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Unification and Conflict. The Church Politics of Alonso de Montúfar OP, Archbishop of Mexico, 1554-1572.

Lundberg, Magnus LU (2002) In Studia Missionalia Svecana
This dissertation focuses on Archbishop Alonso de Montúfar OP (ca. 1489-1572). It seeks to explore two decades of sixteenth century Mexican Church History mainly through the study of documents found in Spanish and Mexican archives. Born outside Granada in Southern Spain, just after the conquest from the Muslims, Alonso de Montúfar assumed teaching and leading positions within the Dominican order. After more than forty years as a friar, Montúfar was elected archbishop of Mexico and resided there from 1554 until his death eighteen years later.

From the 1520s onwards, many missionaries went from Spain to Mexico in order to christianise the native inhabitants and to administer the church’s sacraments to them. Many of the... (More)
This dissertation focuses on Archbishop Alonso de Montúfar OP (ca. 1489-1572). It seeks to explore two decades of sixteenth century Mexican Church History mainly through the study of documents found in Spanish and Mexican archives. Born outside Granada in Southern Spain, just after the conquest from the Muslims, Alonso de Montúfar assumed teaching and leading positions within the Dominican order. After more than forty years as a friar, Montúfar was elected archbishop of Mexico and resided there from 1554 until his death eighteen years later.

From the 1520s onwards, many missionaries went from Spain to Mexico in order to christianise the native inhabitants and to administer the church’s sacraments to them. Many of the missionaries were members of three mendicant orders: the Franciscans, the Dominicans, and the Augustinians.

Alonso de Montúfar’s time as archbishop can be seen as a period of transition and a time that was filled with disputes on how the church in Mexico should be organised in the future. Montúfar wanted to strengthen the role of the bishops in the church organisation. He also wanted to improve the finances of the diocesan church and promote a large number of secular clerics to work in the Indian ministry. All this meant that he became involved in prolonged and very animated disputes with the friars, the members of the cathedral chapter, and the viceroy of Mexico.

One chapter of this dissertation is devoted to a detailed study of Archbishop Montúfar’s role in the early cult of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Tepeyac, which today has become of the most important Marian devotions in the world. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

I centrum för min avhandling står den spanske dominkanen Alonso de Montúfar (ca.1489-1572) som mellan 1554 och 1572 var ärkebiskop av Mexiko. I synnerhet har jag studerat hur ärkebiskop Montúfar ville att kyrkan skulle organiseras (hans kyrkovision) och hur han försökte förverkliga sin vision (hans kyrkopolitik).

Montúfar kom till Mexiko drygt trettio år efter den spanska erövringen av det så kallade Aztekriket. Under denna tidsperiod hade en stor mängd missionärer kommit dit. De flesta av dessa var medlemmar av tiggarordnar (franciskaner, dominikaner och augustiner), vilka byggde kyrkor, predikade och döpte större delen av den inhemska (till störren delen nahua-talande)... (More)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

I centrum för min avhandling står den spanske dominkanen Alonso de Montúfar (ca.1489-1572) som mellan 1554 och 1572 var ärkebiskop av Mexiko. I synnerhet har jag studerat hur ärkebiskop Montúfar ville att kyrkan skulle organiseras (hans kyrkovision) och hur han försökte förverkliga sin vision (hans kyrkopolitik).

Montúfar kom till Mexiko drygt trettio år efter den spanska erövringen av det så kallade Aztekriket. Under denna tidsperiod hade en stor mängd missionärer kommit dit. De flesta av dessa var medlemmar av tiggarordnar (franciskaner, dominikaner och augustiner), vilka byggde kyrkor, predikade och döpte större delen av den inhemska (till störren delen nahua-talande) befolkningen i centrala Mexiko.

När Ärkebiskop Montúfar kom till Mexiko var den stora frågan huruvida kyrkan skulle organiseras på exakt samma sätt som hemma i Spanien eller om den Nya Världen krävde nya organisationsformer. Montúfar ville bygga en organiserad kyrka efter spansk förebild med starka biskopar, domkapitel och en stor andel stiftspräster som var direkt underställda biskoparna. För att bekosta allt detta ville han att den indianska befolkningen skulle betala tionde till kyrkan. Han menade att dessa reformer var nödvändiga eftersom han ansåg att större delen av den inhemska befolkningen fortfarande var ungefär lika "hednisk" som innan spanjorernas ankomst. Han menade också att de flesta indianer hade en mycket grumlig uppfattning av vad den kristna läran var för något.

Montúfars försök till kyrkoreformer väckte stort missnöje bland ordensprästerna som tidigare dominerat missionsarbetet och inte ville att biskoparna skulle få en så stor makt. De såg också en stor fara i att missionen skulle läggas i händerna på stiftspräster, som de menade oftast var såväl outbildade som giriga.

I avhandlingen har jag också studerat ärkebiskop Montúfars stormiga relationer till domkapitlet i Mexico City. Slutligen har jag analyserat Montúfars roll i den tidiga kulten av Vår Fru av Guadalupe i Tepeyac i utkanten av Mexico City, som idag har blivit en av världens mest populära mariakulter (Less)
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  • Doc Anrup, Roland, Birkbeck College, University of London
publishing date
publication status
Kristen teologi (allmän, systematic and practical Christian theology, General, New Spain, Alonso de Montúfar, Mexico, Mission, Missionary Methods, Roman Catholic Church, Religious Orders, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Cathedral Chapters, systematisk och praktisk)
Studia Missionalia Svecana
268 pages
Swedish Institute of Missionary Research
defense location
Samarkand, Akademiska Föreningen
defense date
2002-06-01 10:15:00
LU publication?
61175be0-7fa5-4f4e-8c06-df3037648525 (old id 20779)
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2016-04-01 17:02:25
date last changed
2019-05-24 08:15:58
  abstract     = {{This dissertation focuses on Archbishop Alonso de Montúfar OP (ca. 1489-1572). It seeks to explore two decades of sixteenth century Mexican Church History mainly through the study of documents found in Spanish and Mexican archives. Born outside Granada in Southern Spain, just after the conquest from the Muslims, Alonso de Montúfar assumed teaching and leading positions within the Dominican order. After more than forty years as a friar, Montúfar was elected archbishop of Mexico and resided there from 1554 until his death eighteen years later.<br/><br>
From the 1520s onwards, many missionaries went from Spain to Mexico in order to christianise the native inhabitants and to administer the church’s sacraments to them. Many of the missionaries were members of three mendicant orders: the Franciscans, the Dominicans, and the Augustinians.<br/><br>
Alonso de Montúfar’s time as archbishop can be seen as a period of transition and a time that was filled with disputes on how the church in Mexico should be organised in the future. Montúfar wanted to strengthen the role of the bishops in the church organisation. He also wanted to improve the finances of the diocesan church and promote a large number of secular clerics to work in the Indian ministry. All this meant that he became involved in prolonged and very animated disputes with the friars, the members of the cathedral chapter, and the viceroy of Mexico.<br/><br>
One chapter of this dissertation is devoted to a detailed study of Archbishop Montúfar’s role in the early cult of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Tepeyac, which today has become of the most important Marian devotions in the world.}},
  author       = {{Lundberg, Magnus}},
  isbn         = {{91-85424-69-2}},
  issn         = {{1404-9503}},
  keywords     = {{Kristen teologi (allmän; systematic and practical Christian theology; General; New Spain; Alonso de Montúfar; Mexico; Mission; Missionary Methods; Roman Catholic Church; Religious Orders; Our Lady of Guadalupe; Cathedral Chapters; systematisk och praktisk)}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  publisher    = {{Swedish Institute of Missionary Research}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  series       = {{Studia Missionalia Svecana}},
  title        = {{Unification and Conflict. The Church Politics of Alonso de Montúfar OP, Archbishop of Mexico, 1554-1572.}},
  year         = {{2002}},