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Lund University Publications


Two Quests for Unity : John Dewey, R. G. Collingwood, and the Persistence of Idealism

Hamnell, Bruno LU orcid (2021) In Lund Studies in Arts and Cultural Sciences 28.
After having dominated philosophical thought in Britain and the United States during the end of the nineteenth century, idealism was in steady decline by the outbreak of World War I. Its ideas and ideals seemed unsuited to face the transition from Victorianism to modernism and the rapid social changes of the post-war era. Its Anglo-American proponents—who were often liberals—were accused of indirectly promoting Prussian militarism and authoritarianism because of idealism’s German background. Idealism was also charged with being ill-attuned to the development of the natural sciences, and was replaced by the narrower and more scientific ideal of analytical philosophy. While idealists had been preoccupied with religion, history, aesthetics,... (More)
After having dominated philosophical thought in Britain and the United States during the end of the nineteenth century, idealism was in steady decline by the outbreak of World War I. Its ideas and ideals seemed unsuited to face the transition from Victorianism to modernism and the rapid social changes of the post-war era. Its Anglo-American proponents—who were often liberals—were accused of indirectly promoting Prussian militarism and authoritarianism because of idealism’s German background. Idealism was also charged with being ill-attuned to the development of the natural sciences, and was replaced by the narrower and more scientific ideal of analytical philosophy. While idealists had been preoccupied with religion, history, aesthetics, and metaphysics, the analysts turned toward an increasingly specialized and theoretical notion of philosophy focused on formal logic, epistemology, and language analysis.

This study of two philosophers avoids the simplistic but well-established division between (Anglo-American) analytical and continental philosophy. I claim that the overlooked similarities between John Dewey (1859–1952) and Robin George Collingwood (1889–1943) can be explained with reference to their shared background in idealism. Their philosophies should be regarded as continuous struggles regarding which aspects of idealism should be kept, rejected, or revised. By choosing an American and a British philosopher as the main subjects, this study also aims to highlight the transatlantic philosophical connections that have often been neglected due to methodological nationalism. Comparing Collingwood’s idealism to Dewey’s pragmatism will also highlight the historical similarities between these philosophical traditions.

The overarching aims of Dewey’s and Collingwood’s thought are interpreted as quests for unity, drawing attention to the continuing influence of a persistent idealist notion. I argue that there were four types of unity shared by Anglo-American idealists, Dewey and Collingwood: unity of experience, unity of opposites, unity in diversity, and social unity. Furthermore, I argue that Dewey’s and Collingwood’s social and political thought should be regarded as a continuation of the social liberalism of the Oxford idealist T. H. Green. Like earlier Anglo-American idealists, Dewey and Collingwood insisted on the importance of philosophy’s practical value. While both came to reject transcendental, metaphysical, and absolutistic notions in favor of a more historical and humanistic idealism, they nevertheless kept idealism’s basic view of philosophy as a broad, synthetic, situated, and reconstructive form of cultural criticism committed to the common good. This ideal has unfortunately been lost, but a critical conversation with philosophers like Collingwood and Dewey may help us imagine what such a philosophy—adapted for the twenty-first century—might look like. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Efter att ha dominerat angloamerikansk filosofi under 1800-talets sista decennier kom idealismen att förlora sin ställning efter sekelskiftet, då övergången från viktorianska till modernistiska ideal, snabba sociala förändringar, ökad sekularisering och naturvetenskapens dominans tycktes kräva nytt filosofiskt tänkande. Vid andra världskrigets utbrott var idealismen utdöd och ersatt av den analytiska filosofin. Medan idealismen betonade alltings enhet och tog sig an estetik, metafysik, religion och historia som sammankopplade kulturella och existentiella fenomen, förordade den analytiska filosofin ett smalare, mer teoretiskt, specialiserat och professionellt filosofi-ideal centrerat kring epistemologi, formell logik och språkanalys.... (More)
Efter att ha dominerat angloamerikansk filosofi under 1800-talets sista decennier kom idealismen att förlora sin ställning efter sekelskiftet, då övergången från viktorianska till modernistiska ideal, snabba sociala förändringar, ökad sekularisering och naturvetenskapens dominans tycktes kräva nytt filosofiskt tänkande. Vid andra världskrigets utbrott var idealismen utdöd och ersatt av den analytiska filosofin. Medan idealismen betonade alltings enhet och tog sig an estetik, metafysik, religion och historia som sammankopplade kulturella och existentiella fenomen, förordade den analytiska filosofin ett smalare, mer teoretiskt, specialiserat och professionellt filosofi-ideal centrerat kring epistemologi, formell logik och språkanalys. Därtill kritiserades idealismen, på grund av dess tyska bakgrund, för att ha banat väg för auktoritära tankegångar och militarism. Detta trots att majoriteten av de angloamerikanska idealisterna var socialliberala demokrater.

I Two Quests for Unity undersöks hur idealistiska idéer fortlevde under 1900-talets första hälft genom en studie av den amerikanske filosofen och pedagogen John Dewey (1859–1952) och den brittiske historikern och filosofen Robin George Collingwood (1889–1943). Genom att studera en brittisk respektive en amerikansk tänkare utmanas den metodologiska nationalism som präglat tidigare forskning. I kontrast till bilden av amerikansk och brittisk idealism som två åtskilda fenomen argumenteras det för att dessa utgör en gemensam tradition. Därtill visas att pragmatismen - den tanketradition som Dewey främst förknippas med - snarast är en utveckling av idealismen och inte ett brott med den.

Avhandlingen visar att idealismens tankestil kännetecknas av en besatthet av enhet och helhet. Denna tar sig uttryck i en strävan efter social enhet och ”det gemensamma goda” samt i förkastandet av dikotomier som kropp/själ, teori/praktik, religion/vetenskap, individ/kollektiv och subjekt/objekt. Därtill betonar idealisterna att filosofin börjar och slutar i erfarenheten och att alla erfarenhetsformer, som estetik, historia, religion och filosofi hänger samman. Medan 1800-tals idealismen ofta försvarade det övernaturliga och transcendenta, förkastar Dewey och Collingwood dessa inslag men behåller den idealistiska processmetafysiken, vilken betraktar universum och människan som i ständigt historisk och socialt tillblivande, snarare än i termer av essens och varande. För dem finns inga slutgiltigt eviga sanningar, utan frågan är hur vi meningsfullt kan leva tillsammans i existentiell osäkerhet i en föränderlig värld. Liksom tidigare idealister betonar de att all kunskap är praktisk och syftar till att vägleda mänskligt handlade. Deras breda syntetiska filosofi-ideal erbjuder en form av rekonstruktiv och socialt engagerad kulturkritik som en tredje väg mellan, å ena sidan, analytisk filosofi, och, å andra sidan, ”postmodernism” och kontinentalfilosofi. (Less)
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  • professor Anders Burman, Södertörns högskola
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John Dewey, R. G. Collingwood, Idealism, Pragmatism, Liberalism, Unity, Experience, Practical Knowledge, Intellectual History, History of Philosophy, Anglo-America
Lund Studies in Arts and Cultural Sciences
371 pages
Lund Studies in Arts and Cultural Sciences
defense location
LUX C121
defense date
2021-12-03 10:15:00
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2021-10-18 14:13:01
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2022-03-26 02:37:49
  abstract     = {{After having dominated philosophical thought in Britain and the United States during the end of the nineteenth century, idealism was in steady decline by the outbreak of World War I. Its ideas and ideals seemed unsuited to face the transition from Victorianism to modernism and the rapid social changes of the post-war era. Its Anglo-American proponents—who were often liberals—were accused of indirectly promoting Prussian militarism and authoritarianism because of idealism’s German background. Idealism was also charged with being ill-attuned to the development of the natural sciences, and was replaced by the narrower and more scientific ideal of analytical philosophy. While idealists had been preoccupied with religion, history, aesthetics, and metaphysics, the analysts turned toward an increasingly specialized and theoretical notion of philosophy focused on formal logic, epistemology, and language analysis.<br/><br/>This study of two philosophers avoids the simplistic but well-established division between (Anglo-American) analytical and continental philosophy. I claim that the overlooked similarities between John Dewey (1859–1952) and Robin George Collingwood (1889–1943) can be explained with reference to their shared background in idealism. Their philosophies should be regarded as continuous struggles regarding which aspects of idealism should be kept, rejected, or revised. By choosing an American and a British philosopher as the main subjects, this study also aims to highlight the transatlantic philosophical connections that have often been neglected due to methodological nationalism. Comparing Collingwood’s idealism to Dewey’s pragmatism will also highlight the historical similarities between these philosophical traditions.<br/><br/>The overarching aims of Dewey’s and Collingwood’s thought are interpreted as quests for unity, drawing attention to the continuing influence of a persistent idealist notion. I argue that there were four types of unity shared by Anglo-American idealists, Dewey and Collingwood: unity of experience, unity of opposites, unity in diversity, and social unity. Furthermore, I argue that Dewey’s and Collingwood’s social and political thought should be regarded as a continuation of the social liberalism of the Oxford idealist T. H. Green. Like earlier Anglo-American idealists, Dewey and Collingwood insisted on the importance of philosophy’s practical value. While both came to reject transcendental, metaphysical, and absolutistic notions in favor of a more historical and humanistic idealism, they nevertheless kept idealism’s basic view of philosophy as a broad, synthetic, situated, and reconstructive form of cultural criticism committed to the common good. This ideal has unfortunately been lost, but a critical conversation with philosophers like Collingwood and Dewey may help us imagine what such a philosophy—adapted for the twenty-first century—might look like.}},
  author       = {{Hamnell, Bruno}},
  isbn         = {{978-91-89213-89-0}},
  issn         = {{2001–7510}},
  keywords     = {{John Dewey; R. G. Collingwood; Idealism; Pragmatism; Liberalism; Unity; Experience; Practical Knowledge; Intellectual History; History of Philosophy; Anglo-America}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  publisher    = {{Lund Studies in Arts and Cultural Sciences}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  series       = {{Lund Studies in Arts and Cultural Sciences}},
  title        = {{Two Quests for Unity : John Dewey, R. G. Collingwood, and the Persistence of Idealism}},
  url          = {{}},
  volume       = {{28}},
  year         = {{2021}},