector system for the recirculation of combustion gas was designed and tested in the laboratory. The impact of changes in different parameters of the ejector system was examined. Different combinations of recirculation rate and air/fuel ratio were examined regarding their impact on emissions and flame stability.

The laboratory combustion system was then adapted to commercial combustors. A propane combustion system for a hybrid sodium heat pipe solar receiver for the SOLO 161 Stirling engine was designed, built and field-tested with good results. Later a natural gas combustor for a SOLO 161 combined heat and power Stirling engine unit was designed, built and field-tested with good results. The combustor has currently run about 2500 hours in field test. At lambda 1.4 the NOX emissions are about 15 ppm, with no emissions of unburnt hydrocarbons (HC).

Tests have been made with a catalytically coated solar receiver for the V160 Stirling engine with the objective to use catalytic combustion on the heater surface to supply heat to the Stirling cycle. The results were promising and it was possible to heat the receiver to operating temperature and run the engine for shorter times. However, further research is needed before this type of heater can be used. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

I föreliggande arbete har användandet av recirkulation av förbränningsgaser vid mager förblandad förbränning undersökts och testats i gaseldade Stirlingmotorbrännkammare. Ett förbränningssystem med en flamhållare av flamstoppstyp där man använder en ejektor för att recirkulera förbränningsgaser och för att förblanda bränsle och luft har konstruerats och provats i motortestrigg. Inverkan av förändringar i olika konstruktionsparametrar för ejektorn har prövats. Inverkan av olika recirkulationsgrader och luftöverskott på emissioner och flamstabilitet har undersökts.

Laboratoriebrännaren har anpassats till ett kommersiellt system färdigt att användas vid motortillverkning. Ett... (More)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

I föreliggande arbete har användandet av recirkulation av förbränningsgaser vid mager förblandad förbränning undersökts och testats i gaseldade Stirlingmotorbrännkammare. Ett förbränningssystem med en flamhållare av flamstoppstyp där man använder en ejektor för att recirkulera förbränningsgaser och för att förblanda bränsle och luft har konstruerats och provats i motortestrigg. Inverkan av förändringar i olika konstruktionsparametrar för ejektorn har prövats. Inverkan av olika recirkulationsgrader och luftöverskott på emissioner och flamstabilitet har undersökts.

Laboratoriebrännaren har anpassats till ett kommersiellt system färdigt att användas vid motortillverkning. Ett propaneldat förbränningssystem har konstruerats, tillverkats och fältprovats med goda resultat för en kombinerad sol- och förbränningsvärmare med natriumheatpipe till en SOLO 161 Stirlingmotor. En naturgaseldat förbränningssystem till ett SOLO 161 Stirlingmotorbaserat mikrokraftvärmeverk har konstruerats, tillverkats och fältprovats i f.n. 2500 timmar. Vid lambda=1,4 är NOx-halten i avgaserna ungefär 15 ppm, och kolväteutsläppen ej mätbara.

Vidare har prov genomförts med en katalytiskt belagd V160 Stirlingvärmare för soldrift, där den katalytiska ytans förmåga att tillföra värme till motorn undersöktes. Resultaten var lovande, och det var möjligt att upphetta värmaren tillräckligt för att kunna köra motorn under kortare perioder. Emellertid krävs ytterligare forskning innan ett fungerande system av denna typ kan användas i kontinuerlig drift. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
  • Hustad, Johan E, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskaplige Universitet, Tromdheim, Norway
publishing date
publication status
vibration and acoustic engineering, Maskinteknik, vakuumteknik, vibrationer, akustik, Motors and propulsion systems, Motorer, framdrivningssystem, hydraulik, Mechanical engineering, hydraulics, vacuum technology, termodynamik, Termisk teknik, applied thermodynamics, Thermal engineering, heat pipe, ejector, solar energy, CGR, recirculation, EGR, catalytic combustion, premix combustion, Stirling engine, combustor
200 pages
Division of Combustion Engines, Lund Institute of Technology
defense location
Room M:A, in the M-building, Ole Römers väg 1, Lund, Sweden
defense date
2002-05-03 10:15:00
external identifiers
  • other:ISRN:LUTMDN/TMHP- - 02/1001- -SE
LU publication?
additional info
Article: Design and Testing of Stirling Engine Premix CGR Combustor for Ultra Low Emissions Article: Neural Networks for Air-Fuel Estimation and Burner Control in a Micro-Cogen System Article: Hybrid Sodium Heat Pipe Receiver for Dish/Stirling Systems - Design and Test Results Article: Hybrid Dish/Stirling Systems: Combustor and Heat Pipe Receiver Development Article: Development of a LPP CGR Combustion System with Ultra-Low Emissions for a SOLO161 Stirling Engine Based Micro-CHP Unit Article: Development and Field Test of a SOLO 161 Stirling Engine based Micro-CHP Unit with Ultra-Low Emissions Article: First Trials with Direct Catalytic Combustion on the Heater Surface of a V160 Stirling Engine
677df1ed-48d0-435d-83ee-2de12084cfd5 (old id 464620)
date added to LUP
2016-04-01 16:13:53
date last changed
2018-11-21 20:39:46
  abstract     = {{The main objective in the research described in this thesis was to design and test the use of lean premixed combustion using combustion gas recirculation for gas fuelled Stirling engine combustors. A system using a flame-arrester type of flame-holder to stabilize the flame and an ejector system for the recirculation of combustion gas was designed and tested in the laboratory. The impact of changes in different parameters of the ejector system was examined. Different combinations of recirculation rate and air/fuel ratio were examined regarding their impact on emissions and flame stability.<br/><br>
The laboratory combustion system was then adapted to commercial combustors. A propane combustion system for a hybrid sodium heat pipe solar receiver for the SOLO 161 Stirling engine was designed, built and field-tested with good results. Later a natural gas combustor for a SOLO 161 combined heat and power Stirling engine unit was designed, built and field-tested with good results. The combustor has currently run about 2500 hours in field test. At lambda 1.4 the NOX emissions are about 15 ppm, with no emissions of unburnt hydrocarbons (HC).<br/><br>
Tests have been made with a catalytically coated solar receiver for the V160 Stirling engine with the objective to use catalytic combustion on the heater surface to supply heat to the Stirling cycle. The results were promising and it was possible to heat the receiver to operating temperature and run the engine for shorter times. However, further research is needed before this type of heater can be used.}},
  author       = {{Pålsson, Magnus}},
  isbn         = {{91-628-5227-2}},
  keywords     = {{vibration and acoustic engineering; Maskinteknik; vakuumteknik; vibrationer; akustik; Motors and propulsion systems; Motorer; framdrivningssystem; hydraulik; Mechanical engineering; hydraulics; vacuum technology; termodynamik; Termisk teknik; applied thermodynamics; Thermal engineering; heat pipe; ejector; solar energy; CGR; recirculation; EGR; catalytic combustion; premix combustion; Stirling engine; combustor}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  publisher    = {{Division of Combustion Engines, Lund Institute of Technology}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  title        = {{On Premixed Gas Fuelled Stirling Engine Combustors with Combustion Gas Recirculation}},
  year         = {{2002}},